If you could add any feature from any other fighting game what would it be?
posted01/08/2007 11:00 AM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
in a seperate post i had an idea about cine-motion...i also have other ideas but If you could add any feature from any other fighting game what would it be?

for an example....Hyper mode from DBZ Tenkaichi 2 or even the energy battles....maybe even a concept from wrestling games like reversals!

My thought on a feature is to bring in the animality idea but as a health draining,special,or stage fatality move...heres examples of my ideas:

in the middle of a fight you do a button combo that is different for each character.....and lets say that the character is scorpion.....after the button presses scorpion turns into a huge armored scorpion that slams his stinger into the opponent leaving him/her bleeding as if you were impaled by a weapon(which slowly drains your health)....simple and kinda wierd sounding at first but if you think about it animal morphs durring combat would be pretty sweet....and being only special moves afterthe move your back to original form....doesnt have to even be health draining...it could just be double damage.

another idea instead of a health draining move is for the move to be a special stage finisher....like for instance use it to add cine-motion to a unique stage fatality for each character in a character based arena....an example= in scorpions lair,scorpion has animality advantages to finish the opponent as a huge armored scorpion....an idea of what it could be= scorpion morphs into a armored scorpion...yada yada...impales the other fighter carrying him/her to a deathtrap or some other special death scene having to do with the arena...basically mixing animalities with arena death traps for each character.....which would also mean there should be an arena based on each playable character...the idea works even without the animality idea....each character should have there own arena anyway. an extra thought...animal morphs would be intersting....maybe lycanthrope type morphs similar to bloody roar?

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I'll Crush You!!!

01/03/2007 09:04 PM (UTC)
I agree I like The Tenkaichi 2 idea it is a fun game and the gameplay was awesome and reversing moves would be kewl... I also Like energy battles but still some ppl on the game might not be able to do all you say

But A wrestling system wouldnt really fit but it could be another type of mini game like chess or puzzle combat.. (though they sucked)But yea they are good ideas
01/04/2007 02:24 AM (UTC)
oh yeah...i agree that a wrestling system wouldnt work lol
i think you misread what i meant....just the concept of reversals period....basically just a way to use a certain move against the opponent....like even if it were just for throws....or maybe even fatality reversals where the loser can dodge or block the finishing move

lol that would be sweet for the soar losers out there
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01/04/2007 12:24 PM (UTC)
The Tekken series -> game engine.

Also i would like to see a proper tackling system. Most games skip on the basest and most important element of martial arts: tackling. All i se is throws here and there, but there is no tackling.

01/04/2007 12:32 PM (UTC)
its a thought alot of people come across chrome....but this game isnt meant to be realistic lol
besides....tekken is a great game and to mix it up with mk is just wrong on many levels....maybe twist an idea here an there but not the whole engine lol....but i like the tackle idea....it would kinda work...maybe even use tackles as a reversal system like i was speaking of
01/04/2007 03:09 PM (UTC)
do u mean animal transformations like bloody roar?
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/05/2007 01:37 AM (UTC)
I'd like good gameplay from any number of fighting games for starters.
I would take something like a transformation for a character that would be able to do it and make sense. ( Shang Tsung) Turn in to some demon or whatever.

Aside from that, overall I'd like to take the idea of having a lot of moves and combos to use like in Tekken, VF, DOA, SC

Have ground combos be doable but escapable sort of like in DOA.
A juggle system that doesn't let you get infinite juggles. The opponent could get gradually heavier with the ability to escape.

Stun and juggle combos in general should not go over 4 guaranteed hits or a certain amount of damage to keep the fights from becoming too one sided. If combos are longer, the opponent has several ways to counter or defend themselves.

I'd rather have a more back and forth combat system than one based on long combos.

If air combat is in, I'd make it closer to the older MKs.

Logical risk VS reward frame set up = VF,Tekken, SC, DOA......

I would like to see some ideas from realistic fighters in there also.

Fight Night R3 for example, very fun game. Landing a power shot leaves you vulnerable to higher damage for a little while.

Custom combos if timed correctly

Attacks don't automatically cancel out when you get countered. Attacks can be used as blocks if they collide correctly.

Dynamic stamina / chin durability, instead of basic life bars.

Add reversals to some fighters = DOA, Tekken, SC, VF

Better wake up game = T5DR, SC3, VF5


Take these concepts and alter them for MK, don't just do a straight copy.
01/08/2007 06:36 AM (UTC)
Simply just the many fighting modes MK once had.

- 2 on 2
- 3 on 3
- Tag team
- The 3 types of endurance modes MK4 had.
- Tournament
01/08/2007 11:00 AM (UTC)
-A gameplay fusion of MK+SoulCalibur+Tekken.

-Guard Impact should be in place of the parry when the character is carrying a weapon.

-Desperation Move (DM) -> special power stock bar like in King of Fighters which charges when special attacks or even normal attacks are done. Once full the character can unleash a super special move known as the DM which can tilt the match in their favor.

-Tag like in DOA.

-Kostumes, a bit more than 2 would be nice.

-Characters getting wet when it rains (Like in Tomb Raider Legend).
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