If they killed off your favorite character would you still play mk
posted04/23/2006 07:09 PM (UTC)by
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09/07/2005 04:41 AM (UTC)
Since it was noted that sub-zero and (or) scorpion may not be in the next game. What if your favorite chracter was killed off permanently would you still play MKconfused
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01/12/2006 07:24 AM (UTC)
I always said that if they did, I wouldn't. But seeing as my fave died and came back because of what he is, I suppose I have nothing to worry about. That fave would be Raiden.
01/12/2006 07:44 AM (UTC)
I would, MK isn't just one character. wink
01/12/2006 08:53 AM (UTC)
Unless your favourite character is one of the real minor leaguers, there's always a chance that they will return in a future game.

I lost my favourite, Johnny Cage during MK3/UMK3, but found other characters I liked, and played those ones, I don't think anyone will stop playing just becuase of losing one character. Having said that, one of the personal reasons I didn't like MKD much was that I lost a lot of my favourites, and didn't get that many characters I liked.
01/12/2006 10:04 AM (UTC)
If Kung Lao isnt in the next game i prolly wont stop playing the mk games but i would be pretty pissed. he was my favorite character in deadly alliance and it sucked ass having him replaced in deception by an old man with the exact same move set. i did however discover sub-zero and some other characters i prolly would not have been if kung lao had been in so i guess i'm gratefull for that. but if he gets killed for good i will jihad midway cuz he is prolly one of the top 5 most badass mk characters.
01/12/2006 10:30 AM (UTC)
Having an attachment to one character that dictates your feelings towards the entire game series doesn't really make sense when there are so many other characters to choose from who could be just as good, or even better. Besides, I love MK because of how the characters fit into the world more than I just love the characters. If they got rid of any character I would want it in a pretty spectacular fashion, i.e. not how Sheeva and Motaro bought it in MK3. That's just good story-telling.

If, for example, I learned that Scorpion was going to dissappear in the next game, which I have heard, then I would buy the game to see how he dissappears, and then buy the subsequent games in the series to see how the story moves on from losing one of their most popular characters, and what storylines this opens up for others. Mortal Kombat is one of those properties that I have a lot of interest in, and will likely buy regardless of who is in it just to see the story advance.
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01/12/2006 12:25 PM (UTC)
That's a really good question.

For me, my biggest investment in the game is probably the characters and their respective storylines, and the overall arcs the games represent. So, it's definitely a notable disappointment when a favourite character of mine doesn't make the cut.

I really have a few favourites, so in that respect, the bases are pretty well covered, but I'd say the liklihood of me buying a game is built more on the overall roster. It's less about whether or not one individual character is there, and more about how the collective is balanced.

Mortal Kombat 3 is the only MK I haven't really warmed to, and I only ended up buying it for Game Gear because it was really dirt cheap. I held off, and eventually stumbled upon UMK3 when it came out, which was by far a superior choice, in my mind.

The balance in MK3 just really turned me off.
The new characters by large didn't grab me, and the omissions as far as returning charcaters (like Scorpion), was particularly disappointing.

So... to answer the question, there's still a good chance I'd be interesting, but honestly there's almost as much chance of it putting me off. It just depends on the overall presentation.

I think losing Scorpion and Sub-Zero is a phenomenal mistake, and I find it hard to believe two franchise players would be omitted from the games, if the games are still existing.
They're instant fan favourites, and have a great deal of potential that hasn't been capitalized on, and resulted in their stories becoming stagnant. The only way is up.
01/12/2006 04:19 PM (UTC)
If they were ever to kill off Noob Saibot, then i'd turn to using Subzero
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01/12/2006 04:28 PM (UTC)
Not stagnant, but completely dead-ended in the case of Scorpion.
The only way I see MKD Scorp would make sense for example if he:

-is not a good guy now (as many of you have mistaken him previously)

-is not emphasised as a supernatural being, but as an assassin with
supernatural powers. flaming skull sucks IMO, bring on a clear one)

-is not capitalized on as an unstoppable force because he isn't, and never
was. I think in power balance, Scorps should be slightly beyond the major
players such as Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Liu Kang, Hotaru (judging from
the bios, hes on Sub-Zeros level) and Dairou. And vastly under top dogs
like Shao Kahn, Goro (only in combat), Onaga and so on...

-Scorpions service to the elder gods must not be based on the following:
-he is enslaved by the elder gods (no, they recreated him, thus now
he "owes" them big time from saving from certain death. Thus he is
subtly forced into being their chosen weapon)
-elders are no idiots, and definitely not good/bad guys. (meaning they
could have offered Scorpion just what he wants: Quan Chi, or temp-
ted the specter with the diea of unlife with his family, or next to his
clans "victory hall" -remember, he was desecrated or t is implied.)

-avoid the trap of the "Neo" : I mean the omnipotent good guys and bad
guys. Why? here's the rundown:
-if the good guy is ne'er omnipotent, than he can put an end to the evils
scheming on a permanent basis. this ruins the very couse they fight
against them.
-if evil is omnipotent, than it has measures unbound by morality: thus they
can permanently destroy or oppose the good guys giving them perma-
nent dominance. This is good, but only when imperfect ones rise against
it. I mean this shows that there is a difference when the EVILdoers BELI-
EVE or ARE ne'er ominpotent (for a period) and when they are truly the top
of the cake. The latter case would permanently bring the end for the prota-
gonists, thus there would be no conflict at all.
01/12/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
They killed Rain years ago and I'm still playing....

But I'd love to see him come back.

And about the Subby/Scorp rumors...it wouldn't be so bad if they would miss a game or two.

After all, they'll just give their movesets to someone like they did with Kira.
01/12/2006 05:17 PM (UTC)
If the story is great and the game fun, of course I would; though I admit it would not be the same without lovely Sonya, but come on, there are over 60 characters.

Meh, its time for Scorpion to go away and rest a bit to make a great return, so far he is dull, overrated and boring, he hasnt done much aside from getting himself killed twice and escape hell since Mk1.

As for Sub-Zero, he too should rest for a game, but he is far from being boring or dull, with the way his story has been evolving, I can easily picture him as the next hero or one of the most important characters story-wise.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
They killed Rain years ago and I'm still playing....

But I'd love to see him come back.

And about the Subby/Scorp rumors...it wouldn't be so bad if they would miss a game or two.

After all, they'll just give their movesets to someone like they did with Kira.

Rain was never confirmed "dead" or "killed" in any story, as far as we know he could have been hiding or doing some sort of missions...and he is back for MKA, there are pics of him already in a mag.
01/12/2006 07:25 PM (UTC)
to me no gamecube version would be a bigger loss then a death of a character. especially with the backwards compatibility the rev is gonna have. and besides i just heard a few people from g4tv say that the ps3 possible gonna be between 800-1800 dollars. so if mk is to stay alive they are gonna have to keep making games for all the systems and not single out certain gamers that have certain systems. thats my opinion.
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01/12/2006 07:39 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
If the story is great and the game fun, of course I would; though I admit it would not be the same without lovely Sonya, but come on, there are over 60 characters.

Meh, its time for Scorpion to go away and rest a bit to make a great return, so far he is dull, overrated and boring, he hasnt done much aside from getting himself killed twice and escape hell since Mk1.

As for Sub-Zero, he too should rest for a game, but he is far from being boring or dull, with the way his story has been evolving, I can easily picture him as the next hero or one of the most important characters story-wise.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
They killed Rain years ago and I'm still playing....

But I'd love to see him come back.

And about the Subby/Scorp rumors...it wouldn't be so bad if they would miss a game or two.

After all, they'll just give their movesets to someone like they did with Kira.

Rain was never confirmed "dead" or "killed" in any story, as far as we know he could have been hiding or doing some sort of missions...and he is back for MKA, there are pics of him already in a mag.

Subs could be something, but MKD was an unnecessary addition to explain the Shredder clothes. That was unnecessary, they could have got the same effect explaining that the amulet was the artifact of his long lost bloodline.

- By english grammar it is presupposed that Rain died thanks to the line " suicide mission". I love that line so much, the syntax and the semantics support this so much tongue. Nothing out of order here. Unless a collision statement comes with Rain suriving -what will happen anyway considering Midways decaying quality- this statement should be considered a fact at least in contemporal time.
01/12/2006 08:52 PM (UTC)
I would play because my fav charecter is Stryker, so I'm use to not having around
01/12/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
Mileena has pretty much been in every MK, wether an addition or not, but I still would play even if my favorite bitch didn't make an appearance. However, if she didn't return to another game, I would like her to rightfully be killed of by Kitana and end their fued once and for all.
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01/12/2006 10:19 PM (UTC)
not in mk7/armageddon but the one after MK8 (dare i say it) that i reckon there is going to be noticable absentees

If Boon really wants to clean the slate, armageddon must surely have some permanent deaths (and if not permanent, then at least omit the character from a few editions of MK)

Personally im hoping Rain, Reptile and Shinnok all have good stories having been out for their respective lengths. (Dont get technical bout Reptile with me :D)

Also they won't kill off Scorp or SubZ but i do hope Scorps storyline gets some much needed fireworks, for example, him actually slaying Quan Chi would be good or perhaps something with Noob and SubZ. And besides Scorpion never really dies does he...and SubZ could also have another brother that we don't know about :D who could take over the name if SubZ gets slain.
01/12/2006 11:01 PM (UTC)
Reptile wasn't in MK6 and I still played it, I was kinda mad cuz I thought he would have a larger role after his ending, but he wasn't even in it without an explanation unless u believe he WAS the Dragon King. Then again they just made Scorpion the Elder Gods' champ and they're already thinking of getting rid of him

Truth is Boon is fucked lol he giveth and taketh away
Well, let's see....... They cut Human Smoke of after part 3, I still played on.

Brought the robot back but he was with Noob-Saibot, still played.....

The real question would be, if they killed off your character, would you take the game back to the store?
Cause no one is going to buy the game, see that there character didn't make it, and then take the game back because there character wasn't there. That would be kinda stupid, wouldn't it?
01/13/2006 11:14 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
queve Wrote:
If the story is great and the game fun, of course I would; though I admit it would not be the same without lovely Sonya, but come on, there are over 60 characters.

Meh, its time for Scorpion to go away and rest a bit to make a great return, so far he is dull, overrated and boring, he hasnt done much aside from getting himself killed twice and escape hell since Mk1.

As for Sub-Zero, he too should rest for a game, but he is far from being boring or dull, with the way his story has been evolving, I can easily picture him as the next hero or one of the most important characters story-wise.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
They killed Rain years ago and I'm still playing....

But I'd love to see him come back.

And about the Subby/Scorp rumors...it wouldn't be so bad if they would miss a game or two.

After all, they'll just give their movesets to someone like they did with Kira.

Rain was never confirmed "dead" or "killed" in any story, as far as we know he could have been hiding or doing some sort of missions...and he is back for MKA, there are pics of him already in a mag.

Subs could be something, but MKD was an unnecessary addition to explain the Shredder clothes. That was unnecessary, they could have got the same effect explaining that the amulet was the artifact of his long lost bloodline.

- By english grammar it is presupposed that Rain died thanks to the line " suicide mission". I love that line so much, the syntax and the semantics support this so much tongue. Nothing out of order here. Unless a collision statement comes with Rain suriving -what will happen anyway considering Midways decaying quality- this statement should be considered a fact at least in contemporal time.

No, not really, Chrome. Suicide mission refers to him trying to take on Kahn by himself and well...Kahn is very powerful and all. So no, I doubt Rain was killed.
01/13/2006 03:45 PM (UTC)
You know... non of you know what alignment he is either. I bet you he's still a villian.
Why else would he be alive unless he got distracted on his way to the fortress.
01/14/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
Meh, I suppose that if they did, I wouldn't like Mortal Kombat as much. Of course, I would still play it. Just as above, I would not like it as much.

Like someone else has said, they took off one character but eventually brought them back. It's all still coo'.
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"I have heard it said that it is better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Do you know what I mean?"

01/14/2006 06:22 AM (UTC)
If they killed off my favorie character (Kabal) I'd still play mk.. Hell I was still loyal as hell when I first saw that Scorpion wasn't in MK3. Mk is bigger than a single character.
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01/14/2006 10:53 AM (UTC)
Not only is Boon wiping the slate clean, but he said in the interview that MK Armageddon will mark the end of Shang Tsung's tournament. That could mean alot of things, but it could concievably mean that this is the end of Mortal Kombat as we've known it, characters and all. If that's the case, then it'll be very interesting to see what they come up with, as the MK team's ability to create new and interesting characters has been spotty since MK2 (not bad mind you, I like Kabal, Mavado, Sektor and several others, but there are alot (especially in MK:D) that I haven't been able to get into.

So yeah, I have a feeling that alot of us will be tested as far as whether we could come back to a game that hasn't just killed off one character we like, but alot of them. Boon's vision for the result of Armageddon is a battlefield with bodies lying everywhere. Draw from that what you will.

If Baraka doesn't come back, I certainly won't be happy about it, but they tend to stagger his appearances (MK2, MKG and MKD) anyways so I never miss him too much. I'll definitely get the MK games as long as they make them. Others are right; MK is not just one character. For every favorite you don't get to see, you still have alot of other characters that you've liked for a long time.
01/19/2006 07:13 AM (UTC)
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01/19/2006 07:42 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
queve Wrote:
If the story is great and the game fun, of course I would; though I admit it would not be the same without lovely Sonya, but come on, there are over 60 characters.

Meh, its time for Scorpion to go away and rest a bit to make a great return, so far he is dull, overrated and boring, he hasnt done much aside from getting himself killed twice and escape hell since Mk1.

As for Sub-Zero, he too should rest for a game, but he is far from being boring or dull, with the way his story has been evolving, I can easily picture him as the next hero or one of the most important characters story-wise.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
They killed Rain years ago and I'm still playing....

But I'd love to see him come back.

And about the Subby/Scorp rumors...it wouldn't be so bad if they would miss a game or two.

After all, they'll just give their movesets to someone like they did with Kira.

Rain was never confirmed "dead" or "killed" in any story, as far as we know he could have been hiding or doing some sort of missions...and he is back for MKA, there are pics of him already in a mag.

Subs could be something, but MKD was an unnecessary addition to explain the Shredder clothes. That was unnecessary, they could have got the same effect explaining that the amulet was the artifact of his long lost bloodline.

- By english grammar it is presupposed that Rain died thanks to the line " suicide mission". I love that line so much, the syntax and the semantics support this so much tongue. Nothing out of order here. Unless a collision statement comes with Rain suriving -what will happen anyway considering Midways decaying quality- this statement should be considered a fact at least in contemporal time.

No, not really, Chrome. Suicide mission refers to him trying to take on Kahn by himself and well...Kahn is very powerful and all. So no, I doubt Rain was killed.

Well, not anymore, but back then this would have been the proper syntax. And I am glad to an extent that it did not hapen. At least I will now how bad-ly they wrote Rain back into the plotline. Or maybe I will be surised by something that is actually more than intelligent.
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