If given the opportunity,whats the top 6 questions you would ask Ed Boon about MK8?
posted02/26/2007 02:47 AM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
I would ask Boon:
1) will kreate a fighter return in the next installment?

2) will the fatality system return or will it change?

3) which changes for the next gen game would you not agree with?

4) will the next mk still have an m rating and will you push the limits even more?

5) are there any new or non existing modes that are hoped to be in the next gen mk?

6) have you made any thoughts towards any mk8 ideas given by the fans,if so which ones stick out the most?
02/01/2007 11:46 AM (UTC)
I would ask very broad questions that require long, detailed responses. Why? Because I am greedy and want a lot of info tongue

1. Which of Kreate a Fatality, normal fatalities, animalities, friendships, babalities, hara-kiris or even new types of -alities will return and why?

2. Wiping the slate clean - how true to this statement will you stay, and what can we be expecting from this cleaned slate?

3. Which systems will MK8 and remakes (similar to what MK Unchained or MK Trilogy were) be released on?

4. What sorts of side games can we expect? This includes things like Chess, Online, Motor Kombat, KAK etc.

5. By the beginning of MK8, what has happened to all of the characters in terms of whether they have survived, died or retired?

6. Hmm... I dont like all of those choices. *Hands Boon a list* What is the probability that you will change your mind and make these the characters who survive, die or retire? *Takes out knife* tongue
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02/01/2007 01:38 PM (UTC)
Hm...I think I'd be suggestive in questioning. lol Probably not really but since this seems kinda fun:

1. Will Mk8 or any future title be movie//choregraphy inspired? And have you ever considered Martial Arts movie choreography//special effects as a clear source for gameplay visual mechanizms? Both in hand to hand and weapons fights.

2. With a character like Liu Kang in Mks' history obviously being a knod towards Bruce Lee, and Shujinko a knod to the Master of the Flying Gillotine, Can we expect to see any other famous martial artists parodies in future games? Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Cho Yun Fat, Donnie Yen?

3. Can you tell us if mini-games will be a part of this new installment, and if so, will they be more relavant to the core fight part of the game and it's story?

4. Can we expect Conquest to either be expanded upon more greatly or be it's own separate game from here on out and, will KaKharacter be apart of conquest in this new game?

5. People are very concerned about the Story of any new Mortal Kombat games. As you can imagine from the response of the MkA endings, alot of people want reassurance that things like the Bios and the Endings don't happen the same way. Is there any insight you can share with us about the writters' involvment in this new installment? Maybe how much time is being spent on each character or maybe how much more comprehensive this storyline will be??

6. And Finally, Arenas. With games like WWF out and thier interactive arenas, will Mk be implementing anything that will say, take the fight into the crowds of these arenas? So to speak...

Lol, that was fun
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02/01/2007 07:13 PM (UTC)
Ony one. Can I have complete cooperative control over the plot and charac-ter designs aside Vogel?
02/01/2007 07:36 PM (UTC)
1. Of the 64 characters, how many will survive?

2. Any improvements planned for K.a.K.?

3. How many playable characters are you planning on MK8 to have?

4. Will you be improving MK:A's fatality system and/or will the character-specific fatalities be returning?

5. Will there possibly be a tag mode?

6. Are all the characters going to have loin-cloths? lol.
I'd probably want some hard-hitting information

1. Mortal Kombat hasn't been a hard-hitting or controversial topic in the past few years. Will you push the envelope to make nextgen Mortal Kombat something worth talking(or even rioting) about?

2. Wiping the slate clean - will it truly happen?

3. Will we see this new generation of games hint toward the Deadly Alliance era of gameplay, the oldschool era, or something completely new that we'd never expect(ie. wiping the slate clean)?.
4. Will Fatalities take a new direction for the new generation?

5. A "darker" theme was mentioned previously. Does this mean we may step further into mythologies such as oni and cults?

6. Will MK fighting titles finally break from their 2D shackles and share the freeform fighting that Shaolin Monks lightly brushed upon?
02/02/2007 12:45 AM (UTC)
DigitalDebaser Wrote:
I'd probably want some hard-hitting information

1. Mortal Kombat hasn't been a hard-hitting or controversial topic in the past few years. Will you push the envelope to make nextgen Mortal Kombat something worth talking(or even rioting) about?

2. Wiping the slate clean - will it truly happen?

3. Will we see this new generation of games hint toward the Deadly Alliance era of gameplay, the oldschool era, or something completely new that we'd never expect(ie. wiping the slate clean)?.
4. Will Fatalities take a new direction for the new generation?

5. A "darker" theme was mentioned previously. Does this mean we may step further into mythologies such as oni and cults?

6. Will MK fighting titles finally break from their 2D shackles and share the freeform fighting that Shaolin Monks lightly brushed upon?

There's mine.
02/02/2007 10:26 AM (UTC)

1. Who will return? Which are likely and have a future in the MK team's world?

2. No more vibrant/saturated colors? What does that mean? No more yellow Scorpion? I wouldn't mind if MK looked like a cross between virtua fighter and gears of war.

3. The integration of Hand-to-Hand, Weapon Figthing styles added with Special Powers was a cool aspect of MKDA -MKA. How would you insure that is aspect survives? what Form will in take in MKA?

4. Will the beginning of MK8 talk about how MKA ended or will just start without proper regard to what happened in MKA?

5. What's in store for the fatality system?

6. What's going to be the new 'thing' for MK8. Example:
MK1: all new
MK2: 2 fatalities, friendships, babalities
MK3: Animality, brutality
MK4: 3D, Weapons Kombat
MKDA: Next Gen, Higher polygons, 3 fighting styles
MKD: Multi-tiered arenas, deathtraps, Konquest, Puzzle, Chess
MKA: Kreate a Fatality, Kreate a Fighter, Better Konquest, Aerial Kombat
MK8: ?

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02/02/2007 01:52 PM (UTC)
Ok as a die hard MK fan such as myself. These are the questions i would ask. (I'll be as nice as i can)

1. Ed Boon Have you ever actually tested your games?

2. When will you stop making chars so unbalanced?

3. Please tell me that kak will not return?

4. Will there be a/cs in the new mk? Ed Boon says "Whats That" Oh you never seen or heard of it? Ok a/cs are something that you can do over and over again, Here i'll show you.

5. Have you ever played MKD or MKA online?

6. Can i be your new game tester? You dont even have to pay me just let me make it so there is No Infs,OTGS,Glitch Screen Freeze,Glitch Throws,Broken Stances, and Every char has the same delay,The bosses wont have as much priority over the regular chars,Better Stages,and no more lagg!!! Ok i added "The Lagg Part" at the end its not his fault.tongue

Thank Gamespy!wink
02/02/2007 05:39 PM (UTC)
1. Will Mortal Kombat still be a fighting game?

Hey, it's valid! Boon said that the changes they're making would likely drive off a lot of die-hard fans. Take nothing for granted!

02/02/2007 05:40 PM (UTC)
1) me:are you really Ed Boon?
Ed Boon:Yes
2) me:are you really ed boon?
3) me:are you really ed boon?i can't believe!
EB:yes it's me
4)me:No,you can't be ed boon!I'm so excited
EB:yes...i'm your hero!
5)me:no my hero is spider-man....
EB:i prefer scorpion
6) me ok: can you proof me you really ed Boon?
EB:here's my id card.

end to the questions,next please!!!!!

ok,seriously now:
1)can you tell me all the changes maden in MK8?
just one....
02/02/2007 07:43 PM (UTC)
1. Which characters will carry over to MK8?

2. Will KAK return, and has it been more improved? How and why?

3. Do Taven and Daegon take the place of Liu Kang and Shang Tsung for hero and villain in MK8?

4. How do you think the loss of so many great characters will affect the future of MK? Will fans still be fans without their old favourites?

5. Will Konquest mode be more like MKA, MKDA, MKD or will it be completley new?

6. Will Kreate a Fatalaty be back or will we go back to the old standars?
Ok as a die hard MK fan such as myself. These are the questions i would ask. (I'll be as nice as i can)

1. Ed Boon Have you ever actually tested your games?

2. When will you stop making chars so unbalanced?

3. Please tell me that kak will not return?

4. Will there be a/cs in the new mk? Ed Boon says "Whats That" Oh you never seen or heard of it? Ok a/cs are something that you can do over and over again, Here i'll show you.

5. Have you ever played MKD or MKA online?

6. Can i be your new game tester? You dont even have to pay me just let me make it so there is No Infs,OTGS,Glitch Screen Freeze,Glitch Throws,Broken Stances, and Every char has the same delay,The bosses wont have as much priority over the regular chars,Better Stages,and no more lagg!!! Ok i added "The Lagg Part" at the end its not his fault.tongue

Thank Gamespy!wink

Err, yes. Ed Boon conducted an interview with Gamespot over Xbox Live once when he was showing them some new gameplay and mechanics for MK: Deception. He's definitely played the games online.
02/02/2007 10:31 PM (UTC)
1. why haven't there been any female sub-bosses or bosses yet?

2. why did amrageddon sucked ass?

3. will characters in the next game have their own fatalites this time?

4. why is it so hard to think of more questions?

5. will frost be a good guy if she returns? i mean i hate that shes going psycho on sub-zero man...

6. what is the deal with your eyebrows man? i mean come on, your eyebrows are huge! wow! i mean... come on! seriously.
02/07/2007 01:39 AM (UTC)
1. How many characters will die/retire?

2. Since there are no fighting styles im MK8, how will weapon specific characters work. Eg Kitana=Steel Fan, Kabal=Hookswords. Will they be able to use them in combos or just fight without them?

3. Will there be any Aerial Kombat in the game. If so will it be broken?

4. Will there be bios and endings in MK8 and will they all be good? Or will they be as shocking as MK:A's crap.

5. Will we focus mainly on ground combat and will some characters be broken? eg Moloch, Blaze

6. Will specific moves such as Dairou's TS drop and Sareena's Dagger throw's be cheap?

Damn it Boon I've got too many questoins

7. Will there be any side mini games in MK8. If its Motor Kombat, can you make it more detailed, possibly make it a side game like MK:SZ, MK:SF, MK:SM.

8. Will Kabal be in the next game? *Points gun at Boon when he says that Mavado is in it insead*.
02/07/2007 01:54 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
1. why haven't there been any female sub-bosses or bosses yet?

Yes, I like this question.
02/07/2007 08:57 AM (UTC)
I guess you cold count Sheeva as kinda a sub-boss. There is an all female ladder that sometimes pops up in arcade mode. You fight Sheeva right before Blaze. I tend to get a higher % off getting it if a pick a female fighter.
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02/13/2007 07:29 PM (UTC)
My top 6 questions will be:

1. How many characters are going to be in the roster this time around (both new and classic)?

2. MK has always had that pick up and play feel, for MK8 and beyond, are you going cater for hardcore fighting game fans as well by still having the pick up and play feel but adding more depth and a little more complexity to the fighting engine like Tekken or are you gonna go for the casual gamer again?

3. How much background resaerch are you doing on game play mechanics and do you have any particular ideas in mind about what the fighting engine will be like?

4. Will interactive environments,death traps,arena weapons make a return, if so how are you going to expand on it?

5. What ideas do you have on the new control scheme, how are you going to use the new technology avaliable on next gen systems and how will you incorporate it into the gameplay mechanics?

6. Will we still see some elements of nostalgia or are you forgetting everything and staying true to wiping the slate clean ( will it be similar to what MKDA did or even freasher than that in terms of features)?
02/24/2007 07:32 PM (UTC)
Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
I guess you cold count Sheeva as kinda a sub-boss. There is an all female ladder that sometimes pops up in arcade mode. You fight Sheeva right before Blaze. I tend to get a higher % off getting it if a pick a female fighter.

umm... technically no shes not there were no sub bosses in the game (not including knoquest) so there is no female sub-bosses... besides those ladders suck you fought the same guys over and over again. i never once fought against Hotaru, Shang Tsung or liu kang... what a rip off!
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02/24/2007 08:01 PM (UTC)
I don't know how many of these they would be able to answer, but here goes...

1. Do you have any plans to finish off the Deception storyline, or is it playing into one big storyline after Armageddon? (I really don't mind the storyline for Armageddon, I just wish they had let the Deadly Alliance and Deception thing play out some more beforehand so we could understand the significance and danger Onaga poses)

2. Are you planning to reuse Konquest in this next game? If so, will you be adopting the style of a previous one, or create something new? (Personally, I would like a mix of all of them. MKDA Konquest was my favorite, because you learned the combos, and got to understand the story. MKD had so many little quests to do, you never get bored, and MKA was pretty fun outside of fights)

3. Are there any plans to use FMV or CGI endings, or are we staying with pictures? (FMV endings in MK4 were new, but they were a little bit blocky and not so well-done, but the pictures in MKDA and MKD were beautiful)

4. Do you have any plans to release any games reflecting a certain character, and actually make the storyline canon? Mythologies was canon, but Shaolin Monks was generally not for the most part.

5. Are you thinking about bringing back KAK? (This was pretty fun, but it was kind of limited in customization, attire-wise, but button and combo assignments were pretty neat)

6. Are you going to keep with music similar to Armageddon, or go back to Deception's music? (Deception had great music, sounded really dark and everything. Armageddon sounded like a steaming pile of, err...)

I ran out of questions after 3, so those were put together and not exactly planned out that much, but I'm content. I don't exactly possess a great knowledge of fighting and game engines, aside from the basics, so I thought I'd stay away from that area and ask things pertaining to the storyline and additional features.
02/24/2007 11:18 PM (UTC)
1. you mentioned that only 90% of the characters will survive, are you still going to keep this plan or are you going to kill off less people.

2. how many of the survivors will make an apperance in mk8?

3. will the blood look more realistic than the previous generation?

4. will taven become the next liu kang or will there be a new hero in mk8?

5.will there be any new realms in mk8?

6. in what way will the fighting styles change?
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02/24/2007 11:51 PM (UTC)
1. Since you've said that the MK team will be using the Unreal Engine, how close do you see MK8 coming in terms of graphics and detail to Gears of War?

2. The first Mortal Kombat game seemed to derive a good deal of it's story and characters form influences such as Enter the Dragon, Big Trouble in Little China etc. What sort of influences are you tapping into for MK8? Personally, I've always been a huge fan of MK's story, but like most, I think that the story elements have slipped a bit in the last few games. How important is the story to you, and how big of a role do you think it will play in how the next MK game comes together? If MK is starting from scratch, where do you see the story heading? How linked to the previous games will the story and characters be?

3. The Create a character mode was well received, but the general concensus was that it was somewhat limited as far as moves, attire and specials. Will we be seeing a more refined create a character mode, and what other single player modes should we expect?

4. MK has always differentiated itself from other 3D fighting games by having more of an arcade feel to it. Each character always has the same type of moves as every other character, but they just look different. Projectiles, leg sweeps, weapons etc. Will MK finally make that jump to being a fighting game where each character is completely unique from other characters?

5. The fighting system that seemed so innovative in MK5 seemed to take a step back in MK 6. We then saw a stripped down version in MK7 (for obvious reasons). Assuming the MK team abandons the last gen fighting system, what types of innovations will we be looking forward to on this front? Again, will we see something that's a bit more of a move towards other fighters (multiple throws per character, more unique movements and moves overall) , what type of fighter are you looking to create?

6. The hardcome MK fans tend to care alot about the storyline, while most fighting games like Tekken and Virtua Fighter seem to go lighter on the story elements. MK has had groups such as the special forces, ninja clans, a terrorist organization, sorcerers, onis and a variety of other characters from all walks of life (and un-life). What new groups or character types have you been looking into in order to flesh out the story and characters of the next game? How will the new "darker tone" come off in the characters?

Yes, I crammed about five questions into each "question" number, but each question seemed to take me to another question. I don't think it's good enough to just ask "what's the story going to be like?" I want to know more than that!
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02/26/2007 02:47 AM (UTC)
1.What are the new characters going to look like?

2.Are we going to still have death traps?

3.How is the gameplay going to be like? since theres no more styles.

4.Is there a huge change in how the arenas look like?

5.Do we still have the mini games?

6.Will we still have the Krupt,with all the extras.Also will there still be KAF,and are there any changes.
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