Ideas for the Next game
posted09/02/2007 12:55 AM (UTC)by
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12/29/2004 08:01 AM (UTC)
ok ok ok Deception was a good game and is starting to move the storyline back to the original ideals of Mortal Kombat, But the Creaters are.......well...........they've been fuckin up on the past couple Games

First! - Stop with the New No-Name "filler" characters, nobody likes em, most are garbage and total failures

Second! - Stop with the "fast paced" story lines, the way each game progresses into the next makes it seem like all of the games are taking place in the same day
MK 1, MK2, and MK 3, took place years apart
MK 4, DA, and Deception take a couple of hours apart
lol or at least thats wut it seems like

I dont like how the MK Universe has broken up and its all chaos and war, Mortal Kombat was more threatning when it was orderly, In China and in Outworld, by means of Tournament
Now Its pretty much the same story line as the Cartoon that Came out, Its turning into a Star Wars kind of thing

They need to make a game that goes back to the basics of MK1 and MK2
Onaga was a good Ending CHaracter,,,,,,,,,,,,but cmon,,,,,,,, we all know Shoa Kahn's the Man, i Like the Idea of a Tag Team Lead-In Boss like Noob-Smoke, other good Tag Team Lead-in's would be (Shang Tsung & Quan Chi, Goro & Kintaro, or Sheeva & Motaro)

& Enough with the crappy neutral characters, it needs to be Side A vs. Side B again!!

Now if anyone has ideas to go along with what im saying (ex - Bosses of the Game, Characters, Locations, Story LIne that Branches off of Deception, plot twists)
Feel free to share
12/29/2004 11:15 PM (UTC)
How about a deep fighting engine that is actually tested extensively by real gamers? We haven't had one of those since UMK3. Everything since then has been eye candy with no content and not worth the time to play.
About Me

12/30/2004 02:43 PM (UTC)
How about better in-game music? People keep telling me that Deception's music was awesome... what music? Like those stupid sounds in the Hell's Foundry level? Or that choir chanting in the Sky Temple? Yeah, there were a couple of good songs in this game, but most of them are from the classic arena's.
Another thing they can fix is to make the characters more realistic. I knew Scorpion and Sub-Zero were pretty big guys, not NFL linemen though. I say they should completely start from scratch with the character models. They should also consider this because when they are in their fighting stances, they look like they are dancing (Liu Kang).
Konquest, anyone? NO! No more of that stupid Konquest idea. I'm glad everyone got that out of their system, cuz Deception's Konquest (IMO) was a waste of time. Some people don't have time to play all day just to find a stupid character that you don't even want to unlock.
How about some better bosses? MK 4-- weak ass Shinnok (what were they thinking?) MK V-- Shang Tsung/Quan Chi (not original). MK VI-- Onaga (maybe in Mickey Mouse, not Mortal Kombat).
Better Fatalities -- "nuff said"
Hara Kiri is an excellent idea.
Just my opinion. Peace.
I agree with the character models point. They look to steryotypical. Ninjas aren't muscular! Stop adding people you find at the bus station to the character line up. Bring back the older characters, instead of disgraces like Darrius, and Dairou. I'm so happy Raiden fried that dumbass Shujinko. Of course tricking kids is easy. He never really had a chance to grow up, and learn things. Meh.

Rain is Raiden's illegitimate son. Boon, do something with my theory. It makes sence.

About Me

12/30/2004 05:34 PM (UTC)
Hah! I have never made a connection between Raiden and Rain, but you make a good one. I agree with you 100% about the blocky character models that are weak excuses for ninjas. They take up half the screen! I'm sure ninjas were not THAT big
09/02/2007 12:55 AM (UTC)
I think that characters in the latest MK games, Deception and Armageddon especially, look super cartoonish! they got big hands and big feet, an' stuff, so fatalities aren't as scary of humiliating, cause they look fake~!
Another thing is that fighting is too slow and limited...
in MK 3, you could do this insane combo and throw them into the air, the shoot a projectile, and meanwhile run at them and do another insane combo, nowadays, it's just what's on the moves list, you can't do much aside from that but juggle three times...
Mortal Kombat MUST become merciless again, it has to break all the rules again, just like back in the day...cause lately I feel they've been cutting back on the fighting and blood. like in DA, there's lots of blood, in D, there's like half the blood, and in armageddon, there's half the blood there was in deception...
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