Ideas for Tag-Team Fatalities
posted08/17/2011 01:39 PM (UTC)by
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07/30/2011 03:10 AM (UTC)
-Kitana & Mileena: Kitana cuts off their arms,Mileena throws sais into their chest,
Kitana cuts off their head, Mileena eats it.

08/07/2011 06:31 AM (UTC)
The only one we need is the one we got. Noob with his "Split Decision".
08/07/2011 06:36 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
The only one we need is the one we got. Noob with his "Split

Ah come on, this could be a fun thread.
08/07/2011 06:38 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
The only one we need is the one we got. Noob with his "Split

Ah come on, this could be a fun thread.

Haha! I'm only kiddin' here. It would be nice!
sub and scorp tag fatality.

sub freezes opponent onto a ice cross then scorpion uses hellfire to melt the ice wile the oppent is still on it.

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08/07/2011 10:47 AM (UTC)
no tag - team fatalities.
they are NEVER going to happen.
why do people keep suggesting them?
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~~ Thanks, Dreadnaughtx! ~~

08/07/2011 01:38 PM (UTC)
I agree, tag-team fatals sound so stupid. Unless someone really does something creative.
08/07/2011 01:55 PM (UTC)
jagro Wrote:
no tag - team fatalities.
they are NEVER going to happen.
why do people keep suggesting them?

I guess this has happened ever since NRS hinted that there could be tag team special moves for certain characters like Raiden and Shao Kahn. I'm glad this didn't happen though - too much effort with little benefits.
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08/07/2011 01:59 PM (UTC)
I don't want tag-team fatalities, ever.

But if they happened, Each character should have two different animations for it. The first character selected starts the Fatality, and the second finishes it.

But, they'd have to be something simple like decaps, etc.....
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08/07/2011 02:31 PM (UTC)
If NRS were to implement tagalities then I wouldn't mind them if they were done like this...
Just have them for specific character alliances, like Kung Lao/Liu Kang,, Kitana/Jade, Sonya/Jax, Quan/Shinnok etc... and if they wanted to have a bit of fun have some rivalry tagalities too. Scorp/Sub, Sonya/Kano, Kitana/Mileena etc...
I'd actually be interested in seeing how alliances and rivals would combine to finish an opponent, almost as if to try and one up each other.
I also think it would encourage players to use a wider range of characters too.
08/07/2011 02:37 PM (UTC)
Heres one for Rain and Sub-Zero

Rain fires his water steam in the opponent's face. Sub-Zero freezes the water, encasing the head inside of it

Rain then chops at the ice, making cracks in it that cut the face aswell. Then Sub-Zero hits it again and it completely shatters, decapitating them.
08/07/2011 10:56 PM (UTC)
jagro Wrote:
no tag - team fatalities.
they are NEVER going to happen.
why do people keep suggesting them?

What's your problem with them anyway?

Don't like them? Don't use them. They bring NOTHING NEGATIVE AT ALL to the game, so there is no reason to desire so much that they be excluded.

On-topic, my posted my ideas in a similar thread.

Icy Hot [Sub-Zero and Scorpion]
Sub-Zero freezes the opponent in place. Scorpion summons fire around the encased victim. Sub-Zero keeps the opponent frozen with a continuing ice beam while the intensity of Scorpion's flames burn the opponent's flesh off, still under the ice. The body dissolves until all that is left is a skeleton entrapped in ice.

Acid Rain [Rain and Reptile]
Rain starts up a thunderstorm. As it rains down on the opponent, Reptile somehow infuses the dropping water with his body's natural acid. The resulting raindrops burn and singe the opponent's body until they fall dead.

Portal Kombat [Noob Saibot and Scorpion]
Seeing as how Noob's portals are blue and Scorpion's are orange, they are perfectly fit for a reference to Valve's Portal game (which was also released on April 19, coincidentally enough). Anyhow, Noob opens up a portal on the ground, while Scorpion starts one up on the ceiling/in the air. Noob holds the opponent upside down from the legs and dips them into his portal, so that the victim's head is popping out from Scorpion's at the top. Both Noob and Scorpion simultaneously close their portals, so the victim is ripped in two. Noob holds the lower half of the body from the legs as Scorpion catches the severed head and proudly displays it.
08/07/2011 11:11 PM (UTC)
Bad Kop-Worse Kop(Kabal+Stryker): Kabal runs at the opponent, hooking their shoulders with his hookswords, pinning the opponent to the ground. Stryker comes over and unloads a full clip from his pistol into their face. They then high five.

Way of the Dragon(Kung Lao+Liu Kang): Kung Lao does his spin move, but faster, becoming a vortext. Liu Kang bicycle kicks the opponent into the vortex.

Lin Kuei Extermintation(Cyrax+Sektor): Cyrax nets the opponent ad Sektor torches them with his flamethrower.

For You, My Dear(Mileena+Baraka): Baraka cuts out the opponent's heart and gives it to Mileena with his head bowed. The opponent lets out a final scream watching her eat it before they fall down, dead.

Smoke on the Water(Smoke+Sub-Zero)Subzero does his ground freeze, sticking the opponent's feet to the floor. Smoke throws a smoke bomb and the opponent is ripped from his lower legs as he is teleported up. He falls onto Sub's waiting ice sword.

We Share Blood...(Cyber Sub+Noob) Standing on either side of the opponent, Cyber Sub and Noob begin arguing. Sub fires an iceball as Noob launches his shadow clone. The opponent is frozen, then shattered by the force of the shadow clone colliding with them. Noob and Cyber Sub look at the screen then run in offscreen like guilty children.
08/07/2011 11:36 PM (UTC)
i'd wish that there would be tag fatals but i don't see them happening.

reptile/scorpion acidic fire spit - both pull of there masks while reptile spits acid and scorpion breathes fire onto the opponnet.

rain/sub-zero spike shower - rain blasts water into the air while sub - zero blasts a beam of ice into the air causing the rain to freeze causing thousands of sharp icacles to pierce and rip the enemy to shreds.

sindel/raiden wraped and shocked - sindel incases the enemy into a cacoon using her hair then raiden shocks sindels hair frying the opponnet.

jax/stryker what's left - stryker pulls out a mp5 and lets the bullets fly tearing the opponet up. then jax walks over and fires an rpg blowing up whats left of the opponnet.

sonya/liu kang smooshed to death - liu kang does an upward bycycle kick from the right side while sonya does an upward bycycle kick from the left side. the opponet is up in the air and when the kicks connnect the head explodes.

i have tons more and i could think of tag fatals for every character in this game. multiple ones. if you want to hear more i'll post more.
08/08/2011 12:30 AM (UTC)
2 individual fatals + team specific finishers? That's too much, just think of all the combinations they'd have to make for 30 characters and is unnecessary, if anything I'd take simple team win poses.
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gamertag: jeeringjunk
08/08/2011 01:37 AM (UTC)
Sub zero and smoke: subby freezes the loser from the waist down, smoke then phases through them. The ice shatters. Smoke and subby repeatedly kick the downed enemy until the next fight starts.
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Sig Cred: UNdiscovered

08/08/2011 02:35 AM (UTC)
I got a few...
Liu Kang/Kung Lao - Shaolin Code
Liu Kang turns into a dragon and Kung Lao chops the opponents limbs off, throwing them into Liu's mouth.
Kitana/Jade - Fan Meet Staff
Jade impales the opponent with her staff and they fall to their knees, Kitana slices of their head.
Scorpion/Sub Zero - Hell Freezes Over
Sub Zero freezes the opponents lower half and Scorpion throws his spear into their heart, he lights the rope and the fire travels down the rope and burns the opponents insides.
Sonya/Kano - Heart Felt Kiss
Sonya blows a kiss to the opponent, who begins choking, Kano pulls out their heart and stomps on it.
08/08/2011 02:48 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi holding them up into the air and Shang Tsung making that Fire like Snake like in the Deception/Unchained intro
08/08/2011 03:26 AM (UTC)
Espio872 Wrote:
2 individual fatals + team specific finishers? That's too much, just think of all the combinations they'd have to make for 30 characters and is unnecessary, if anything I'd take simple team win poses.

They wouldnt have to make tag team fatalities for everyone. All though tag team win poses sounds pretty cool.
Wrath of the Queen and Princess = Kitana + Sindel

Sindel wraps her hair around the enemy and raises them high into the air before slamming them down on the ground. The enemy screams in pain as Sindel lifts them up high into the air once more, slamming them down a second time. The enemy is groaning in pain while Sindel lifts them up one last time, where Kitana throws her fan at them, decapitating them.

Royal Punishment = Kitana + Sindel

Kitana kisses the enemy, then Sindel wraps her hair around the enemy's entire body; their body is unable to expand thanks to the powerful constriction of Sindel's hair. They moan and scream in pain as their head is pulsating, and as it's pulsating, it's getting bigger and bigger before it finally pops like a balloon, and their blood rushes out from their headless-body like a volcano.

Shao Kahn's Favorite Servants = Mileena + Skarlet

Mileena throws her sais at the enemy's chest, then proceeds to rip their head off. Skarlet then stabs herself, turning into a puddle of blood and moves underneath the opponent before releasing a tentacle that wraps itself around their ankle. The tentacle raises the enemy into the air while at the same time, Skarlet turns back into her physical form. The enemy is dangling in midair with their blood pouring down all over Skarlet, and their head is continually being eaten away by Mileena.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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08/08/2011 04:57 AM (UTC)
Moving this to the Future MK Game Discussion, since it's very unlikely to happen in MK '11.
Espio872 Wrote:
2 individual fatals + team specific finishers? That's too much, just think of all the combinations they'd have to make for 30 characters and is unnecessary, if anything I'd take simple team win poses.

With the way everybody's thinking about it, I do agree that team-specific finishers would be very difficult to implement. However, if they made generic team fatalities that revolve around one of the players being the dominant character leading the fatality, that could be a future possibility.
Perfect example for one... Noob Saibot creates a portal that the opponent falls into, and as the opponent falls from the sky, his ally uppercuts him back into the overhead portal. As the opponent comes back through to Noob, Noob smacks them back down with enough force to crack their skull, sending them back down through the portal. When they fall back to the partner, the partner kicks the opponent to Noob Saibot, and Noob delivers the coup de grace by punching them through their torso.
Stuff like that, which is not reliant on there being a specific partner would most likely be implemented just because it would be a little difficult for team-specific fatalities to be programmed. There probably would have to be a limit that in order for the team fatality to be done, both members of the team have to have not been killed in the final round.
08/08/2011 06:57 AM (UTC)

Ok got one


Rain creates an orb of water around the victim (so its around the whole body) then Scorpion comes in and does his Hellfire boiling the water while the victim is drowning inhailing boiling water into his lungs. Then the victims skin begins to melt and bubble and right before the victim dies Rain summons lighting making the victim explode
08/08/2011 01:03 PM (UTC)
kenshi/ermac tk pull- both use tk on opponnet. kenshi uses tk to rip the skin off the enemy and ermac uses tk to rip the organs right out of the enemy.

kabal/mavado hooksword dash - kabal dashes forward with his hooksword slashing of the head of the enemy while mavodo dashes from the opposite side of the opponet slicin of the waist of the enemy. the lower half of the body falls to the ground while the head flys off and the torso is also on the ground.

nightwolf/liu kang animality rip - liu kang turns into a dragon and rips off the opponets head while nightwolf turns into a wolf and rips the opponets leg off.

cyrax/sektor bombed and blown - cyrax launches out a bomb blowing off the enemys legs launching them up into the air then sektor fires multi missiles blowing up whats left of the enemy.

i'll most likly post more later.
08/13/2011 07:46 AM (UTC)
Only specific team combination should have tag team fatalities. Most likely if they have some storyline connection.

Scorpion/Sub-Zero- Either Scorpion torch the victim into bones then Sub-Zero freezes the bones before they detoriate and kick and shatter the frozen bones everywhere. Or Sub-Zero freeze the victim first, then Scorpion torch the victim, causing the victim to melt to complete liquid, which is water with the victim ash.

Cyrax/Sektor- Sektor unleash a bomb that attatch to the victim, Cyrax unleash his net to make sure the bomb stays put on the victim. With the bomb in place, it blows the victim up.

Kung Lao/Liu Kang- Kung Lao used his hat to decapitate the victim. As the victim staggers headless and about to hit the floor. Liu Kang does his bicycle kick and kick the victim arms off too or cut the victim in half.

Johnny Cage/Sonya Blade- This probably only for male victim. Sonya blows them a kiss like how she does the Kiss of Death Fatality. As the victim are distracted by a hot female blowing them a kiss. Johnny does his split and punch the victim on the groin so hard that it cause their pelvic shattered causing the victim to be cut in half.

Raiden/Shao Kahn- Has it been confirm that Shao Kahn is dead storywise? If so, then this probably won't work. And Raiden probably never turn evil and joined up with Shao Kahn. He may turn Dark and made a deal with Kahn like he did in Armageddon, but never truly joined side. So this one probably not gonna happen. But if it did, maybe they can have a Battle of the Hammer. Each take turn using the hammers, Raiden with his War Hammer and Shao Kahn with his Wrath Hammer. First one, either one, hammer the victim down to the ground. Next one whack the head,. Next whack the right arm. Next whack the left arm. Next whack the right leg. Finally the last whack the left leg. It will be like a Home Run Derby, hammer and bodies part edition. Could be use for a very brutal Friendship. lol

Kabal/Mavada- This perhaps work if the Red and Black Dragon decide to put their animosity behind them and unite against Sonya and Jax. Each have a pair of hooks that can cling to an arm and leg of the victim. Each play an amature version tug of war as both rip the limbs off the victims. The winner get to use their hook to remove the victim head.

Mileena/Kiitana- Mileena used her Sai to pin down the victim. As the victim struggles, Kitana moves in with her fan to decapitate. This can also work with Baraka instead of Kitana, with Baraka doing the decapitating. Likewise this can be done with Sindel instead of Kitana. Sindel screech can render the victim immovable, Kitana can move in for the decapitate. Likewise this can work with Kitana/Jade. Kitana render the victim immovable, move in for the decapitate with her staff.

Shang Tsung/Quan Chi- Since the upcoming game will have a good chance of covering to the Deadly Alliance and their plan to use Onaga army, this may work. Shang Tsung steal the soul of the victim, then Shinnok sent it to one of the mummified body of Onaga soldier. Though, I hear rumors Tsung is confirm dead. Is there any true in this?

That's all for now.

Edit: Ok, four more. Chameleon/Reptile- One spit acid at the victim. Then both slowly eat the victim and spit out the victim bones. This may be how Zaterran eats. They "cook" the victim with their acid or the acid makes the food easier to desolve to be eaten. Raiden/Rain- I know these two aren't related storywise. But if the two were to have a tag team fatality, this would perhaps involve disproving a myth that lightning do not strike the same place twice and not rapidly.As they both used their lightning. As lightning do and often in quick succession. First one strike the victim with lightning cause an electrical burn that burn the victim to the bones. The second strike the victim again with another lightning, this time the victim detoriate to ashes. Nitara/Skarlet- Again, these two are not related storywise. But since the two have common in being literally blood thirsty, maybe they can have a tag team fatality. Maybe, they can cause severe bleeding on their victim and began to bath in their blood. Kind of like Elizabeth Bathory use to do. For those who doesn't know Bathory is. Bathory was a Hungarian countess, who would tortured and killed hundred of females and then bath in their blood. From what I hear the movie, Hostel 2 show a good portrayal of this. Anyway, blood foundue, anyone? lol I forgot the fourth at the moment.
08/13/2011 07:58 PM (UTC)
chameleon/khameleon eat me away - chameleon sticks out his tongue and swallows his enemy's head while khameleon sticks out her tongue and swallows the opponnet's legs.

sheeva/goro road kill - sheeva jumps and lands on the ground causing an earthquake sending the fighter into the air, then goro jumps onto the opponnet. both jump up and down on the opponet using ground pound until there only mush.

baraka/shinnok brutal - shinnok summons his hand and squeezes the fighter. baraka climbs up the hand and jams his blades into the fighters head. he starts to pull and the head flys off and blood sprays out everywhere.

nitara/frost falling popsicle - frost freezes the opponnet into a block of ice and nitara grabs ahold of it and flys up and up and decides to drop it down below.

hope you enjoyed. more to come.
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