Ideas for MK8 names and Features
posted11/30/2006 09:05 AM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
I thought of a few cool ideas for an MK8 name...."Angels of Apocolypse".....
"Evolution"....."Blood Wars"......"Reincarnation"......."Fall of the Elder Gods"......"Devastation"...."Destinies"

thoughts on new features and gimmicks i thought of......

1)The return of old alities made new,such as animalities,freindships and brutalities

2)A more in depth Kreate a Kharacter....more moves,hieght and weight options, weapons,blood color,creature voice sets(for robots,demons,ghouls,ect.)

3)An actual Kreate a fatality for KAK,where you can actually set up your own watchable fatality instead of performing it step by step...i think its just more rewarding to perform the button combo and then also makes each character more unique.

4)Larger Arenas to fight in

5)NO MINI GAMES! yeah its nice to have another way to collect koins and what not but it takes away from the rest of the my opinion its a waste of diskspace....if ya want to play chess,puzzle games or racing games or whatever...make it seperate from the action/fighter unless its something like Test Your Might...PLZ!

6)Use any character in Konquest (maybe even a kak that would be cool)

7)Show Fatalities on the start menu with the other moves

8)Improved Endurance or Battle royal style fights,1-4 players on the same screen! 9)more than 1 kak per profile 10)bring back the run feature 11)Throw reversals 12)Story book endings if not fmv sequences...the katas are cool but they would be better for bio cards.

Those are my ideas so far,tell me what you think grin
11/02/2006 12:54 PM (UTC)
If MK8 has all the -alities, test-your-might, some old characters, KAK, many old arenas, the same realms with possibly some new ones too I'll definetly buy it.
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Firm Turtle

11/02/2006 01:34 PM (UTC)
cool ideas. But you did make this in the wrong forum. I dont care. I wont hate you for it. But yeah cool ideas.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
11/02/2006 03:53 PM (UTC)
SnowFox Wrote:
cool ideas. But you did make this in the wrong forum.

Pretty much. Allow me to rectify that.
11/07/2006 05:01 AM (UTC)
mortal kombat ressurection or mortal kombat reborn

with a timer that says how long youve been playing on your profile

fmv endings

all canon endings

75 characters

great graphics

test your might

test your sight

motor kombat 2

up to 5 kak's for each profile

ko operative konquest(also be able to play ko-op online)

tag team kombat(also be able to play tag team kombat online)

3 brand new mini games.

3 fatalities for everyone

novice ladder,warrior,master,etc.

playable version of mk 4 or mk trilogy(in special collector's edition)

i have many more ideas but i think they should be saved for the next mk after that.
11/29/2006 11:31 PM (UTC)
All ic an say is give them there own fatalitys and realistic Animalities. We deserve that.
11/30/2006 09:05 AM (UTC)
good ideas chaos but X the mini games,playable mk4 or trilogy and motor kombat 2...the new mk should be darker and more serious. also why have bios if the fmv endings are cannon or vise versa? aslong as you know which mk game that mk8 will follow the fmvs are good enough. just because its next gen doesnt mean there are no limits to disk space...i mean come on,i dunno about anyone else but i would rather see more fatalities,kak stuff,character improvements,faster gameplay,run button,more hidden characters an so i think mk should have a second cd for bios and other content like media,concept art ,photos,and other pointless stuff that would normally be in the krypt...cuz i think that the krypt should be taken out of the game and i say bring back old style cheats or have password cheats...something on them lines because the krypt is a waste of time.
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