Ideas for guest character fatalities
posted12/28/2012 12:20 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/17/2005 03:08 AM (UTC)
Harley Quinn (DC)- Comic Overkill: First, Harley places a cake under the opponent, between his feet. Next, the cake explodes between the enemy's legs, sending him up in the air. Then while the Quinn's foe is up in the air, she uses her revolvers to shoot him several times. After that, the loser falls to the ground with multiple gunshot wounds. And lastly, the female clown uses a hammer to smash the victim's head into bloody chunks and laughs like a maniac.

Nariko (Heavenly Sword)- Cannon Blast: First, she stabs the opponent at the abdomen with her blades and uses those weapons to toss him up high in the air. Then, she uses her bazooka to shoot her air-borne victim several times, making him blow up.

Nariko (Heavenly Sword): First, she uses her dual chained blades to grab each of the opponent's legs and pulling him towards her. Next, she uses the blades to slice the enemy's groin hard. Then, she forms the blades into one huge sword. After that, she uses the sword to impale the head. Lastly, she takes out the weapon off the skull and flesh, splitting the head vertically open.

Guest Character: Travis Touchdown: 1st fatality He stabs two of his beam katanas into his opponents body. He then lifts them over his head, and rips them in half by pulling the beam katanas apart.

2nd fatality he cuts the foes legs off at the knees or thighs then beheads them sending a fountain of blood and gold coins squirting out of there neck.

this may not be a guest character but I'm no artist on paint but here is my Rain idea.;=1355347761

Rayne (Bloodrayne) and Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)- Revenge of the Slayers: First, Rayne goes in front of her opponent to turn on her "Blood Fury" mode, making her arm blades extend, and stabbing each of his shoulders, just right above the chest, lifting him up with the sharp metals (similar to Baraka's MK2 fatality but the blades are extended, keeping the loser away from her body, and the heart remains untouched). Then from behind, Juliet uses her chainsaw to split the victim vertically in half from groin to head. At the end, Rayne keeps the split remains of the victim impaled up in the air with her blades.

Freddy Krueger 1st fatality he does that puppet string fatality and makes the foe fall into a stage fatality & die with a different choice for Kratos's Stage
however if there is no stage fatality he simply makes a bottom less pit hole appear which they fall in & die 2nd fatality he knocks out the foe & makes them have a fatal nightmare & die the same way as Tina in the first film.

Jason Voorhees:

1st fatality Jason grabs the opponent's head fiercely, placing his machete in front of their throat. He slowly slits the area, still leaving them alive but dying slowly. Jason then pulls back their head and delivers a crushing blow with his fist to their chin, completely demolishing their jaw. He then slits their throat even deeper before throwing them to the ground. He then places one foot on their back and grabs their head, pulling back hard, separating his opponent's head from their neck at the slit point. The camera angles in front of his victim, alllowing them to witness the ropes of blood being pulled apart before he jerks his arm back quickly, completely removing the head and holding it in the air. He then throws it to the ground and stomps on it, crushing it entirely.

2nd fatality he slips behind the foe & grabs there head with both hands & lifts them in the air off their feet & squeezes there head until 1 of there eyes pop out of socket & dangles then he drops there corpse.

3rd fatality he forces the foe into a handstand position then they look up & he horizontally cuts them in half with his machete.

Issac Clarke
(Dead Space 2)
Fatality: Javelin Gun
Description: Issac takes out the javelin gun and fires a javelin in the opponent's eye. Then he electrifies the javelin, frying the opponent. After a few moments the javelin explodes, leaving the opponent as a fried, headless corpse.
(Soul Calibur)
Fatality: *am bad at names*
Leaps onto the enemy and wraps and coils about them like a snake. He then contorts himself to break their knee caps, starts his claws a drilling and spins them right into the enemy's screaming face.
Wolverine -
"I'm the best at what I do!" he says as he pops his claws. He walks up to the opponent and performs a move similar to his MVC super moves! After the opponent has been sliced and diced completely, he poses, flicks the opponent's finger off his shoulder and poses again!
The Flaming C (Conan O' Brien)

Fatality: Flaming Finish

Description: Conan charges up for a second then rushes forward and punches the opponent several times in the torso, punching a hole in their body each time. Then he does one last punch through their face before letting the body drop to the ground.
Vega (from SF)

Throws mask into air, rolls foward, slices knees(hobbeling them), then stomach(disembowling them), then stabs opponent throught he throat (finally killing them).

Catches mask with unclawed hand, pulls claw out of opponents throat, spins and puts mask back on.

Bows as a win taunt.


Jago (Killer Instinct)

Fatality: Tiger Slice

Description: Jago takes out his sword and slices the opponent a couple of times. Then he stabs them in the heart and pulls it out, to which the opponent's body falls down (with the upper body falling into pieces).

(This is an updated version of his KI1 Fatality/No Mercy move).

Chucky from the child's play movies
1st fatality string decapitation he summons his bride Tiffany and they take a puppet string that is somehow magically attached to them and they wrap it around the opponent's neck choking & strangling them for a few moments before tugging the string ripping the enemies head off there shoulder's which goes flying in the air with a fountain of blood spraying out of there neck.

2nd fatality hide the soul he takes a wooden baseball bat and hits the opponent in the head knocking them out and while there still unconcious he kneels down and does the voodoo chant and takes there soul and becomes human leaving the foe dead.

3rd fatality ruler beatdown he impales the victim in the chest with a basketball pump and then pushes it in injecting them with air knocking them far back and making them fall down and then he approaches them with a wooden ruler or yardstick and says you've been very naughty and then says the opponent's name i.e. Scorpion Mileena etc.
and then beats them to death with the ruler.
4th fatality he opens a jar of marbles & spills them on the ground at the foe's feet tripping them on there back then hits them in the head with a golf club then laughs & says don't fuck with the chuck! the foe tries running away then he throws a dart in there lower back piercing there spine paralyzing them from the waist down making them fall down then they crawl away & take out a cell phone to call for help then he tosses another dart at there hand making them drop it then he jumps behind them and strangles them to death with a yo-yo.
The White Beard
(One Piece)
Fatality: "Break em"
punches the opponent and break him into 10 pieces.
like this:

oh by the way,this man should get an appearance in MK.

Name: Chaos
(Dissidia: Final Fantasy)
Fatality: Brink of Delusion
Description: Chaos teleports his opponent to the Edge of Madness. Then he appears outside of it as a giant. He burns his opponent to the bone with giant swords, then he throws four swords into the arena, completely destroying it, scattering the opponent's ashes everywhere.

Yoshi dino dinner he grabs the foe with his tongue & pulls them in his mouth & eats them the end. or the camera could zoom into his mouth showing the foe falling down his body & landing in his stomach acids & melting & turning into a skeleton just like the acid pool stage fatality Yoshi then spits out there bones/skeleton.
Rosie O Donnel

Fatality: ...1st fatality orifice suffocation That's it she shoves the foe in her vagina or ass & they suffocate 2nd fatality microphone beatdown she takes out a microphone & starts interviewing the foe they refuse to talk so she beats them to death over the head with it.
Daffy Duck the Wizard (The Looney Toons Show)

Fatality: Sacrifice by Fire

Description: Daffy opens a portal above the opponent and a massive Gork(Fire Demon) is seen through it. The Gork then grabs the opponent with its tentrils. The opponent struggles to break free but they get eaten by the Gork, after which the portal closes.
Fatality - BEHOLD
Cyclops says behold and strike the opponent with his optic blast. Opponent is seen getting hit, and we get a close up of him melting completely while getting struck with the optic blast, like the deadpool fatality.

Either that or a optic blast, compressed into a horizontal line, cutting the opponent in half. The opponent is left in a puddle of blood looking desperately at Cyclops... Cyclops responds with another very compressed optic blast which strikes the opp's head for 3 seconds until it explodes into blood and brains and skull fragments.
Also with Cyclops saying Behold.
Solid Snake neck breaker 1st fatality Metal gear solid games he shoots the opponent repeatedly in the chest and stomach with his socom handgun then blasts them into the air with an rgb6 grenade launcher or stinger missile launcher the opponent breaks there back from the fall and impact of hitting the ground and then when they recover and get up he gets behind them and grabs them in a strangle hold one of the moves the player can do in the games and keeps applying the chokehold until he breaks the opponent's neck killing them instantly.
2nd fatality throat slit he electrocutes the foe with his stun knife until they lose conciousness when they recover he grabs them in CQC close quarters combat & slits there throat with the knife killing them almost instantly.
Duke Nukem

The Mighty Boot: Duke cracks his knuckles and exclaims,"It's ass kickin' time!" Turns the opponent towards the screen and thrust kicks them in the back. Their upper torso minus the arms and legs smashes against the screen and slides down, and we see Duke lighting up a cigar.

Alien Invasion: As Duke cracks his knuckles, a lizard alien falls from the sky behind the opponent. "What the-?!" Duke exclaims as the aliens rips off the opponent's head and eats it. Duke aims his Desert Eagle at the monster's head and blows it off saying," Don't interrupt me, asshole! Duke holsters his pistol and lights a cigar & smokes it.

Elektra (Marvel)- Curse of the Hand: First, she throws ninja stars all over the opponent's body mostly from groin to chest. Next, she tosses both her sais at the same time, hitting the enemy directly at both eyes, impaling them in the process. Then as Elektra's foe walks around blindly screaming in agony, she walks up to the victim in a seductive manner and breaks his/her neck.

Tremor raises a stone block from the ground and curb stomps the opponent on it.

Tremor bashes the opponent in the Vagus nerve, causing the opponent to collapse onto their knees in pain. Tremor then walks behind them, grabbing them by the back of the head as he raises his hand quickly, causing the ground below the opponent to shoot up a stalagmite, impaling the opponent through the bottom of the chin and out the crown of their skull.
+Tremor gets into a squatted position, places his hands close together, and begins to slowly pull them away from one another, causing the ground below the opponent to crack open. As the opponent falls into the crack, Tremor smacks his hands back together, causing the ground to fuse back into place and slicing the opponent in half at the abdomen (very similar to one of Noob's fatalities). Tremor then walks over to the opponent as they try to crawl away and stomps on their head, causing their head to explode into a gory mess.

ryu hayabusa: ryu grabs out his vigoorian flails (if you dont know ninja gaiden might as well skip this one) and rapidly slashes in a circular motion at the opponents torso ripping and shredding skin and chips of bone flying off ryu stops as the opponent falls down with a shredded torso and damaged organs

Blanka would jump on his victim and sink his teeth in to each limb yanking each arm off. Now, Blanka would finish off the armless foe by electrocuting them untill the remains catch on fire & they burn to death.
Dan Hibiki taunts the foe opponent who commits suicide because anyone who lost to Dan has failed at life.
Decapitation - Smoke performs a series of Ninjitsu formations and then throws a smoke bomb to the ground at his feet to disappear in a cloud of smoke. He then floats in this upright smoke cloud across the screen through his disoriented opponent standing in front of him vulnerable to attacks. Finally, after floating through his opponent, you see them yell in immense agony and their body parts finally begin to fall apart and separate into chunks falling to the floor.

Guest Characters.
Petal: A woman who only fights with flora, thus with plants, flowers and trees. She wears no clothes with covers herself with ivy. She has orange hair in a pigtail.


Nature Restore: serveral ivy's rise out of the ground and wrap the opponent and then stint the opponent to his death.
Mutant Plant: Petal summon a human-eating mutant plant next to the opponent (and as you expect) the human plant will eat the opponent as whole with only the feet sticking out.

Kaithlyn: A woman who fights with dark magic. She can make weapons out of the darkness, but mostly used a giant Shuriken, Katana and two Daggers. She wears a black top with a gray skull on it and black shorts with giant high shoes. She has long brown hair.


Lurking Darkness: Yuna summons a arsenal of swords around her and then fires them forwards into the opponent and then they disappear in darkness and the opponent falls into pieces.
Black Orb: Yuna summons a net and then sends it forwards to the opponent and traps them into it. She then shrinks the next until it disappears with only the head remaining.

Cosmic: An alien who comes from a distant planet in the universe. He is a gray alien who looks like a mix between the Violator and the Predator.


Death Ray: Cosmic will use his manipulation powers to lift the opponent up, making them unable to move and then shoot with a death ray at them leaving only the skeleton behind.
Elastic Brains: Cosmic will stretch his arm very long and then stabs though the head of the opponent grabbing it's brain, he then does the same with his other arm but then through it's heart.


For DLC character I think we only should have 7 of them and all being from other games, shows or movies. Kratos and Freddy stay as DLC (Kratos now also avaible for other consoles) and then 5 others can join them. I've put in a few chars with their fatilities and you can vote for which 5 are the best to be in. Freddy Krueger

Kratos Dante (Capcom-Devil May Cry) He fights with both his sword, Rebellion, and his guns, Ebony and Ivory.


Devil Trigger: Dante will transform into his demon form and then slices the opponent in pieces which are thrown in the air, he will the fly up and shoot the remaining pieces apart.
Air Trip: Dante will transform into his demonic form and rise up in the sky then he will throw a barrage of knives into the opponent, who drops dead afterwards.

Ryu Hayabusa (Tecmo-Ninja Gaiden) He fights with his ninja skills and weapons.


Piercing Void: Ryu creates a telekinetic black hole in his hand and then fires it through the body of the opponent which leaves a giant hole in the body of the opponent. Ryu then kicks the body into the black hole which then only spits out some blood and then closes.
Wind Blades: Ryu creates 1-3 sharp waves of vacuum as he moves his arms at lightning fast speeds and slice the opponent's limbs off and kicks the remains of the body out of the way.

Ichigo Kurosaki (Jump Stars-BLEACH) He fights with his trademark sword and the Hollow power.


Multislash: Bankai Ichigo uses his blade to preform a barrage of quick slashes all around his body causing the opponent to send from place to place with the sword until the body is completely destroyed.
Augmented Getsuga Tenshõ: Bankai Ichigo swings his sword, releasing a strong crescent moon-shaped wave of energy. He does an evil laugh when launching this move, as his Inner Hollow has taken control over him. The wave then cuts right through the opponent splitting the body vertically in half.


Winter Blast: Big Daddy sends a ice wave which freezes the opponent. He then uses Telekinesis to lift the opponent and throw them onto the ground to be shattered into many pieces.
Insect Swarm: Big Daddy spawns a swarm of bees that then continuesly attack the opponent to their dead he then uses Incinerate! to set the corpse in fire.

Simon Belmont (Konami-Castlevania) He attacks with his whip and other additional weapons.


Holy Cross: Simon grabs a cross and throws it towards the head of the opponent and goes through it, splitting the head, goes further and then returns by first going through the chest of the opponent with the heart sticking onto the cross and Simon catches it and holds it up.
Vampire Killer: Simon grabs his whip and then slashes into the back of the opponent until it creates a hole. He then first pulls out the skeleton and throws it on the ground followed by grabbing the heart out of the body and hold it up.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassins Creed) He attacks with the standard assassin skills and weapons.


Assassins Jump: Ezio does a backflip and lands on the shoulders of the opponent. He then sticks his hidden blade in the top of the head and then pulls the brain out. He then grabs the head and throws the body away.
Hidden Weapons: Ezio first throws a few throwing knives in the body of the opponent, afterwards he fires an arrow with his crossbow into the head and finishes off by shooting in the heart of the body.


Fatality 1: Draws forth the masamune and impales the opponent, lifting them up with the blade through their chest. From here gravity takes over and you watch the blade slide upward through the body until it is split in half at the head.

Fatality 2: Summons large spikes from the ground, sticking through the opponent's arms while raising them up, similar being crucified. They struggle for a bit all while screaming in agony. Sephiroth pulls out his sword and flashes through them, doing a quick and swift 3 slash combo, their body has a delayed reaction and splits into 3 different pieces with both arms still held up by the spikes.

Babality animation: Sephiroth rolling the black materia around on the floor like a toy ball. A small flaming meteor the size of a pebble comes down, gently hitting him on the head and making him cry, thus humiliating him.

1. First Prize - In the movies, the predator would take the head of their victims as trophies. (Description) The Predator uses the wrist blade to cut off their legs so that they are kneeling. Then thrusts the wrist blade through their head from the bottom of the jaw and grabbing his bottom jaw with his hand. Finally kicks back the victims torso with enough force that the head rips off and the predator lifts the head up with pride.

2. Your Da Bomb! - At the end of the movies, the predator would activate a bomb on his right forearm killing everyone. (Description) the predator would active the bomb by punching in some
numbers. Then he would take of his mask and impale the victim with the wrist blade and using one arm lift them up and bring them close to eye level and could either end 1 of 2 ways. Either the predator does his famous roar of victory and the bomb goes off OR the victim gets one last phrase ..." You Are One Ugly Mother-" bomb goes off.

Rise of the white wolf.
Geralt Twirl his Silver blade and chops of the opponents arms
then proceeds to stab the opponent in the solarplexus and pulling his swords up untill it cuts through the skull
kinda like the stab in kratos fatality but from the belly not the back.

The Butcher of Blaviken
Geralt uses his igni sign to ignite the opponent he then slashes the opponent from the crotch to the head, afterwars geralt uses his Aard Sign making the body halfs seperate still burning.

Fossil Impalement: Tremor knocks the opponent onto the ground, then pounds on the ground. A crack trail starts from his fist to the opponent. Then a giant spike made of rock emerges and impales them.

Earthquake: Tremor makes an earthquake with the floor cracking. Then manipulates the crack and opens up the ground. Grabs the opponent and descends them down to their torso, then closes it. This separates the upper torso from the lower torso, and then opens it up again. The opponent is hanging on for dear life, and then closes it once more, cutting off the head and hands.

Alien: slide it's tail between the opponent's legs. The screen turns dark, and you hear disturbing sounds. To further make it creepy, the annoucer doesn't say anything, you just see the words "Alien wins. Fatality" appear on the screen. This fatality is based on Lambert's death scene from the first movie.

Predator: Throws it's disk at the opponent's torso, slicing it off, but before it can fall off, the Predator runs at the opponent, uppercuts the torso in the air, aims it's plasmacaster, and when the opponent's back is in it's sights, fires. The plasma bolt blows a huge hole in the victim's chest area, and before the torso lands, the Predator pulls out it's combistick, stabs it's victim in the head and rip it off. The Predator raises it's arm, displaying it's trophy, and roars.

James Bond: The classic Bond intro turned into a fatality! If his opponent is a non-human such as Reptile or Noob Saibot, the blood on the screen will be a different color.

Meat Flesh Rip he rips all the foes skin & flesh off exposing there skeleton which falls over then he puts there skin on & wears it & then turns into the foe.

Rayne (Bloodrayne)- Vampire's Rape: First, she goes behind her opponent and starts hugging him, caressing the chest and abdomen. Next, she starts biting and chewing on the enemy's neck, making him scream. Then, with one of her blades, she impales the loser at the back, making the blade protrude through the abdomen. After that, she uses the blade that's impaled on the body to lift up the guy as he moans and grunts. Lastly, she uses her opposite arm to take out her other blade and vertically slice the victim in half from groin to face with one half of the body falling to the ground while he other half is still impaled and raised up in the air for victory.

Jackie (The Darkness)- A$$ecution Overkill: First, the demon on his left side grabs the opponent by the feet to lift up the body, while the demon on his right side digs inside the butt to rip out the enemy's spine and skull. Then, the demon at the right side drops the bones it got from the anal cavity and goes ahead to butcher the victim's body vertically and horizontally while the demon on the left side is still holding on to the corpse.


Kia- Flying Blade: First, she tosses her blade, making it slice the opponent's leg. Next, the enemy starts limping and the blade goes back like a boomerang, slicing the back of the knee of the opposite leg, causing him to go on his knees as Kia catches her blade. Then, she tosses the the blade again and this time it decapitates the victim, causing the body to fall on the ground. Lastly, the blade comes back like a boomerang again and she catches it.

Jataaka- Total Mutilation: First, she takes out her sword to slice off the opponent's arms. Next, she slices off the enemy's legs. Then while the victim's limbless torso is on the ground, she stabs him at the sternum and slices it down to the groin. After that, Jataaka rips out his organs with the heart being the last thing ripped off. Lastly, she slices the loser's neck, rips off the head, stands up, and lifts up the head for victory.

Sareena- Back Stabbing Headache: First, she sneaks behind the opponent and uses her Dragon Fang to impale the opponent at the back through the abdomen. Next, she leaves the sword on the body and uses her hand (which is glowing with energy) to chop the enemy's forehead, splitting the head vertically open. Then Sareena kick's the victim at the butt, pushing him away with her foot.

12/28/2012 12:20 AM (UTC)
pleaseeeeeee....STOP the fashion of guest characters, they are useless and unnecessary. MK is a franchise strong enough to live up on his own.
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