Ideas for All Characters
posted04/12/2012 01:12 AM (UTC)by
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Signature made by Zmoke

Member Since
04/10/2012 10:11 PM (UTC)
I am going to be posting up New Ideas for all Characters for upcoming games. Hope they work out.

COSTUME 1 - Drahmin's first costume consists of his feet wrapped in dirty white cloth while he has a golden undergarment on his groin. He wears a wrap (dirty white again) like his alternate costume from MKDA. He also wears his mask, and also added is two dirt brushed gold armor plates on his arms (1 on each).

COSTUME 2 - Drahmin's alternate costume is what happened before he got his mask. He has a british warrior's face with asian eyes. He has a ripped cape, and a golden/brown loincloth and silverish/goldish armor. He has fingerless gloves. Also, he has long, black hair with a braid in the back and brownish, black/gold explorer boots with a Crystal necklace glowing redish yellow, filled with lava, and it resembles the Netherrealm.


Ball O Flies - Drahmin throws a ball of flies at the opponent. Visuals show that a patch of dead flesh falls off the next hit occurs.

Propeller Clock - Drahmin swings his club around the whole arena randomly. There is a 60% Chance that it will hit the opponent, but will also do an astonishing 10% damage if it hits. This attack can be done off of ANY chain combo and can be used to easily pop-up an oppent for the next chain combo and possibly the never ending round of 1, 2, 1, Propeller Clock.

Steel Uppercut - Drahmin simply uppercuts the opponent but if comboed off of any chain combo, with do 8 damage instead of 3.

Ground Smash - Drahmin smashes the ground with his fist and the opponent falls face first in front of him. Then, Drahmin smashed his foot on their skull.

Club Throw - Drahmin takes his club off (amputates himself) and then throws it at the opponent. The opponent becomes knocked out on the ground for five seconds as the time poses the other player to back away from them and figure out a combo or whatever they want to do during that time.

Nude Dance - Drahmin takes all of his clothes off and does a male strip dance. For 30 seconds, his attacks are powered up.

Fatality 1 (Double Smash) - Drahmin does his MKDA Fatality.

Fatality 2 (Flies Massacre) - Drahmin throws a swarm of flies to famine the opponents body and mutiny them from their flesh. They die instantly, and their skeleton falls on the ground and turns into dust.

Hara Kiri (Sword Slash) - Drahmin Stabs his warrior's sword into his skull. He falls down and the sword goes through his head fully.

Animality (Flies) - Drahmin turns into a huge Fly and eats the opponent. YUMMY!

Hope dis is good. Next is Mileena.
04/11/2012 03:21 AM (UTC)
Does he seriously need to be a male stripper for one of his moves? That's not even apart of who he really is.
04/11/2012 04:15 AM (UTC)

Costume 1: very similar to his Armageddon suit with spiked gloves

Costume 2: only change would ne a modofoed Kahn helmet. And a maroon cape with the character for death stamped in black. His face paint would still show put the helmet and instead his gloves are now metal gantlets like sauron from LOTR.

Move set:

Ninja stars: like his MK 4 fatality only he only launches four throwing stars. Enhanced: he launches a shitload at the opponent.

Charging doom: shoulder charges the opponent.

Hammer smash: swings a giant hammer in front of him knocking out anyone in sliding distances.

Back breaker: grabs opponent and smashes them on his knee.

Face bash: rolls to grab opponent and pins them down and unloads four heavy punches on their face then rolls back

Headbutt: much like face bash but instead he headbutts their head.

Xray move: charges opponent and uppercuts them with a hammer zooming into their jaw. They then fall to the ground. He jumps and steps on their stomach and it zooms onto their abdomen. Then he holds them above his head and crushes their wind pipe zooming into their throat. He then toss them aside.

Grab move he chokes them out them bashes Theor head into the floor the air move of this shows him dropinng them from the air to bash Their faces onto the floor. I'll update fatalities after I shower.

04/11/2012 04:48 AM (UTC)

Sadist: he puts his foot against their heat and pulls off their arms and throws them to the floor. He then puts his feet on their throat and rips off their legs from Theor torso. Before they say Fatality he rips the legs in half one for each hand.

I am better than Kahn!: he uppercuts them so the they land flaunt on their back. He then grabs his hammmer jumps on the air and brings the hammer down on their heads obliterating Theor heads.

I was thinking for his opening line he could say "I will make you taste death" or "I will enjoy watching killing you" or even " your screams will brig me pleasure"

04/11/2012 08:40 PM (UTC)

Costume: His hair is in cornrows and around his head he wears a maroon headband with the white lotus emblem on it. No shirt bit the same white striped tattoos covering his body. Around his worst studded bracelets a maroon sash around his waist and his Armageddon pants. Clean shaven with chops.

Alternate: leather jacket over a plain white tee and rolled up jeans. A gold chain around his neck and a white white lotus headband around his head. Almost greaser style dress but nit so 50's more MK. still has the cornrows and a full beard instead.


Roundhouse blues: does a roundhouse kick leaving a trail of fire as he kicks

Upward fireball: shoots fireball in the air and it comes crashing down

Downward fireball: pop up attack

Breakdance: does a handstand and propellers kicking any opponent near him.

Leg lift: slides on the ground and kicks them into the air.

Handstand: does a hhandstand and kicks the opponent in the face.

Leg toss: like sonyas only more fit to Kai

Grab move: does a handstand an grabs him with his legs pushes himself in the air and flips them. Then lands on his hands again doing a complete 360


Ripped: picks them up over his head and rips their torso from their legs. It is down slowly so first the spin and intestines are exposed then he throws the parts to the ground spine exposed from the top half.

White lotus aim: he uppercuts them in the air and then shoots a fireball at Theor lower half. Their torso falls to the floor and craps to him then he steps on their head killing the crawler.
About Me

Signature made by Zmoke

04/12/2012 01:12 AM (UTC)
Outfit 1 - Basically her Outfit from Deception, but with a tiny cloth around her hair, like from mk2.

Outfit 2 - Mileena should be something totally what a player wants to use. Give her wraps from Challenge tower costume. Then, giver her some garments for her stomach like a plate made of white cloth. Then totally redesign her hair into something like Sindel but totally black.Give her a white but dirty loincloth and a few white sleeves like from her Alternate Costume from MK2011 (But white). Mileena would have like a whole white costume basically, but with blood spattered over some of the parts.


Neckbite - Mileena jumps of the opponents neck, and chews on their face and then stabs them 3 times with her sais.

Sai Lash - Mileena takes out her sais and throws them at her opponent. They stick in their chest (or feet/legs if they jumped, or head if they ducked) for like 3 seconds.

Sai Stab - Mileena Does a childish walk towards her opponent and then when about to kiss them, stabs them and runs away frantically. This move is rarely used because it needs to be used successfuly otherwise, 60% Combos can be done almost instantly.

Teleport Kick - Mileena takes off her veil and screams (YOU'LL NEVER CATCH UP TO ME! TEEHEE!) and then pushes them backward and teleprts and kicks in their nose and eyes.

Groundroll - Mileena curls up into a ball and just sits there. When an opponent comes in range of her, she quickly reacts and rolls and trips them. This attack cannot be evaded unless blocked almost instantly or else using a ground attack such as Jax's Groundpound, Mileena's Groundroll, or Kai's FLame from Under.

Yummy! - Mileena runs and hugs the opponent and bites their shoulder. The announcer says "YUMMY!" afterwards.

Heels to Chin - Mileena kicks their chin and then stabs their mouth with her sais.

Fatality 1 (Spit Up) - Mileena sucks the victum up with her mouth and then vomits and spits up their bones and blood and skull.

Fatality 2 (Nail Shoots) - Mileena digs a can of nails out of the ground and then swallows them. She, now surprised, she vomits them all over her opponent with the nails piercing their flesh and body parts.

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