idea for returning characters/options.
posted09/12/2009 06:47 AM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i'd like to see 2 different menus 1 for characters appearace and another for 1's moveset. what i mean by this is having scorpions mkvsdc appearance with his umk3 moveset and his mk4 fatalitys.

heres the apperance menu for scorpion.

mk1 scorpion look in 3d
mk2 scorpion look in 3d
umk3 scorpion look in 3d
mk4 scorpion look in 3d
mkda scorpion look in 3d
mkd scorpion look in 3d
mka scorpion look in 3d
mk shaolin monks scorpion look in 3d
mkvsdc scorpion look in 3d
mk9's new scorpion look whatever that might be in 3d

heres the moveset menu for scorpion
spear, monkey flip for his throw, teleport punch ground and air, backflip kick, summon hellfire, mka scorpions throw among many other moves from past and present mk games broughten to mk9.

fatalitys would also be found in moveset but the graphics would remain mk9 but moves, fatalitys, appearance would get an upgrade. this feature would only be used to benfit the past characters that return while the new characters play as the way they were designed.

this would be like a retro feature you'unlock once you beaten mk9 with every character in arcade. plus it be nice to see past moves and appearances return but look exactly like ps3 and 360 visuals.

if you like my idea i'll post more about it. feel free to post pictures of past looks and moves for characters that will return. that way my idea looks better with pictures instead of just words if you want.
09/09/2009 05:36 AM (UTC)
I like the idea for alternative appearance options for classic costumes but I don't agree with the moves and fatality options. Now if there is a create a character mode I would like to see classic moves and fatalities implemented there instead of on the main roster.
09/09/2009 05:13 PM (UTC)
i respect your opinon but wouldn't you want your scorpion or sub zero different than your friends scorpion or sub zero.

heres an example say your friend has the look of mkvsdc sub zero then has the moves of his umk3, then also has his mk1's spine rip. you could show him maybe how it's done by having his mkda look, umk3 specals, and mk1 spine rip.

it would add shock factor and strategy to fights. your friend or my friend would be like i figured a way to beat you. so he leaves comes back another day and changes his moves fatalitys and appearance. it would change the tide of battle because of the surprise.

the only thing i'd most likely worry about this feature it might take time out of the fighting aspect and also mk's predictable pattern of releasing mk games to early instead of fixing any hesatations or bugs while taking a bit longer to work on it.

i think now that i explained it better now you might like this feature overall better because of the surprise of strategy and more of being unique.
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09/09/2009 10:03 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
i respect your opinon but wouldn't you want your scorpion or sub zero different than your friends scorpion or sub zero.

They wouldn't be different.
MKvDC's characters featured move-sets from the whole series. So every special move Scorpion had from MK1-MKA was included in MKvDC.
So why bother having a limited list when your opponent will have all the moves that character ever had, and maybe some new ones.

As for the costumes, you do realise that any returning character could have anything between 1-8 costumes, which means a lot of extra work on character modelling and battle damage will have to be done for such a small gimmick, some of which will look very similar anyway.

I can understand having one retro costume for each returning character but there is one major downside to this - Scorpion will be given that ridiculous MK4 costume that they have given him as an alt in MKD and as his primary in MKA. It's probably the worse MK costume in the history on MK, yet they continue to use it (this is coming from a huge Scorpion fan).

09/10/2009 02:29 AM (UTC)
i'm not just talking about scopion i'm talking about any characters that appeared in past games if returned to mk9 having more ability overall. here are a few examples if say reptile returned you could give him back his forceball move or say cyrax comes back you could give him his green net back.

plus attires from past games do not look the same there are small differences between masks and shades of colors and much more. not to mention this feature could bring back the use of weapons in combos. so isn't that a plus.

if mk takes there time they could make a feature like this. lots of fighters have multiple attires and different versions of classic and new characters.
here are few examples soul calibur series, tekken, street fighter, and doa have ton of outfits. lots of 2d games incorperate different versions of the same characters why not mk9. i don't see why not add this feature if mk9 gets a good fighting engine.

now what you think.
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09/10/2009 04:24 AM (UTC)
I was also talking about everyone, as you can see in my original post:

Scorpion1813 Wrote:

any returning character could have anything between 1-8 costumes, which means a lot of extra work on character modelling and battle damage will have to be done for such a small gimmick, some of which will look very similar anyway.

Lets say all the MK 2 characters return. They have all been in at least 5 games (probably more or even less but lets say 5 for example). That's 12 character with 5 old costumes and 2 new ones.

12x(5+2) = 84

So that's 84 character models, all with battle damage, just for returning character. That's a hell of a lot of work. Granted a couple of them can be done easier with palette swaps and replacing masks for example. Then they have to consider making 2 costumes each for all the new characters, with battle damage, new weapons, all the NPC's in Konquest mode, etc etc etc.

On the other hand - your comment about Soul Calibur and Tekken makes me think you want to be able to customize characters uniforms, and I'm all for that - as long as it's added last so the developers can concentrate on more important thing like: the actual fighting engine; making each character unique (fighting style); and a variety of new modes including a Shaolin Monks-style Konquest mode.
09/10/2009 04:43 AM (UTC)
Regardless of you explaining it better my opinion is still sort of the same. I was thinking,doing such would leave any new characters lacking the options just because they are new with no classic costumes or moves. That would change the balance of the main roster. Sure you could slap separate new moves in options but that would be...whats the word I am looking for....whack lol. I dunno,I still say that it would fit better into create a character.
09/10/2009 06:56 PM (UTC)
I think MK9 should follow Soul Calibur's Create-A-Soul mode.

1. Create A Fighter

Use the pre existing move sets of characters in the game, as well as original CAF move sets, such as classic fighters, fighters from other game ( a Ryu / Ken style fighter for example ) and maybe some other pop culture or super hero style move sets.

Go one step further and within that move-set have a list of available specials like projectiles / charge moves ect. From there you get to select the special moves based on a point system.

Fatalities could be picked from any fighter, as well as original fatalities just for the CAF's.

Finally allow the player to customize the color / visual of projectiles, energy trails ect . For example, Change subzero's ice blast, to a black ball of goo, or a spider web ........ doesn't change the property of the move, just its look.

2. Customize existing fighters

Change the physical appearance of any fighter in the game. You would also then be able to change their specials as you would in create a fighter. Example would be

Sub-Zero : Ice Blast (Default)
Ice Clone (Default )
Overhead ice blast
Floor Freeze
Sliding Shoulder Block (Default)

Default would be what Sub-zero actually has, however when Customizing Sub-Zero you could elect to change the Should Block to the Slide, or the Ice Clone to Floor Freeze , as the Ice Clone is a defensive move, and you would be changing that defensive move to another defensive move in the floor ice move.

This way you can recostume existing characters as well as throw in Classic moves, Or when making an original Character you could make Spider-man, give him Sub-zero's moves and change them to a web look.

Overall I think this would work the best because even though the characters can be changed and customized, it would still be within the limits of the existing character, so the fighters would maintain balance.

You wouldn't be able to make someone with Sub-zero's ice freeze, Kitanna's Fan, Liu Kangs fireballs, and Meleena's teleport kick ....... you would just stay within Sub-zero's move set.

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09/12/2009 02:02 AM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
This way you can recostume existing characters as well as throw in Classic moves, Or when making an original Character you could make Spider-man, give him Sub-zero's moves and change them to a web look.

.... And then Marvel would sue WB just like they did to City of Heroes.

I don't like the idea of limiting specials just for the purpose of allowing you to change a set up, when they could just simply allow you to use all of them - like they did in MKvDC. That's actually the one thing they did right in that game.

As for custom created characters - It could possibly work in an RPG style - You start of with a limited amount of moves (say 2) and unlock new slots, up to about 6. But that's just a quick idea that hasn't had much thought put into it.
09/12/2009 06:47 AM (UTC)
@jpetrunak...I think that it could work but I myself would not want to customize original characters. I think a better example of your idea might be the new CAW(create a wrestler) from Smackdown VS Raw 2010. It has a point system and the ability to customize the original roster but its rather more in depth with moves and all that. Well,except for actual move editing like your spider-man idea.
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