idea for realism in mk9.
posted12/01/2009 01:11 AM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i liked the facial damage in mkda but it could of been expanded apon greatly. but i think they removed it in mkd and mka. i don't know about mkvsdc because iv'e never played it. heres how i'd like to see it change. hope you enjoy and please give back your viwes on this subject.

there would be various features like cuts, bruses, scrapes, gashes, scars, torn clothing, flowing hair, mouths moving, blood, eye movement, sweat, tears, cloths moving, belts moving and etc.

other suff that could be interesting are exhaustion, breathing hard, fatigue, strained ligaments, broken bones and etc.

i'd like to see special moves look like they actually have done damage to the opponnet. here are a few examples.

scopions spear - causes a puncture wound on the enemy if hit in the chest. if blocked it would have a massive gash along the arm to show that even if blocked can cause damage.

sub - zeros freeze - can cause shivering to the enemy if struck. if opponet blocks the projectile it causes frost bite to the enemy showing damage.

reptiles acid spit/acid puke - delivers decent damage by melting away the flesh showing the enemys bone if hit. if blocked causes severe burns along with peeling scabs on the enemy.

liu kangs fire ball/ or any move that uses fire - burns the flesh leaving signs of 3rd degree burns but if blocked only shows1st degree burns.

with ps3 and x-box 360 graphics i don't see why they cant give mk9 these type of graphical features. theres tons of games that have mk saying man these graphics look outdated. dead or alive, fight night games among other games show off realism so i hope eventually i will see features to this caliber in the future of mk games.
11/27/2009 09:28 PM (UTC)
MK vs DC had damage to faces and bodies/clothes.
11/27/2009 10:38 PM (UTC)
yeah mkvsdc did but mot like what hes saying. that would be awesome dude
11/28/2009 03:57 AM (UTC)
This is outstanding! I'd also want clothes to fall off during combat like how it did in Soul Calibur 4.
11/28/2009 04:10 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
This is outstanding! I'd also want clothes to fall off during combat like how it did in Soul Calibur 4.

That concept was so retarded... Yeah, four hits and the guys are down to their undergarments. We don't need to have MK suddenly turn into something we already see in a completely different fighting game.

But I'm agreeing with Razors, we already have majority of what you, Acid, want for realism. I mean, we have tattered clothing, masks falling off, cuts and bruises...

Despite you going more into detail with your ideas, yeah, I would like to see a puncture wound where Scorpion hits his spear with... but yet... I just think that's too much, I mean Scorpion hits the spear in the same spot, it was the same animation every time the spear smacked his opponent during DC and I'm sure its going to do the same thing...

Realism is okay, I just don't think we need it to where it's hard to decipher that it's a game... Cause we got the haters out there... Just ask Jack Thompson himself.
11/28/2009 05:43 AM (UTC)
ok. but if you tend to do say scorpions spear move 2-3 times in the match the hole would get bigger. say the fist puncture would be a 1 inch hole inside the enemy chest. the 2nd time you perform the move it would be a 2 inch hole inside the enemy and so on.

another example is fire related moves would cause older skin because of the burn marks take time to heal up. can cause peeling. also your burt skin would attract flies among other things. like real life burnt victums. plus it could effect the speech in the game which could be cool to.

sub - zeros freeze - could control the tempature around him making the enemy to shake and slur there speech. also making the enemy stumble and feel like a cluts because of frost bite.

reptiles acidspit/acidpuke - would cause the body to drop out kidneys among other things if used more than few times. it could cause slowed movement along with coughing up blood and vomiting because of seeing there bones or entrails hanging out.

theres so much more the mk team could do with realism. take the time to watch few horror movies to bring back that dark, gritty, gruesome feeling. try to push the visuals as far as the ps3's and 360's can handle. hope you enjoyed. i'll post more tomorrow for character specific wounds and gashes.
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11/28/2009 03:04 PM (UTC)
I like's fresh and will be refreshung.
11/29/2009 01:47 AM (UTC)
I'd rather have them put more time into fun polished gameplay rather than realsim.

Because when I think MK I think realism.(Sarcasm)
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12/01/2009 12:32 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
reptiles acidspit/acidpuke - would cause the body to drop out kidneys among other things if used more than few times. it could cause slowed movement along with coughing up blood and vomiting because of seeing there bones or entrails hanging out.
theres so much more the mk team could do with realism.

Realism? If that acid thing happened to someone in real life and their kidneys, lungs, brain, whatever fell out or was badly burnt by the acid, the person would die almost instantly. Even if they didn't die they would be barely able to move - let alone fight.

I'm all for realism and showing the characters beaten up in various ways, but by implementing some of your ideas you would be making the game more brutal, but also more UNrealistic, at the same time.

What you need to do is find a good balance between brutal/gore, and realism.

One thing I would like to see is the damage carrying over from fight to fight while playing Konquest mode or even Arcade. So the playable character in Konquest mode gets cuts and scars during fights, and those are still present in future fights.
Same with Arcade, the character you are playing as takes continued damage up until completing or exiting the mode. (so the characters reset every time you start a new Arcade or Konqest mode.
12/01/2009 01:11 AM (UTC)
With the current system, where you basically have an energy bar, and until that runs out, you fight like you're fresh, having livers falling out or whatever would be a bit stupid. I'd love to see some light cosmetic damage like you say though - frayed clothes, cuts and bruises, charring from fire moves. Soul Calibur's exploding clothes thing was totally lame though.

I'd like to see slime, or wetness, or charring or whatever, using a system like they use for blood at the moment, only with some saying on, not just running off like jelly on teflon. That way in a watery level, water or sweat can get them wet, or Bo Rai Cho's vomit can splash on them and stay etc.
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