Idea For MK7
posted08/22/2005 03:13 PM (UTC)by
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I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

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08/20/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
After MKD Scorpion Seeks a Request For a normal life as a Human but his Request is Interrupted. Raiden Turns on The Elder Gods and Uses The Power Of The Kamidogu and Quan Chi's Amulet and Holds Them Imprisoned in the Netherrealm Where They have no power.Raiden Uses His Newly Found Power To Attempt To Merge the Realms as Scorpion Attempts to Run From The Raging God Noob Saibot Ambushes Scorpion.As The Two Fight an unexpected Aid To Scorpion arrives...The Second Sub-zero.
The Two Fight The Wicked Wraith as the Battle rages on Raiden Stops the 3 By Casting Sub-Zero and Scorpion into Earthrealm.
Scorpion and Sub-Zero Soon Find Themselves at the Wu-shi Academy and Tell Liu-Kang and The Others About The Horrors that await.
Raiden Quickly Takes The realms By Storm and uses The Tarkatan Hordes,The Dragon King's Army,And The Chaotic Army in The Chaos Realm To Form The Unstoppable Army That The Dragon King Could Only dream of.
By Merging The Realms He Has Made Chaos insue He Storms into Shao Kahn's Palace and Sits On the High Throne.There is Only One Hope For Humanity....5 mortals,2 Cyborgs,And and an Alliance of Two Ninjas.
Raiden's Power is Immortal
and With His Power He Will Create
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08/21/2005 05:46 AM (UTC)
Ok. No. And, I'll tell you why.

1.) Scorpion is never going to be a living mortal again. Why? Fans wouldn't want it. We like the idea of an undead ninja on a quest of revenge, and later redemption. It's a classic theme, that has been defined by the character himself. Scorpion is the embodiment of the morbid and dark thoughts in the recesses of people's fears. That's what makes him so popular. If he were to all of a sudden turn mortal and be just another regular human....he wouldn't be Scorpion anymore. Hence, he'd lose popularity and fanbase.....and there goes a key factor of MK as a whole.

2.) I don't see Scorpion directly helping Sub-Zero. There's always been tension between the two, despite the accounts of Scorpion trying to protect the younger Sub-Zero as pennence for killing his elder brother. (ie. Noob) If anything, Scorpion would be the neutral party, doing his own thing. He's always been the loner, and even if he was to have good intenetions...he'd do them his own way. The same goes for Subbie. Sub-Zero would most likely have a very hard and awquard time trying to stay side-by-side with Scorp. The two might have the same goal in mind, but there would still be friction due to both of their pasts.

3.) Raiden isn't nescessarily bad in MK:D. He's just fed up with people like Shujinko messing things up in the long run, and making his job more difficult and causing more harm than good. Hence, he threw out his more orthidox ways of handling things, and opted for a more brutal approach to things. He's still gaurdian of EarthRealm, but he's just more decisive about handling things, and takes a darker approach to them. Despite his attitude being more harsh, his intentions are still the same - Protect ALL costs. (even if it means sacrificing idiots like Shujinko) I hardly think Raiden would just up and switch teams for the hell of it, and I don't think at all that he'd be able to get the likes of the Tarkartans, the Dragon King's Army (which were actually destroyed when the DK bit the dust again, to my knowledge), and this Chaotic Army you speak of. It's just incredibly off the wall, and doesn't make for any type of believable storyline.

So, it all seems a bit illogical. Nice try, though.

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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
08/21/2005 01:16 PM (UTC)
I don't like this idea at all.

Raiden isn't evil. Scorpion will most likely remain a spectre and him being human again just won't happen imo. Sindra cleared it all up as far as I can see.
08/21/2005 02:47 PM (UTC)
I liked the idea
08/21/2005 02:54 PM (UTC)
I agree wholeheartedly with Sindra and tgrant, although I at least think Scorpion could try and beomce mortal, so long as he failed.
08/21/2005 05:25 PM (UTC)
It seems a bit extreme for Raiden to do, imprisoning the Elder Gods? If anything I think the Elder Gods would send someone to deal with Raiden for acting hasrhly to the mortals now that he is no longer patient and proper.

About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/21/2005 05:46 PM (UTC)
what i'm saying is scorpion doesnt return to his former self and his alligenace with sub is out of desperation like in mkd with raiden and the deadly alliance.
About Me
08/22/2005 03:13 PM (UTC)
But again, it goes back to the fact that Raiden isn't really all that evil. What reasons would he have to team up with the Outworld armies, use the Kamidogou, and march against EarthRealm and the Elder Gods? You have to have some kind of believable idea for it to work.

Not to mention the fact that I don't know how many people are going to be ok with the idea of Raiden turning completely evil. In MK:D, he merely turned more "badass" of sorts. Your suggesting he become fully evil, and work against all the heros. In my opinion, people like Raiden being the protector of EarthRealm, and they wouldn't want him to deviate from that and switch sides.....unless there was a *very* good explination for it; not just "He's he switched sides." Raiden being evil is like the current incarnation of Sub-Zero being evil. Unless there's a good reason behind it, it's not plausable.

I'm just giving you some insight. If you really like your own idea, than you have to adjust it so it will make sense and tie in with the attitude of the said characters involved, and the game as a whole, if you want people to support you.
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