idea for a suprise for 1 on 1 matches.
posted06/26/2012 06:20 PM (UTC)by
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Member Since
08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i always thought it be cool to have interference into the match. kinda incorperate it by building up your meter and by clicking the right thumbstick.

have special teams that come out unleash an xray then leave or use a small amount of meter to have a team member come out do a special move then leave. it be 1 per round only.

shang tsungs call out would be quan - chi.
jax call out would be sonya.
liu kang call out would be kung lao.
reptile call out would be chameleon/khameleon/
scorpion call out would be sub - zero.
raiden call out would be fujin.

i think it be cool to have. would you like something like for the next game. it could turn the tide of the match. it doesn't even need to be clicking the stick it could be rotate the analog stick in a circular motion to activate it.
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06/26/2012 06:20 PM (UTC)
I think the only way I'd want to see this is for X-Ray moves, but even then, it'd have to be something new, like Level 1 X-Ray is just a normal one on one move, but a Level 2 X-Ray might be more intricate and involve another fighter. I think that'd be pretty awesome, actually!

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