I thought of an idea for a new game.
posted04/25/2006 10:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/25/2006 08:45 AM (UTC)

With the One Being and the Komidogu destroyed, It seemed that the realms were safe again. The warriors of Mortal Kombat couldn't be any more wrong. The fallen Elder God, Shinnok, had aided the warriors in the One Being's destruction, but he still hadn't changed his evil ways.

The warriors left the battlefeild after their hard-fought victory, thinking all was well again. Shinnok could now put his new evil plan into action. He came to the battlefeild and used the Amulet of the Elder Gods to put all the shattered Komidogu back together. Shinnok needed to find a way to fuse the Komidogu, and this brought him to Edenia. He found the ancient texts that told how to fuse the Komidogu. The only way to fuse the Komidogu was to sacrifice the Champion of Mortal Kombat.

Shinnok went to Earthrealm to find Lui Kang. He finally found Lui Kang training at the Wu Shi Acedemy. After a long and grueling battle, Shinnok was able to defeat Lui Kang with the help of his amulet. He sacrificed Lui Kang's soul to the Komidogu, and they fused together. The all-powerful one Komidogu caused the realms to also fuse. Shinnok now has control of the One Realm. Now the Kombatants must team together again to defeat Shinnok and redeem themselves of letting Shinnok do this evil deed.
04/25/2006 09:41 AM (UTC)
Why the hell did you make 2 identical threads?
04/25/2006 09:53 AM (UTC)
The One Being cannot be destroyed, it is the culmination of the realms themselves. If the One Being goes, existence goes with it.

The "Amulet of the Elder Gods"? What the heck is that? If you're referring to Shinnok's Amulet, I don't think it can reform the Kamidogu if they're shattered. If it could, that would defeat the purpose of shattering them in the first place.

Sacrificing the Champion of Mortal Kombat to glue the Kamidogu together again seems a little ridiculous. The Kamidogu were created before the tournament was even thought of.

Shinnok travelling to Earthrealm, finding Liu Kang training at the Wu Shi Academy and slaying him sounds a little familiar, don't you think?

How could the good guys survive to fight Shinnok if the realms were fused together, abolishing existence?

I guess the premise is there, you just need to throw some more research and attention into it to make it the least bit plausible.
you've used vast parts of the story from MKDA, MKD and the prolouge to MKA, you just killed the One-Being and Onaga but replaced them with Shinnok.

keep going down this path and you'll get sued by midway wow
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