i sure hope the Kreators read this!
posted08/30/2007 10:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/30/2007 03:13 PM (UTC)
this is to fans and oldskoolers and of course the kreators.
okay to begin with, mk1 & 2 rock to the kore!
it went downhill after that, mk4 was a nice attempt at 3d and had lots of potential, and instead of saying what i really think of the latest mk's im going to say what the new 1's should/shouldnt have.-
-bring back the digitized actors which made mk REAL authentic and good Looking.
-stop milking ultimate mk3, im sick of hearing about a NEW umk. how many times has that been "re" released. capcom has been milking its streetfighter franchise and now midway is playin monkey see monkey do, i have a ds and im not going to buy umk. sorry got side tracked, anyway yeah! STOP MILKING iT! make a new 1 ya lazy bastards.
-if your goin to make a 3d mk, do it on the wii, and on ps3 & xbox, do a hi res 2d or, 3d with REAL isitic charracters(photos) , youve gone tooooo fantasy, maybe you should start a fantasy themed mk but concentrate on the kore factors of what mk is.
-1 thing ive noticed is the lack of imagination in the fatalities.
i have pLenty of ideas but hay im just a minority.
-if mk armageddon is so good, why is it that i never played as the charracters and i focused on kreate-a -fighter? well that because its what the fantasy based mk should be, seperate the 2, why not have Kreate-a-kombat (entierly new game) and on the other end focus on wii boxing style mk(first person fighting if your trying something new) or stay true to the old style.whatever ,im basically saying stop it with your ports or you will lose your customers midway, just like street fighter lost me! nintendo let me down, im converting to my arch nemesis sony, at leat they put out. oh and xbox rocks! evil bill gates is a clever 1.
08/30/2007 03:58 PM (UTC)
Why aren't you mentioning about the more important things, namely gameplay?

Like I said in the other thread, using digitized actors is bad, because it's outdated and results in restricted movements. It's better to go with motion capturing actors and designing the human-type characters in a photo-realistic fashion.

I kind of see what you're saying about UMK3.

MK8 will be coming out on the next-gen systems, and it'll likely be a 3D game. I don't think MK should go back to being a 2D game. MK has always had fantasy elements in it.

I kind of see what you're saying about some of the fatalities. You'd have to be specific though.

I don't think the Kreate-A-Fighter mode should be its own game. I'd rather still have that as a part of the game itself.

Overall, I don't find much of what you're saying to be reasonable, and it seems that you care much more about the fluff instead of the real important things like good gameplay.
08/30/2007 08:43 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Why aren't you mentioning about the more important things, namely gameplay?

Like I said in the other thread, using digitized actors is bad, because it's outdated and results in restricted movements. It's better to go with motion capturing actors and designing the human-type characters in a photo-realistic fashion.

I kind of see what you're saying about UMK3.

MK8 will be coming out on the next-gen systems, and it'll likely be a 3D game. I don't think MK should go back to being a 2D game. MK has always had fantasy elements in it.

I kind of see what you're saying about some of the fatalities. You'd have to be specific though.

I don't think the Kreate-A-Fighter mode should be its own game. I'd rather still have that as a part of the game itself.

Overall, I don't find much of what you're saying to be reasonable, and it seems that you care much more about the fluff instead of the real important things like good gameplay.

That is what lots of new users do. They are all fluff, no reality. Going back to 2D is unreasonable.
I agree that they should stop remaking UMK3 they really for the DS should of done either MK Trilogy or MK4 that said i will still buy UMK3 because it is a good game and has online and i can play it anywhere i go.
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