I say NO to Dark Raiden
posted11/26/2005 03:38 PM (UTC)by
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11/22/2005 09:34 PM (UTC)
I like for them to find a way to bring back Light Raiden. I HATE dark raiden.
I have seen enough dark brooding characters in MK series. I don't need anymore of that type.
Light Raiden is my favorite good guy character, and Vogal had to make him butthead. Ah man!
I wouldve settled for a godless Light Raiden that can still use lighting.
I really hope Dark Raiden is temporary.

Bring back Light Raiden!

11/23/2005 05:44 AM (UTC)
I'm all for Dark Raiden.

For starters, I always prefered Raiden as he was when he first appeared in MK1 and 2(crazy and pissed off) over the mellow, benevolent Protector of Earth that he became.

But I also feel Raiden losing his patience and slowly going nuts is a welcome change of direction to his story and character. I want to see how far he goes and just how bad he gets. I'm looking forward to seeing the good guys having to deal with their mentor/leader going insane. I'm also interested in seeing how Shao Kahn and Shinnok(if he ever returns) react and deal with Raiden's sudden change of heart. And this is also a golden oppurtunity for Fujin to step into the spotlight.

And this may just be me, but I think there's more to Raiden going dark than his simply losing his patience. I think there's something more sinister at work.

I do want to point out though that I hope he isn't the boss of MK7. If becoming the boss is the direction they're taking him, I think they need to hold it off for at least one more game with Raiden losing his mind and patience more and more.
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11/23/2005 08:49 AM (UTC)
I'm at mixed opinion of Dark Raiden, but the thing I dislike is this sudden evil everyone thinks he is or wants him to be. Raiden is not evil. He's a good guy and now a renegade. Rules now mean nothing to him and he will do what he must to ensure Earthrealms protection, no matter how risky it is or who he has to kill to make it so. As XiahouDun8, it's a welcome change, but they shouldn't take away from what Raiden is. He's a good guy. It needs to be stay that way no matter how dark he becomes.
11/23/2005 08:56 AM (UTC)
I like the "Dark Raiden" storyline, it's one of my favourites from MKD. Raiden needed something new, and it's a logical step that he slowly loses patience as a result of the years of fighting. I hope it carries on for another game or two, but I'm not sure if this should be a permanent change.

I think it's wrong that people assume "dark" must automatically mean evil, this isn't the case here. OK, Raiden killing Shujinko may seem evil, but he did it with the view of protecting Earth. Shujinko had (accidentally) caused the whole Onaga situation, and Raiden had simply reached breaking point. I like to think of him like Judge Dredd, upholding the law at all costs, no matter who has to die. Same with Raiden, he's been charged with protecting Earth, and that's what he's gonna do, whatever it takes.
Yes, it's also a good change to have say Liu Kang, Kung Lao or maybe even Johnny Cage try to stop their mentor from doing any more harm. Like next game, Raiden might be the final boss (or at the very least a sub-boss) Either way, this plotline has some kind of twist coming, as something must have triggered Raiden's immediately change. Something happened to him inbetween the time he was blown up and he reformed. Was it perhaps the One Being who allowed Raiden to return? Or is the One Being slowly taking over Raiden's mind? We'll see.
11/23/2005 03:23 PM (UTC)
I agree, no more dark raiden. I want the original back.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/23/2005 03:56 PM (UTC)
yeah Dark Raiden wont be here veay long cuz i he just a zombe like god of the real Raiden, MKD at the binging they have Raiden and ST and QC fighting then the Dragn King comes and they tryed to stop him but Raiden knows that he and ST,QC cant stop him so Raiden blew up the Palce so Raiden, ST, and QC died. But Raiden death was for a while so i think one of the Elder Gods send a other Raiden to help Eerth but something happend and they send Dark Raiden.
11/23/2005 05:39 PM (UTC)
cyrax24 Wrote:
yeah Dark Raiden wont be here veay long cuz i he just a zombe like god of the real Raiden, MKD at the binging they have Raiden and ST and QC fighting then the Dragn King comes and they tryed to stop him but Raiden knows that he and ST,QC cant stop him so Raiden blew up the Palce so Raiden, ST, and QC died. But Raiden death was for a while so i think one of the Elder Gods send a other Raiden to help Eerth but something happend and they send Dark Raiden.

Gah, I really hope that won't be the case. That would be stupid.

Anyway, like XiahouDun84, I'm all for the Dark Raiden concept. It's something new and fresh for his character. Not only should we see how Shao Kahn and Shinnok react, but there should also be reactions from Liu Kang and Kung Lao. I wouldn't be surprised if the One Being has something to do with it like in XiahouDun84's story. I hope they can continue this dark path and see what becomes of him.

As for some wanting Light Raiden to come back, it would be a bad idea, imo as it would damage his character. It would be stupid to me if he were to go dark in one game and then return to the way he was before in the next...It just takes away some great story potential.
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11/23/2005 06:05 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
cyrax24 Wrote:
yeah Dark Raiden wont be here veay long cuz i he just a zombe like god of the real Raiden, MKD at the binging they have Raiden and ST and QC fighting then the Dragn King comes and they tryed to stop him but Raiden knows that he and ST,QC cant stop him so Raiden blew up the Palce so Raiden, ST, and QC died. But Raiden death was for a while so i think one of the Elder Gods send a other Raiden to help Eerth but something happend and they send Dark Raiden.

Gah, I really hope that won't be the case. That would be stupid.

Anyway, like XiahouDun84, I'm all for the Dark Raiden concept. It's something new and fresh for his character. Not only should we see how Shao Kahn and Shinnok react, but there should also be reactions from Liu Kang and Kung Lao. I wouldn't be surprised if the One Being has something to do with it like in XiahouDun84's story. I hope they can continue this dark path and see what becomes of him.

As for some wanting Light Raiden to come back, it would be a bad idea, imo as it would damage his character. It would be stupid to me if he were to go dark in one game and then return to the way he was before in the next...It just takes away some great story potential.

Amen. Raiden never was a good guy originally. I consider the Darker aspect of the thunder god to be a reference to Mk1 in a sense. Very good.
11/23/2005 06:10 PM (UTC)
Yeah. I kind of wonder if his personality in MKD is the result of feelings he kept hidden and maybe denied it. Perhaps not only will his anger go out to the mortals of Earthrealm but also the Elder Gods themselves.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/23/2005 07:58 PM (UTC)
I do think its a good idea, it makes him seem more of a powerful god. It also gives cue for a few other characters to step in, Fujin was mentioned earlier but i also think that this would be a good time for Kai to return. Remeber he has got Raidens old Lightning stick, god knows what he could have being doing with it!! nudge nudge.
11/23/2005 08:04 PM (UTC)
I hope this new furious Dork Raiden is temporary! I could agree that he can't instantly become Light Raiden in the next game.

But i don't want Dark Raiden to be perment. I'm hoping after a few chapters.
Someone will put Raiden back on the LIGHT path again.
May it be Liu Kang, Fujin or any character of good alignment.

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11/23/2005 09:10 PM (UTC)
Contrast always gives complexity to an extent. But as we all know, writers can fuck up even the simplest things. Vogel is however above "that much ingeniosity" (is that even a real word?).

The real Raiden, lol ...a demon eating the bellybuttons of children and playing on violently pounding drums..god of thunder, wonder how Raiden looks when in non-human form? The original has red hair all over himself.
11/23/2005 09:25 PM (UTC)
Keep Dark Raiden for now cause I have a feeling things are going to take center stage next game with this storyline. Instantly putting him back to Light Raiden next game would be a mistake I feel.
11/24/2005 12:48 AM (UTC)
I actually like Dark Rayden.

I LOVE his new attitude.
11/24/2005 01:48 AM (UTC)
His new personality sux!
I just want to add.

I could see Raiden eventually turning back to Light Raiden, but only after say one or two games.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/24/2005 03:06 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
I actually like Dark Rayden.

I LOVE his new attitude.

Yeah his attitude in MKD his COOL, he does not seem like he would try to protact Erath but he has too as i said while back, they send him cuz something happend to the other god Fujin.
11/24/2005 05:11 PM (UTC)
How about Light raiden with Dark raiden as alternate costume.
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11/24/2005 05:19 PM (UTC)
We are talking about Raiden as a character, not as a unit of gameplay. A costume change would be for nothing alone.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/24/2005 05:22 PM (UTC)
True true.
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11/24/2005 05:50 PM (UTC)
man simple truth. dark raiden wont be a boss. and wont be all evil... he just has a new attitude.. he will be a hell of alot more demanding, and straigh to the point....

instead of going through tournaments, "he will have a F*** it ill just kill them myself attitude"

i honestly hope... and i really really hope that when you do the tournament with a bad guy, u fight Raiden at the end.

when you do it with a good guy you fight (whoever the boss is)

coz think about it, Raiden is still the same, he just isnt gunna let anyone even try to fuck with earth anymore, You isnt evil and never will be. But he will become dark.

I also think the next game should have some history, why did shao kahn wanna rule, how did rayden become a god etc etc
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/24/2005 06:01 PM (UTC)
Yeah, hes no evil just more agressive and will do anything to protect earthrealm which is not evil.

I just hope the "New Raiden" still shouts "GIMMEEEEE YOUR MONEY"!!!!!!!"

lol What the hell does he actually shout when he does his flying attack?
11/24/2005 06:39 PM (UTC)
Randy Wrote:
Yeah, hes no evil just more agressive and will do anything to protect earthrealm which is not evil.

I just hope the "New Raiden" still shouts "GIMMEEEEE YOUR MONEY"!!!!!!!"

lol What the hell does he actually shout when he does his flying attack?

Aa th-e-gee ba ba-re

Well I tried
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/24/2005 06:59 PM (UTC)
Its the trying that counts lol!! Anyone else fancy a shot? Or anyone else actualy know? confused
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