I Need Help Understanding Shinnok.
posted03/22/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/01/2006 11:55 PM (UTC)
Hey guys. Sorry if this topic is in the wrong forum but I felt it was pretty relevant to MKX.

I need some clarity. Ever since his introduction I have always been confused by the story of Shinnok and I was hoping you people could help me get some clarity once and for all.

So in the beginning we have the elder gods. Elder gods destroy the one being and give us reality as we know it. Then Shinnok for some reason feels like being an all powerful god just isn’t enough anymore so he goes to become lord of an entire realm. Pre-human earthrealm, which is home to Reptile’s people yes?

Raiden doesn’t like that very much so he wages an all out war with his superior and creator. During this scuffle the entire realm is rendered a wasteland and almost all inhabitants are killed; but Shinnok is brought to his knees stripped of his power by his brethren and damned to the Netherrealm.
So I guess...god job Raiden?(god of useless)

Okay here is where the questions come in.

Has it ever been established in some obscure interview or piece of lore or anything why Shinnok wanted a realm for himself? What did he possibly have to gain from this? He was already an all powerful deity who was a master of all realms.

Why did he feel the need to own one realm?

Did he desire worship? It couldn’t have been power because he already had it.

It’s said he betrayed his brethren but, how? How did him seizing control and presenting himself to the denizens of earthrealm betray his fellow gods? He surly couldn’t use simple mortals to try and overthrow the elders so...what? Did they just not like him mingling and interfering with the lives of mortals?

Why did Raiden have such an issue with this? Was it because even back then he was tasked with being protector of the Zaterran earthrealm and Shinnok seizing control just didn’t sit right with him?

One final question. I keep seeing people mention that it was indeed the Zaterran’s who inhabited earthrealm before humans and during the war between Raiden and Shinnok they fled to another realm. I don’t know where this piece of lore popped up. I have never seen it. Could someone please give me a source to this?
Arthur Zonatto
03/22/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
I guess he didn't want to be 'toothless' as his brethren, and maybe, some action? [we see in Raiden's story from MK4 to MK Deadly Alliance that he couldn't do anything to help Earthrealm as long as he was an Elder God. He had to relinquish his status to help fight Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, even though he was a lot less powerful than as an Elder God.]

Anyways, when the realms were created, each had one defining source of 'power', Seido having order, the realm of chaos having, well, chaos, and Earthrealm having...frankly, I don't know, but that's what Shinnok saw that would give him immense power and, as you said, worship. But to be the Ruler of Earthrealm, he had to relinquish his status [pattern?] and, thus, a lot of his power. So he forged his amulet to retain most of his powers whilst now being able to enter the realms.

Raiden saw him as a great threat [rightfully so] and went on an all-out war against him and, perhaps, his forces? [some lesser beings made by Shinnok or that just decided to follow his lead, that's unclear even in the original timeline.] and, assuming Shinnok had some sort of army, that could mean Raiden's forces were the Saurians, Reptile's race [That can explain how they were decimated] and Raiden won, banishing Shinnok to the NetherRealm immediately afterwards. There, he was tortured by Lucifer himself until he joined forces with Quan Chi and overthrew Lucifer, yadda yadda.

Well, to me the Elder Gods [save Shinnok] are all lazy and selfish, so they do not interfere in the living of the realms, they're just worried about preventing Armageddon and the One Being's return. So what Shinnok did could be considered an act of rebellion and, thus, treachery. Elder Gods are weird to understand, dude.

And that last bit about the saurians esacping to Outworld...ehh, I've never heard about that. I think some old comics explain that [some, very few of them] Saurians escaped to Zaterra from Shinnok and Raiden's bloody war, and then Zaterra was taken over and merged with Outworld by losing 10 straight Mortal Kombat tournaments. But if the ruler of Outworld was Shao Kahn or the Dragon King Onaga, I don't know. [probably Shao Kahn tho, that mofo loved him some merged realms.]

Well, I hope that cleared things a bit. I had to answer this, Shinnok's ma fave!

Off-Topic: I believe Shinnok's MKX variations will be indicated by his gems' color. My profile pic [even tho I edited it] had green gems and other media shows him having red gems. Maybe the last one will have purple gems, though blue gems would look awesome.
They need to give a clear reason for why the Elder Gods can't just intervene with problems until someone flat out tries merging realms without Mortal Kombat.

Some kind of "we lost so much power trying to beat Shinnok's ass that we had to set these rules up in place as a preventative measure" might work.
About Me
03/22/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
The Elder gods don't enter the realms out of fear of awakening the One Being.^
About Me

Top 5 MK Fighters: Scorpion, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung

03/22/2015 07:53 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
The Elder gods don't enter the realms out of fear of awakening the One Being.^

Holy shit, seriously?

Thank you so much for clearing that up, I KNEW I had to have been missing something simple.

Sorry for clogging up the thread with dumb shit then. Thanks guys. Just curious, what game was that stated? Deception? I assume because that's when I remember the One Being thing being stated.
About Me
03/22/2015 08:02 PM (UTC)
About Me

03/22/2015 08:02 PM (UTC)
Did Raiden participate in Shinnok first defeat?

All the ones I flipped around with a pencil and paper when the game came out were joke ones. I can't believe I missed that many.

Thanks again yo, that was helpful.
03/22/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
Reptile's homeland isn't pre-human earth, his world (Zaterra) was absorbed and merged by Shao Kahn. I don't remember if it was inside an orb like others though, but it's not Earthrealm.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/22/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Did Raiden participate in Shinnok first defeat?

Yes he did.
03/22/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Inside of an orb?

IIRC Edenia and Nitara's realms were inside of an orb or something similar. I don't remember right now if both of them were contained in orbs.



Here is what I was talking about. I have to check if a similar thing was used to free Edenia in the original timeline.
Lokheit Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Inside of an orb?

IIRC Edenia and Nitara's realms were inside of an orb or something similar. I don't remember right now if both of them were contained in orbs.



Here is what I was talking about. I have to check if a similar thing was used to free Edenia in the original timeline.

Oh, I had thought that orb just transported Nitara back to her realm. I figured it had already been separated from Outworld some time after Kahn's defeat in MK2/3 like Edenia was.
03/22/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Inside of an orb?

IIRC Edenia and Nitara's realms were inside of an orb or something similar. I don't remember right now if both of them were contained in orbs.



Here is what I was talking about. I have to check if a similar thing was used to free Edenia in the original timeline.

Oh, I had thought that orb just transported Nitara back to her realm. I figured it had already been separated from Outworld some time after Kahn's defeat in MK2/3 like Edenia was.

Searching through the wiki I found the reference of the Saurians inhabiting Earthrealm before Zaterra, but I need to find the source of this as it sounds like something that could've been stated on the conquest series that aren't canon as far as I know.
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