I Know Everyones Got One, but Heres Mine*Spoilers*
posted05/01/2011 12:27 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/29/2011 04:04 PM (UTC)
My proposed MK10 storymode and other things.. First off, I know this is going to seem like fanfiction, and frankly, I know that's really all it is.

It would start with Quan Chi and an army of the dead(including the fallen heroes)arriving at the Wushi Academy through a portal from the Netherrealm. Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi, and Cyrax emerge with the monks to face them and then Raiden appears.

Chapter 1: Raiden- The shortest chapter, fights-wise, but it would include the intro cutscene. You fight a few undead heroes from the last game and then a boss-mode Quan Chi. After you've defeated Quan Chi, Shinnok steps forward from the portal. He soundly thrashes Raiden and the other present heroes are also getting their asses kicked. Raiden sees that the fight is hopeless and refuses to lose more heroes, so he teleports them away in a flash of lightning, leaving the Wushi Academy and the monks to their fate.

Chapter2: Johnny Cage-Johnny is doing battle with "Shao Kahn" on the "rooftop"(Which now has a stage fatality: You drag the opponent to the background and smash their face into what appears to be an invisible wall, until the mural-screen tears and a brick wall is exposed behind it. Their face is smashed until the fron is caved into a bloody mess). Upon "Shao Kahn"s defeat, it is revealed that Johnny is in the midst of filming the thrilling climax to his latest movie: MORTAL KOMBAT. Reptile then appears, having been invisible. Grips, staff, and "Shao Kahn" all panic and you fight him. After the fight he pleads for surrender and tells Johnny that he's here only to ask if Johnny will take audience with his queen/empress, Mileena. The next scene is in Mileena's throneroom. She will be flanked by Baraka and Reiko. There is mention of a "great enemy which threatens both Outworld and Earthrealm" and they're basically offering an olive branch to attempt to forge an alliance. Being the snarky guy he is, Johnny says something that really should offend Mileena, but she doesn't really catch it. It DOES offend Baraka, who issues a challenge to defend his empress' honor. You beat him up. When that's all said and done, several members of the Brotherhood of Shadows appear(Klassic Noob)and a brawl ensues. You fight a tag match between one of them and an undead hero. In the aftermath, Johnny sees that this could indeed be a problem and agrees to forge an alliance between the two realms.

Chapter 3: Baraka-Baraka, accompanied by Reptile and Johnny, travels to the realm of the Shokan and explains that they, along with some former Edenians are vying with Mileena for control of Outworld. Your first fight is against Sheeva. Next, you do battle with Kintaro and learn that he laments the loss of Shao Kahn, but still fights alongside the Shokan rather than Mileena. When you beat Kintaro, he is sent smashing through the door into Goro's throneroom and the three heroes follow shortly after. Here you fight Rain who is the leader of the Edenian dissidents. This is followed by a reverse tag match against a souped up Goro Where you control Baraka and Johnny. When all is said and done, Goro refuses to aid Mileena because she has shown weakness in asking for the help of Earthrealm in the coming conflict. Johnny says something witty as the scene fades to black.

Coming soon: MORE featuring the Ermac Chapter and Bo Rai Cho chapter.
04/30/2011 06:34 PM (UTC)
Will there be a Mileena chapter?
04/30/2011 06:43 PM (UTC)
REPTILE0009 Wrote:
Will there be a Mileena chapter?

Since I don't know if there'll be ANY of the chapters I'm theorizing(I'm just a fan, not an NRS staffer)I don't know. I'd come up with one, though. It'd be nice to give some of the villains who got stomped in MK9 a chapter in which they could shine.
04/30/2011 07:21 PM (UTC)
Hope there are chapters with...
- Kai
- Liu Kang
- Kenshi
- Sub-Zero
- Scorpion
- Li Mei
04/30/2011 07:50 PM (UTC)
Sanguinius Wrote:
My proposed MK10 storymode and other things.. First off, I know this is going to seem like fanfiction, and frankly, I know that's really all it is.

It would start with Quan Chi and an army of the dead(including the fallen heroes)arriving at the Wushi Academy through a portal from the Netherrealm. Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi, and Cyrax emerge with the monks to face them and then Raiden appears.

Chapter 1: Raiden- The shortest chapter, fights-wise, but it would include the intro cutscene. You fight a few undead heroes from the last game and then a boss-mode Quan Chi. After you've defeated Quan Chi, Shinnok steps forward from the portal. He soundly thrashes Raiden and the other present heroes are also getting their asses kicked. Raiden sees that the fight is hopeless and refuses to lose more heroes, so he teleports them away in a flash of lightning, leaving the Wushi Academy and the monks to their fate.

Chapter2: Johnny Cage-Johnny is doing battle with "Shao Kahn" on the "rooftop"(Which now has a stage fatality: You drag the opponent to the background and smash their face into what appears to be an invisible wall, until the mural-screen tears and a brick wall is exposed behind it. Their face is smashed until the fron is caved into a bloody mess). Upon "Shao Kahn"s defeat, it is revealed that Johnny is in the midst of filming the thrilling climax to his latest movie: MORTAL KOMBAT. Reptile then appears, having been invisible. Grips, staff, and "Shao Kahn" all panic and you fight him. After the fight he pleads for surrender and tells Johnny that he's here only to ask if Johnny will take audience with his queen/empress, Mileena. The next scene is in Mileena's throneroom. She will be flanked by Baraka and Reiko. There is mention of a "great enemy which threatens both Outworld and Earthrealm" and they're basically offering an olive branch to attempt to forge an alliance. Being the snarky guy he is, Johnny says something that really should offend Mileena, but she doesn't really catch it. It DOES offend Baraka, who issues a challenge to defend his empress' honor. You beat him up. When that's all said and done, several members of the Brotherhood of Shadows appear(Klassic Noob)and a brawl ensues. You fight a tag match between one of them and an undead hero. In the aftermath, Johnny sees that this could indeed be a problem and agrees to forge an alliance between the two realms.

Chapter 3: Baraka-Baraka, accompanied by Reptile and Johnny, travels to the realm of the Shokan and explains that they, along with some former Edenians are vying with Mileena for control of Outworld. Your first fight is against Sheeva. Next, you do battle with Kintaro and learn that he laments the loss of Shao Kahn, but still fights alongside the Shokan rather than Mileena. When you beat Kintaro, he is sent smashing through the door into Goro's throneroom and the three heroes follow shortly after. Here you fight Rain who is the leader of the Edenian dissidents. This is followed by a reverse tag match against a souped up Goro Where you control Baraka and Johnny. When all is said and done, Goro refuses to aid Mileena because she has shown weakness in asking for the help of Earthrealm in the coming conflict. Johnny says something witty as the scene fades to black.

Chapter 4: Ermac-Ermac is seen wandering aimlessly through the wastelands of Outworld. There is a voiceover narration by the announcer(hopefully still Kevin Michael Richardson) explaining that without Shao Kahn's control Ermac is without purpose, and lost. He is attacked by two NPC Tarkatans and this is a 1v2 tag fight. After the fight, Ermac shows mercy, which confuses him at first. There is very clearly an internal struggle which quickly becomes a mirror match against his alt costume(or maybe the player is his alt if it's not the same as the one in MK9)This is representative of a good soul(possibly Jerrod) finally winning dominance over the legion that is Ermac. The Tarkatans, having watched this internal struggle unfold before them suddenly flee as a member of the Brotherhood of Shadows appears. After his defeat, an undead Sindel or Kitana arrives. You battle here, and Ermac falters in delivering a finishing blow after the fight, a glimmer of recognition passing through him. Then a mass of shadows surround Ermac and Brotherhood members rise from the massive shadow that has engulfed him, dragging him down into it.

Chapter 5: Bo Rai Cho-Raiden and company(Kenshi, Bo, and Cyrax) appear at the Elder Gods' summit place...thing. But the daises lack the spectral, disembodied heads/busts of the Elder Gods. A great gust of wind blows, sending Kenshi and Cyrax sprawling and causing Bo Rai Cho to stumble a bit, as if on unsure footing. Fuujin rides in on a gust, like a boss, and after a few words with Raiden about how the Elder Gods are not present and preening a new toy, he asks for Raiden's champion to step forward. Raiden, like a kicked puppy, explains that Liu Kang is dead. This is clearly the first that the other gods have heard of this, and Fuujin seems distressed. At this point he asks for Raiden's next best. At Raiden's behest, Bo steps forward and Fuujin appears skeptical. What follow are a series of fights against first Shang Tsung, then Liu, then a mirror match, and culminating with Fuujin himself. The first three are under a spectral/clear filter as they are constructs of divine wind. Upon besting these challenges, Bo is asked to remain here to assist him the Elder Gods with their latest endeavor. Raiden is then asked to leave, his questions unanswered. He will need to look elsewhere for aid...

Working on Kenshi and Cyrax in my head right now. I'll be back later with more.
04/30/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
Chapter 6:Kenshi-Cyrax, Kenshi, and Raiden appear in the Lin Kuei temple. They do battle with several generic ninjas and cyber ninjas. Kenshi fights Sektor while Cyrax delves into the Lin Kuei's computer mainframe to find any information on powerful Earthrealm warriors, as they would be of interest to the Lin Kuei. Upon Sektor's defeat, Cyrax has found compiled a list of potential allies, as well as erased all data pertaining to the Cyber Initiative. The heroes leave in a bolt of lightning. Cyrax tells Raiden that he has found a means of undoing some of the locks his cybernetic body has put on his chi and that he needs the Thunder God's help in removing them. Kenshi is sent to seek aid from other earthborn warriors. Kenshi first finds Jarek, a member of the Black Dragon that is being hauled away by the Special Forces for some crime. He defeats the SF escort and informs Jarek of the need for his aid. Jarek refuses and a fight breaks out. Upon being soundly beaten by Kenshi, Jarek acquiesces to the blind swordsman. Next, the two of them encounter a young female thief in the midst of a heist from an ancient burial chamber. This woman is of great interest to the Lin Kuei due to her ability to manipulate cold and ice, like the Sub-Zero brothers. Frost freezes Jarek solid as she is surprised by them and believes herself under attack. She attacks Kenshi immediately after. Once beaten, Kenshi explains their situation and she seems skeptical, until an attack by a fallen hero. Kenshi defeats the fallen hero and (s)he flees. With the gravity of what's happening, Frost accepts the invitation to join the team.

Chapter 7: Mileena: Baraka and company have returned from their failed negotiations with the Outworld rebels. Quan Chi arrives in a similar fashion to his appearance at the Wushi Academy. This time, however, he is only accompanied by the revenants of Kitana and Jade. They easily beat back the other characters and challenge Mileena. She relishes at a chance to again kombat her "sister". After their defeat, Kitana and Jade vanish and Quan Chi moves to strike down Mileena. Johnny and Reiko step in and force him back through the portal. Tanya, an Edenian slave girl, accuses her mistress of being weak for allowing such impudence. Her honor insulted, Mileena orders Baraka and Reptile to accompany her into the Netherrealm. Reiko, wary of Tanya, advises against the action. Mileena ignores him and enters the Netherrealm. In the Netherrealm, Mileena finds herself separated from her companions and encounters Scorpion. After beating Scorpion Mileena encounters a newly zombified Baraka and must defeat him. Quan Chi commends her for her ability to fight, without remorse, a friend. She attacks him out of having her pride broken and Quan Chi is in boss-mode. With Quan Chi lying defeated at her feet, the shadow of Shinnok looms over her and she is blasted with green energy as the screen fades to black.
04/30/2011 11:02 PM (UTC)
Tell me Mileena didn't diesad
04/30/2011 11:08 PM (UTC)
Sanguinius Wrote:
Chapter 6:Kenshi-Cyrax, Kenshi, and Raiden appear in the Lin Kuei temple. They do battle with several generic ninjas and cyber ninjas. Kenshi fights Sektor while Cyrax delves into the Lin Kuei's computer mainframe to find any information on powerful Earthrealm warriors, as they would be of interest to the Lin Kuei. Upon Sektor's defeat, Cyrax has found compiled a list of potential allies, as well as erased all data pertaining to the Cyber Initiative. The heroes leave in a bolt of lightning. Cyrax tells Raiden that he has found a means of undoing some of the locks his cybernetic body has put on his chi and that he needs the Thunder God's help in removing them. Kenshi is sent to seek aid from other earthborn warriors. Kenshi first finds Jarek, a member of the Black Dragon that is being hauled away by the Special Forces for some crime. He defeats the SF escort and informs Jarek of the need for his aid. Jarek refuses and a fight breaks out. Upon being soundly beaten by Kenshi, Jarek acquiesces to the blind swordsman. Next, the two of them encounter a young female thief in the midst of a heist from an ancient burial chamber. This woman is of great interest to the Lin Kuei due to her ability to manipulate cold and ice, like the Sub-Zero brothers. Frost freezes Jarek solid as she is surprised by them and believes herself under attack. She attacks Kenshi immediately after. Once beaten, Kenshi explains their situation and she seems skeptical, until an attack by a fallen hero. Kenshi defeats the fallen hero and (s)he flees. With the gravity of what's happening, Frost accepts the invitation to join the team.

Chapter 7: Mileena: Baraka and company have returned from their failed negotiations with the Outworld rebels. Quan Chi arrives in a similar fashion to his appearance at the Wushi Academy. This time, however, he is only accompanied by the revenants of Kitana and Jade. They easily beat back the other characters and challenge Mileena. She relishes at a chance to again kombat her "sister". After their defeat, Kitana and Jade vanish and Quan Chi moves to strike down Mileena. Johnny and Reiko step in and force him back through the portal. Tanya, an Edenian slave girl, accuses her mistress of being weak for allowing such impudence. Her honor insulted, Mileena orders Baraka and Reptile to accompany her into the Netherrealm. Reiko, wary of Tanya, advises against the action. Mileena ignores him and enters the Netherrealm. In the Netherrealm, Mileena finds herself separated from her companions and encounters Scorpion. After beating Scorpion Mileena encounters a newly zombified Baraka and must defeat him. Quan Chi commends her for her ability to fight, without remorse, a friend. She attacks him out of having her pride broken and Quan Chi is in boss-mode. With Quan Chi lying defeated at her feet, the shadow of Shinnok looms over her and she is blasted with green energy as the screen fades to black.

Chapter 8: Reptile- Appearing alone in the Netherrealm, Reptile sees, and follows, a member of the Brotherhood of Shadows. He then finds that they have Ermac chained to those two poles that everyone gets tied to in the Netherrealm and they, along with some shadow priest looking fellows, are chanting and performing some ritual. Reptile turns to leave and finds the Stryker revenant standing behind him. Upon defeating the revenant, the Brotherhood guys turn their attentions to him and send their shadows to capture him. Reptile regains before Shinnok and Quan Chi and sees the newly ghosted Baraka and Mileena. He is given a choice: serve them willingly and have Zaterra restored, or join his friends. Reptile is next on Earthrealm, stalking Skarlet. You defeat her, and Reptile performs a ritualistic killing to gift her soul to his new masters. Reptile then finds and attacks Kenshi and company, but before he can deliver the finishing blow, he is chased off by Fuujin. The last fight is a tag battle with Jarek and Frost, just before Fuujin arrives. Reptile returns to the Netherrealm and is led into a dark room by the Brotherhood of Shadow as the scene fades out.

Chapter 9: Cyrax- The chapter starts abruptly with human and cyborg Cyrax sitting in the Wushi Academy. They speak in cryptic psudopsychobabble. Stuff the scriptwriters think sounds deep. Then they fight. Upon cyborg Cyrax's defeat, we're treated to Cyrax sitting in a meditative position with Raiden standing nearby. He states that it is done, and his will is no longer shackled. Team Kenshi arrive shortly after and he informs Raiden and Cyrax that they found only the brutalized corpses of the remainder of the Lin Kuei's list. All but one. A man who had been traveling between realms for the last several years. A man named Shujinko. Lin Kuei assassins and cyborgs attack at this point and Cyrax must face Sektor. After this fight, the Lin Kuei escape to lick their wounds, but not before Sektor mentions something about the "invasion of Outworld". Cyrax's chapter ends rather quickly here. Will be back with more, later. Looking to get some chow.
05/01/2011 12:27 AM (UTC)
I dunno about Mileena going into the Nether-Realm like that. She's childish and immature, but she's not dumb.
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