I just had an idea for a future tactical MK game *Story update April 17*
posted04/21/2006 04:45 AM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
What if there was an MK game that worked like a tactics game? Not like chess, I mean like a Front Mission 4 type game? Here's an idea for one I had, so without further adu......

Mortal Kombat Tactics

Here's how the game would work, the first thing you do is either move, wait, save-in-game, or edit the options. If you move, you can either attack an adjacent enemy, use a special ability that costs SP (Skill Points) use Sorcerroy (magic, like a FF game has) use items, or wait. An attack is a normal move that takes damage depending on character's attributes. A special attack is an interactive move. Some specials might require button mashing, guessing, ect. Sorceroy is used only by characters that have the status to do it i.e. Quan Chi, Raiden ect. The status is the characers race. Items is something that everyoby should know.

i'll do the storyline later. Tell me what you think?
About Me
"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
04/15/2006 01:42 PM (UTC)
I dont really like side off games like Chess, Puzzle and this. I would rather play good old MK any time over any of these. I just think it would be very boring to play this, it seems it wil be quite automatic apart from the button bashing.

It just seems to much like the so called "Chess"

I would rather see a MMORPG of MK, using the same base as you have said but allowing you to move around freely etc. Like World of Warcraft for instance.
04/15/2006 04:48 PM (UTC)
Ah, so your going for the type of "you hit me, then I hit you" kind of game. Kind of like Final Fantasy and The Third Age? These games don't really make me go excited over. I actaully would prefer full out attacking, like in Mortal Kombat. But otherwise then the "chess" mode thing, it seems to be pretty cool. You should get the storyline up so we can get more detail.
04/16/2006 01:49 AM (UTC)
Good idea itd definatly sell not 4 me tho n i dont wana speak 4 ppl but i dont think many MK gamers wud buy it ppl who play final fantasy wud likly buy it.
04/16/2006 02:49 AM (UTC)
Jack's theory is correct I guess. Well, besides me. Okay, I'll start the storyline now:

This game is the future Generation, but with only some new characters


Here is the tutorial. You start as Liu Kang being taught by Fujin at the temple. Kung Lao is the practice dummy pretty much. After that, you unlock Liu Kang, and Kung Lao as playable characters/ Here are their stats:

Liu Kang
Status: Mortal Kombat Champion
Specials: Fireball, Flying kick (more as progressing)
Is average in attributes

Kung Lao
Satus: Monk
Specials: Hat throw, Dive Kcik
Excels in Moving

After that you are takin to the monk's sanctuary, and discover sometihng is wrong. All the monks are acting strange......

One monks come into Liu Kang's room while he's asleep, and trys to kill him. Kung Lao was there to kill the monk, and when he see's the body falling, he discovers that it wwas sometihng else. It looked like a robot and a demon. Kung Lao and Liu Kang hurried out, but there were a dozen robot demons to fight.

After the battle you continue north until you find a portal. More demons arive through it, and one full robot. After that battle you find out that Noob's army was actually created even though Noob was dead. Smoke was the one who told you after reprogramming him. Smoke joins you.

Satus: Robot
Specials: Smoke Cloud, Tele-Punch
Excels in Defense

The three go through the protal to stop the army, and find out what happened to the monks for even Smoke doesn't know.

The portal lead to the netherrealm where an army of onis and demons awaited you for a fight. Ashrah was there fighting the deomons. Ashrah joins you here.

Status: Demon
Specials: Kriss, Air blast
Excels in Speed

After the battle Ashrah explains that she was trying to kill them to ascend from the netherrealm. She didn't kill Noob so she remained in the netherealm.
More to come. Post comments
04/16/2006 02:58 AM (UTC)
An army of robot monks made from Noob Saibot? Interesting theory, although what would the point be of him creating these robots? To me, it seems like you gather characters way to fast. It should be one companion per level. If you are to have them all with each other (all with the same time). Now telling that this story doesn't give that much of what is going on, you need to post more and more parts to it, so we can understand the whole point to this.

You should also tell us which level is which. When they beat a level tell us when the next level comes. Because if before they got into the netherrealm was a level, then that must of been pretty dang short level! I also think that you should include whatever else might be in a normal game for each level. Like secrets, interactive enviroments, and descriptive detail on the background/character. Seems interesting to play! Keep the story coming!
04/16/2006 03:25 AM (UTC)
Black-Rose Wrote:
An army of robot monks made from Noob Saibot? Interesting theory, although what would the point be of him creating these robots? To me, it seems like you gather characters way to fast. It should be one companion per level. If you are to have them all with each other (all with the same time). Now telling that this story doesn't give that much of what is going on, you need to post more and more parts to it, so we can understand the whole point to this.

You should also tell us which level is which. When they beat a level tell us when the next level comes. Because if before they got into the netherrealm was a level, then that must of been pretty dang short level! I also think that you should include whatever else might be in a normal game for each level. Like secrets, interactive enviroments, and descriptive detail on the background/character. Seems interesting to play! Keep the story coming!

Thx for the advice. Noob building the army was to take over the netherrealm until Subs stopped him. I'll get into more detail.
04/16/2006 08:21 AM (UTC)
Good story so far id probly end up buyin it cuz its MK
About Me
"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
04/16/2006 12:43 PM (UTC)
Another adventure with Lui Kang and Kung Lao in it?
04/16/2006 04:33 PM (UTC)
Randy Wrote:
Another adventure with Lui Kang and Kung Lao in it?

Well, they're not the only characters that are playable. More will ocme.

Okay, here's the next part:

The four head towards the site where the robo-demons were being built. Smoke was part of all of them, and though he may not remmember what was going on, he still knew where they were and who created them. A chip was installed in Smoke by Noob so that Noob could know where all the robo-demons were at. Before they could get there, more onis attacked.

Battle Five: Quan Chi's Return

QuanChi is the boss of the level, but the heros don't know it. He'll come on the fourth turn. There are 7 regular onis, and three the size of Moloch in MKDA. Two sorcerors are also at the scene. The objective is to take QuanChi to 5-1 HP left. There is no way to fully kill him

When the battle is over, Quan Chi is forced to reveal what he was doing. He was helping the person opperating the robo-demons so that the opperator would help Quan Chi escape. When Liu KAng asked who the opperator was, a huge blast of energy hit the ground, blasting the four heros away before they could get there answer. When the dust from the ground cleared, they saw that Quan Chi had escaped.......
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, there it is. I hope that's enough detail on the battles. Yeah, I figured Quan Chi should return. I wanted one evil chaarcter to return, but not like the big-boss kind. Quan fit perfectly
04/18/2006 12:21 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi seems about right for this spot. But it would have to form around the concept of what time period this game is. So it really depends which MK game your heading at. Good thoughts man.
04/21/2006 04:20 AM (UTC)
I agree.
04/21/2006 04:45 AM (UTC)
Answer to all your problems = MK + DW + ROTK

(Mortal Kombat, Dynasty warriors, Romance of the three kingdoms)

Mortal kombat characters fatalitys ect blah blah

the DW Fighting style but with combos, kinda like you vs an army of tarkatan except Pissants.

and the ROTK Capture ancient china thing. Like you can make a force in some part of the land, and go to war with other people, so like, Red dragon vs black dragon.
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