I feel bad for Ed Boons Twitter account
posted08/11/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)by
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04/29/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)
Any post he makes, or any picture he uploads/shares; fans IMMEDIATELY say it's a hint for KP2.

Jesus christ man, not every fucking tweet is related to KP2. I'd really hate to be him who keeps getting spammed with " SAREENA KONFIRMED!@!@!"



Or even


I mean jesus guys, quit it. I know he can be a troll sometimes, but most of the time his tweets just look like normal tweets he makes that has nothing to do with KP2.

Just wanted to vent about the stupidity of most of the retarded fan community
08/09/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)

His constant bullshitting and trolling should have bored fans long before even MKX was released.
At first it was fun, but it became out of hand, when he started overposting stupid boring troll stuff.
Have not checked his twitter since February. Still wonder why fans constantly follow his every stupid tweet to try and find some hint. His bullshitting should have turned them off by now.
08/09/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
I don't, he is known for being cryptic and a tease, so he kind of brought it on himself lol I personally don't mind it though.
08/09/2015 05:37 PM (UTC)
I don't read the replies to his tweets. I assumed he turned off his notifications a while ago.

In other words, you care too much.
08/09/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't, he is known for being cryptic and a tease, so he kind of brought it on himself lol I personally don't mind it though.

This 1000%.
08/09/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
I swear I wanna smack the shit out of those fucking annoying Sareena fans. Not that I hate Sareena, but come on ppl, stop the spamming.
08/09/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I swear I wanna smack the shit out of those fucking annoying Sareena fans. Not that I hate Sareena, but come on ppl, stop the spamming.

What did they do that's worse than every other fanbase? I've seen fanbases coming up with just about every excuse none to man about why these pictures could refer to certain people. Hell, even some of the Khrome lackies have started up saying its him and its all a "clever diversion."
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08/09/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I doubt he gives a shit.
08/09/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I don't read the replies to his tweets. I assumed he turned off his notifications a while ago.

In other words, you care too much.

I read tweets from a lot of people I follow on Twitter. And yes I do care because it just shows just how much entitled and selfish some MK fans are, and it makes me ashamed sometimes to be a fan.

ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I swear I wanna smack the shit out of those fucking annoying Sareena fans. Not that I hate Sareena, but come on ppl, stop the spamming.

Tell me about it. I'm also a fan of Sareena, but I'm not trying to pester the poor guy to add her in the next Kombat Pack. I'd be perfectly content if she's not added at all in the game, because for all I know, she could have a better role in the next game.
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08/09/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't, he is known for being cryptic and a tease, so he kind of brought it on himself lol I personally don't mind it though.

This 1000%.

I agree, he's one of the main creators of Mk and still an important part of the game's development. He made a twitter account of course fans are going to speak to him about what they want. I don't see how wanting a character is selfish or self entitled. Some could be a little more tactful about it, but he still has it way better than celebraties that are stalked by fans and face real harrassment.

He was getting fan feedback way before twitter, I'm sure if he couldn't handle what the fans had to say he wouldn't have made/kept a twitter account.
08/09/2015 09:32 PM (UTC)
I'm willing to guarantee you Rain and Fujin have gotten piss-poor treatment in the games mostly because Boon is sick of the idiots trolling him nonstop about them.
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08/09/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
I'm ready for Injustice 2. Anything they add to mkx is purely bonus now.
08/10/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
They should keep adding onto X. There's a lot of potential to keep it going for maybe another year and a half. I'm sure they already are working on another game, but still. X isn't even a year old yet. Give it some time, there needs to be a little bit more to add to X before we start wanting news for their next game.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

08/10/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
Honestly, why do you think Tremor made it into MKX? He's fucking sick of hearing about Tremor. They even said the petition had no bearing on their decision. I would say it was far less "giving fans what they want" and more "I hope these fucking idiots finally shut the fuck up".

And now that he's gotten past Tremor, now everyone is assailing him for Sareena. If I were Boon, I would not only hate my own twitter account, I'd probably also hate the fans to some degree. And let's be honest...most people in Ed's position, even celebrities and other famous people, hate their fans to some degree. People are fucking annoying, and the loudmouthed ones tend to outnumber the ones that just want to say "Hey, thanks for doing what you do".

Any way you look at it, the badgering paid off - whether it was from giving fans what they want, or just wishing they would finally stfu, the untold legions of Tremor fans got their Tremor, and it's safe to say the Fujin and Sareena harassment will undoubtedly lead to their inclusion in a future game, if not one of them for KP2.

Don't get me wrong, the Tremor fans are happy, and I don't really hate the character. He's a neat addition to MKX. But to think that it was a positive reaction to fandom that led to him joining the cast...eh. Not likely.

I do feel bad for Ed. Gamer fans are some of the worst people imaginable, and seeing responses to his twitter makes even me shake my head. I can't even imagine how Ed feels.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/10/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
I'm ready for Injustice 2. Anything they add to mkx is purely bonus now.
only if there is an actual block button instead of that back to block crap. But I'd much rather see another mk adventure like mythologies and shaolin monks on ps4/xbone/pc would be epic. Maybe show sub zero take reclaim the lin kuei then have him eventually meet up with scorp like he does with his in mkx (the tea party) I think it would be cool to see the event's of mkx take place from a different perspective, it would help flesh out the story more. Since were on the topic I remember a while back Boon giving a very suggestive tweet about this.
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08/10/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon is not a troll. It's a myth, or mythunderstanding*.

Common social skills and past experience make it easy to parse most of the useful info from the general Twitter chit chat, sharing, and joking around. A lot of fans aren't real good at this, but it's not all bad. You can't fault the fans for being enthusiastic, or ignore the fact that there's just as much confused and boneheaded cynicism from the rabble complaining about it.

I can't speak for the eternally besieged Boon, but if I'm going to spend my days sifting through crazy fan posts, I'd rather they be talking about things they're interested in. Spending all your time bitching and moaning isn't healthy for anybody.

* Stupid jokes aren't trolling.
08/10/2015 05:31 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Ed Boon is not a troll. It's a myth, or mythunderstanding*.

Common social skills and past experience make it easy to parse most of the useful info from the general Twitter chit chat, sharing, and joking around. A lot of fans aren't real good at this, but it's not all bad. You can't fault the fans for being enthusiastic, or ignore the fact that there's just as much confused and boneheaded cynicism from the rabble complaining about it.

I can't speak for the eternally besieged Boon, but if I'm going to spend my days sifting through crazy fan posts, I'd rather they be talking about things they're interested in. Spending all your time bitching and moaning isn't healthy for anybody.

* Stupid jokes aren't trolling.

I feel like this is directed at some MKO users in particular haha
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08/10/2015 09:11 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
the stuff above

I feel like this is directed at some MKO users in particular haha

Yeah, well you know Mick. I've been around MKO long enough to know he means business.

Personally, i don't even bother with twitter. I tried it, i found out quickly it was superlame, and i have no idea why people still use it or take it so seriously.
08/10/2015 09:38 AM (UTC)
I don't give a shit because he fans the flames. I also think he doesn't give a shit either, he enjoys the crazy hype of his fans and I think thats cool. Although the super cryptic hints get very annoying so any legit hate he gets he brings on himself.
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08/11/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
90% of the threads that have been in this section since June 2014 has been about nothing but speculation and hints on Boon's twitter and this and that and blahblahblahblahblah.

If I see another KP2 thread I'm going to explode.
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08/11/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)
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