I came up with some new charecters
posted09/26/2006 03:08 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/29/2006 10:14 PM (UTC)
i know they arn't that original but im a ninja fan so here are a few

Hellfire- Lossely based on Blaze, came up with him watching the part in MKSM were Shang makes the fire portal. He is a shape shifter but has his own original moves. He throws fire, teleports by makeing a flame portal, shapeshift, and can turn invisible appearance similar to blaze, but he isn't made of fire. he is neutral and his allys an enemys are yet to be determained. i have a story for him but i dont have time to write it

Anarchy- very loosley based on me also based on Criss angle. He Is a ninja, but he doesn't have the traditional hood. He has long hair and was a rocker (thoughs parts are based on me) befor he was killed. He still keeps true to his musical roots he even carries a guitar to the start of the match. He has a spear move similar to that of scorpions in the fact that he throws it and when it hits he screems " get over here you hippie!" not all of his story is done but i do have his info.

I have to go but im not done, so enjoy for now.

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09/21/2006 01:27 AM (UTC)
Characters sound cool,
But I don't really like the names
09/21/2006 07:36 PM (UTC)
gnrlies1992 Wrote:
i know they arn't that original but im a ninja fan so here are a few

Hellfire- Lossely based on Blaze, came up with him watching the part in MKSM were Shang makes the fire portal. He is a shape shifter but has his own original moves. He throws fire, teleports by makeing a flame portal, shapeshift, and can turn invisible appearance similar to blaze, but he isn't made of fire. he is neutral and his allys an enemys are yet to be determained. i have a story for him but i dont have time to write it

Anarchy- very loosley based on me also based on Criss Angle. He Is a ninja, but he doesn't have the traditional hood. He has long hair and was a rocker (thoughs parts are based on me) befor he was killed. He still keeps true to his musical roots he even carries a guitar to the start of the match. He has a spear move similar to that of scorpions in the fact that he throws it and when it hits he screems " get over here you hippie!" not all of his story is done but i do have his info.

I have to go but im not done, so enjoy for now.

Anyway, his info

6 foot 4
267 lbs
Allies: Hellfire, Tremor, Scorpion
Enemys: Shao Khan, Dragon King, nOOb saibot

Next dude is Kaine:Based on Kane from the wwe/f and Shao Khan

This guy is massive. I don't know what the height limit is but i hope to get him around 9 feet. He weighs about 800 pounds. His background is basicly about how he came to be. When Shujinko got rid of the Sedin Guardsmen in the Chaos relm, He rose up and became emporer. This dude is pure force and can reflect projectile attacks. his wepon will be (i hope) the thing that Scorpion uses the Mugatu Ryu or somthing like that. His main goal is power. He wants to rule all the relmes.

His info: Kaine
9 Feet
800+ lbs
Chaos relm
Allies: Dragon King, Brothers of the Shadow, Havik
Enemys: Shao Khan and his allies, Hellfire, Tremor, Anarchy and
and all the earthrelm warriors.
Theres more in the works but this is what i got so far. plz tell me what you think
09/25/2006 08:06 PM (UTC)
wow Nobody, oh well, i'm new, this was expected. I have more, and i was gonna post but i will wait a while longer.
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"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
09/26/2006 03:08 AM (UTC)
There's already a thread that pertains to this topic. So please refer your comments there.

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