Hsu Hao
posted08/17/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Just what was so "unsalvageable" about his character anyway, that led to an hilarious and nearly psychotic hatred from most of the fanbase, and a promise from NRS never to bring him back (which I don't take seriously)? I mean, really.

I liked the character. Buff Asian men in fiction aren't all that common, his design was a little hilarious, I liked his sun moon weapons, wrestling style (his other fighting style was fun too), his fatality and that creepy smile of his. To me, wrestling and the sun moon blades should be his trademarks, and he should have a whole lot of wrestling-related moves.

He works perfectly as the silent type. He's probably one of the few characters I know that benefits from being silent. His slight smile just makes him creepy. Just imagine him smiling in a cutscene just before he kills someone.

I know that besides the rather irrational hatred of him, some think Kano in MKX is making him obselete now that he has a chest implant of his own and some wrestling moves. Well, Kano shouldn't have a chest implant to begin with but it's pointless to complain about it now. Anyway, Kano didn't seem to have that many wrestling-based attacks in his gameplay vid beyond his X-Ray, so Hsu could always get a different wrestling-based X-Ray. Not to mention, Kotal Kahn's fatality involves heart-ripping, yet Kano's in the game, so a few wrestling-related moves doesn't mean Hsu Hao couldn't return.

As for his story, I'm going to hope that people opposing his return don't use his enforcer status against him, because by that logic, I can think of many fan favorites that couldn't return, either.
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08/16/2014 05:02 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao mainly is a ripoff of Kano/Jarek. I think that has a lot to do with it. Also he looks like shit and wasnt exactly spectacular with his moves. I dont mind him as much as most fans, but there really isnt any thing good about him.
08/16/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Just what was so "unsalvageable" about his character anyway, that led to an hilarious and nearly psychotic hatred from most of the fanbase, and a promise from NRS never to bring him back (which I don't take seriously)? I mean, really.

I liked the character. Buff Asian men in fiction aren't all that common, his design was a little hilarious, I liked his sun moon weapons, wrestling style (his other fighting style was fun too), his fatality and that creepy smile of his. To me, wrestling and the sun moon blades should be his trademarks, and he should have a whole lot of wrestling-related moves.

He works perfectly as the silent type. He's probably one of the few characters I know that benefits from being silent. His slight smile just makes him creepy. Just imagine him smiling in a cutscene just before he kills someone.

I know that besides the rather irrational hatred of him, some think Kano in MKX is making him obselete now that he has a chest implant of his own and some wrestling moves. Well, Kano shouldn't have a chest implant to begin with but it's pointless to complain about it now. Anyway, Kano didn't seem to have that many wrestling-based attacks in his gameplay vid beyond his X-Ray, so Hsu could always get a different wrestling-based X-Ray. Not to mention, Kotal Kahn's fatality involves heart-ripping, yet Kano's in the game, so a few wrestling-related moves doesn't mean Hsu Hao couldn't return.

As for his story, I'm going to hope that people opposing his return don't use his enforcer status against him, because by that logic, I can think of many fan favorites that couldn't return, either.

I'm with you on this smile

It's not an implant that Kano has. He does not use it as a laser, nor its his heart. Just uses it for his variation crystals.

Considering Kotal has the Heart Rip, I don:t think Kano will have one.
08/16/2014 07:11 PM (UTC)
I don't have a hatred for the character. Yes i didn't care for him. His look was ok IMO but there wasn't anything enjoyable about the haracter for me along with the Red Dragon Members. it just seemed like they were added to the game to have more ppl. Granted they gave alil more insight between the Black Dragons creation as well as theirs but it seemed like they were force in and didn't flow well. Thats my opinion why i didn't care for Hsu Hao or Mavado. I will say i was happy to see that there was another rivalry for Kano besides Sonya.
08/16/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
I don't hate Hsu Hao and I think he could had potential, but at this moment he is pretty much finished. Most of his design gimmicks have been given to Kano, so...yeah. He is obsolete.
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08/16/2014 07:31 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao had a few problems; his biggest one was that he just felt unfinished and unrealized. He had a laser strapped to his chest that he never used except in fatalities, and select other special moves that showcased great brute strength; which, when you're a grunt henchman in this series, isn't enough.

He basically came off as the biggest burliest henchman in a movie fight scene that your hero has a somewhat difficult time getting around after he's beaten up all the small fry on his way to the final showdown. But in the end, he goes down. He was another bad guy henchman - a human one - in a franchise that has mutants and lizardmen performing the same role, having been at it for far longer. He brought nothing new to the table. He had almost no story potential, and the MK team knew it. I don't think they were ever happy with how he turned out.

And, yes, running around shirtless with a police cap led some of the more immature members of the fanbase to make Village People associations, to put things delicately. Sad but true.
08/16/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I don't hate Hsu Hao and I think he could had potential, but at this moment he is pretty much finished. Most of his design gimmicks have been given to Kano, so...yeah. He is obsolete.

Pretty much this. I enjoyed him in the MK 3d era, but his time has come and gone. His sun moon weapons were actually pretty fun to use, but they played exactly like Kano's blades. NRS is "trimming the fat" if you will, with past characters and Hsu Hao fits the profile. Some of his designs and moves were transferred to Kano and I have a feeling that's going to be the case with a lot of the past 3d era characters when it comes to the new roster.
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08/16/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
Reiko, Rain, Shinnok, Jarek, meat, C/Khameleon I find to be lightyears behind Hsu Hao in terms of originality.

A Mongolian wrestler secret undercover crime agent? Prey tell how is a character with LITERALLY no character, random evil god and generic element based ninja is more appealing?

Just because it bears a slight resemblancve to a YMCA dancer. Actually scratch that, Hsu Hao hate is homophobic by these standards. And for those who say he had no relevance... well, the OIA would not have gotten in the fight without him instigating his attack, now would it? There is nothing wrong with one appearance characters. Not everyone has to be some sort of legacy character.
08/16/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao playing the Special Forces (being a mole in their agency) when really working for the Red Dragon was a great story.

What I hated was the guy's hideous look and his moves.

I'm glad to see his design incorporated with Kano.

Perhaps Hsu Hao will just not exist. I won't cry over him. Even better, maybe Kano kills him for his heart implant technology, hence the similar look they now both share.
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08/16/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
He reminded me of Oddjob. Which is good, bad and hilarious all in equal measure.

In all honestly its hard to see him ever coming back, all characters have potential yea, but if we see Hsu Hao again, I'l eat my shoe.
08/16/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
I didn't hate Hsu Hao but to me he was a very forgettable character, he almost seemed like filler to me. Almost like they were short a character box and it needed to be filled so what we got was Hsu Hao. I did like his Sun-Moon blades though, also his Thunder Clap was a cool little move. But yeah to me personally he was just there, I didn't hate him or like him.
08/16/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo more or less summed things up regarding Hsu Hao. I still think that Hsu Hao as a character has potential, not so much for being a prominent character in the story but more for being a fun menacing villain to play. I would say that Hsu Hao is one of several characters from the 3D MK era that weren't as well fleshed-out. The thing is, giving elements of Hsu Hao's backstory and design to Kano is pretty much NRS' way of trying to write him out. It's very doubtful that we'll see Hsu Hao return, because he's not liked within the MK team and he's not liked by the majority of the fanbase.
08/17/2014 01:26 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Reiko, Rain, Shinnok, Jarek, meat, C/Khameleon I find to be lightyears behind Hsu Hao in terms of originality.

Yeah, sure, fallen god is less original than some half-baked monglian wrestler. Yeah. Whatever.
Rain was better than Hsu Hao in 3D era, because he was much better realized in the actual gameplay and had more interesting gimmicks.
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08/17/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
It's that stupid fucking hat. You see that damn hat, and it just magnifies all of his flaws.

He's very unoriginal as a character when you think about it. His moves are nothing special, his story is really nothing special, and he looks like a buffoon.
08/17/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
I think what threw a lot of people off from Hsu Hao was his big train conductor/ military hat. He looks alright otherwise, and his fighting styles weren't bad. IMO, they tried a little too hard to make him look like M.Bison without a shirt having a cybernetic heart mechanism. It's evident that NRS tried to copy some designs from Street Fighter looking at Kobra who was a copy of Ken.

SF designs just don't work with MK.

Even if it wasn't for the stupid hat, Hsu Hao was still just a generic character that would've been long forgotten, that still wouldn't have warranted him to take up a character slot in a future MK game.
08/17/2014 02:13 AM (UTC)
To me, Kobra screamed more Karate Kid ripoff (just by his name alone) than Street Fighter.

Hsu Hao was a dopey character but Kobra, Meat, et al. were much worse.
08/17/2014 04:00 AM (UTC)
He was a nice guy in Deception Konquest.
08/17/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
I don't hate Hsu Hao at all, there are many other worse characters. I also don't understand where all the hate comes from, that said, i don't care for him at all. I would literally never play with him, although his weapon in DA was fun.
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08/17/2014 05:32 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon hates him, and his concept somehow managed to be worse than Mokap and Meat, in my opinion.
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08/17/2014 05:35 AM (UTC)
I've always had a soft spot for Hsu. I never got the over the top hate about him from both the fans and NRS. It's silly imo. Mokap is the abortion of the series and what they should be ashamed of if they want to get technical. I don't get why mostly generic characters like Hsu Hao and even Kobra provoke such passion.
08/17/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)
It's too late, they gave Kano the best part of his story in MK9, and now they've given him the most memorable part of his appearance as well.
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