how would you feel (Meat idea)
how would you feel (Meat idea)
posted05/07/2005 09:55 PM (UTC)byskein Member Since
07/27/2004 12:21 PM (UTC)
if they brought back Meat but like Mokujin in Tekken who changes his Fighting Style Randomly every round
I'd rather they used the space for something more worth having than Meat. If they do an "all styles randomly" character, it should be a real character with a role in the MK world. I had an idea earlier of Shang Tsung having the all styles thing after stealing Shujinko's soul. If we can't have him actually morph, let him use everyone's styles at least. Shang's not the same without the ability to mimic the other characters abilities.
MKSCHU •05/07/2005 09:55 PM (UTC) •0
So what your saying is bring back even a MORE GAYER version os Shujinko.... I THINK NOT
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