How to individualize Fujin from Ermac.
posted08/14/2014 03:32 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
One of the biggest challenges in individualizing Fujin as a fighter, in my opinion, is that pretty much everything Fujin can do with the wind, Ermac can also do with his telekinesis, with much more precision.

So what can be done to make Fujin's gameplay different from Ermac's? Should they even bother trying? Or should they do what they've always done when including two Cryomancers (Classic Sub-Zero and the unmasked one in UMK3/MKT, or Sub-Zero and Frost in MK:DA/Armageddon), and give each of those two unique abilities that they both logically should have but won't, for the sake of gameplay? Only Frost could freeze her opponent by freezing the ground, yet there was no reason Sub-Zero couldn't also do it. Hell, he actually could in the last game. Should they take the same approach with Fujin and Ermac?

Quite frankly, it's not just the wind that makes Fujin too similar to someone else, but also his flight, which he shares with Sindel. I feel it's also a major part of his character, so removing it might be like removing Motaro's hind legs. I don't feel it's as fundamental to Sindel's character though, despite her being the first MK character to have it, so perhaps she could lose it. But back to Fujin, his only truly unique move is his knee attack, and there's nothing about it that makes me feel only a wind god could have it, or should.

I'm wondering if Fujin wasn't just better off as a throw-away boss. A fun, difficult one, admittedly, but disposable nonetheless. Characters like Kira, Jarek and Smoke could be individualized, because they weren't defined by their stolen moves, or similar abilities.

Even his story lacks individuality. It seems like his whole purpose as a character was to replace Raiden as Earth's protector. Key word being "replace". Maybe they could put emphasis on his personality, and what would make him different from Raiden as Earth's protector. And by different, I don't mean Raiden-lite, when the "real deal" turns heel.
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08/13/2014 06:10 AM (UTC)
A idea for Fujin revolves around attacking the lungs: he can focus on destroying respiration by denying air to the enemy. Depressurizing or crushing the lungs would be his x-ray then it would be followed up by a volley from crossbow to the throat/nose.

Anyone else ok with him using his crossbow much like Green Arrow in Injustice if that is possible for melee?
I just realized that he could have a move inspired by wind blowing tumbleweeds. The enemy while knocked down, will have bursts of wind keeping them in motion like a tumbleweed; their body contorts, rolls and slides across the ground/screen. I can already tell the rag doll animation will be a hassle but it would be hilarious with MK characters helplessly tumbling on flat surfaces.
An outro can be where he drains all the air away from the losing character so that they clutch their neck instinctively.
Ermac: Telekinetic moveset should push them away for his zoning projectile and lift.

Fujin: Use his wind to pull the opponents towards him for combos and Dive Kick shenanigans.

Kenshi: Astral Projection and Sword throwan.

I don't know. Edit: I love that Crossbow. Totally see it as a projectile variation and/or Fatality
08/13/2014 06:51 AM (UTC)
I noticed that a majority of Fujins moves either push, throw or lift his opponents, so what if instead, his moves became more precise like blades. He could have a variation called flurry where he has special moves that are like quick little combos with wind that leave cuts and lacerations. I'm thinking similar to how nightwing has that escrima fury move that hits the opponent like he is drumming them. His knee move can be included in that variation too. I guess this could be his aggressive stance.

Another Variation could utilize his moves that just throw the opponent around in his combos. The whirlwind moves and tornados could be used as juggle extenders.

His third could be like a defensive variation where he fights with a ball of wind similar to how Viola in soul Calibur V uses the orb. He can attack with it or place in areas as traps similar to how Sub-zero can place or attack with an Iceclone, but if touched will stun the opponent sucking the air out of them momentarily.

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/13/2014 07:04 AM (UTC)
I also hope he isn't just a stand-in for Raiden. I'd prefer that he'd be a stern protector with little patience for mortals. His job is to protect them, not baby them. If Fujin shows up at your door, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing.

I liked the up-lifting knee attack. I'd always imagined it the equivalent to Sub's slide, Raiden's torpedo, or Sonya's leg-grab. It's his signature physical move.

Fujin's got the goods to differentiate himself from Ermac. Even if they end up having similar...forces, I highly doubt it'll be as bad as Ermac/Kenshi, Frost/Sub, Kira/Sonya ect ect, especially since variations are involved. They have the ability to do some amazing things with Fujin this time around, and I don't doubt that if he's included they will have done just that. Same for Ermac.

The crossbow is key. wink
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08/13/2014 07:27 AM (UTC)
Unless NRS is consciously trying to make Fujin like Ermac, it's not going to be an issue. Reason being is because properties are contingent to each individual special.

For example, let's say both Fujin and Ermac have a "slam" special move. In order for there to be an issue, 1) both moves would have lead to a juggle, 2) both moves would have to be effective at the exact same mid-range distance, and 3) Fujin would have to have same combo potential after initiating the special as Ermac.

If even one of the above factors is altered, then the issue goes away. Specifically regarding the 3rd factor, even the two Sub's in UMK3 still had different chain combos, and with a more advanced combo system in MKX, this would be even more so the case.

Even something as simple as altering the hitboxes would fix the issue. Ermac's Push hits everything in the midrange. Have Fujin's wind push only attack outside of midrange (with everything inside jump distance unaffected. Something like this would make Fujin more of a true zoner (think Sagat) while Ermac would be more about shutting down footsies and offense (think Ryu).

You could swap utilities as well. Ermac's slam leads into a full combo but is fully punishable on block. Make Fujin's slam safe on block, but have no combo utility on hit. Fujin gets the space-control and poking game; Ermac gets the risk/reward damage.

And although I'm defending the idea that they could have the same specials and still play very differently, it would be very easy to make new specials with different utilities. Fujin could concentrate his wind to create a slicing technique (this happens in anime literally all the time). Fujin's Crossbow could create unique projectile dynamics. Fujin's flight could be used as a command dash for mobility instead of zoning and fake outs like it is for Sindel.

This is just the surface. There's is so much room for creativity and style for Fujin. One special I'd like to see is a reverse projectile: a wind projectile that hits from behind, and if blocked, it brings you CLOSER to Fujin. Raiden had this property in MK9, but it required meter so it couldn't become a consistent part of his zoning game (it was also hella slow).
08/13/2014 10:44 AM (UTC)
Please... Do not get me started on that crossbow. I've had that discussion too many times already.

Fujin has a ton of potential for moves. You could give him a double jump or air dash, his flying knee move (which could lead to an air dash afterwards), his cyclone move (instead of just throwing the opponent it pulls the opponent closer even if blocking), he could summon winds behind the opponent which could also bring them closer, and maybe he can spin towards the opponent like a tornado and it would act as a charge. (More like his Cyclone move from Armageddon except he moves forward this time.)

And that's just a few things off the top of my head. Other posters have some pretty good ideas as well. Think it just goes to show how much Fujin really could do.
08/13/2014 11:31 AM (UTC)
I always had a fatality idea for him where he would use a sword (or wind blades as EmperorKahn suggested) to slice up the limbs, but they don't disassemble yet, then he pushes a mini tornado at the opponent and all the severed limbs would be whirlling around in the mini tornado
08/13/2014 12:14 PM (UTC)
In one of Fujin's styles, he could use objects or sharp stuff in his clothes to hurt characters with while spinning around with the winds.

Like Ninja Stars in a hurricane, but then a more sense making weapon/item.
08/13/2014 02:47 PM (UTC)
08/13/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
WTH? Completely pointless thread, mentioning two characters who have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Man, people are bored shitless.

And aren't there already several existing threads discussing Fujin's movesets?

Look at the date I posted this thread.
08/13/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
I sense necromancy
08/13/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
do you just create threads for the simple reason that you can create them. stop with these pointless threads. fujin and ermac are nothing alike. pretty sure since both will likely be in that there moves wont show much resemblance.
08/13/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
WTH? Completely pointless thread, mentioning two characters who have absolutely nothing to do with each other.


*Nice sig! He was one of a kind smile
08/13/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
You know, for those whining about how "dumb" this thread is, I hope you at least checked the date of the first post to see when this was made. There's no need to be a jerk at all. Don't like a thread, you don't need to post in there, it's as simple as that.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/13/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
I don't see Fujin as a projectile user. I don't know how I feel about the crossbow either. I think he should have a projectile deflect with his wind.
08/13/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Don't like a thread, you don't need to post in there, it's as simple as that.

I also reserve the right to look through a thread and express my opinion on it. If people don't like that, ignore me and move on.

And yes, most of the threads in the MKX forum have been repeating the same stuff over and over.
Edit: I erased my original post but my point here still stands.
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08/13/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Don't like a thread, you don't need to post in there, it's as simple as that.

I also reserve the right to look through a thread and express my opinion on it. If people don't like that, ignore me and move on.

And yes, most of the threads in the MKX forum have been repeating the same stuff over and over.

Welcome to regularity. I agree, it's repetitive and almost pointless to discuss things 100 times. Unfortunately, this happens during every release cycle. It comes down to the lesser of two evils. Either inactivity or overactivity?

Hmmm. I'll take continuous discussion, regardless of the flavour. No-brainier.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/13/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
WTH? Completely pointless thread, mentioning two characters who have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Man, people are bored shitless.

I take it you never played as Fujin in Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat Armageddon? Otherwise you would understand what the topic creator is getting at.
08/14/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
WTH? Completely pointless thread, mentioning two characters who have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Man, people are bored shitless.

I take it you never played as Fujin in Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat Armageddon? Otherwise you would understand what the topic creator is getting at.

So....Fujin has telekinesis?
08/14/2014 04:12 AM (UTC)
I never played as him but that doesn't mean I don't know how he operates.

The connection between Fujin and Ermac makes no sense.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/14/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat 4.

Fujin's "Levitation" move has him performing a gust of wind under the opponent, lifting them up and having them linger there for a good some seconds. Giving him the chance to attack.

He has a two parter button command in which he can cause the wind to slam the opponent into the ground, bouncing them giving him a chance for a free hit afterwards.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon.

The "Levitation" move returns, and the slam part is no longer a button command.
08/14/2014 01:04 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:

Sums up most of your posts.
08/14/2014 03:32 PM (UTC)
Just give Fujin some moves that neither Ermac or Kenshi has.
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