How revamped is Mortal Kombat going to be?
posted01/20/2006 09:07 PM (UTC)by
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11/22/2005 09:34 PM (UTC)
I mean... who of all of the fighters is leaving and who is staying?

What characters is Boon looking for, to take a big or small vacation.

Everone hints that it might be Subzero and Scorpion? Who else?

Do you guys think that Mortal Kombat 8 will be like 50/50 half being all new characters

Like 20/30 for rescent characters and old ones?

But overall... i came to this conclusion.
As long as they improve the character developement, story and gameplay.

I'm all for the revamping.

Note: Ed Boon needs to hire more character artist, i'm sick of the concepts that come from Berem and that Mogbat guy.

Herman does a decent job. So i won't be scolding him anytime soon.

About the Armageddon Rain. I think he shouldve have the mask like the Deception Subzero, minus the shredder part of the helmet.

01/14/2006 03:57 AM (UTC)
Well he seems to be starting from scratch. Which honestly poor Mileena never to be seen again. *Tear*

I mean really what do you think they'll do? Is there not gonna be any fimiliar faces, sights, or names? It just feels so...wierd starting over. I'm kinda speechless in a way.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/14/2006 05:52 AM (UTC)
I'm all for starting over. I personally want a real tournament this time like the first game. Not sure why but it's just something I want to see.
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01/14/2006 11:01 AM (UTC)
I agree with The_Truth about starting over. They've been running with the same plot for a very long time, recycling and reinventing old characters because fans want to see their favorites again. I would also like to see a return to a real tournament like the first game. If anything, I'd be all for mysticism, ancient legends, and magical powers, but we definitely need some new ideas. MK fans can panic all they want to about their favorite characters not being in the next game, we don't know yet, but I'd rather see this series grow in terms of characters, story, and most of all, gameplay.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
01/14/2006 01:03 PM (UTC)
I'd like a tournament but that doesn't mean everyone else has to go. It's not like the Elder Gods cannot bend the rules and enact a new tournament in Mortal Kombat earlier than expected.

A new official MK tournament would mean rushing forward so many years and introduce an all new cast. The only probable familiars there would be Shinnok, Raiden, Sorpion and Fujin and possibly some from Edenia. However, thanks to the existence of the Netherrealm, we can still have anyone back due to resurrection.
01/14/2006 02:34 PM (UTC)
This is just wishfull thinking, but if there are no new shadow ninja character, I want Noob Saibot to at least come back.
01/19/2006 10:48 PM (UTC)
man i grew up with mortal kombat and im still loving it at every game that comes out i like the tournament idea but man ill miss every character ..even stryker!! i dont wanna start from scratch who will b the new emporer ... what will king jerrod rise again to claim his throne ? i mean shit dude i love the old games and i think that the mk legacy should keep moving with all the same characters untill they get old and die ... or like to replace liu kang .. liu marrys kitana and he has some kids and they become great warriors.. and .. well raidens a god so he cant just die
01/20/2006 09:07 PM (UTC)
I'm thinking the new MK story will be a total remake, not just a new generation of the current plotline.

It sounds like they want to end the current saga, sever all ties to it all together, then start over from the beginning. They're going to write a new story from the ground up.

Just fast-forwarding to an era in the future would still leave too many tie-ins and make truely starting over not possible. It would also restrict who Midway can kill in MKA and not worry that they'll be back to haunt them a few games down the line after recieving 5 million+ fan letters demanding their return. They weren't able to keep Kahn and Kang dead before, you really think they'll stay dead if they die again?

"Returning" characters won't actually be the character from the current plotline. MK8 may have a yellow ninja named Scorpion and a blue one called Sub-Zero, but they won't be Scorpion and Sub-Zero from this plotline. They'll be "new" and their plots could be radically different then we know them: the new Scorpion might be alive and human, the new Sub-Zero may have no brothers and be the only Sub-Zero.

Other popular characters will likely be reincarnated as well, though from the way Boon was talking MK8 will likely be mostly a new roster. I see only about 4-6 "returning" characters appearing in the first chapter of this new saga.

Another note: if my guess is correct it doesn't matter who get killed in MKA. Anyone who reappears in the new saga will have a new identity and plotline unrelated to the current plotline. The Smoke of the current saga might die, but if he reappears in the next saga he'll be a new Smoke and his story will have just begun.
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