How many more MK games do you think they will (or should) make?
posted05/24/2007 09:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/09/2003 09:40 AM (UTC)
I'm just curious how many fans are as enthusiastic about future MK games as they used to be and for how long you think they should continue the franchise. Do the games feel stale and repetitive to anyone or is everyone as excited about the new games as they were when the original MK and its sequel came out? Is there really anything new they can do? As far as I know this series is one of the longest running ones in the history of video games, and everything dies out sometime doesn't it?

What about the story? I've read a lot of what people write on these boards and it appears to me that a great number of you think that the story is so drawn out and confusing now with all the characters they've killed, added, and then brought back for a fifth time that it's impossible to follow; and not even worth the effort to try. What's more important to you-having a game that you loved go out on a high note, or having a game you loved continue on forever whether the quality is gradually deteriorating or not? I'm not trying to pass judgement on the quality of past and future MK games and how they stand up against each other or on the validity of your opinion on the matter. I'm merely posing these questions as hypothetical opinionated ones.

Personally I find the story (or certain aspects of the story) much more interesting than the actual game at this point; and I used to be the complete opposite. In fact I didn't used to care or know much about the story at all. At the current juncture there are so many characters and so many plot holes that don't add up. Some time ago I read the story all the way up to Armageddon or Deception one of the two, and all I remember is that there were a vast number of characters being added and killed off. Some of which apparently never actually made it into a game. They were just written into the story. I think it may be time for a drastic change but honestly I'm not sure that would work because with the kind of change I'm thinking of I'm not sure anyone would recognize it as the same game.

MK has evolved and changed over the years much like the recent changes noticable in one of its key characters, but is it enough? I completely understand from a developers standpoint why you wouldn't want to change something that works. Maybe MK has reached it's potential and has gone as far as it will go. Maybe it is a flame slowly dying somewhere off in the night. Or maybe something will come along and completely change that flame, transforming it into a roaring inferno. Only time will tell, and only you know what you really want.
04/20/2007 08:55 AM (UTC)
You make some seriously emotional and touching points.

In my opinion, it is due or die time. They either deliver the goods in MK8, or something unpredictable will happen.

In my serious opinion, I think that the MK team should continue releasing games every 2 or 3 years like they have been doing. They have nothing to loose. I would personally be devastated if MK discountinued to exist. Now I understand this is one of the longest fighting game/ video game franchises.

However I must admit It is very hard to let go of the past. All those sweet sweet times I have had playing MK1 - UMK3 were really sweet.

I guess what I'm trying to say is It is all up to Ed Boon now. I like the bios they are releasing alot. If MK8 gameplay and Konquest is anything like the effort they are putting into the bios, I think everything will be fine.
04/20/2007 09:20 AM (UTC)
As long as the games produce a fun fighting game for the genre, and is profitable, I think the old girl will be around.

I guess this is the place to discuss it, as we're talking about directions the series can go:

Personally, worst case scenario, I'd love to see the MK Team go back and remake the original Mortal Kombat, complete with bios for each character, improved movesets, and extra Fatalities. Throw in a slightly larger roster and Kreate-A-Fighter, and you have yourself a pretty noteworthy entry into the Mortal Kombat genre.

I mean, look at the characters you could have:

Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Reptile (it's possible to fight him in this game, might as well add him as a fighter)
Ermac (he was inspired by a glitch which appeared in this game)
Chameleon (it was suggested in his storyline that he watching this tournament)
Shang Tsung

You could add new characters, such as the much rumoured and joked about "Nimbus Terafaux". You could give them stories, and whatnot.

Mortal Kombat: Back to Basics would be a pretty interesting entry in the genre. Have games ever been "remade"?
04/20/2007 08:11 PM (UTC)
As long as Ed Boon works for Midway, and as long as the games keep selling, they will always make MK games. If he ever retires, then I can see someone like John Vogel take his place if Midway really wants to continue the MK franchise. If it wasn't for MK, Midway would be long dead. That is what's keeping the company alive.

I've seen the MK teams efforts in each and every MK, and I have been loving the newer generation of their games even more than the old school ones. Shaolin Monks was a great game. I love MK Armageddon, it is the absolute collection of all characters up to date, and has an enjoyable fighting system as well as fun mini-games. Deception and Deadly Alliance both have their strong points as well.

I look forward to MK8 and the future of the franchise itself. The team knows what we want, they have listened to the cries of fans and delivered literally everything we've wanted (yet still people continue to bitch and moan).

05/05/2007 06:57 PM (UTC)
they should make them until they get 2 predidtible or boring
About Me

05/07/2007 05:34 AM (UTC)
wayneraiden Wrote:
they should make them until they get 2 predidtible or boring

By that logic they should have stopped after MK3.

otherwise I am unsure, Midway is not a money engine, and given the state in which the franchise is, I do not see much happening. Perhaps a three or more games and thats it.
05/07/2007 02:31 PM (UTC)
mk will go oin 4 ever and ever wow
05/07/2007 07:39 PM (UTC)
chaosorder Wrote:
mk will go oin 4 ever and ever wow

Oh God...........NO!
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/08/2007 03:41 PM (UTC)
MortalKombat2007 Wrote:
chaosorder Wrote:
mk will go oin 4 ever and ever wow

Oh God...........NO!

Now this would only be ironic that you call urself MortalKombat2007, I don't know I'm just pointing that out.confused
05/08/2007 06:05 PM (UTC)
If Mortal Kombat is going in the direction I think it's headed, it'll become a Blood & Gore version of Tekken.

This will probably keep it in the game for another ten years, but from the looks of, Mortal Kombat's about to get blown out of the water.
05/08/2007 08:00 PM (UTC)
as many as they want to make
05/16/2007 09:29 PM (UTC)
I think that MK will last as long as theres enough storyline for each character, and new villians. Onaga seemed to be a breath of fresh air from Tsung and Shao and the Shokans. This is probably teh reason why they're killing off most of the characters. It'll help reestablish the storyline of MK. MK has at least 4 more sequels to it. Also, it is helping Midway stay alive. I mean, look at Mario. Nintendo's milking him for all he's worth. Midway could do the same thing.
05/24/2007 04:17 PM (UTC)
LiuKangFighter Wrote:
Onaga seemed to be a breath of fresh air from Tsung and Shao and the Shokans.

Onaga was an over-the-top, desperate failed grab at making something cool and intimidating. Really, he's more of a laughable character who will never be half the bad guy that Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung was. Just Midway trying too hard if you ask me.

IMO, they need to go more subtle and evil with the next boss instead of all over the top and loud like they did with Onaga. Noob Saibot would be one perfect example. If they could pull it off just right, he would be the ultimate breath of fresh air from the typical muscle-bound brutes we've been seeing. He could have wispy tendrils of darkness that billow off of his body like Spawn. He could melt in and out of the shadows at any point and create illusions to confuse and blind you.

I know, I know, you want a storyline to back that up. Simple. Noob succeeded in taking over the Netherrealm, in the process, slaughtering Shinnok's worthless ass and losing Smoke, who regains his humanity (in a sense) and his free will. Noob has become more powerful than ever and is bent on making the rest of the realms bow to his supreme rule. The armies of darkness march at his command and all of the Netherrealm's resources are his. Quan Chi, his past transgressions against the former Sub Zero not forgotten, remains shackled in the bowels of Noob's Netherrealm fortress, tortured indefinitely.

More to come as I work out the details. Noob's story would definitely intertwine with Sub-Zero and Sareena.

His feud with Scorpion is replaced by a mutual grudging respect. The spectre and wraith are even, they've each taken each other's lives and have no further business with each other. Scorpion is intent on waging his personal war on the gods, sorely pissed at how unfair they've made his life.
05/24/2007 04:25 PM (UTC)
oh, Mortal Kombat is here to stay. As long as it keeps selling, Midway will continue to make MK games (it's their #1 franchise). Even if Ed Boon retires, Midway will just find another team to continue making mk games.
05/24/2007 09:05 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
wayneraiden Wrote:
they should make them until they get 2 predidtible or boring

By that logic they should have stopped after MK3.

otherwise I am unsure, Midway is not a money engine, and given the state in which the franchise is, I do not see much happening. Perhaps a three or more games and thats it.

i agree.

for me its either that they're going to continue creating mk like street fighter and have an endless chain of games or just quit. im sorry, i've been a big fan of this game since i was like what two? now im 16 almost 17? and we're already talking about quits here? oh god...
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