How long is the wait fot the next MK?
posted10/26/2013 05:41 PM (UTC)by
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06/14/2010 03:02 AM (UTC)
Im hyped for Injustice don't get me wrong but Mk is my love.So is it safe to assume that the next game is like Three years away?
08/11/2012 12:51 PM (UTC)
Well, Ed stated more than once that the way he is directing the studio is allowing for multiple projects to start and shifting to the them when the current one ends. Still, NRS isn't your huge big studio and I think he meant small projects like Batman on the iOS, so we might get an iOS MK game ? iOS Puzzle Kombat ?

Keep in mind that next gen is coming and I am pretty sure that Ed mentioned that he will even branch more with the next game that it will be an adventure game. So, I am having my fingers crossed for an Adventure MK game released on 2015 on next gen.

This is funny, I have always wanted the team to give the franchise a break and when they finally were allowed to do that, I am missing it too much.
08/12/2012 03:25 AM (UTC)
It's safe to say that the next Mortal Kombat game will be announced when they feel like it. I'm in no hurry for another Mortal Kombat game.
08/12/2012 04:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's safe to say that the next Mortal Kombat game will be announced when they feel like it. I'm in no hurry for another Mortal Kombat game.

Im not gonna lie I just want to see whats next.To be left with so many questions is just killing me.After all the good work they did with the characters I can't wait to see what they do with the MK4 characters.
08/15/2012 04:44 PM (UTC)
well im just glad subzero will be in it as a human
08/22/2012 04:09 AM (UTC)
well im just glad subzero will be in it as a human
See its ppl like u that make Devolopers scared to try new things with characters
08/22/2012 07:16 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
[...] so we might get an iOS MK game ? iOS Puzzle Kombat ?

There is Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for iOS in 3D.
It's kind of strange to think that they'll have to remake the whole engine for the next true Mortal Kombat already but now that I think of it, they got to utilize it for MK/DC, MK9 and GAU already.
Besides, Warner Bros. has an infinite amount of money to fund the next-gen engine that could work as a base for new MKs and DC games up to one decade with small touch ups every now and then.
08/22/2012 07:31 PM (UTC)
I am waiting for he next MK 9.
I hope it comes sooner than expected. All past generaion system always had more MK games than one.
In this gen we only had MK vs DC (which counts as a half MK Game) and MK9.
I hope for a MK spin-off or even MK 10.
The entire DC comics thing pisses me off.
08/23/2012 12:21 AM (UTC)
Couple things.

- MK needs a break. I would say a 4 year break would suffice

- I don't care if Sub comes back Human or not. I wouldn't even care if Frost came in to replace him for a game.

- DC has needed a good fighting game for a LONG time

- It's good for NRS to expand it's horizons, rather than just make MK games
08/23/2012 11:03 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Couple things.

- MK needs a break. I would say a 4 year break would suffice

- I don't care if Sub comes back Human or not. I wouldn't even care if Frost came in to replace him for a game.

- DC has needed a good fighting game for a LONG time

- It's good for NRS to expand it's horizons, rather than just make MK games

1)Not true. I am eager for the next MK game and the success of MK was due to its two-yearly release. Even from MK Special Forces to MK Deadly Alliance we had to wait just two years. If the next MK game takes more is just because Ed Boon is lazy, he wants to work on something else or he thinks that he cannot repeat the same success as MK9. Not immediatly at least.

2)Again, this just your problem. Here on MKO Sub-Zero just won a poll about the most "iconic" chaacter in the series.

3)DC is a comic franchise mainly.It has nothing to do with videogames. Or, using a better figure to speech, it has to do with videogames the same way as MK has to do with comics. It's a multi-branch franchise, with its ups and downs. I am sorry to tell you that, despite the popularity of Batman & Co DC is mainly a USA phenomena, in Europa its success is surclassed by Marvel of a thousand miles, and Marvel's success in Europe is not even comparable to what it earns in the US.

4)No, it's not necessary a good thing. The last time they tried to make a full-action game was MK Special Forces and despite some characters' names it had nothing to do with MK. MK Sub-Zero's Mythologies sucked hard gameplay-wise, ad Shaolin Monks was not developed by Ed Boon's team.
08/23/2012 11:36 PM (UTC)
Registheman Wrote:
well im just glad subzero will be in it as a human
See its ppl like u that make Devolopers scared to try new things with characters

Many characters have gone through changes in MK games that were accepted by the fans. In fact, Sub-Zero himself has been changed like three or four times before this and all of those ideas ended up being pretty popular.

Unlike most attempts to "try new things with characters" though, Cyber-Sub made both him and Smoke LESS than what they were before, rather than more. It robs them of something and doesn't replace it with anything better, or even as good.
And it wasn't actually something new in the first place. They just switched Smoke and Sub's places (except neither one ACTUALLY got to do what the other did in MK3, they both did nothing, spent most of their time off-screen, and died.)

That's why that particular change is so uniquely unpopular.

(Well okay, Liu Kang as a zombie was pretty unpopular too, but not because it was a change. People were mad that he was brought back from the dead so soon because his death had been such an important moment.)
The point is, change should be about trying to improve the character or the story, it should go somewhere. It shouldn't be done just to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks.
08/24/2012 01:15 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Couple things.

- MK needs a break. I would say a 4 year break would suffice

- I don't care if Sub comes back Human or not. I wouldn't even care if Frost came in to replace him for a game.

- DC has needed a good fighting game for a LONG time

- It's good for NRS to expand it's horizons, rather than just make MK games

1)Not true. I am eager for the next MK game and the success of MK was due to its two-yearly release. Even from MK Special Forces to MK Deadly Alliance we had to wait just two years. If the next MK game takes more is just because Ed Boon is lazy, he wants to work on something else or he thinks that he cannot repeat the same success as MK9. Not immediatly at least.

2)Again, this just your problem. Here on MKO Sub-Zero just won a poll about the most "iconic" chaacter in the series.

3)DC is a comic franchise mainly.It has nothing to do with videogames. Or, using a better figure to speech, it has to do with videogames the same way as MK has to do with comics. It's a multi-branch franchise, with its ups and downs. I am sorry to tell you that, despite the popularity of Batman & Co DC is mainly a USA phenomena, in Europa its success is surclassed by Marvel of a thousand miles, and Marvel's success in Europe is not even comparable to what it earns in the US.

4)No, it's not necessary a good thing. The last time they tried to make a full-action game was MK Special Forces and despite some characters' names it had nothing to do with MK. MK Sub-Zero's Mythologies sucked hard gameplay-wise, ad Shaolin Monks was not developed by Ed Boon's team.

Having an MK game come out every 2 years is dumb. Look at Deadly Alliance thru Armageddon. I don't care if MK9 left us on a cliffhanger, the game needs time to breathe. I don't know about you, but I prefer quality over quantity.

Secondly, I already knew Subby was one of the most popular characters. I didn't need him winning a meaningless popularity contest on an MK fan site to tell me that.

Thirdly, why can't DC have a fighting game? Marvel has one, a pretty successful one actually. Just because you want them to work exclusively on MK doesn't mean everyone does.

Lastly, NRS trying different things IS a good thing. And aren't you forgetting Shaolin Monks? The MK team made that game and it got great reviews. Again, just because you want them to work solely on MK doesn't mean they should.
08/24/2012 01:15 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Couple things.

- MK needs a break. I would say a 4 year break would suffice

- I don't care if Sub comes back Human or not. I wouldn't even care if Frost came in to replace him for a game.

- DC has needed a good fighting game for a LONG time

- It's good for NRS to expand it's horizons, rather than just make MK games

1)Not true. I am eager for the next MK game and the success of MK was due to its two-yearly release. Even from MK Special Forces to MK Deadly Alliance we had to wait just two years. If the next MK game takes more is just because Ed Boon is lazy, he wants to work on something else or he thinks that he cannot repeat the same success as MK9. Not immediatly at least.

2)Again, this just your problem. Here on MKO Sub-Zero just won a poll about the most "iconic" chaacter in the series.

3)DC is a comic franchise mainly.It has nothing to do with videogames. Or, using a better figure to speech, it has to do with videogames the same way as MK has to do with comics. It's a multi-branch franchise, with its ups and downs. I am sorry to tell you that, despite the popularity of Batman & Co DC is mainly a USA phenomena, in Europa its success is surclassed by Marvel of a thousand miles, and Marvel's success in Europe is not even comparable to what it earns in the US.

4)No, it's not necessary a good thing. The last time they tried to make a full-action game was MK Special Forces and despite some characters' names it had nothing to do with MK. MK Sub-Zero's Mythologies sucked hard gameplay-wise, ad Shaolin Monks was not developed by Ed Boon's team.

Having an MK game come out every 2 years is dumb. Look at Deadly Alliance thru Armageddon. I don't care if MK9 left us on a cliffhanger, the game needs time to breathe. I don't know about you, but I prefer quality over quantity.

Secondly, I already knew Subby was one of the most popular characters. I didn't need him winning a meaningless popularity contest on an MK fan site to tell me that.

Thirdly, why can't DC have a fighting game? Marvel has one, a pretty successful one actually. Just because you want them to work exclusively on MK doesn't mean everyone does.

Lastly, NRS trying different things IS a good thing. And aren't you forgetting Shaolin Monks? The MK team made that game and it got great reviews. Again, just because you want them to work solely on MK doesn't mean they should.

1) Two years, with a decent budget and a good developing team are more than enough to make a good game. MK Armageddon was due to Lazyness and lack of money. MK vs DC was released in late 2008, MK9 in first quarter of 2011. A little more than two years. Suffice to say that most games today are developed in a year or two.

2)What I've tried to tell is that YOU may not care about Subby, which is fine by me, but at least 5 million of people in the world, if not more, care about him.

3) I have nothing against DC, nor Marvel.
Simply, DC outside the comic industry it is not as popular as Marvel considering how Marvel gets more money from non-comic merchandise rather than comic themselves.
You have a game with Batman, Super Man, Flash and Wonder Woman in it, are you sure this a certain formula for success? There are several characters that are very overrated popularity-wise (not discussing "quality") and I can name a few of them: Green Arrow, Aqua Man, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter,etc. Are you sure this is a good move for NRS?
Of course I wish them the best of luck, but MK vs DC had the same sales as a "common" MK game. DC didn't gave Midway nor Ed Boon the "leap" of popularity they needed back then.

4)Shaolin Monks was developed by a "different" team. Ed Boon had nothing to do with it, if not a simple supervision role.
The last time he worked on something different than a fighting game was MK Special Forces which sucked. Oh, I forgot The Grid,but I've never played it.
08/24/2012 01:22 PM (UTC)
I know that NRS want to try different things and not only MK so giving each game a little time to make its mark is ok with me. In games, music or movies many have proven that a 2 years break only is enough to do something good. But in other cases the years between each game worked "Until" every bit of quality was thrown out the window.

SC games are a proof that a 3 or 4 years break isn't always a garantee that games will be good. At least for me SC4 and 5 were really average. But if NRS intends to go forward doing different things than only MK a 2 years break between each game at least would be fine. With GAU coming next year we know that the next MK isn't worked out yet and it's not like the MK franchise is one that will be forgotten easily for they wait a while before giving us a new installment.
08/24/2012 03:19 PM (UTC)
Ok I'm going to start with the Shaolin Monks thing because you couldn't be anymore wrong about it. Ed Boon WAS involved with Shaolin Monks, in fact he was Executive Producer & Creative Director. Shaolin Monks was developed by Midway and Published by Midway, so I'm really not sure where you get the idea that The MK Team didn't work on it. I'm starting to believe you don't know what you are talking about.

On to the next thing. Ed Boon has worked on MK for 20 years now, don't you think he MIGHT want to try something else? Seriously, I don't think the world will end if NRS decides to do a game BESIDES MK. Have a little patience.

Injustice might have overrated characters but it's appeal is in the innovative use of the backgrounds. I'm proud of NRS for distinguishing this game from MK in a number of ways.

I'd like a new MK game too, but I'm willing to wait awhile. It hasn't even been 2 years and people are asking for a new one. Let MK9 live a little. I know you're eager to see what happens next, but I think a little waiting won't kill us.

08/24/2012 06:33 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Ok I'm going to start with the Shaolin Monks thing because you couldn't be anymore wrong about it. Ed Boon WAS involved with Shaolin Monks, in fact he was Executive Producer & Creative Director. Shaolin Monks was developed by Midway and Published by Midway, so I'm really not sure where you get the idea that The MK Team didn't work on it. I'm starting to believe you don't know what you are talking about.

On to the next thing. Ed Boon has worked on MK for 20 years now, don't you think he MIGHT want to try something else? Seriously, I don't think the world will end if NRS decides to do a game BESIDES MK. Have a little patience.

Injustice might have overrated characters but it's appeal is in the innovative use of the backgrounds. I'm proud of NRS for distinguishing this game from MK in a number of ways.

I'd like a new MK game too, but I'm willing to wait awhile. It hasn't even been 2 years and people are asking for a new one. Let MK9 live a little. I know you're eager to see what happens next, but I think a little waiting won't kill us.

1)Shaolin Monks was developed by Midway LA (Los Angeles I think, former Paradox). The team of Ed Boon was Midway Chicago. I know perfectly what I am talking about. Please get your facts straight. The executive producer is the one that oversees the project according to his tastes, money production, etc. Creative Director is the one that makes the basic idea. In other words, he had nothing to do with the "software" or programming project itself. He just threw some brain-storming session with the team and said "Do this, don't do this, Let's put this thing in and so on".

2)Ed Boon, last time I've checked, is a free man with his own interests. As a such, he is free to do whatever he wants and I wish him the best in life, family, work and whatever. If you are tired of your franchise after twenty long years just have someone else develop a spin-off game or something similar in your stead. It was rumored, a year ago, that the team behind Batman. "Arkham" franchise was interested in a MK Shaolin Monks-ish type of game. Unfortunately that rumor was false. Putting MK on a hiatus has never been done before, If we exclude the pause between MK Special Forces and Deadly Alliance.

3)If a LOT of people is crawling for a new MK game and merchandising there's just one reason: the game rocked and something like this hasn't happened to the mk franchise since 1995. I'd suggest to "strike the iron while it's hot".
In three years the MK fever could stop. MK was resurrected in 2011 with a great game, a music album and two film projects. Now it's the right time to push forward for comic books,sticker albums, even more action figures, etc.

Just my two cents.

08/24/2012 07:09 PM (UTC)
I seriously doubt MK's momentum would slow down in 3 years. Considering the MK movie coming out AND MK legacy getting a second season.

MK isn't going anywhere. Why rush another MK game?
08/24/2012 07:17 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I seriously doubt MK's momentum would slow down in 3 years. Considering the MK movie coming out AND MK legacy getting a second season.

MK isn't going anywhere. Why rush another MK game?

Because tomorrow might be too late.
08/24/2012 07:21 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I seriously doubt MK's momentum would slow down in 3 years. Considering the MK movie coming out AND MK legacy getting a second season.

MK isn't going anywhere. Why rush another MK game?

Because tomorrow might be too late.

Trust me, even IF MK died out... It would be rebooted again. MK has marked it's place in pop culture. 3 years really isn't a long way away.
08/24/2012 07:24 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I seriously doubt MK's momentum would slow down in 3 years. Considering the MK movie coming out AND MK legacy getting a second season.

MK isn't going anywhere. Why rush another MK game?

Because tomorrow might be too late.

Trust me, even IF MK died out... It would be rebooted again. MK has marked it's place in pop culture. 3 years really isn't a long way away.

Whoa, then. Do I have to expect another MK "Trilogy" just because the second reboot was well executed but killed marketing wise with unfortunate choices?
As a MK fan, I'd rather die.
08/24/2012 07:26 PM (UTC)
Actually yes. I would expect a new reboot every 20 years :)
09/04/2012 01:20 AM (UTC)
I say it should come out 2013 july 27th
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/14/2012 03:12 AM (UTC)
i would love some new DLC for MK 9 just to hold us over till MK 10 comes out for the XBOX 720 in 2015
05/12/2013 07:48 AM (UTC)
The original MK series died out. That is why they rebooted it. Move on people! NRS cannot come up with new stuff really. They changed the bodies from beind sliced horizontally to vertically, which isn't all that different.

I want Injustice 2!
05/13/2013 12:30 AM (UTC)
I stand with KungLaodoesntsuck. MK can be their Flagship game, but it doesn't mean that they have to focus on it. Let it sit, let people want it more, and then WAM-BAM MK-10 crops up and kicks ass another 2 years from now.

I really feel like they need to branch out. Create another franchise, stop being a one-trick pony. Make Nether Realm Studios known for more than just one game. Maybe give us a third game, then MK 10, then INJUSTICE 2, and maybe a fourth Game, and a sequel to the second- really build the company about gaming and not simply one game.
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