How do you feel about this compared to MK9?
posted12/15/2016 05:45 PM (UTC)by
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06/08/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
What do you think guys, overall, which is a better MK? Other than MK9's superior roster in my opinion, it still felt much more complete as a new installment to the MK franchise. To me, MKX just seems to be lacking in overall kontent. I haven't felt this disappointed since Armageddon, though I began to like that game slightly better over time. I'm a huge kombat-head like the rest of you, and I remember when we were all so eagerly awaiting this games release. I'm curious to hear what the core fans really think of MKX! grintongueglassesfurioussmilewow
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11/30/2016 12:11 AM (UTC)
MK 2011 is my favorite in every category.

MK: X is more mixed. The story shines during certain chapters.

Soundtracks are less atmospheric. The main score that is the highlight of this game is not even present during rounds, to my complete disappointment. I refer to the confrontational music when Raiden is at the Sky Temple: it appears in cutscenes only, as far as I know.

Stages are tamer and less iconic.

Roster is 10/10 since it has both of my all time favorite fictional characters as guests. KP 3 may maintain or decease this perfect 10.
11/30/2016 01:37 PM (UTC)
Both are the best games in the series, even better than mk2 and umk3.
Personally I've enjoyed mkx more, due to his dark and realistic look.
Mk9 was too cartoonish and bright cololured for my tastes.

Mkx was better gameplay wise too, I really enjoyed the variation system.
To me the roster of Mk X is the best ever :the perfect balance between old and characters, less ninjas the better.

The only point where Mk9 beats Mkx were DLCs : Kenshi, Rain and Skarlet were far away more interesting than Tanya, Tremor, Bo'Rai Cho and the abysmal guests.
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12/01/2016 08:42 AM (UTC)
MK vs DC is the best! grin
12/01/2016 06:03 PM (UTC)
I find it overall to be lacking compared to MK9.

With the exception of Tanya and Shinnok, the roster fell flat with me. Same old MK1 and MK2 characters a broad swath of newcomers and just a very small sprinkling of MK4. Oh, and Kenshi, since he's an NRS favorite and all.

The story tried to make us care about the new characters by putting them front and center and I personally think they did flesh out Kotal Kahn and D'Vorah pretty well, but the new kids, Ferra/Torr, and Erron Black put me to sleep.

The stages/arenas and the game's score failed to impress me. Nothing really stood out. No Palace Grounds with screaming souls passing through, no numinous beauty from House of Pekara, no jailed NPC characters, no battling on a mobile flying feels so uninspired compared to what we've seen in the past.

And lastly, the variation system. For characters like Mileena, Shinnok, Sub-Zero, it let us play with their full range of tools. Do you want bitey Mileena, stabby Mileena, or teleport-y Mileena? Ice Clone Sub, Counterattack and No Chip Sub, or Ice Weapon Sub? Move Stealing Shinnok, Skeletal Hand Shinnok, or Grim Reaper Shinnok? Great way to show the breadth of their abilities.

But for some characters, they were simply unable to do that. They had to steal moves from other characters (Mournful Kitana, Tigrar Fury Goro, Stunt Double Johnny, Demolition Sonya), shoehorn unfitting gimmicks (Possessed Kenshi, Outlaw Erron Black, Ronin Takeda), or make the variation system not really matter much at all for that character (Reptile).

One thing I will give them praise for is tweaking the combat system to make zoning strategies more judicious.

These days, I find myself occasionally popping in the disc to play a tower or two with Tanya and Shinnok, but that's it. I played it regularly for about 1 year and then dropped off. I played MK9 regularly for over 3 and a half years before dropping off.
12/04/2016 11:24 PM (UTC)
Mk9 is the superior Mortal Kombat game to me.

- It has better and more environments, characters and secrets.

- Tag team battles, classic music and code inputs were a blast!

- MK games (Mk1- MK9 ) have always been consistent in the use of colors untill Mkx. Looks like Mkx is lacking some color in general.

- Most new character failed to impress me. The teen party is not just a lazy development to create new characters but it also gives the idea that they are to replace their parents furious

Kotal kahn, Erron black, Takedo and Kung jin are cool. I just hope Kotal is not here to replace shao kahn. I would not be happy to see a jungle kingdom in outworld ruled by Kotal kahn. Where the colors are used in the wrong places...

- The variation mode is cool. If they want to make it better it would cost them the double amount of time at least. So i prefer no variations or 2 variations. So the characters maintain their style and dont get random specials just bc their need it.

These days, I find myself occasionally popping in the disc to play a tower or two with Tanya and Shinnok, but that's it. I played it regularly for about 1 year and then dropped off. I played MK9 regularly for over 3 and a half years before dropping off.

I wasn't aware how good MK9 was untill Mkx came out. It's my most played MK game if not of all games. I hope to see a HD remake for the PS4 and xbone just to play it online again.
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12/06/2016 11:37 PM (UTC)
Agree with most of the hate but the colors are dope. MK9 colors were SHIT!
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
12/15/2016 02:15 PM (UTC)
That sweet sweet gameplay takes precedence for me and it's Mortal Kombat's fault.

It's the fighting game I followed beginning to now and with it's increased focus on gameplay, I too had to adapt and now everything else has taken a backseat.

I appreciate the beauty where I can find it in MKX. It's a good looking game in general.

MK9 is ugly as shit in comparison and you all know it. It has some good shit going on it it though, definitely more interesting arenas.

I'll take MKXL over MK9. I'm playing MK9 currently as well, so the feels are real.
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12/15/2016 05:45 PM (UTC)
I don't care for the variation system at all. Angry Joe does a great summary of this when he says, "Even more annoying is that variations become somewhat limiting when your favorite moves are no longer available to a character in that variation. For example, Raiden doesn't even have a Teleport in any of his variations besides Sparkport. Which is blasphemy!" I prefer the traditional way of selecting a character and having complete access to all their special moves, finishing moves, etc.
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