How can Scorpion tie into the Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero story?
IMO, Scorpion needs to get involved with this story. He has to face an evil he partially created and he killed him even though he was (mostly) innocent. (But he did not know it) I wonder Scorpion and Noob Saibot were both born of the Netherrealm, yet they're both taking different paths. Scorpion is neutral (but as Champion of the Elder Gods, I'd say he's leaning towards the side of good) and Noob Saibot is evil. I think it would be great to see Scorpion try to apologize to Noob Saibot when he finds out who he is. What do you think? (Also we could see Scorpion and Sub-Zero team up to stop him)
09/28/2005 01:48 AM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub-Zero are still enemies for some reason. I think its that Scorpion is still confused about the fact that Noob is the older Subby. I think that Scorpion should just stick with finding out information about "the One Being". There is a possibility that Quan Chi is still alive after the blast of Raiden, i mean no one actually dies in MK. So Scorpion probably is on the lookout for him too for killing his family. Smoke is a better person to fit between the Sub-Zero Vs. Noob Saibot storyline, because Smoke was a friend to Sub-Zero and a slave to Noob. Smoke should malfunction many times during the war because his soul is still inside him and his mechanics are struggling to keep his soul in tact. His soul should be fighting the cyborgtic body and realize that he is fighting his best friend in Kombat then turn on Noob Saibot, but only for a little while and escape from Noob. With the rest, Sub-Zero can get Kenshi to help Smoke escape the cyborgtic body and find a new body to return to his new form. I hope this actually happens.grin
09/28/2005 02:50 AM (UTC)
Apologize? lol, I don't think that would work but Scorpion SHOULD be involved with the Noob/Sub storyline.

With the way things are with his storyline, I believe he is still unaware that there are 2 Sub-Zero's.

Btw, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are no longer enemies since Quan Chi revealed that he was the murderer of Scorpion's family and clan.
09/28/2005 06:58 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot

When Noob Saibot witnessed his former brother in life, Sub-Zero, slay a Tarkatan horde he was surprised at how much stronger his brother had become.

Noob quickly discovered that Sub-Zero had become so powerful by becoming Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and attaining the Dragon Medallion; as a former member of the Lin Kuei, Noob is more than familiar with the Medallion's powers.

After Smoke's defection, Noob recruits a new-born wraith from the Netherrealm in his unholy quest to slay his former brother- and use the Medallion's energies in his diabolical schemes as ruler of the Netherrealm...


When the Elder Gods transformed the ninja spectre into their servant, Scorpion understood that the completion of his mission to slay the Dragon King would begin his path to redemption and ascent from the Netherrealm to the Heavens. Despite his failure to do so, Scorpron was successful in his aid of Shujinko, and was returned to the Void while the Elders judged his soul.

However, Scorpion is surprised by the reappearance of his old nemesis, the original Sub-Zero- now the wraith known as Noob Saibot. Scorpion knows full well the extent of Noob Saibot's plans for the Netherrealm, and his evil intent towards his own younger brother, the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster. The Elders order Scorpion not to intervene, but Scorpion's desire to finally and utterly destroy "Noob Saibot" may risk his release from Hell, and his reunion with his wife and child...


The Lin Kuei's Grandmaster is busy training the new generation of Chinese warriors, when he visited in a mystical vision by his former pupil, Frost. Frost warns him that he is danger from his former brother, Noob Saibot, who has determined to seize the Dragon Medallion and use its power for his own perverted ends.

Sub-Zero uses the knowledge Frost has given him to set up an ambush for his brother, and attempt to use the Medallion to cleanse Noob's soul of the evil corrupting him from the Netherrealm. However, Sub-Zero is unaware that his former enemy, Scorpion, is also stalking Noob Saibot, with a very different agenda for the wraith...

*Of course, Sub-Zero is being led into a trap by the new wraith, Frost. But also of course, Smoke is out watching Sub-Zero's back after his release from his cybernetic form by the Dragon Medallion... So there you go. Three way fight between Scorpion and the two Sub-Zeros, with Frost and Smoke thrown in for good measure smile
09/28/2005 10:55 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Posted: 09/27/2005 10:50 PM Status ::

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RE: How can Scorpion tie into the Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero story?

Apologize? lol, I don't think that would work but Scorpion SHOULD be involved with the Noob/Sub storyline.

With the way things are with his storyline, I believe he is still unaware that there are 2 Sub-Zero's.

it says in mk 2 that scorpion realizes that its the original sub-zero's brother and swears to protect the new one...but in mk4...he fights him and beats him....which doesnt make sense...but then realizes that quan chi killed his he hunts after him...thats how he finds his way in mk:da and in the new game he probably wont fit into that storyline unless boon gets really creative...

i think they should have scorpion get killed by someone and find out that noob is the original and have them team up against the new one as retribution for killing him...then noob ditches smoke and sub-zero finds him so they transform him into a human or w/e like he was before and join the new lin kuei...and have scorpion and noob vs. subzero and smoke
09/28/2005 11:51 PM (UTC)
I believed in that too for a while until I read something that Tobias apparently said regarding that. He didn't count that vow thing as canon and it doesn't seem like Scorpion is aware of there being 2 Sub-Zero brothers, especially with the way his MKDA storyline is....So unfortunately, since that vow thing is non-canon, that kind of butchers Scorpion's storyline.

*sighs* It's sad that Scorpion, one of my favorite MK characters, has a butchered storyline and there IS still potential for him if his storyline in the next game ties in with Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot along with some others, but I don't know....We'll just have to see how things go...
09/29/2005 12:39 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
Is there such a thing as unretconning? Please tell me there is.

No, there's simply just overwriting....I think that it would've been better if the vow storyline was canon...but, there's no unretconning...
^I meant as in making what was once part of a story that was retconned canon again?
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09/29/2005 10:34 AM (UTC)
i think its best for scorpian to keep is pact and protect young sub zero from older sub(noob) thats how he could get involved.. like just as noob is about to kill sub, scorp can save the day... then kill them both (only because he is one bad ass ninja) :P
09/30/2005 01:18 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
^I meant as in making what was once part of a story that was retconned canon again?

Well, I guess that the other version will have to be disregarded while the older version comes back to being regarded as what happened.

Honestly, it's a bit too late for that particular thing. What I would like to see is Sub-Zero and Scorpion team up if they are going to confront Noob Saibot.
09/30/2005 03:47 AM (UTC)
I'm sure Scorpion will play a part in this drama, as the man who made Noob Saibot's "birth" possible.

The simplest possibility is Scorpion, as the Elder Gods' Champion, will be sent to deal with the threat Noob Saibot represents as the new Ruler of the Netherealm.

How and when Scorpion discovers Noob's true identity should be interesting. Even more shocking since they both served Shinnok during MK4, so they had to have run into each other.
(BTW, even if Scorpion didn't vow to protect Sub-Zero, I hope he at least knows its the younger brother by now)

I'm hoping Scorpion's reaction won't be "Grrr, I still hate you for killing me! Die again!" I'm hoping he'll take a moment to reflect on the consequences of his actions and the irony of the situation.
I think one way or another Scorpion will feel responsible for more-or-less creating Noob Saibot and fell the need to put him down. I also think he'll just be disgusted with what his old rival has allowed himself to become.
Scorpion will probably then make it his mission to end the evil he helped create, which may put him in direct conflict with Sub-Zero, who may or may not attempt to help his brother regain his former self.

I'm hoping Noob Saibot will have some reaction to Scorpion. Whether it be he's been secretly holding a grudge this whole time or he actually feels some form of gratitude. Anything really.
I'd rather Noob not simply just look at Scorpion and go "Oh. It's Scorpion."sleep

Suppose he feels some form of gratitude, since he's apparently proud of what he is, maybe he'll attempt to get Scorpion to join him. He could give Scorpion the old "We're the same, we should be working together." treatment and try to convince Scorpion to fight by his side.

Or Scorpion just might find himself one of Noob's many targets.

I'm sure Scorpion fits into Noob's plans one way or another, along with Sub-Zero and Sareena.
And if he doesn't, I imagine they'll cross paths anyway since Noob seems to be emerging as a threat that Scorpion would have to confront as the Elder Gods' Champion.
09/30/2005 09:10 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84, you are always one to give such great and intelligent analyses of the MK characters. I commend you for that.

I really would like to see Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sareena, and Ashrah tie into Noob Saibot's storyline, maybe even Quan Chi, Shinnok, and Smoke...What about Raiden? Do you think Raiden knows that the older Sub-Zero turned into Noob Saibot? Given the new persona Raiden has, how do you think he and Noob will react to each other if they were to come across?
If it was normal Raiden, he'd say "I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so." grin If it was Dark Raiden, he'd be "You are threatening Earthrealm? Die!"
10/01/2005 04:39 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
If it was normal Raiden, he'd say "I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so." grin If it was Dark Raiden, he'd be "You are threatening Earthrealm? Die!"

Well, I don't think that Noob Saibot is threatening Earthrealm since he seems to just care about the Netherrealm.
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