Hope MK10 is a prequel
posted10/27/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/19/2011 08:47 PM (UTC)
I'd love it if MK10 is a prequel to MK9, great Kung Lao's demise at the hands of Goro, and Shang Tsung coming to power! or Even further back, when Shao Kahn rises to power in the Outworld and kills Onaga! They can use Raiden, Quan Chi, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Shinnok, Quan Chi, Goro, Reptile, Onaga and a lot of other characters! Thoughts?
09/19/2011 09:12 PM (UTC)
I don't.

We need to move forward, and let some of the later characters (and plotlines) have a chance. No more milling around in the past, please.

Besides, according to MK(2011), Ermac was formed in the midst of the first tournament (or he was not prepared beforehand.) It wouldn't make sense for him to be there.
I wouldn't mind if they did that in the future, but what about certain staple characters not even being born yet?
Scorps, Subz, Johnny, Sonya, and all of the other Earthrealm fighters wouldn't be in it...
They'd have to introduce a bunch of characters we'd never see again, unless they somehow had only GKL on the Earthrealm side, and a ton of Outworlders/Edenians to fill the void.
(How do Outworlders and Edenians even age, by the way? Do they develop insanely slowly, or do they mature quickly and then start to age over a great period of time....?)
I don't know how they'd work that out...
09/21/2011 05:41 AM (UTC)
Thanks for your answer! You have a good point. I guess it makes more sense if this were to happen a few years in the future MK15 maybe! Characters they could use can be:

Raiden, Fujin, Bo' Rai Cho, Great Kung Lao, Daegon, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Rain, Reiko, Baraka, Sheeva, Kintaro, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Kitana, Reptile, Goro, and maybe even Havik and Hotaru.

That's about 20 characters, including 4 heroes. I think it'd be a really cool story mode.
09/21/2011 01:29 PM (UTC)
I hope you're just as correct as geocentrism.
09/28/2011 02:54 AM (UTC)
I don't, it's time to finally move on with the story and with the characters, most of which wouldn't be alive for a prequel set a long time ago anyway.

I want them to move on bring in the post MK3 characters and do them justice, floating around in the past might have been cool save for the fact that's all we've been doing with the series, MK2011 is the biggest contribution to that, l want the series to move forward and bring on Shinnok's revenge and the Netherrealm invasion.
09/28/2011 12:27 PM (UTC)
Yeah, they really set themselves up for a badass sequel after MK9, so I'm really excited to see that before anything else. Not to mention they also have a chance in a sequel to "reinvent" the relevant post-MK3 characters (Shinnok, first and foremost). smile
09/28/2011 10:41 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
(How do Outworlders and Edenians even age, by the way? Do they develop insanely slowly, or do they mature quickly and then start to age over a great period of time....?)
I don't know how they'd work that out...

I would think that they reach maturity and then remain there for the duration of their natural lives. Aging isn't a part of the growth process, it's your body slowly breaking down.
09/29/2011 03:05 AM (UTC)
If we have a MK game that was set during the very firsts of the Mortal Kombat tournament, I would be pleased about it.

Knowing how this tournament came about. This way, almost the entire roster would be completely new so no one would be complaining about how there's way too much publicity showing on Scorpion and Sub-Zero as well has asking for certain characters to make an appearance despite they are nowhere to be found.
09/30/2011 05:30 AM (UTC)
Actually I wouldn't want MK 10 as a prequel, but I would love another MK game along the lines of MKM:SZ and MK:SM. Not part of the true fighting game series, but a separate set games of their own showing the history of one or more related characters. One for the Edenians (ie Kitana, Jade, Sindel), one for the immortals (Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok), etc.
09/30/2011 11:23 AM (UTC)
One more sequel would be great but the only thing I have against doing more sequels is that sooner or later, you're going to see everybody who's died resurrected, and that really hurts the story line not to mention totally undermines the concept of "death". It means nothing when your hero kills the bad guy, because you know he hasn't accomplished anything, the dude is gonna come back again anyway!

Now I don't mind some dead characters getting revamped and coming back in a different way. Like Liu Kang's in his new god look, or Shang Tsung as the good guy, or Cyber Sub as the Shao Kahn possessed cyborg like we saw in the MK9 endings!
10/03/2011 11:02 AM (UTC)
i hope that MK ́s 9 story line was nothing more than Raiden ́s nightmare and that they don ́t continue from there
10/08/2011 12:07 AM (UTC)
I personally would like to see an extension to the current storyline. Going back as a sequel would mean the elimination of almost the entire roster and other neo characters that came in later. I would like to see the majority of the roster come back to the next game with the exceptions of Mileena, Sheeva, Cyber Sub-Zero, Skarlett and Freddy Kruger. I would think that these characters would need to be revamped some more. For example, I could see Sheeva staying if she were given more of a wrestling, grappling like fighting style. Or Cyber Sub-Zero should be given a whole new identity such as Gelid or Siberia. Something to that affect instead of naming it after another character with a revamped move set unique to Sub-Zero. I've talked around, and most people would like characters that have interesting gameplay. So if these character can't get revamped or improved in terms of their gameplay on the video game then I don't think they should be in the game itself.

The other reason why I think that the video game storyline would be better if it went along the current one, would be the possiblities for expanding the current line of history, the implementation of new characters, and old characters with a twists here and there for plausiblity and also consistency. Although I thought the killing off of the majority of the roster was an neccessary twists, I think with some creative thinking and good writing skills, the mortally dead characters and be brought back to life. Maybe Raiden or a unknown deity can cast a mythical serum that restores life or something to that affect. The possiblities are wide open and plentiful.
10/09/2011 05:42 AM (UTC)
But don't you think the concept of death is becoming meaningless...i mean how many more times do you want to see Shao Kahn get killed by the earth warriors and then revived so the same thing can happen again!?
10/09/2011 02:09 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn definitely should be dead for good; has was blasted into smithereens by the Elder Gods!
10/27/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)
I have thought about this but They would have to make it for number 11 instead. That way people will be interested in the story for Shinook and all the other characters. They could even put in the story of scorpions life, before he became a ninja-spectre, kitana growing up, where Shao Kahn came from, The Great Kung Lao, Reptiles Race, Shinooks Downfall, etc.
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