Hi all!
posted10/05/2005 06:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/24/2005 05:45 AM (UTC)
Hello everybody! Just would like to say that I am a long-time surfer but don't, or at least didn't, take much time to sign up and take the liberty of actually contributingsad. There are a lot of neat ideas on this board and certainly shows that the series will be in good hands if any one on these boards goes on to design school for videogames!
I don't want to give too much away as to exactly who I am (I don't mind giving my name, but my position in the industry...trust me, if you READ some you will find out...I'd rather give hints so that people know I am credible than hose them), but I would like to say that you should take an interest in Game Informer. I am pretty well known at the Gaming-Age forums for having some "inside scoops" (as in, I am somebody that actually has statements that come true). I haven't talked to Kudou yet to see if she has signed up for this board (if she plans on signing up at all), but if you see her name come up (don't worry, it will have "Kudou" in it somewhere), you should keep her information in the back of your mind as wellsmile.
I am not a developer for the Mortal Kombat series, nor for any videogame series for that matter. Consider me more of a "support" (okay, that probably gave it away right there). I do not have any real substance to tell you for the next installment of the MK series, but I do have a few concrete facts that owners of next-gen consoles will be please to know!
I don't think it would be too smart if I gave away exactly everything I knew right now as seeing that, although this game isn't under as tight of wraps as some projects are in the industry, a lot of hard work is being put into refreshing the series for the next-generation. Expect upgraded visuals that will look really nice! Of course, the Xbox360 and the Playstation 3 are among the main consoles receiving the fighting iterations of Mortal Kombat. It may sadden some gamers that the game is being developed for the "lowest common denominator", but the game is visually as big as a jump as Virtua Fighter 4 was to Virtua Fighter 3. As most of you know, the Mortal Kombat series has not been about the graphics seeing as how it never was quite the benchmark that the Dead or Alive series represents, but the next-generation of Mortal Kombat will be a very nice sight!
Expect a fighting system that can be best described as a "techno remix" of the current gameplay for the series. Faster and more responsive. Expect a game where flashy techniques meet with just a splash of technical skills. I have not gotten a chance to play it (I don't think anyone outside the development team has), but from what I'm told, it will be for fighters what "Burnout" is for racers.
As with all things next-gen, games will become more realistic, and I think that the only way this can really be avoided is go generic 2D or do a game in Cell Shading. However, Mortal Kombat will not go in those directions. The game will have a significant violence level in it thanks to the increased visual quality of the powerful Xbox360 and the absolute mammoth Playstation 3. I'm not sure how the team is going to try to tone it down through humor or otherwise, but don't expect the game to be a "murder simulation" by any means.
I think that is all I should really spill at this point, I think I may be back in a week or so with maybe a few more tidbits unless Kudou decides to pop up. Oh, off the record, some of you guys look into the games way too much! The Mortal Kombat development team is great, but they are certainly not Kojima Productions or Team Ninja by a mile! What I am saying is, next time a game is released, don't try doing math problems that only Einstein can figure out to try to unlock "Stryker in the Order Realm by walking through the invisible wall". I read what some people on here did such as "leave my Xbox/PS2 on for days while letting Shujinko meditate", and that is seriously overdoing it! This is Mortal Kombat, not the Da Vinci Codegrin

- Graham
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
09/24/2005 09:25 AM (UTC)
Hmmm, interesting.......
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09/24/2005 11:37 AM (UTC)
I just want to know if the the engine will still be as broken and lacking fighting game basics as the last two.

I guess the one way to answer that is how seriously are they taking the testing of their games.
09/24/2005 02:18 PM (UTC)
If this guy really is anybody who knows something (which you'll have to forgive me for being skeptical about, seeing as how with the release of MKDA and especially MKD, about 1 in 5 people claimed to have "reliable sources" that revealed inside information to them when in reality pretty much nobody knew anything), then it looks like we're in for some serious disappointment. Or at least, I took the following to mean that the fighting mechanics are going to still be rubbish:

GWest Wrote:
It may sadden some gamers that the game is being developed for the "lowest common denominator", but the game is visually as big as a jump as Virtua Fighter 4 was to Virtua Fighter 3.

I'm not sure what was meant here, but i'm guessing lowest common denominator in this case means scrubs (ie: that Midway still don't know what they're doing so they make up some backwards excuse like "We'll sell more copies if the game can't be played reasonably at any sort of high level!")
Correct me if i'm wrong.

GWest Wrote:
Expect a fighting system that can be best described as a "techno remix" of the current gameplay for the series. Faster and more responsive.

The old system was flawed at the most basic levels, so a "remix" of that mess is just going to be a slightly different mess, but unfortunately, still just a mess all the same.

I take this with a grain of salt though. Dispite what anybody at all says, be it somebody who claims to know something, or John Vogel himself, we'll not know what it's like until the game is released for us to sit down and play. Hopefully it'll be more than just some slight alterations on the MKDA/MKD system.
09/24/2005 11:40 PM (UTC)
Well I didn't mean to come across that I wouldn't post here at all until I heard some new (and actually, expected) news! As for developing for the lowest common denominator, I meant that statement to come across as development for the game is being done with the Core Xbox 360 in mind (no harddrive, less powerful console than Playstation 3). When I compared next-gen Mortal Kombat to a leap in graphics by using Virtua Fighter 3 and Virtua Fighter 4, I wanted that to say , "Virtua Fighter 4 looks really good! However, Dead or Alive Ultimate is superior." I don't mean to downplay the visuals of the next Mortal Kombat game as they are extremely nice! A very solid and very well done grahpics engine that is already extremely impressive and has a lot of time to be improved. However, just as with this generation of the MK series, it was overshadowed in some areas by other games when MD:DA and MK:D were released, and were later on completely taken over in visuals compared to fighters that were released later on down the road.

As for the gameplay, from what I hear it is not "a mess". The game will take emphasis on a more "flashy" approach of easy to learn maneuvers with some skill required (think Lei Fei from VF4). I guess a good example as to what this is can be best described as this:

The fighting engine is supposed to have what is an equivalent to Street Fighter 3's "tech hits". Suppose you are Character A facing off Character B. Character B throws a punch and, as Character A, you do a command on the controller for your character to do a "tech hit". However, the tech hit won't just be a frame of animation such as SF3's. Character A will tech hit Character B's punch by countering it and, depending on the style of your character, may stun Character B, hit them, knock them to the ground, or do a special move that is varied just a little to coincide with a "tech hit". In my first post I said that, as with all other Mortal Kombats, there will be a little humor to take the violence down another level. A way this will work is actually in the fighting itself (and this piece of information just so happens to be old for me that I could have posted last time). Imagine Character A starting a combo on Character B. After maybe the 2nd or 3rd hit is delivered from Character A, Character B begins to stumble. Character A will then maybe do an animation such as a "come on" signal or charge up an attack. This coincidentally also complexes the fighting engine a little more. If you are going to do a combo (which are going to be a lot less linear), then you will have to consider frames of animation and speed of the combo as well, instead of memorization and "type-a-combo" routines.

There are a few other develoment stories that you all will see soon. I know a lot of people on this board want to know about the "fatalities" and other forms of finishing moves in the game (I am just as big of fan of them as you are). Those haven't even been shown or put into the code that was shown. From what I gather, all those things come in last, after gameplay and graphics are finished.

As for when you will see the game...I'm not too sure when the magazine you should take an interest in (Game Informersmile) is going to print the story on it. I seriously doubt you will see anything motionwise at X05. Your best bet is to wait until around February, that is when the Playstation Meeting is. While the game probably won't be featured at the event, I'm sure that is when all the wraps will be taken off of the PS3, and all 3rd party support can finally be shown for it. See ya around the bendwink

- Graham And guys, I was just surfing the web (well, about 9 hours after my initial post). There are links like these http://xbox360s.freepay.com/?r=21604429 all over the net! Don't use things like these. They may work, but it isn't showing the developers or the console makers any appreciation for their work by getting something for "free". Please, use your money if you like something (in this case the Xbox360) and show your support to the people who made it!smile
09/25/2005 02:45 AM (UTC)
Not to be rude or anything...but we do know a few things about the game...
And this time MK fans, please dont say ED Boon lies, because I think that is never the case...OK

First thing is first

According to PSM magazine, the game is confirmed for next generation consoles.


It will have the most characters ever in a game, so it is safe to say that if you do all the math, it will be at least 35-40 characters...

Another thing:

Expect Scorpion and Subzero to be in the game....


More than likely, the Dragon King and Raiden have a HIGH probablility of being in the game...

All I can say is stay tuned, and keep you're eyes and ears open, there will definetly be more MK information next year, as there is a fighting game produced every other year now...
09/25/2005 03:45 AM (UTC)
Thanks GWest. If what you say is true then this all sounds quite promising (move properties, superyay!)
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09/25/2005 12:07 PM (UTC)
no shit outworld :D
09/25/2005 11:13 PM (UTC)
Whoa, I don't know where 35-40 characters came from. There will definately not be that many in the game. You are looking at maybe a total of (low) 20-some characters. I did not read the PSM article that states this, but there was absolutely no way from the beginning that there were going to be over 20-some characters. Next-generation development cost, for the time being, is rising. Development on 40 characters with animations, textures, sounds, writing code for each move, motion captures...the cost would be probably close to Half-Life 2's. It will surprise me greatly if the team is allowed to go over their budget and crosses into the $20 million range. I think posts like this (not pointing directly towards anybody here) are what caused everyone on these boards to try insane things in Konquest to find "secrets" that people formed in their own mind. See ya!smile
09/26/2005 11:37 AM (UTC)
actually GWEST boon himself stated that MKwill have more characters than any other MK game,im not sure if that includes trilogy or not but thats still alotta characters
09/26/2005 01:12 PM (UTC)
GWest Wrote:
Whoa, I don't know where 35-40 characters came from. There will definately not be that many in the game. You are looking at maybe a total of (low) 20-some characters. I did not read the PSM article that states this, but there was absolutely no way from the beginning that there were going to be over 20-some characters. Next-generation development cost, for the time being, is rising. Development on 40 characters with animations, textures, sounds, writing code for each move, motion captures...the cost would be probably close to Half-Life 2's. It will surprise me greatly if the team is allowed to go over their budget and crosses into the $20 million range. I think posts like this (not pointing directly towards anybody here) are what caused everyone on these boards to try insane things in Konquest to find "secrets" that people formed in their own mind. See ya!smile

Excuse me??? Are you accusing me of something here?

This game will have the most characters ever, as stated by Ed Boon. Please check the MK Online news board before you incorrectly correct mesmile Another misinformed gaminformer...
09/26/2005 05:24 PM (UTC)
A few of you are going to be disappointed in a little while then if you think there were actually going to be 40 characters in the next game. The only people I can see getting a budget big enough to make a fighting game that expansive and not to even mention the loads of other things that would go into making a game that big would either be Yu Suzuki or Itagaki (as a matter of fact, I think it is an industry fact that Dead or Alive 4's budget ran up to $21 million, and there are 16 characters in it). I know a lot of you don't want to hear it, but Ed Boon isn't exactly known for coming through with all of his predictions. Where was the ice-sludge stage fatality? How about the stage fatalities in MK:DA? What about the "super unlockables" that were supposed to be in MK:D and all of the chatter about "oh, theres actually 9 other characters that exist if I just take the speed of sound and divide it by the speed of which mitochondria divide yada yada yada"? I think a couple of people on here, or at least over at GA, found out that I'm pretty credible considering they read to find my name somewhere wink.

You guys can believe what PSM wrote, thats fine. Please remember, the next game's code wasn't even started on back then. What is running right now is an extremely primitive code. There is absolutely no way that the MK team was ever going to get a $40 million budget. Expect to see low 20-something amount of characters. If you see anymore than that, then those characters will be brought up in other aspects of the game, if there are any. Also, all bets are off when it comes to getting a MK game every year, or at least for 2006. The best of the best are finding difficulty developing for the 360. I doubt the MK team, who over looked fixing code as capes moving or real-time cloth physics, is going to have a field day with the console. Don't expect too much for 2006...maybe something, maybe not.
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#MicksDesk, #gamiz, #tmk, #mortalkombat
09/26/2005 07:45 PM (UTC)
what i want to know is GWest is how you found out MK7 Info this Quick there are no Facts on this game yet and would like to know on how you found some of this info so quick do u work at a Game Comapny or something ?
09/26/2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
samus_aran3900 Wrote:
what i want to know is GWest is how you found out MK7 Info this Quick there are no Facts on this game yet and would like to know on how you found some of this info so quick do u work at a Game Comapny or something ?

What he sais.

Besides. Never count Ed Boon out.

Last time I checked, MKT had 36 characters...

So if anyone can make magic happen, its Ed Boon. If he sais the most characters ever, take it at face value...he will probably have 40 characters...

And believe me, nothing is implossible. Why do you say coming out with a game like that is impossible???

My source isnt PSM, its Ed Boon...furiousfurious
09/26/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the info. Sounds like they're putting a lot of thought and effort into inproving the gameplay- having access to different moves from different states you are put into by the other player ( i think that's what you said) is just the kind of thing i'd like to see.

I'm not at all bothered that there are "only" 20 or so characters, or if the ps3 version version is a port of the 360 version. If anything it means they'll have more time/money for other suff, like the gameplay. Incedentally, i think VF3 looks better than DOA4- the latter might have a bazillion more polygons, but the style of the characters is inferior.
09/27/2005 04:14 AM (UTC)
Who says I've never worked with Ed Boon. I guess some of you guys don't read the instruction bookletwink. Expectations of what were put into PSM where only that, expectations. Some developers are having a very tough time with Xenos and Xenon (the Xbox360 GPU and CPU, respectively). The MK team isn't exactly known for breaking ground graphics wise anyway. 40 characters with their own unique animations, moves, backgrounds...absolutely too much code and the budget would be obscene. Now, if, say Microsoft Game Studios, was developing the game then sure, you could expect an abitious project like that. But when you are talking about a team who had problems here and there with current-gen systems and mix that in with the fact the company wants to get one game per year out (which coincidentally, a 2006 release of MK7 would completely throw the "annual MK" promise out the window for future MK games), you've got some reality to face.

Now, on the other hand...things may, MAY, change. Midway may allow a bigger budget. Final 360 hardware may ease up development. Things can happen. However, don't expect the world. Expect a game that will totally satisfy MK fans over and through.
09/28/2005 05:40 PM (UTC)
Hmm...looks like the team may have gotten a few things up and put together for X05. Not too sure how good of an implication this may be seeing as how I haven't talked to anybody about it yet. I'll see exactly what this is.

09/28/2005 05:46 PM (UTC)
yeah, thats the list I was talking about GWest, except it was a PS3 list in PSM...
09/28/2005 08:21 PM (UTC)
Well, GRAHAM West, I hope you're not trying to fool us through "Deception(1)"
When you are old, you will need to carry a "staff(4)" for "support(3)". Also, I will now type "software(2)" for no reason. Hehe.

Yeah, we know who you are and since you've been rarther sensitive with your identity, I'm willing to go out on a limb and believe most of what you say.
It's not like you've paraded on here and said "Oh, I'm John Vogel!".
I'll take anything you say with a pinch of salt, but, yeah, it all sounds rarther believable.

If what you say about those counter systems is true, then it sounds pretty awesome, too!

09/29/2005 03:42 AM (UTC)
Keep an eye out on and around October 4th and 5th. Not sure yet if they are going to announce development for the game or if what is currently scheduled is an unveiling...but you should mark those dates down.
10/01/2005 03:11 AM (UTC)
Isnt that close to fight night???

At any rate, i will mark my calander down if it pleases you.

But what kind of announcement will it be???

I think they (the development team) should stop all this secrecy around MK and just tell us 2 or 3 important characters that will be there..(other than scorpion and subzero...)
D'Arque Bishop
10/05/2005 06:48 PM (UTC)
Sorry, folks. My sources within Midway have confirmed this guy is not the real Graham West, nor is he at all affiliated with Midway. Therefore, anything he said should be considered extremely suspect.

I'll go ahead and close this thread as a result.
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