Heroic brutalities for pure MK games
posted10/16/2011 03:59 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I believe heroic brutalities should be brought back as an optional kind of non-lethal finisher. It can be fun to see good guys tear each other apart, but it'd be interesting for them to have more "in-character" means of incapacitating one another if they came to blows for some reason.

You've got friendships and babalities as non-lethal finishers, but heroic brutalities (which wouldn't need to be referred as such) would be less goofy (nothing wrong with goofiness, just stating).

Even the villains could have them. Some of them could have a sicker or more sadistic way of taking out their opponents in a non-lethal manner. Shang Tsung could take their souls only partially, harming them in some way such as premature aging, and forcing them to work for him if they want what was stolen from them back. Freddy could give them a taste of his pizza (heh heh heh).

To conclude, among other possibilities are HBs that leave the victims alive purely by accident, with either the winner not realising it or not caring, and non-lethal versions of classic fatalities such as Kabal's facial scare.
10/15/2011 05:56 PM (UTC)
No. I will take Friendships or Babalities.

Beating somebody down when they're stunned and dizzy isn't heroic anyway, so it wouldn't make sense.
10/15/2011 06:33 PM (UTC)
Espio, you did notice that I said they wouldn't have to be referred to as heroic brutalities, right? It's the concept of finishing the opponent in a non-lethal manner I'm interested in. One more brutal than babalities. Regardless of what name they have for them.

It'd just be fun if the good guys could finish each other and villains in a more "in-character" way, so to speak.

Here's one I have for Stryker: He smashes his opponents' fingers with his nightstick, gets behind them, kicks them in the butt getting them away from him, and throws his nightstick in their spine.

10/15/2011 07:08 PM (UTC)
I would actually like to see Hara Kiris brought back. I've always wanted to see Stryker shoot himself in the head for his Hara Kiri or Kung Lao throw his hat and have it come back and cut his own head off.

Friendships should defintely make a return. They were always fun to watch. My favorite was Sub Zero's. I love snowmen.

Animalities should also come back. That is probably my favorite finisher to perform. Even though it takes the most work to do, but once I pulled it off it was all worth it.

As far as heroic brutalities go, there's only one heroic brutality I can think of. Which would be Liu Kang's Dragon's Tail from MK1 and MK2.
10/15/2011 07:33 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Espio, you did notice that I said they wouldn't have to be referred to as heroic brutalities, right? It's the concept of finishing the opponent in a non-lethal manner I'm interested in. One more brutal than babalities. Regardless of what name they have for them.

It'd just be fun if the good guys could finish each other and villains in a more "in-character" way, so to speak.

Here's one I have for Stryker: He smashes his opponents' fingers with his nightstick, gets behind them, kicks them in the butt getting them away from him, and throws his nightstick in their spine.

I did, but the very nature of "brutality" makes it an out of character move for a hero, renaming it adds up to the same thing.

You can call it brutality, heroic, merciful beatdown etc. it still shakes up to be the same.

And the example you gave seems just as out of character as a fatality, I presume breaking someone's fingers and slamming a nighstick into a person's spine(which would most likely cause paralysis or severe spinal and back injury) isn't more in character, especially when the person is stunned and defenseless it's just a less gory form, it only lacks the opponent's death.

Whatever it would be called is irrelevant, might as well just uppercut the opponent or trip them, that would be more in character for the heroes to incapacitate them in that way than to do a brutality or even a Friendship, which we already have.
10/15/2011 09:26 PM (UTC)
What I suggested for Stryker might not be one he'd use against other heroes, but against villains it'd be more plausible. Because, call it bad writing if you want, most of the heroes in MK9's story mode didn't kill their foes. If Stryker wasn't gonna kill Reptile, he might as well have paralysed him.

And even if "HBs" were still out of character, there are fates worse than death. That right there makes my idea valid in my opinion. Doing things to the opponent that makes them wish for death. Babalities are no doubt humilating, but these finishers would be much more brutal.

Still, as for appropriateness, what do you think is more in-character for Stryker: turning his opponent into a baby, or what I suggested for him? Just the fact he's not supposed to have magical or superhuman abilities of any kind makes it out of character for him to do the former.

As for the name of these finishers, they could vary depending on the winner: Shang Tsung's partial soul drain in my OP could be called enslavement, and Stryker's could be called Police Brutality (as could his brutality if they made a return, but that's another story).

About Me
10/16/2011 03:59 AM (UTC)
Sooo...violent brutalities for villains and heroic non-lethal brutalities for heroes?

Depends on who you see as "heroic".
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