Has the Link Kuei abandoned the cyborg initiative?
posted08/14/2014 03:24 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Thanks to MK2011, with Smoke and Sub-Zero out of the way, it would seem the Link Kuei would be able to move ahead with the cyborg initiative and change all of their assassins into machines. If this is indeed a new Sub-Zero as has been implied, what do you think happened to the Lin Kuei?
08/12/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
They went ahead and made the movie called "Bicentennial Man".
08/12/2014 07:34 PM (UTC)
.... xD

On a more serious note, I was thinking the same thing, but I don't think this new Sub-Zero, if he is new, would mean that they abandoned it, he could of been hiding out for sometime, the son of one of the other brothers who they trained in private... I'm sure NRS could think of just about anything.

I want to beat on Sektor, so I hope he is still relevant .
08/12/2014 09:43 PM (UTC)
The Link Kuei has.

I don't know about the Lin Kuei, though.
08/12/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
In the old timeline there were only three prototype cybers, and two out of three of them failed; Cyrax ended up wandering aimlessly in the desert and broke down. After that he ended up regaining his human instinct and leaving them. Smoke did the same thing through sheer force of will. Sektor was the only one working right by the end of MK3, but eventually he also went against the Lin Kuei as well. The Lin Kuei realized that the majority of their prototypes failed and did the logical thing and just ended it.

In this timeline there are tons of cybers, and only one of them ended up straying. And that's because Jax manually restored Sub-Zero's conscience; not because the human mind can overcome the programming, or because they're prone to malfunction. And even so, that was one out of hundreds of cyborgs. So I don't think the Lin Kuei would see a reason to abandon it this time around.
08/13/2014 08:03 AM (UTC)
Well I could see two reasons why the cyber initiative might have get disbanded/scaled back:

- In something of a quasi-rehash the Sub-Zero of this game defeats Sektor, claims the Lin Kuei as his own, and decides to disband the cyber initiative for one reason or another. (I suspect something like this happens over MKX's 25 year plotline, though the new Sub-Zero may run things quite differently if he ends up not being Kuai Liang).

- Over time the type malfunctioning issues that happened with Cyrax and Smoke in the old cannon could end up surfacing among the automated members of the clan. There are other reasons an assassin clan might not want 100% of its members to be cyborgs as well, such as the ability to blend in with human communities on a mission. Thus Sektor could very well end up with motives to keep a portion of fully human members in his ranks, as well as using automation as a threat to keep those members in line. (Though it would be a rather odd site to see a Sub-Zero that willingly bends his knee to Sektor.)
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08/13/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
Right now there's nothing to stop Sektor from killing his old man and taking control of the Lin Kuei the way he originally did. Cyrax is still under control, having never been captured and reprogrammed, so he and the other drones remain a force to be reckoned with.

There's no reason to assume the initiative is over, save that the Sub-Zero we've seen so far seems human, and seems loyal to the clan. It's a possibility that he sorted the initiative out from within, but that's farfetched speculation as he could just as easily have broken off from them.

Too early to tell.
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08/14/2014 03:08 AM (UTC)
Woah, Link Kuei, so does this mean that Link from Legend of Zelda came in the Mortal Kombat universe, made the Grand Master his bitch, and took over the clan and made it the Link Kuei? Because if that's the case, than I would like the Lin Kuei much more.
08/14/2014 03:24 AM (UTC)
What's a Link Kuei?

Cyber Link for MK X Wii U guys.
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