Has Ed Boon seen these videos yet?
posted06/03/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/29/2011 07:49 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Story Review by ProudNintendoFan

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I really hope Ed saw this and will take story telling into account now. I hope he will build something good from this mess. By hiring better writers who actually follow the series by heart. Ed Boon, please... don't become George Lucas.
06/02/2014 05:27 AM (UTC)
Watched part 1. He has some good points. But he sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whiny about everything.

I see this guy as "that guy" who has to complain about everything. He could get the best blow job in the World and still....he'd find something to whine about.

Meh, just my impression.
SmashK Wrote:
Watched part 1. He has some good points. But he sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whiny about everything.

I see this guy as "that guy" who has to complain about everything. He could get the best blow job in the World and still....he'd find something to whine about.

Meh, just my impression.

Really though? Can you blame him? I agree.. he could have sounded more professional about it. But this is a diehard fan of MK. Hell im a diehard fan of MK. I was playing MK1 when it first reach the arcades. I grew up with the original trilogy and to see it retold like this in story mode is a disgrace. Like him or hate him. His points are valid in my book.
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06/02/2014 05:43 AM (UTC)
That guy was/is a regular here. I don't know if he'll show up more often after the announcement, but I do like his videos. People may see it as complaining, but as long as the fans show they're okay with retcons, we're going to keep seeing more retcons.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
That guy was/is a regular here. I don't know if he'll show up more often after the announcement, but I do like his videos. People may see it as complaining, but as long as the fans show they're okay with retcons, we're going to keep seeing more retcons.


People who like the new storyline are in for a treat, because if retcons are the recurring theme of MK. Don't be suprised if things don't make sense afterwards. smh...
06/02/2014 05:49 AM (UTC)
A lot of the content in those videos is quoting me from threads made when MK9 came out. (With my permission, of course)

I wish they could be remade. They'd have a lot more weight if the editing and voice over work was more professionally done. Not to mention I have a MUCH more detailed list now than I did then of everything that's fucked up about story mode, not just in terms of "the continuity is different in unexplainable ways" or "the choices they made of what to change are for the worse" but in terms of just plain bad writing, like what kind of fucking message does it send to have a scene where, after Sonya punches Johnny for not taking no for an answer when hitting on her, the game has YOU playing as Johnny and BEATING HER UP?!
But the point seems to be rather moot anyways. It's many years too late to convince the majority of the gaming audience, who is surprised and impressed to see a fighting game even HAVE a story with high-budget cutscenes in the first place, and who EXPECTS MK to be poorly written shlock like all the adaptations have been, that that script was worse than it should have been.
Plus, y'know, the new game's story would have been written and voice-recorded a long time ago.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
A lot of the content in those videos is quoting me from threads made when MK9 came out. (With my permission, of course)

I wish they could be remade. They'd have a lot more weight if the editing and voice over work was more professionally done. Not to mention I have a MUCH more detailed list now than I did then of everything that's fucked up about story mode, not just in terms of "the continuity is different in unexplainable ways" but in terms of just plain bad writing, like what kind of fucking message does it send to have a scene where, after Sonya punches Johnny for not taking no for an answer when hitting on her, the game has YOU playing as Johnny and BEATING HER UP?!

I think im understanding why Mortal Kombat will never make since ever again. Ever since they introduce The One Being into the storyline we learn that the characters were part of The One Being memories or imagination. I'm just wondering if i should start lowering my expections asap... because MK will always be a retcon series. And i will have to learn to expect the unexpected.
06/02/2014 06:29 AM (UTC)

Really though? Can you blame him? I agree.. he could have sounded more professional about it. But this is a diehard fan of MK. Hell im a diehard fan of MK. I was playing MK1 when it first reach the arcades. I grew up with the original trilogy and to see it retold like this in story mode is a disgrace. Like him or hate him. His points are valid in my book.

Oh come on! Story Mode wasn't a disgrace and you know it. We got to see a lot of really cool things in Story Mode that we had always heard of, but had never seen before until then. Story Mode, despite having faults, was very well done.

That guy has very valid points. I'm not picking any bones with that. But he let his "passion" get the best of him and unfortunately came across as "just another whiny fan" instead of well-spoken individual worth listening to. I don't want to watch the other videos because his tone is so negative.
06/02/2014 06:34 AM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
We got to see a lot of really cool things in Story Mode that we had always heard of, but had never seen before until then.

That's not true.

The stuff we see is mostly stuff we NEVER heard of before, and the stuff we heard of and wanted to see NEVER HAPPENED.

The only things from the old games that actually happen in MK9 is Scorpion killing Bi-Han, and Liu fighting Goro and Shang. And I guess Liu fighting Kahn in MK2, though the circumstances around it were all completely different.
06/02/2014 06:45 AM (UTC)
Story Mode in a nutshell: Raiden dun fucked up ????
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06/02/2014 07:43 AM (UTC)
God, I forgot how much I hated Raiden. wow
06/02/2014 08:49 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The stuff we see is mostly stuff we NEVER heard of before, and the stuff we heard of and wanted to see NEVER HAPPENED..

Still, doesn't make it bad.
I don't hate Raiden, i dislike the writer who wrote the story of MK9. Smh...
06/02/2014 09:54 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Still, doesn't make it bad.

No, you're right.

It's the dumb shit that happens all on its own that made it bad. Like Raiden, who's supposed to be the game's hero, trying to sell his friends' souls without their permission to a worse badguy than the one he's desperate to defeat.

Or the fact that the only reason he can't sell their souls is 'cause the badguy already HAS them, despite the fact that that shouldn't be possible for MULTIPLE simultaneously valid reasons.

Or, like I said, the game encouraging you to beat a girl up for the crime of daring to reject Johnny Cage's advances.

Or Jade's entire chapter being filler where nothing actually happens.
Or how Raiden's too afraid of Kahn to save Sub-Zero, but nobody stops Liu from unchaining Kitana right in front of Kahn's face.
Or how Raiden suddenly has the power to heal people and uses it precisely once then forgets he can do this for the entire rest of the game, including while he watches an injured Kitana slowly die.
I can go on. I can go on for pages. You know I can, I've done it before.
06/02/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
I kind of want you to lol. I love reading your thoughts on any of the games story modes though (even if they're negative.. but still right)
06/02/2014 02:26 PM (UTC)
I liked the story in MK9 and I hope they follow the same path in MKX. ^^
06/03/2014 09:27 AM (UTC)
I loved MK9's story mode. Seeing Bi-Han killed by Scorpion, Liu Kang winning the tournament's from MK1 & 2, Sindel's resurrection, how Kabal's injury happened, and especially the Outworld invasion were all highlights for me. This was all stuff that was mentioned in previous games or shown in still pics. Glad to finally see it all in cut-scenes.
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06/03/2014 10:09 AM (UTC)
Personally I liked the story in MK9 overall but it is hard to disagree that some of the elements were unacceptable.

Biggest concern is of course this scene with Sindel and what hapens afterwards. I watched recently the intervied with John Tobias on youtube. He was upset how they treated Jax. Being killed by Sindel's high heel is disrespectful way of treating one of your main characters. Some of those characters have 22 years of history so you would expect that if they have to die then their death will be presented properly.

Also using Goro as a minion devaluated the badass status he should have had.
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06/03/2014 10:12 AM (UTC)
Btw. I love the story you wrote for the first game. Can we expect the script for the second one? :)
06/03/2014 10:56 AM (UTC)
Who can take any of his criticisms seriously when he's speaking like a junior high student with aspergers?
06/03/2014 11:44 AM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
Who can take any of his criticisms seriously when he's speaking like a junior high student with aspergers?

I have too agree with this. Also, within a minute he calls it a reboot. it's not. It isn't a retcon either. It is, in fact, a continuation of the story. I can't take anything he says seriously when he missed the point from the very beginning.

Just because the story wasn't what he expected, or liked, doesn't actually make it a bad story. Personally, I think it's nice they took it in a different direction.
06/03/2014 11:53 AM (UTC)
Extispex Wrote:
Progressive Wrote:
Who can take any of his criticisms seriously when he's speaking like a junior high student with aspergers?

I have too agree with this. Also, within a minute he calls it a reboot. it's not. It isn't a retcon either. It is, in fact, a continuation of the story. I can't take anything he says seriously when he missed the point from the very beginning.

Just because the story wasn't what he expected, or liked, doesn't actually make it a bad story. Personally, I think it's nice they took it in a different direction.

I agree to a certain extent. I also rolled my eyes to the whole "reboot" thing. However, whether the story is good or bad is just a matter of taste. Personally I would prefer it if they didn't change some parts of the story. I liked that they killed of some characters to make room for new ones, I just hated how they handled it with some of them. For example they shouldn't reverse Smoke and Subby's storylines like that. Smoke is indeed supposed to be the tragic character and they took that away from him and gave it to Sub Zero. Subby already had a lot going on for him and his storyline was one of the most nicely developed in the game. He went from having his brother killed, to being chased by the Link Kuei, to becoming grandmaster and they just turned him into a cyborg. It didn't make sense to me. I also hated how they treated Mileena but I won't elaborate since this is gonna turn looong so let's just end this rant here :P
Overall, I just think they did some stuff just for the shock value and it didn't work. Change for the sake of change is never a good thing when there's no substance.
On the reboots topic, you's need to realize MK is basically like a comic book, in the form of an interactive game. It's becoming more evident you need to get use to it.

There may yet be a bigger picture you aren't seeing.

Remember when Raiden self-destructed in Onaga's palace?
Quan Chi realized what he was doing, and ducked though a portal.
Somehow, HE tainted Raiden.

If Raiden was "mortal" when he self-destructed, why would his energies reform?
If he had his "God" status, maybe Quan Chi knew where he'd return, and waited there to interfere.

Quan may not be responsible for Raiden's time visions, but I suspect he's manipulating events, somehow.

If Raiden died after he promised the souls, Quan owning him in the future could somehow be giving him control over past Raiden.

In another context, the MK1 comic showing Shang inviting Rayden to the tournament, and Rayden's evil ending, may allude to allignment changes.

Sindel was a reanimated corpse under Quan Chi's control, then Kahn put Shang into her.

When Nightwolf purified Sindel, it may mean that good Sindel, and Shang can be revived.
If Shang is from Earth, his victory in MK should count to stop Kahn, and Dark Raiden witnesses his mistake undone. Restoring the original MK1 timeline, leading to Armageddon again.

(I have a similar timeloop theory about TM, involving Mr.Grim forfeitting his wish to Twister, because of his hunger, and Twister going back to different eras to collect/kill potential participants, somehow Calypso keeps collected souls when Mr. Grim killed EVERYONE, even though time resets every few years, allowing multiple characters to win either TM/TM2, thus explaining returning participants who would've been killed in the previous game, and Outlaws surviving in "space", EVERYONE in TM is either a Ghost or Demon decieved.)

06/03/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
Remember when Raiden self-destructed in Onaga's palace?
Quan Chi realized what he was doing, and ducked though a portal.
Somehow, HE tainted Raiden.

That was never canon. Armageddon confirmed that Quan and Shang died in the explosion.

They tainted Raiden because their souls got tangled up with each other on the way to the afterlife.

andy88 Wrote:
Btw. I love the story you wrote for the first game. Can we expect the script for the second one? :)

Eventually, yes. It'll be a while before it's done, though.
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06/03/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I think im understanding why Mortal Kombat will never make since ever again.

If Mortal Kombat ever makes sense, I'm done with the franchise forever.
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