Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion plotline
posted04/16/2015 01:18 PM (UTC)by
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
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04/07/2003 01:13 AM (UTC)
Mods feel free to move this if you feel it belongs in the future MK games section.

Back to my topic...Does anyone else besides me hope they keep the Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion cannon going forward in future games? While I'm still waiting for my copy of the game to get deliver, so I'm not entirely sure how the plot-line plays out. From what I've seen I think the Hanzo Hasashi plot-line is easily the best thing they've done with Scorpion in a long time. I'm actually tired seeing Specter scorpion. I really think they've reached the end of the line with how many times they can really reinvent his look (same goes for Subzero).

I really hope they keep Scorpion human and go with his Hanzo Hasashi version going forward in future MK games. Anyone else feel the same way?
04/15/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
I definitely like the idea, but as far as design goes I hope they keep his primary masked in the future, this design for him in MKX is pretty much flawless imo.
04/15/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
I'm going to... politely disagree!

A vengeful, undead ninja skeleton on fire birthed in the flames of hell to me is vastly more interesting than "karate guy in yellow gi".

In terms of his look and his storyline, this game "ended" his feud with both Sub-Zero and Quan Chi (we'll see how long that lasts), and his actions screwed over Earthrealm and cost them the chance to rescue their dear friends and family.

He made a lot of enemies.

Rather than a specter of vengeance, now he is the one who likely others will be vengeful towards.

I am interested in that, but I see a very mortal Scorpion hunted by former friends and allies, losing his standing that he fought so hard for, and basically driven into a corner where he has no choice but to embrace "Scorpion" once more.

"Hanzo Hasashi is dead. My name is Scorpion."

It's only a matter of time.
It kinda takes away from the whole "mystic" appeal that surrounded Scorpion since the beginning, so I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Sometimes it's better not to "look behind the veil"...keeps the mystery on.

So Boon watched MK Legacy, I see, I see...

04/15/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
I'm just so fucking glad the Sub-Zero/Quan Chi shit is finally over with and we can all move on.
04/15/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
For the record I want him to keep his Spectre powers, but I do like the idea of him being able to kind or switch between human and spectre.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/15/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
I think it had to end sooner or later since his plot line with Sub-Zero and Quan Chi is practically over. I like what they have done in the comic whereby he can slip into his Scorpion persona when he wants to. That way he does not have to be rage controlled all the time only when he needs to. I think it will be interesting to see how he moves on with the Shira Ryu.
04/16/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
I'm just so fucking glad the Sub-Zero/Quan Chi shit is finally over with and we can all move on.

Still, I kinda expected to see Quan go in a better fashion than at the hands of Human Scorpion at a military base.
04/16/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
I would wish Noob Saibot would return in the next game. Scorpion will have to find a way to save Bi-Han somehow.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/16/2015 01:18 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
I would wish Noob Saibot would return in the next game. Scorpion will have to find a way to save Bi-Han somehow.

Why would Scorpion have to save Bi-Han?
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