Had Cage and Sonya been in the reveal trailer...
posted02/08/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
And had Cassie Cage been revealed as the final playable charcter, how would people have reacted?
02/07/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind one bit
02/07/2015 06:43 AM (UTC)
Depends on how Cage and Sonya play and look.
02/07/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Depends on how Cage and Sonya play and look.

Exactly. So why are people crying "clone" already?
02/07/2015 06:50 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Depends on how Cage and Sonya play and look.

Exactly. So why are people crying "clone" already?

Because whenever the word "similar" is used, people immediately think it has the same meaning as the word "clone."

The game has shown us time after time that every character is playing differently from one another. To sit here and think two characters that share similar things from one another won't play differently is foolish and downright silly.

This is the game they've been dying to make for years, and to make two characters play completely alike after all of this work they've shown, it would be a really dumb move on their end.
02/07/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Depends on how Cage and Sonya play and look.

Exactly. So why are people crying "clone" already?

Because people are short-sighted.
02/07/2015 07:24 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Depends on how Cage and Sonya play and look.

Exactly. So why are people crying "clone" already?

Because People are dumb.
02/07/2015 10:06 AM (UTC)
WTF is so difficult to understand?

MKX has limited space, people want 2D style 3D area characters in, because they didn't make it into mK9.

With so limited space, Similar faces are a WASTE OF SPACE.

Give us an unique roster with very different characters from MK9, MK3D period and new faces.

But no, it has to be all the familiar boring MK1 faces + new ones.

THAT is what many fans are pissed about, that you icebaby & CO love everything they throw at you because Sub-is-in-anyway is your little fun thing, have fun with it, be happy.

We are not.
02/07/2015 10:28 AM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
WTF is so difficult to understand?

MKX has limited space, people want 2D style 3D area characters in, because they didn't make it into mK9.

With so limited space, Similar faces are a WASTE OF SPACE.

Give us an unique roster with very different characters from MK9, MK3D period and new faces.

But no, it has to be all the familiar boring MK1 faces + new ones.

THAT is what many fans are pissed about, that you icebaby & CO love everything they throw at you because Sub-is-in-anyway is your little fun thing, have fun with it, be happy.

We are not.

Fuckin' this.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 10:35 AM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
WTF is so difficult to understand?

MKX has limited space, people want 2D style 3D area characters in, because they didn't make it into mK9.

With so limited space, Similar faces are a WASTE OF SPACE.

Give us an unique roster with very different characters from MK9, MK3D period and new faces.

But no, it has to be all the familiar boring MK1 faces + new ones.

THAT is what many fans are pissed about, that you icebaby & CO love everything they throw at you because Sub-is-in-anyway is your little fun thing, have fun with it, be happy.

We are not.

Then don't buy the game and stop bitching. If its not what you want, complaining wont make it so. I want Kobra to have an Enter the Dragon style overhaul, Hotaru to be in. Hope into one hand, shit into the other and see which fills up first. Moping around MKO endlessly complaining will do nothing to change what the game is and makes you look like a pillock. It's simple: vote with your wallet. Don't buy the game and don't buy anything MK related until they release the exact game you want. It'll work, trust me, they'll definitely release the precise game you want once they realize you're not gonna buy MKX
02/07/2015 10:37 AM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
WTF is so difficult to understand?

MKX has limited space, people want 2D style 3D area characters in, because they didn't make it into mK9.

With so limited space, Similar faces are a WASTE OF SPACE.

Give us an unique roster with very different characters from MK9, MK3D period and new faces.

But no, it has to be all the familiar boring MK1 faces + new ones.

THAT is what many fans are pissed about, that you icebaby & CO love everything they throw at you because Sub-is-in-anyway is your little fun thing, have fun with it, be happy.

We are not.

Then don't buy the game and stop bitching. If its not what you want, complaining wont make it so. I want Kobra to have an Enter the Dragon style overhaul, Hotaru to be in. Hope into one hand, shit into the other and see which fills up first. Moping around MKO endlessly complaining will do nothing to change what the game is and makes you look like a pillock, It's simple: vote with your wallet. Don't buy the game and don't buy anything MK related until they release the exact game you want. It'll work, trust me, they'll definitely release the precise game you want once they realize you're not gonna buy MKX

I don't care, as long as I piss off bland, standard people that have bad taste i'm happy.

02/07/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
WTF is so difficult to understand?

MKX has limited space, people want 2D style 3D area characters in, because they didn't make it into mK9.

With so limited space, Similar faces are a WASTE OF SPACE.

Give us an unique roster with very different characters from MK9, MK3D period and new faces.

But no, it has to be all the familiar boring MK1 faces + new ones.

THAT is what many fans are pissed about, that you icebaby & CO love everything they throw at you because Sub-is-in-anyway is your little fun thing, have fun with it, be happy.

We are not.

Since you so LOVE to talk about me and never will stop, I'll get on your case... AGAIN, for the hundredth fucking time.

I oh-so love people like you, who constantly sit here and think because one person is a Sub-Zero fan, that is it. Their favorites are in the game, that's it, they're satisfied. What is hysterical is that I can sit here and be perfectly content having him sit out if they ever decide to let Sub-Zero sit out.

But it's people like you who thinks because one person has enjoyed what they've seen so much and has explained WHY they enjoy the crap out of what we've seen, it's a problem. It's a huge fucking problem that we have to sit here and cater to your butthurt emotions that one character that still has yet to show up in the game is taking a character spot.

I wish I know what Street Fighter fans are like on their forums. Do they bitch and moan whenever Ryu and Ken are showing up in trailers for the next game and such? You know, I really don't give that much of a damn what Boon said about entering the next generation, because we still have X to get through in order to head into the next generation. We don't know why half the roster is even in this game. So, to sit here and constantly complain that what's their face is in the game again is incredibly fucking pointless.

We don't know the story, if we did, then I'd say if the reasoning behind their appearance is dumb, I'll agree. But that's the thing that no one who is complaining fucking gets, and I don't understand how their brain works. You don't know everything, so why immediately jump the gun and complain like a wee little baby about something?

"WTF is so difficult to understand" that? Oh, because Icebaby has her favorite which means I can't enjoy this game. Jesus Christ, Milaana. What a little whiny brat you are.
About Me

02/07/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Depends on how Cage and Sonya play and look.

Exactly. So why are people crying "clone" already?

Because people like LordKotal are pathetic cunts.
02/07/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
I am glad Sonya is in.
You can see her in the tower ( she salutes and only one character salutes ) and we see her in the Special Forces. Sonya is an interesting character and my favorite. LordKotal every single thread I have been in to you disrespect other people and everyone is stupid because they dont agree with you.
How old are you? Like 5 or 6 ? It is very childish of you.
Let people have their favorites. I could care less what you think of Sonya, Tanya, Lui Kang, Raiden or whoever I like. But you are constantly pissing people off, please stop that and act your age. AND PLEASE stop the CONSTANT whining and bitching.
02/07/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
I am glad Sonya is in.
You can see her in the tower ( she salutes and only one character salutes ) and we see her in the Special Forces. Sonya is an interesting character and my favorite. LordKotal every single thread I have been in to you disrespect other people and everyone is stupid because they dont agree with you.
How old are you? Like 5 or 6 ? It is very childish of you.
Let people have their favorites. I could care less what you think of Sonya, Tanya, Lui Kang, Raiden or whoever I like. But you are constantly pissing people off, please stop that and act your age. AND PLEASE stop the CONSTANT whining and bitching.

And what fun would that be?

Please don't talk about age, every human is insane when the lights go out and the camera goes off.
02/07/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
MerdynBlade Wrote:
I am glad Sonya is in.
You can see her in the tower ( she salutes and only one character salutes ) and we see her in the Special Forces. Sonya is an interesting character and my favorite. LordKotal every single thread I have been in to you disrespect other people and everyone is stupid because they dont agree with you.
How old are you? Like 5 or 6 ? It is very childish of you.
Let people have their favorites. I could care less what you think of Sonya, Tanya, Lui Kang, Raiden or whoever I like. But you are constantly pissing people off, please stop that and act your age. AND PLEASE stop the CONSTANT whining and bitching.

And what fun would that be?

Please don't talk about age, every human is insane when the lights go out and the camera goes off.

That every variation of hers show her at a different age point, and how she gains and masters new abilities and moves as the time progresses.
About Me

02/07/2015 04:39 PM (UTC)
Another day another calling out thread. Why there're people that don't agree with me? baww your dumb haterzs. Not everyone is stoked that characters that look similar and can potentially share some moveset are revealed to be in the same game, WTF is so hard to understand? really.

But Denizen we haven't seen anything about Sonja why you calling them a clone? I'm not, nobody is, that's impossible unless they're the same character, of course she will play different, NRS aren't idiots, it's not even worthy of discussion yet since she hasn't even been officially revealed yet. Sonya is likely to be in, isn't that what matters?
02/07/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Sonya and Cassie are gonna be the Mario + Dr.Mario and Fox + Falco from Smash Bros, mark my beautiful words.
02/07/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Sonya and Cassie are gonna be the Mario + Dr.Mario and Fox + Falco from Smash Bros, mark my beautiful words.

Very popular characters, used, that can co exist and appear in many games together?
02/07/2015 04:51 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
Sonya and Cassie are gonna be the Mario + Dr.Mario and Fox + Falco from Smash Bros, mark my beautiful words.

Very popular characters, used, that can co exist and appear in many games together?

Well they are still move-clones of each other.

ONly difference is what they shoot.

Many people hated those characters.
02/07/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
Sonya and Cassie are gonna be the Mario + Dr.Mario and Fox + Falco from Smash Bros, mark my beautiful words.

Very popular characters, used, that can co exist and appear in many games together?

Well they are still move-clones of each other.

ONly difference is what they shoot.

Many people hated those characters.

If a character is played a lot, the developers don't care if they also have a lot of haters.
02/07/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
Look At mortal Kombat Armageddon. Everyones moves were the same ????
02/07/2015 05:16 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Look At mortal Kombat Armageddon. Everyones moves were the same ????

Yes darling, you said that right EVERYONE, meaning EVERYONE was in it, so I didn't care.

In this new MKX there are limited seats only, so having the same thing as Armageddon had with ALL characters while you can have all different characters is still a waste of freakin space.

02/07/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
For one I'd be relieved to have my main in the game so early on, but I had a feeling they'd save Cage's reveal until later since he was one of the first to be shown off in MK9. That being said, one of the most exciting parts of E3's reveal was the fact that Johnny and Sonya had a child, and it brought up a lot of questions and introduced the idea of the next generation perfectly.
02/07/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
I don't care, as long as I piss off bland, standard people that have bad taste i'm happy.

Watch out everybody. We've got someone who's spent inordinate amounts of time on Reddit and thinks that he's a master of wit by luring people into circling arguments.
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