Guests and story suggestions
posted03/31/2012 06:47 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I won't even bother addressing the purists, we all know where that leads, so let's just agree to disagree about guests and prevent this thread from being taken in a predictable direction, shall we? Now, let's get down to business.

During one of his rampages, Freddy was brought back into the real world again by a bunch of teenagers. Their plan was to imprison him somewhere and keep him alive, finally stopping him, which even his death couldn't do, as has been proven time after time. But Freddy managed to kill some of them and escape. In hiding, Freddy is thinking of finding a spell that could bring him back into the dream world, said spell being from a book Quan Chi possesses and who should happen upon him but Shujinko! It seems that his quest has taken him on Elm Street. Sensing he could easily manipulate him, Freddy tells Shujinko he's a poor creature from another world that is stuck on Earth, who needs a spell from a book in order to go back there.

Shujinko asks him how he got burned. "Huh, a cooking accident" he says. And when he asks Freddy about that strange glove, the latter claims it is a gardening tool, which can also be used for cooking and yes, self-defence. Shujinko believes him.

Ending: Shujinko finds the book and hands it over to Freddy. Freddy rewards him with a few bucks. "Thanks a lot, pal!" he says, "I'll be sure to tell my children of your act of kindness!". Shujinko turns around and leaves, a smile on his face and a sense of pride. Freddy, meanwhile, can barely contain his laughter.
03/31/2012 06:47 PM (UTC)
James Bond (for a potential sequel to MKVDCU)

Strange things are happening. People suddenly seem taken by an intense rage. There are strange lines everywhere, and some parts of the world seem to have been replaced and merged with weird places. The governments are taking measures into their own hands to investigate this worrying phenomenon. And one of the agents send is none other than Bond. James Bond.

Unfortunately, no one is immune to this rage, not even 007. During an evening he threw his Martini at a woman he was with, thinking it was his old foe Blofeld, in a drag. Still, he remains valuable to this operation.

Ending: What a ride this whole story was! Agent 007 apparently came across not one, but two different universes! And he saw all kinds of things. Flying men in tights, a lunatic dressed up as a bat, creatures with blades coming out of their arms, four-armed beings, and so on. And women. Various kinds of women. None that were interested in him, however. They weren't his to claim. He discovered the cause behind those events and took care of the matter at hand, restoring each universes to their original state.

But just when our suave friend thought he would be spending the evening alone, comes a mysterious lady. Apparently an aspiring actress, who can truly get into the souls of her characters. One could say she morphs into them, even. And she is offering to use her talents for the sake of our favorite womanizer's pleasure. How could he resist?
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