guest fighters in mk 10??
posted03/07/2012 07:48 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/12/2011 06:43 PM (UTC)
whos for it and whos against it??

im against it because mk does not need them, its a popular game without them. and they dont fit in mk storylines.
01/03/2012 02:52 PM (UTC)
Hell no!! No more guests from now on. If i have to endure one in a game like for instance Kratos and dislike that, well too bad i guess many fans could say.

But i wish this isn't serious when Ed Boon says he would have planned for more if he knew guests characters fans would love it so much.

I wish he'll put his pants back on one day and dare to tell the media That once you start naming any guest that ppl wish to see and agrees on adding them, well you start adding one or 2 more each game even without noticing at first that there is less room each time for a canon, original MK character. Which probably makes a little bunch of fans unhappy each time. Must they add more in the upcoming games? This franchise could truly become even worst than certain competitors (A joke totally.) + it seems like each new DLC characters sold more than the previous one so... Freddy being the most popular (Bought) isn't a good reason or factor to add more guests. I guess new fans or old fans could have dealt the same way with a MK char being introduced.
01/03/2012 05:26 PM (UTC)
agree, its not SSB or MvsC. if they want to make a game with guest char. that much, they can make a MK vs .. like they made MK vs dc. but they won't bc it takes too much work i guess. there enough characters from the MKUniverse that have higher priority. @NRS MK has fan's don't worry, y'all sell it anywayz.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

01/03/2012 06:20 PM (UTC)
Guest characters don't bother me so much so if they have one in MK 10 I wouldn't mind. That being said if I had a choice I would prefer a guest free game.
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02/18/2012 07:59 AM (UTC)
No guest characters for me just dont care
02/18/2012 01:47 PM (UTC)
To HELL with guest characters! I don't wanna see any more horror killers in this entire franchise.

They should disappear and let the franchise be the REAL MK!
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/26/2012 08:07 AM (UTC)
This was one of (if not THE) best MK's ever. Kratos and Freddy did not change that.
02/26/2012 01:33 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
This was one of (if not THE) best MK's ever. Kratos and Freddy did not change that.

I'm actually for guest characters. Its not like they impact the game that much. Besides they appeal to a wider audience when they announce guest characters. If anything guest characters help with the sales. I wouldn't mind if they had a guest character in MK10 either.
02/27/2012 02:54 AM (UTC)
Edit: I don't really care, but pretty much all fighters do this now. So put in whoever.
02/28/2012 04:40 AM (UTC)
With the abomination of crap-filled posts I read back when Freddy was announced is the reason why I don't want guest characters to come into this series anymore. People were so out of controlled over the announcement that a movie character was to be introduced in this game that they literally made an ass of themselves on this site, majority of the people who acted like children with their posts still to this day don't have my respect anymore.

Sure, it's only one character, it's a freaking game why am I making such a big emotional post about it? Well, unfortunately this is the only reason I don't want guest characters. Apparently it showed that a lot of people can't handle who gets chosen. I can't even imagine what would the site be like if Jason was announced playable.
02/28/2012 06:32 PM (UTC)
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/01/2012 08:57 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
. I can't even imagine what would the site be like if Jason was announced playable.


Not to add fuel to the fire or anything...but Sweet Tooth for ps3 exclusive!wink
03/02/2012 08:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
With the abomination of crap-filled posts I read back when Freddy was announced is the reason why I don't want guest characters to come into this series anymore. People were so out of controlled over the announcement that a movie character was to be introduced in this game that they literally made an ass of themselves on this site, majority of the people who acted like children with their posts still to this day don't have my respect anymore.

Sure, it's only one character, it's a freaking game why am I making such a big emotional post about it? Well, unfortunately this is the only reason I don't want guest characters. Apparently it showed that a lot of people can't handle who gets chosen. I can't even imagine what would the site be like if Jason was announced playable.

Come on, to hell with the whiners. In fact, they're a good reason to actually include guest characters. They are the problem, not the guests.

However, there'd also be a good reason not to include certain guests, such as Jason: the immensely strong likelihood of NRS butchering them gameplay-wise. Kung Fu Jason. Heh. Then again, I have a sense of humor. It helped me put up with the perversion of Motaro's design in MKA. Still, if Jason's going to end up in a MK game, I want to actually be playing as him. If NRS can't put in the required effort to do him justice, they shouldn't bother with him. Same for Motaro when it comes to MK characters.
03/03/2012 11:42 AM (UTC)
Jason wouldn't be the worst addition in terms of guests. Could be alright as a cheap/Boss or sub boss type of character. Yeah, i'm against guest(s) i know that. Would prefer not having one in a game.

Still the biggest problem with me is the amount of characters that can be named randomly to appear in MK when they already have cool characters. Even Vampires and Lycan, in case they thought of more Gothic horror guests.

And what if i say: "Let's have Horace Pinker from the movie Shocker in MK once." Does this guy ever has a chance of making it into the game? Freddy and Jason are names that ppl can put faces on even without having seen the movies. Will they have a chance at selling more than Mokap? Of course, i don't know of anyone fan of MK that will wait for Mokap to buy. But already popular horror killers? The Shocker? He has no chance in hell of being thought for guest.
03/03/2012 03:11 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
With the abomination of crap-filled posts I read back when Freddy was announced is the reason why I don't want guest characters to come into this series anymore. People were so out of controlled over the announcement that a movie character was to be introduced in this game that they literally made an ass of themselves on this site, majority of the people who acted like children with their posts still to this day don't have my respect anymore.

Sure, it's only one character, it's a freaking game why am I making such a big emotional post about it? Well, unfortunately this is the only reason I don't want guest characters. Apparently it showed that a lot of people can't handle who gets chosen. I can't even imagine what would the site be like if Jason was announced playable.

Come on, to hell with the whiners. In fact, they're a good reason to actually include guest characters. They are the problem, not the guests.

However, there'd also be a good reason not to include certain guests, such as Jason: the immensely strong likelihood of NRS butchering them gameplay-wise. Kung Fu Jason. Heh. Then again, I have a sense of humor. It helped me put up with the perversion of Motaro's design in MKA. Still, if Jason's going to end up in a MK game, I want to actually be playing as him. If NRS can't put in the required effort to do him justice, they shouldn't bother with him. Same for Motaro when it comes to MK characters.

I'm not sure if you've encountered someone who did this, but anyone I tried to play against while using Freddy would automatically leave the fight. Sure it gave me the win, but how can I experience my online fun if they don't want to fight me when I use a guest character?

They treated those who enjoyed guest characters like shit whenever someone wrote, "I main with Freddy." I personally don't mind guest characters at all, in fact, I'm willing to have another guest character sometime in the future, but the reactions that were shown on this site over a guest character just ruined that for me. I'd be up to anyone they have for a guest, heck even Sweet Tooth, wouldn't mind seeing that guy in here...

But of course, someone is going to have a huge issue about it.
03/03/2012 03:12 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Jason wouldn't be the worst addition in terms of guests. Could be alright as a cheap/Boss or sub boss type of character. Yeah, i'm against guest(s) i know that. Would prefer not having one in a game.

Still the biggest problem with me is the amount of characters that can be named randomly to appear in MK when they already have cool characters. Even Vampires and Lycan, in case they thought of more Gothic horror guests.

And what if i say: "Let's have Horace Pinker from the movie Shocker in MK once." Does this guy ever has a chance of making it into the game? Freddy and Jason are names that ppl can put faces on even without having seen the movies. Will they have a chance at selling more than Mokap? Of course, i don't know of anyone fan of MK that will wait for Mokap to buy. But already popular horror killers? The Shocker? He has no chance in hell of being thought for guest.

I would absolutely love to have Horace Pinker as a guest! The Shocker was a hugely underrated movie. He could get his own background: the TV realm, based on the hilarious TV fight scene. The background could either constantly switch TV shows, or the stage could be almost infinitely multi-tiered, with the fighters able to "knock" one another into other channels. Some of said channels could even feature some old WB cartoons such as the Road Runner. The fights in that stage would always begin with someone turning the TV on.

Anyway, one thing about guests is that famous ones can help bring new fans to a series. But obscure guests can also benefit from appearing in a famous series. One example I'm fond of bringing up is Captain Falcon from the F-Zero series. It could have been coincidental, but it seems that appearing in Super Smash Bros among the likes of Mario, Link and Pikachu did wonders for him and his series as more F-Zero games came some time after.

I'm not certain obscure movie characters can benefit the same way from appearing in a famous VG series, though. Movies are more mainstream than games, so characters from movies that weren't all that successful aren't likely to become more so by appearing in any games. Still, Horace Pinker's presence shouldn't hurt him or the MK franchise. Then again, Freddy is iconic, and we all know what happened. I could see purists complain that Pinker is a nobody, that if we had to have guests it should only be famous ones that they would also hate regardless. Since, according to their "logic", obscurity affects one's design, personality and story, the things that truly matter as far as I'm concerned.

And I always disagree with anyone saying obscure characters have no chance whatsoever to appear either as guests or in a crossover game like MKVDCU or Street Fighter X Tekken. Sure, they aren't likely, but plenty of unexpected characters have made it into games. So do bring on Horace Pinker! I kind of like imagining him taking over Raiden's body. The thunder god with Pinker's crude personality and mannerisms. Heh.
03/03/2012 05:50 PM (UTC)

Must say i also loved that Shocker char. Also love your ideas for a stage if he ever was introduced in a fighting game.
03/03/2012 06:36 PM (UTC)
In reply to Icebaby: I do not play online. The people you're describing would be a good reason for me to stay the hell away. My point still stands though. These people are the problem, not the guests. The close minded should never be catered to. Sadly, I know they frequently get their way.

In reply to DistraughtOverlord: Thanks for the comments. I think some of those shows I mentioned should be parodies of reality TV ones. They could also play some WB movies in the background.

I was thinking of asking this question in a thread of it's own, but since this topic has to do with guests, I'll instead ask it here. Who would most MK purists prefer: goofy MK characters like Mokap or Zebron, or guests such as Dante, Ryu Hayabusa, Ezio (Assassin's Creed 2), Solid Snake, etc? Basically, characters that plenty of people deem "cool". If people actually answer that question, I expect some oh so witty "NEITHER!!!!" but please try and make a choice. Goofy MK characters or "serious" guests, like Kratos.

I do admit I find the thought of MK fans wanting Mokap over Freddy hilarious. Not those who actually do like Mokap over Freddy, but those that completely hate the former's guts, only liking him better for being a MK character. Because, beyond being a MK character, is there anything about Mokap that truly makes him better than Freddy and Kratos, in some purists' eyes?
03/04/2012 01:02 PM (UTC)
I'm going to sound even more like an asshole to the eyes of the ones that aren't against guests, but even though i prefer Freddy to Mokap as a char in general, i wouldn't buy any of them in MK. But hearing of Mokap instead of Freddy would have been better of a feeling at first.

I would have immediately told myself that those guys still love fooling around at least. Yes, i was mad. Throw sticks and stones at me, laught at me but i thought Freddy was just a rumor, until i saw the trailer. It was serious, since he now has his own realm in MK.
03/04/2012 02:41 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
I'm going to sound even more like an asshole to the eyes of the ones that aren't against guests, but even though i prefer Freddy to Mokap as a char in general, i wouldn't buy any of them in MK. But hearing of Mokap instead of Freddy would have been better of a feeling at first.

I would have immediately told myself that those guys still love fooling around at least. Yes, i was mad. Throw sticks and stones at me, laught at me but i thought Freddy was just a rumor, until i saw the trailer. It was serious, since he now has his own realm in MK.

Even though we do not agree when it comes guests, at least you express your opinion in a mature manner. Most purists are just a bunch of crybabies. Just thought I'd give credit where it was due.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

03/05/2012 11:13 PM (UTC)
It will happen.

No amount of gurning will prevent it from happening, so please..don't. Or at least we could make an offical rage about guest characters thread so people can avoid it.
03/06/2012 03:54 AM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
It will happen.

No amount of gurning will prevent it from happening, so please..don't.

Or at least we could make an offical rage about guest characters thread so people can avoid it.

Heh, it was called the Official Rant Thread...

And that thread got hardly anything out of it seeing how there were SO many complaints towards this game during the leaked demo fiasco.
03/06/2012 02:49 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
It will happen.

No amount of gurning will prevent it from happening, so please..don't.

Or at least we could make an offical rage about guest characters thread so people can avoid it.

An anti-guest character thread will not change anything. Threads about guests have this magnetic effect on purists. They cannot stay away. You try to make a pro-guest thread, and the purists will hijack it. Even if you politely disagree with them, many of them will take it personally. How dare you like guests, is always what most of them are thinking.

Not to say there aren't people on the pro-guests side who are full of shit, but there seems to be much less of those individuals in guest threads.
03/07/2012 03:00 AM (UTC)
I would like a serious character in Mortal Kombat. And with serious I mean, in terms of gameplay and martial arts, their move sets, combos, techinque, combos and skills. I don't think you should introduce a joke character and ruin the realism and maturity of the game. I think Mortal Kombat 9 had a good feel of characters that showcased a resurgence of realism to the game on par with the other fighting games in the genre. Shang Tsung's fatality where he morphs into a clown I guess is supposed to have a funny spin to it but to me it's just comes off as corny and far fetched.

The finishing moves I think should be centered towards a "move/technique" that incapacitates or finishes off the opponent. I think the problem with this fatality besides being far fetched is that he could very well just in the course of the fight shoot his opponent and doesn't need to morph into a clown to do it. I just don't like the idea of too much comical elements being permenantly introduced to a game that is supposed to be gearing for realism and authenicity. That's just my two cents about the game but I wouldn't mind if they introduced guest characters that can reflect the tone and credibility of already established characters without being copies of the other characters.

Comments and criticisms are welcomed.
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