Great Ideas For Mortal Kombat 7!!!
posted10/12/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/08/2005 08:33 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat 7 players should be able to create a character. Players should be able to dress his or her created character in any unlocked Mortal Kombat 7 fighter's costumes and players should be able to pick and use any unlocked fighter's weapons, fighting styles, signature moves and fatalities and even choose any of the unlocked Mortal Kombat 7 characters race (like Goro's race which is Shokan) and occupation (like ninja, assassin and god). The create a character menu should also let players customize their created characters with costumes, fighting styles, special moves, fatalities and weapons made just for created characters. Players should be able to unlock the option to customize their created characters with costumes, fighting styles, special moves and weapons that are from characters that are in other Midway games such as Unreal Championship 2. Another option players should have when creating a character is to create a fatality. At the create a fatality menu, players should be able to pick what body part or body parts his or her created character will damage during the fatality and there should also be a diagram of a fighter beside the menu so that fighters can choose to damage a various places on a fighter's limbs, torso and/or head during a fatality and with the help of the diagram of a fighter, players can target very specific parts of his or her victim's body like anywhere on the surface of his or her skin, anywhere on the victim's head and face, ears, eyeballs and even his or her teeth and with a x-ray diagram of a fighter, players should be able to see inside of a fighter and choose to damage a fighter's organs like his or her brain, heart and lungs and players should be able to see a diagram of a fighter's skeleton and choose to damage any bone or bones in his or her body like ribs and his or her spinal cord and also with the x-ray diagram of a fighter, players should be able to see a fighter's entire nervous system and use the create a fatality menu to damage any vein and blood vessel inside of a fighter's body during the created fatality. After anytime a player chooses a body part to damage in his or her created fatality, he or she should be able to decide what kind of brutal damage breaking it and ripping it out or choose a specific type of attack (like a punch, kick and weapon attack) to do on a body part he or she chose and then decide how much damage that attack will cause to its victim during the fatality (for example, a player chooses to punch his victim in the head and after he does that he is given options about how much damage he wants his punch to do to his fatality victim and some of these options include: punching his fist straight through his opponent's head, knocking his opponent's head off with the punch, punching his opponent in the head so hard that his or her skull shatters, punching his opponent in the head hard enough to cause lots of blood to come out of his or her head and hitting his opponent in the head so hard that a crater gets left in his or her head.) Some of these options should be able to be picked simultaneously (for example, punching his opponent so hard in the head that a crater left in it and the lots of blood comes out his or her mouth.) Also, after anytime a player chooses a body part to damage for his or her created fatality, he or she should be able to choose to do a special attack (like a fire or ice attack) on that chosen body part. There should also be an option that lets players decide how much blood will spray and spill out of a fatality victim's body part that a player decided to brutally damage, attack or special attack during a fatality. Next, players should have the option to put certain animations (like jumping and flipping) in their fatalities to help them make their fatality look just like they want them to. For example, a player's created fatality can have his created character come up to his victim, grab his victim's arm and then give seven fast and powerful kicks to his or her chest and the seventh kick hits the victim so hard that the victim's arm that created character is is grabbing on to gets ripped off and and when the player was crating this fatality, the player could of decided to put in animations that will then have his created character throw the arm that he just ripped off of his fatality victim up into the air, and then jump up into the air and kick his victim's arm in mid-air and make it fly at and through his victim's head. Players should also be able to put in animations for their fatality victims. After the player is done, he or she should be able to save his or her fatality on a memory card and/or a hard drive. Players should also be able to load their saved created saved fatality from their memory card and hard drive and let any created character use them and players should created characters have as many fatalities as the space on their memory cards and hard drives can hold. Mortal Kombat 7's Konquest mode should play just like Shaolin Monks, but it should have some new features. One of features should include the ability to play as created characters. And when a player chooses to play as a created character he or she should be able to use a new feature that I call Alliance. This new feature should let players go to the 'choose a fighter' screen and pick any unlocked Mortal Kombat 7 fighter to be his or her partner throughout the Shaolin Monks-like Konquest mode and this feature should also let players be able to either be against every Mortal Kombat 7 character in Konquest mode or be neutral and team up with various good, evil and neutral Mortal Kombat 7 characters at various times in Konquest mode. If and when players decide to pick a Mortal Kombat 7 fighter to be his or her partner, he or she should be able to to pick another created character to fight with them. Before playing the Shaolin Monks-like Konquest mode, players should be able to decide if his or her MK7 partner and the created character(s) are going to be controlled by a human or a computer player. Also, if the the player's Mortal Kombat 7 Konquest mode partner has one or more other Mortal Kombat 7 character's fighting on his or her side at the very beginning of his or her Konquest story, then players should also be able to decide if these Mortal Kombat 7 fighters will be controlled by either a human or computer player.
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10/09/2005 03:26 PM (UTC)
Hey, i read these ideas from Midway forums when you posted them there (StrykerX213). Anyway, nice ideas.
10/09/2005 04:02 PM (UTC)
i think they might scrap the orginal konquest idea and let you unlock things in anoghter way. i think it would be kool if they added a 2d platform konquest.

hear me out. if they youed a flashy tomba or veiwitful joe type 2 animation. in stead of a crappy half ass 3-d adventure. we could half a fully playable and fleshed out 2-d pllatform, that would not only save space an the disk but bring bring some kool nastalgia

create a kombatant is kool too.
10/09/2005 06:25 PM (UTC)
Thanks! I'm glad to see u here. Anyway, do u have any more questions about my ideas.

P.S. I plan to post some more ideas for MK7 today, including a very good one that's about brutality.
10/09/2005 06:28 PM (UTC)
I'm also a big fan of 2-D platformers like Viewtiful Joe and Tomba.
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10/09/2005 06:51 PM (UTC)
Heh, yeah, i also like Veautyful Joy.

Anyway, you can find Lots of ideas for MK7 around here, other than yours.
10/09/2005 07:22 PM (UTC)
Bad_Boy did anyone else have any good MK7 ideas?
10/11/2005 06:05 PM (UTC)
I agree with you concerning a create-your-character mode for MK7. That would be wonderfulsmile
10/11/2005 09:49 PM (UTC)
10/11/2005 09:50 PM (UTC)
3DArts Wrote:
I agree with you concerning a create-your-character mode for MK7. That would be wonderfulsmile

Thanks 3DArts! What do you think about my create a fatality idea?
About Me

Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
10/11/2005 10:10 PM (UTC)
Your C-A-F (Create a fatality) idea is pretty interesting. That's cool about it is your idea of picking which areas of the body to inflict damge on. Quite interesting.

OH! Please use paragraphs next time. *rubs eyes* wink

10/12/2005 12:26 AM (UTC)
Quote>GhostDragon Wrote:
Your C-A-F (Create a fatality) idea is pretty interesting. That's cool about it is your idea of picking which areas of the body to inflict damge on. Quite interesting.

OH! Please use paragraphs next time. *rubs eyes* wink


Sorry about not originally not having paragraphs. I was just triing to get my ideas on the message board asap and it took me almost a week to type them.
10/12/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
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