Gore speculation
posted05/13/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)by
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12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
So in the beginning we heard a lot about the supposed amount of gore from Ed Boon. Mortal Kombat and other videogames (Manhunt, God of War) have been pretty over the top for years, so what are your theories?

Graphic injury display: in Blitz the League 2, the gameplay features a "CSI-like" camera that goes into the injured player and shows how much damage is done. It's very very bloody with broken bones popping through skin, muscle, and one injury is even called a "punctured scrotum"

Maybe we'll see something like this for a few fatalities, or maybe, when you do enough limb damage we'll see something like this

This would be really cool for characters like Sub-Zero: he rips off their head, and for a brief second, it goes into his opponent's body and shows the spine breaking loose from the rest of the body
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05/11/2010 03:24 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
This would be really cool for characters like Sub-Zero: he rips off their head, and for a brief second, it goes into his opponent's body and shows the spine breaking loose from the rest of the body

I really like this idea. It'd add a fresh new element to the Fatilities and could be the start of a new direction for them. As long as it was carefully implemented and not tacked onto everything then I think this would be something I'd like to see in the series.
05/11/2010 03:41 PM (UTC)
To me, I would appreciate it if they made organs look like actual organs, not flying pink and red gumballs. Really, in Deception that was being represented as organs, flying gumballs.

I know that detail has not been the greatest thing for MK in these previous games, not including MKDC, because they were too rushed with everything and I'm sure that if they weren't being rushed, everything would look somewhat decent.

I can understand how some users here are saying that they would like the gore to be from GoW but.... I have a hunch that there's never going to be an MK game that's going to be that amazing, I just have a feeling. I would like to see them put effort on body parts that are getting ripped off of the human.

Getting to the blood... It would be nice to see the characters being drenched in it, not just having blood slither down the body as in DA/Deception... When DA first came out, I couldn't stop laughing after seeing how the blood just literally slithered down the arms of my character. I couldn't stop laughing at the pool of blood that just flows so fast underneath and I'm like "this is stupid."

I would like more realistic gore, I would like to see them put more effort into this than anything else if they are planning to make this game very serious or realistic.
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05/11/2010 03:54 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
To me, I would appreciate it if they made organs look like actual organs, not flying pink and red gumballs. Really, in Deception that was being represented as organs, flying gumballs.
I know that detail has not been the greatest thing for MK in these previous games, not including MKDC, because they were too rushed with everything and I'm sure that if they weren't being rushed, everything would look somewhat decent.

I agree. For organs, they should look realistic. Kano's MKDA Fatality looked like he was pulling random objects out of the body rather than organs. A bit more attention to detail there would go a long way in improving the shock and gore factor. Being lazy about it reduces it to a comedic effect and in some cases this is an unfortunate occurence.
Icebaby Wrote:
Getting to the blood... It would be nice to see the characters being drenched in it, not just having blood slither down the body as in DA/Deception... When DA first came out, I couldn't stop laughing after seeing how the blood just literally slithered down the arms of my character. I couldn't stop laughing at the pool of blood that just flows so fast underneath and I'm like "this is stupid."

Realistic blood has never been one of MK's strong points. It's always been over the top in terms of the amount and then shockingly unreal in terms of how it looks and behaves. It's be nice to see blood in proportion to the injury. Thick and dark for large wounds and thin and bright red for minor slashes. Blood should trickle and spray and where possible, it'd be interesting to even hear it spray or drip.
05/11/2010 03:59 PM (UTC)
I agree with the above replies.
The way the organs looked, it was like they came out of a butcher shop; precut, washed, and ready to cook.

MK2 was almost perfect.

MK3/UMK3/MKT was just plain childish. One body does not have 4 skulls, 12 rib cages, and 8 thigh bones. I hope whoever thought of that doesn't work on the MK team anymore.
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05/11/2010 04:23 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
MK3/UMK3/MKT was just plain childish. One body does not have 4 skulls, 12 rib cages, and 8 thigh bones. I hope whoever thought of that doesn't work on the MK team anymore.

I hated that effect. At first it was amusing but then the comedic value wore off when you relaised how stupid it was. MK4 went on to fix that thankfully. Again, realism helps the Fatality be believable. If they get lazy with the detail then the overall shock and gore effects are ruined.
05/11/2010 07:38 PM (UTC)
Gumballs? What about popcorn that flew out of characters in some of the MKDA fatalities, Shang Tsung's in particular? Seriously. It's either plush animal stuffing, or popcorn.

As far as fatalities and gore goes, I am a little bit different. I'm kinda of the mindset of wanting to see something that makes me go "wow, cool!" instead of "wow, sick!". That said, I wouldn't be a fan of the closeups on the gore. Ok, so the spine ripped...we already know that is happening. Do I really need to see a closeup of it to see EXACTLY how it ripped? For me, not really.
Fatalities for me served the purpose of finishing off an opponent in a way that fit in with the character, but doing it in such a flashy way that it was almost an art form. They were kinda going this direction in MKD, with the poses at the end and the finesse each character exhibited (or sometimes didn't) in the fatality. In essence, I would like the fatalities to be characterful, flashy, and yes, gory and brutal, but not to the point where the gore is the main focus of the fatality.
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05/11/2010 08:42 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
This would be really cool for characters like Sub-Zero: he rips off their head, and for a brief second, it goes into his opponent's body and shows the spine breaking loose from the rest of the body

That sounds really cool.
It actually reminded me of the opening credits and ending to The Final Destination.

Like they show the inside of the guys head hemorrhaging when he was impaled, a guys veins being sliced apart by barbed wire, ribs breaking, a pelvis smashed etc.

It would be amazing for example if on Jades MKD fatality where she cuts you inhalf, it could slow down and zoom in and show the spine being snapped etc.
Can't see it happening but would be awesome.
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05/11/2010 10:04 PM (UTC)
Seeing 20+ skulls or ribcages in a brutality was one of the greatest things ive seen. Over the top and funny. They really want us to know tha tthe person got totalled.
05/11/2010 10:36 PM (UTC)
Gore should be as basic as possible. Unless it's something like Kitana's kiss that makes people blow up, or Shang Tsung's soul steal, just keep it how somebody would actually react to dying in a horrible way.

e.g., when Raiden does his electrocution, they shouldn't explode, they should just be completely charred and mutilated.

Nothing exaggerated, this ain't an anime. Just take your loss and die like I asked.
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05/11/2010 11:06 PM (UTC)
i think its safe to say that ed is returning the series to its roots in terms of mood, atmosphere, and potentially game play (2d v 3d), that being said, for the mk team to even come close to the hype and acclaim that mk once received they will have to set a new standard in video game gore and violence. (thats not to say it doesnt need many other improvements)
05/12/2010 06:59 PM (UTC)
FoDeah Wrote:
i think its safe to say that ed is returning the series to its roots in terms of mood, atmosphere, and potentially game play (2d v 3d), that being said, for the mk team to even come close to the hype and acclaim that mk once received they will have to set a new standard in video game gore and violence. (thats not to say it doesnt need many other improvements)

Not sure if I agree with that. MK was big back then because the public never really saw stuff like that before in a game. That being said, the public is pretty much used to that kind of stuff being presented to them. I'm not sure how much you can "up the ante" so to speak on the gore before it turns from a fighting game into just a horror show gore-fest. There is a point where the amount of gore becomes pointless and rediculous.
I really think Ed and the team need to reinvent the series from a gameplay standpoint first and foremost. The gore can follow, but the days of shocking the public with gore are simply gone. The public really is passed the point of being shocked anymore. If shock is to be a factor, I really think the public needs to be "shocked" with exciting, glitchless, fast and new gameplay with plenty of reasons to keep playing the game over time. That, unfortunately, with the deluge of rather uninspiring and poorly made video game titles recently, would probably be a better way to shock the public and get their attention.
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05/13/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
FoDeah Wrote:
i think its safe to say that ed is returning the series to its roots in terms of mood, atmosphere, and potentially game play (2d v 3d), that being said, for the mk team to even come close to the hype and acclaim that mk once received they will have to set a new standard in video game gore and violence. (thats not to say it doesnt need many other improvements)

Not sure if I agree with that. MK was big back then because the public never really saw stuff like that before in a game. That being said, the public is pretty much used to that kind of stuff being presented to them. I'm not sure how much you can "up the ante" so to speak on the gore before it turns from a fighting game into just a horror show gore-fest. There is a point where the amount of gore becomes pointless and rediculous.
I really think Ed and the team need to reinvent the series from a gameplay standpoint first and foremost. The gore can follow, but the days of shocking the public with gore are simply gone. The public really is passed the point of being shocked anymore. If shock is to be a factor, I really think the public needs to be "shocked" with exciting, glitchless, fast and new gameplay with plenty of reasons to keep playing the game over time. That, unfortunately, with the deluge of rather uninspiring and poorly made video game titles recently, would probably be a better way to shock the public and get their attention.

yes i agree it can be ridiculous, mk has shown that to be true, but i think you are missing the point. you're thinking that i am suggesting to just add more blood and general gore, when in reality i believe the mk series can increase its shock value greatly just by creating a more realistic world, in terms of blood effects, and fatalities. I also believe in the philosophy of quality not quantity, if ed and company choose this route. i see no reason why they could not achieve the same outcome of the first two mks, and by the way, who doesn't agree that game play comes first?
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