Good bosses, and alternate endings
posted05/25/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
A comment made in the Shinnok thread about playable bosses fighting themselves, and how it ruined the immersion, made me think. Should there be good bosses? As in, benevolent and powerful figures? Raiden is one character who at full strenght could be powerful enough to be a boss. The earth elementals in MKM: Sub-Zero were kind of "good" bosses too.

Good bosses could give the primary villains a final opponent to fight other than themselves, if they were playable. But which bosses you fight should be random. Villains should still be able to fight the evil one(s), and heroes should be able to fight the good one(s), for the sake of variety.

There could be alternate endings, depending on which bosses you fight last. Remember Reptile's MK4 ending? An ending like that could be what certain enforcers get when defeating the good boss. For comical purposes, if bosses defeat themselves, their endings could be a repeat of their deaths, like Shao Kahn exploding, or their endings could see them defeated by a weaker copy (an evil one in the good boss' case), or fighting a never-ending battle against an equally powerful one like in Shinnok's MKA ending.
05/22/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
good bosses are actually a good idea.
Let me think... let me think... hmmmmm... one of the elder gods perhaps.
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/22/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't really be a "boss" if we didn't have to fight it.

Then again...maybe something like SFXT where If you are a "Good guy" you fight the "Evil" Boss, and if you are a "Bad Guy" you fight the "Good" boss?
05/22/2014 11:58 PM (UTC)
Don't get me wrong, I said yeah it would take the player out of the immersion from the game. Playing a mirror match in a fighting game is a reminder that "yeah this is a video game". It takes you out of the experience.

However, I also said that it 's not a dealbreaker. It wouldn't deter me from playing the match. But I think if Shinnok were to have Raiden as his final boss that would make more sense than Shinnok fighting himself.
05/23/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
I hope the bosses are strictly non playable affairs. Give us at least one hulking monstrosity. Tie each boss to a specific background that they need to be on in order to fight properly. This could be done through some kind of background object that the character has to interact with. This could also be an environment attribute such as water or fire that needs to be utilized by the boss in some way in order to have his full move set work. That way if the game is hacked the game will crash or freeze if you try to play as the bosses on the solo ladder. I want that sense of awe and mystery back that the first few MK games invoked.
05/23/2014 03:04 PM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:
I hope the bosses are strictly non playable affairs. Give us at least one hulking monstrosity. Tie each boss to a specific background that they need to be on in order to fight properly. This could be done through some kind of background object that the character has to interact with. This could also be an environment attribute such as water or fire that needs to be utilized by the boss in some way in order to have his full move set work. That way if the game is hacked the game will crash or freeze if you try to play as the bosses on the solo ladder. I want that sense of awe and mystery back that the first few MK games invoked.

For starters, what the hell does your reply have to do with my topic? It's about good bosses, and alternate endings depending on which bosses you defeat. Why couldn't you post this this in the Shinnok thread, or start your own thread?

And ha, wanting to prevent other players from playing as the bosses at all costs, even making it impossible to do so through hacking. Most gamers seem like a fascistic bunch, who just don't know what the hell the word optional means, so I'll help you figure it out.

Optional: The right to do or not do something. For instance, don't want to play as a boss? Then don't. Someone wants to play as a boss? Then they can. Everybody wins. Crazy concept, I know.
05/23/2014 04:32 PM (UTC)
Fair enough. I didn't even check that Shinnok topic yet. And in regards to playable bosses - of course they are optional. Every fighter in the roster is optional unless you go through story or challenge mode. What's your point? As stated by another user even having that option there to play as the bosses ruins the immersion. They lose their grandeur when you know they have similar properties to that of a regular fighter. Where's the magic in that? I'd rather have the game not work at all than the option to play as a weak boss.

The idea of good bosses for only the evil characters is nice but only if they're not part of the regular roster. For example, a huge elder god dragon seen in the game's logo. It could be a single merged mass of all those little worms that attacked Kahn at the end of the last game.

05/23/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:
Fair enough. I didn't even check that Shinnok topic yet. And in regards to playable bosses - of course they are optional. Every fighter in the roster is optional unless you go through story or challenge mode. What's your point? As stated by another user even having that option there to play as the bosses ruins the immersion. They lose their grandeur when you know they have similar properties to that of a regular fighter. Where's the magic in that? I'd rather have the game not work at all than the option to play as a weak boss.

The idea of good bosses for only the evil characters is nice but only if they're not part of the regular roster. For example, a huge elder god dragon seen in the game's logo. It could be a single merged mass of all those little worms that attacked Kahn at the end of the last game.

And why wouldn't it be enough just to avoid playing as the bosses? Why is it that some people have this apparent need to be restrained from being able to play as the bosses? Are they incapable of resisting the temptation of doing that, and thus need to deprive everyone else of that right, since they'd have nothing to resist?

As for good bosses, I'm thinking Argus could work as an end boss, while a dragon like those encountered in MKA's Konquest mode could work as a sub-boss. A much cheaper AI-controlled Liu Kang could work as either a sub-boss or the final one, even both at the same time with his dragon form for the second fight with him.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/23/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
Online my friend, he doesn't want to have to FACE other players who decide to play as the boss.


Have you played as Thanos in The Marvel VS Capcom Origins gamepack (Comes with MVC 1 and Marvel Superheroes), you can win by MASHING BUTTONS!

I understand why people don't want others to play as the boss, and having them be weaker makes them seem less awesome period, and yes, EVEN IF THE OVERPOWERED VERSION OF THE BOSS IS NOT PLAYABLE, HAVING A WEAKER VERSION OF THE BOSS TO PLAY AS STILL COUNTS!

*deep breath*

Anyway, I do like the good boss Idea, but I don't want alternate endings for boss characters winning, because I don't want to be able to play as them, which I would have to, to complete the game!
05/23/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
And why wouldn't it be enough just to avoid playing as the bosses? Why is it that some people have this apparent need to be restrained from being able to play as the bosses? Are they incapable of resisting the temptation of doing that, and thus need to deprive everyone else of that right, since they'd have nothing to resist?

You're missing the point entirely. It has nothing to do with self restraint. I just want an awesome and menacing set of bosses that will make my jaw drop. Having them playable will water that experience down.
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05/24/2014 04:02 PM (UTC)
^ Not really, injustice Superman as boss is still hard, because the difficulty still incrementally grows harder.

But back to topic, this is a fantastic idea about 'good' boss characters. It's a bit like the Mk/DC split. The aspect of fighting against MK chars, DC chars or mixed.
05/24/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
Alternate endings would be neat, like in Killer Instinct 2, where you'd get a different ending depending on which characters you killed. I also agree with the member above who said the arcade mode should be like in SFxT where you fight the evil boss if you're playing a hero, or fight the good guy if you're playing a villain. Rivals/sub bosses would also be interesting.
05/24/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
^ Not really, injustice Superman as boss is still hard, because the difficulty still incrementally grows harder.

But back to topic, this is a fantastic idea about 'good' boss characters. It's a bit like the Mk/DC split. The aspect of fighting against MK chars, DC chars or mixed.

I agree, they could have a good, bad, and mixed ladders. In which ladder (good or evil) you'd fight certain neutral characters would depend on said neutral characters, and the final bosses. If Shao Kahn was the villain, then Nitara should be fought in the good ladder, since she stands against him. Darrius however, should be fightable on all ladders, since we don't know whether he's really good or evil. Sure, he's willing to resort to drastic measures, but that could make him both an anti-hero and a full-blown villain.

For the easy difficulty settings, we should have joke bosses. There would be no sub-bosses in the ladders, but the end bosses' pictures would still be there when you reach the top. Only, instead of fighting them, you take on secondary/minor characters on both sides (the likes of Kobra, Tanya etc on the evil side, and the likes of Mokap and Stuntman on the good one). The joke endings would essentially mock the character you're playing as.

If Shinnok was the evil boss, he should fight exactly like he did in MK4, when playing on the easiest difficulty settings. If Noob was the boss, or sub-boss, he should fight like his MK2 self, only, even if you win, you'd still be told you suck, but a little differently, like "Outstanding!!!!.... You still suck" or "Noob, LOL!".
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05/25/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
I liked how Tekken 2/3 handled the boss fight situation. I was disappointed with injustice when I chose to play as Regime Superman, I didn't get to fight Insurgency Batman as the end boss. A good end boss would be a great idea
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