godzilla sized boss
posted05/31/2005 01:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/14/2004 02:31 AM (UTC)
if you,ve ever played x-men vs street fighter you have probably seen apoclypse but a boss like that has never appered in mk or any 3D fighting game for that matter, so what would it be like to have a boss like that in the mk universe. any comments
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art by fear-sAs
05/29/2005 05:54 AM (UTC)
It wouldn't fit. A boss like that would cause massive slow down, and would be too easy to beat. A perfect example would be the bosses in Power Stone. The Sphynix walker was poorly designed and so was the last boss. The whole Darrius sized bosses never tend to work out too well in a 3D plane. They should stick to 2D, like Abyss and Apacolypse. That's not to say that 3D fighters shouldn't have big bosses, but the highest they should get is about 10 feet in height. It's a size massive enough to show power but not enough to push them into one of those shooter type boss sizes. They don't even need to be that high, just much stronger then an average character.
05/29/2005 02:02 PM (UTC)
I think huge huge bosses are a bit silly- most of the moves you have are designed to combat humanoids about your size- so unless you have a movelist that allows you to do the sort of thing you would against a big huge boss (like run around/evade quickly), then it's not really feasible- and even then you'd need different skills to fight the boss than everyone else- effectively it's a different game.

I don't mind the idea of having a 10ft tall boss- if the game mechanics are such that you could play as the boss and have it reasonably balanced. Soul calibur has giants like astaroth pitted against pygmies like talim, so it's evidently doable.

I'd like a big character as sub boss, and a morphing Shang Tsung as the final boss, including morphing into your character would be cool
05/30/2005 01:49 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
It wouldn't fit. A boss like that would cause massive slow down, and would be too easy to beat. A perfect example would be the bosses in Power Stone. The Sphynix walker was poorly designed and so was the last boss. The whole Darrius sized bosses never tend to work out too well in a 3D plane. They should stick to 2D, like Abyss and Apacolypse. That's not to say that 3D fighters shouldn't have big bosses, but the highest they should get is about 10 feet in height. It's a size massive enough to show power but not enough to push them into one of those shooter type boss sizes. They don't even need to be that high, just much stronger then an average character.
yea i dont like the idea too much that might go with shaolin monks but lets not get into that. anyway do u remember the last boss in power stone 2? the sphinx i know was a sub boss but all i remember of the end was falcons plane getting out of the island
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art by fear-sAs
05/30/2005 02:34 AM (UTC)
The last boss started with this side scroll thing where you had to fight these statues while this wall tried to crush you. Then when you got to the boss, he was this green guy who'd shoot lasers out at you and he had a gold plate in his chest. You had to wait until it opened to hit his heart.
05/31/2005 12:27 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
The last boss started with this side scroll thing where you had to fight these statues while this wall tried to crush you. Then when you got to the boss, he was this green guy who'd shoot lasers out at you and he had a gold plate in his chest. You had to wait until it opened to hit his heart.
oh yea thanks now i remember i wish i never traded my dreamcast for a gamecubesad but i have the memories of it my best characters were wangtang falcon garuda and jack wat about u?
05/31/2005 01:34 AM (UTC)
They could have Jesus-zilla, son of Godzilla! grin

Well...maybe not. tongue Anyway, I don't think that's a good idea. I would like to see something new and exciting for a boss concept.
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