Gijokers MK7
posted08/27/2005 04:05 AM (UTC)by
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I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

Member Since
08/20/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
Saw MKkitana's Thought I'd Post Mine lol.
My Last Story I thought up was Stupid through Many's eyes but I Have a New One.
After Havik Revives The Cloned Kahn,Kahn Has No Memory Of Mortal Kombat's 4-6 And Instead His Mind Is Set Back To Invading The Realms.
Havik Gives Kahn The Heart of Onaga To Bring Back His Fallen Generals
And Greatest Allies To Take Out Earthrealm.He Revives Motaro and Kintaro His Most Powerful Generals Whome Died Ages Ago.
The Generals Surprisingly Beleive That He is The True Kahn.
Kahn Invades Earthrealm With Brutal Force and Seizes Control Of The Wu-Shi Academy And Plans To Host another tournament God Knows Evil Villans Can't Wait Another Generation For a Good Fight :D.
Liu Kang Tries To Run and Kill The Emperor But a Sudden Spark Of Electricity Forces him To Stop in His Tracks...Raiden Stands Behind liu Laughing and Smiling Wickedly.
"What Do You Think Your Doing?"
Liu Gets Up and receives a Kick To The Face.
"If You Want To Get Your Hands On The Emperor You need To Win The Competetion"

Yep I still Beleive Raiden Turns Evil And I Aint Gunna Drop it lol
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08/21/2005 10:24 PM (UTC)
-rolls eyes- Raiden is not evil. He will never be, and should not be. First of all, who are we to judge whats evil, whats not. From kahns prespective for example, Raiden is evil since he constantly delivers a message of caring for each other, thus giving away a potential threat and weakness to the individuals.

-why is there a need to host a tournament if they already invaded Earth?
-why is Raiden assaulting Liu if he is sworn protector of Earths denizens?
-why would Kahn ressurect those who failed him severely?
-why did Havik give the heart to Kahn in the first place? (y'all never know...)
-please xpand the storyline a bit more.
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/21/2005 10:46 PM (UTC)
why is there a need to host a tournament if they already invaded Earth?
-why is Raiden assaulting Liu if he is sworn protector of Earths denizens?
-why would Kahn ressurect those who failed him severely?
-why did Havik give the heart to Kahn in the first place? (y'all never know...)
-please xpand the storyline a bit more.

-For The Spirit Of One Last Kombat
-Hes Just Laying Down The Rules Of Mortal Kombat and you Can't Take out Shao Kahn Without Defeating The Rest Of The Kombatants.
-He Thinks That Maybe If There All Together (Kintaro,Motaro) They Can Take Out The Earthrealm Fighters
-To Restore The Ultimate chaos
-I Think I did


Name:Shang Tsung
Occupation:Advisor To Shao Kahn
Allies:Goro,Original Kahn,
Foes:Liu Kang,Raiden,Motaro,Kintaro,Quan-Chi
For Generations I have Served Kahn and When I aligned Myself With Kahn I betrayed Him,During The Fight With The Dragon King Raiden Kill Us All.I was Trapped Once More in The Netherealm but I Was Revived and
Shocked To See The Last Person I'd Expect...Shao Kahn Alive? he Had Cloned himself With an Item I had Retreived For him while I Was in The Netherealm Years ago.He Has No Idea I Tried To Kill Him So I Dont Fear he'll Betray Me.Now I Join The Tournament in Disguise So The Clone Won't Find and Reveal My Treachory To Kahn. After All you never know when i might do it again.

More Bios Coming Soon
08/21/2005 11:06 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
-rolls eyes- Raiden is not evil. He will never be, and should not be. First of all, who are we to judge whats evil, whats not. From kahns prespective for example, Raiden is evil since he constantly delivers a message of caring for each other, thus giving away a potential threat and weakness to the individuals.

-why is there a need to host a tournament if they already invaded Earth?
-why is Raiden assaulting Liu if he is sworn protector of Earths denizens?
-why would Kahn ressurect those who failed him severely?
-why did Havik give the heart to Kahn in the first place? (y'all never know...)
-please xpand the storyline a bit more.

There's no point in saying "good is a point of view." One could argue that good and evil don't exist, because everyone has their own perspectives, but for the sake of giving morals to society (and gameplaying), we accept the fact that good and evil are completely separate forms of thought.......good commonly represented by helping others even at the expense of one's self, and evil being nothing but self-progression even at the expense of others.

If I stab someone and kill them, in the eyes of most people, that would be an act of evil, but in my eyes it would've been an act of good. Or when someone flies an airplane into a building and blows it up, in our Christian eyes it is an act of malice and evil, but in their Islamic eyes, it's a justified act of good and redemption. So for the sake of arguement, let's just stick with the defined Christian sense of good and evil, because that's what is most commonly accepted in the world.

Raiden isn't evil. Just angry. Gijoker, your story makes little sense, if any. Needs a bit of revision and substance, but good concept.
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/21/2005 11:19 PM (UTC)
I dont Know Whether To Thank You or Consider You a Jerk Like anyother Person Who Critisizes my ideas Name:Quan-Chi Origin:Outworld Occupation:Wandering Sorccerer For Hire Alignment:Evil Allies:Shinnok Foes:Scorpion,Raiden,Shang Tsung Somehow I Survived Raiden's Blast,I Got up After The Dragon king Left With MY medallion.Word Spread Of His Demise and the Rise of Shao Kahn and Of The Kamidogu.I Couldn't Beleive My ears, I Got up and looked Around For Shang Tsung...Nowhere To Be Found...I Realized I needed Help and I knew One person Who Could Help Me Rid of Kahn So I Traveled into The Netherealm and Brought Back Shinnok using The Path I used To Escape from Scorpion.I Know Shinnok Will Beat Shao Kahn and I know He'll Try To Steal The Medallion For Himself But I'll Make Sure He Doesnt Even Come Near it. Name:Shinnok Origin:Unknown Occupation:Former Elder God Alignmant:Evil Allies:Quan-Chi Foes:Liu-Kang,Shao Kanh,Raiden I am a Spirit.Dead Because of Quan-chi's Treachory.He Came To Me For Help And after he brought up The Medallon he Got my intrest. I Want Power Over The realms and I'll Need The Medallion and The Kamidogu To Become Ruler.After I Kill Shao Kahn I'll Kill Quan-Chi For His Treachory. Name:Scorpion Origin:Earthrealm Occupation:Spectre Alignment:Good Allies:Sub-Zero Foes:Noob Saibot,Quan-Chi After I Killed The dragon King I went To The Elder Gods in Request To Live a Human Life With My wife and Child and To Be called Hanzo Once More.The Elder Gods Denied My Request but Said if I did Another Quest They'd Free My Family From The Netherealm. I Traveled To Earthrealm To Fight in This Mortal Kombat Not Only by the Elder God's Request But Because I heard The Original Sub-Zero Had Returned. Its like Killing Two Birds With One Stone Get Revenge Twice and Bring Back My Family. Name:Reptile Origin:Zattara Occupation:Shao Kahn's Servant Alignment:Evil Allies:Shao Kahn,Motaro,Kintaro,Goro Foes:Liu Kang,Quan-Chi,Shinnok When I heard That Quan-Chi and Shinnok Were Coming To The Tournament I couldn't Refuse Entering On Shao Kahn's Behalf.Shinnok Killed Me and Quan-Chi Helped...They Must PAY! Who Knows Maybe if I Win the Tournament Maybe Shao Kahn will Bring Back My race.
08/22/2005 04:01 AM (UTC)
I agree with Chrome, other than the Havik point. Havik is a priest of Chaos, he doesn't need a reason for anything. It's a cheap but useful character trait.
08/22/2005 03:25 PM (UTC)
I don't think Reptile was ever killed by Shinnok, his ending was one of the "what if" scenarios. Plus I also do not believe Shinnok was killed by Quan Chi, he was only in possession of the fake amulet which caused his demise by Liu Kang. If Reptile was killed by Shinnok that story was not explained in MKDA. Here's a link to what I think is the correct story.
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/22/2005 04:47 PM (UTC)
Hey I know its Not What Really happened But This is My Version Its Not What People Would Really Want I know.But This is What I'd Like a Mortal Kombat Game To Be like.

Occupation:Champion Of Mortal Kombat
Allies:Sub--Zero,Jax,Sonya,Johnny Cage
Foes:Raiden,Shao Kahn,shang-Tsung,Quan-Chi
Raiden Betrayed Us.He Shocked Me Half To Death When I Tried To Take Out Kahn.Now I have Four Foes That Are in This Tournament.Somehow Shang Tsung is Alive and Plans on Entering The Tournament Under Disguise, he may fool the others but i know its him.
Quan Chi has Also Entered The Tournament.His Crimes against Outworld and Earthrealm are Widely Known and Cannot Go unpunished.
as for Shinnok I Think i can Take Him...after all I did win The Fourth Tournament.
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08/23/2005 12:04 AM (UTC)
I was reading the thread with interest until i got pissed off by frustration.

If you won't put the effort into paragraph your posts I'm not putting in the effort of reading them, good day.
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/23/2005 06:44 AM (UTC)
Sorry About That I Had Some Problems When typing hold on and i'll fix it.
Anyways I have Been looking through the internet and have found some intresting stuff and have decided to make a mortal kombat fan game based on my story.I Ask That Someone Help Me in My idea.I Need Some Artists For concept Art and 3d Modelers For The Actual Thing as Well as Stage Designers and a Good 3d engine which Will undoubtably be hard to get.
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08/24/2005 05:23 AM (UTC)
Didn't you do this already? o.O
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/25/2005 07:44 AM (UTC)
watchu talkin bout Fangirl?
About Me
08/26/2005 04:45 AM (UTC)
You already tried to make a storyline where Raiden was evil. I explained to you how it was probably a bad idea, due to fan support of Raiden and it being out-of-character for him, unless explained in depth. You've just gone onto a new idea, but still haven't gone into depth about how this all happens, and *why* Raiden is suddenly evil.

I'm not shooting you down, parsay......just trying to give you insight. Also, like was said, having decent grammar does make a difference when trying to get ideas across to people. Doesn't induce as many headaches.
08/27/2005 04:05 AM (UTC)
majindragon Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
-rolls eyes- Raiden is not evil. He will never be, and should not be. First of all, who are we to judge whats evil, whats not. From kahns prespective for example, Raiden is evil since he constantly delivers a message of caring for each other, thus giving away a potential threat and weakness to the individuals.

-why is there a need to host a tournament if they already invaded Earth?
-why is Raiden assaulting Liu if he is sworn protector of Earths denizens?
-why would Kahn ressurect those who failed him severely?
-why did Havik give the heart to Kahn in the first place? (y'all never know...)
-please xpand the storyline a bit more.

There's no point in saying "good is a point of view." One could argue that good and evil don't exist, because everyone has their own perspectives, but for the sake of giving morals to society (and gameplaying), we accept the fact that good and evil are completely separate forms of thought.......good commonly represented by helping others even at the expense of one's self, and evil being nothing but self-progression even at the expense of others.

If I stab someone and kill them, in the eyes of most people, that would be an act of evil, but in my eyes it would've been an act of good. Or when someone flies an airplane into a building and blows it up, in our Christian eyes it is an act of malice and evil, but in their Islamic eyes, it's a justified act of good and redemption. So for the sake of arguement, let's just stick with the defined Christian sense of good and evil, because that's what is most commonly accepted in the world.

Raiden isn't evil. Just angry. Gijoker, your story makes little sense, if any. Needs a bit of revision and substance, but good concept.

What do you mean by their Islamic eyes? Do you mean the terrorists or Muslims in general?

Anyway, to Gijoker, I think you need to have something more when it comes to your storylines that's more logical and also, please try to make things easier to read...
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