Ghosts of Deception (Spoilers)
posted04/20/2015 08:28 AM (UTC)by
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06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
It is quite apparent that out of all of the 3D Mortal Kombat games Deception received the most love and care. It gave us a story driven single player mode attached to the fighting element of the game, as well as complex and unique costumes that can still be seen within certain costumes all the way through to MKX.

Throughout the entirety of Deception we were given hints of what was probably the greatest MK foe to come; not Onaga, not Kochal, but the One Being. Then, no offense to Jax, we were given the biggest "GOTCHA" in the entirety of the Mortal Kombat franchise when the entire concept of the One Being was dropped, when the S.S. Midway began to sink and Boon and Friends were ready to say goodbye with The Mortal Kombat Reunion Special, otherwise known as Armageddon. However, while not being noncanonical, Taven's Konquest ending in Armageddon proved true in real life as a new solution to stave off Armageddon was found, Boon and Co. whored themselves out and made Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe.

The result was moderate success for MK vs. DC, and out of that came a buyout which has given us three fantastic games; Mortal Kombat, INJUSTICE, and Mortal Kombat X. Now, with Mortal Kombat X, we find ourselves back near the Deception timeline. This brings to me the entire point of this thread; are they rebuilding the narrative of Deception?

We know from the MKX comics that the Kamidogu are in play. We also know from the the games that Chaos Realm and Seido are also quite active. The end of this game even has Raiden re-assuming his Dark Raiden persona. Also, while I know endings are rarely canonical, Cassie Cage's ending has her interacting with the hero of Deception himself, Shujinko. I would say that this shows that NRS has Deception on the brain. I personally have not yet beat the tower with every character, so there might be more that I've not seen yet.

I am curious as to whether or not anyone else thinks that they are building back to that originally intended story. Does anyone else think that MKX is planting the seeds for Deception; rebuilding something that they wanted to do, but couldn't due to the events that lead to the creation of Armageddon?
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04/19/2015 08:28 AM (UTC)
I hope so, I just wish they would ditch their current story mode famework. Bring back a proper Konquest mode.
04/19/2015 11:19 AM (UTC)
Well there is no more Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to form a Deadly Alliance.

Also, if Shujinko is killed and Shinnok's amulet is in possession of Raiden, Onaga will never reborn.

I can suspect that everything is going straight to Armageddon events, since Taven and Daegon are around again.

Making Raiden a villain I think its a interesting twist in the story. Lets see.
04/19/2015 02:28 PM (UTC)
however Tsung is implied to be alive: that was (before MKX was released) a Vogel tweet in which he stated he was still alive. then he we have at least 2 arcade endings which confirm he is still alive. There's a lot of hints for Tsung returning,either for this game,or for the next,or both.
04/19/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)
Well I know I for one would love to see in the intro to the next game Onaga march into the throne room see Kotal as an unfit king and bitch slap him out of his throne.
But! This time have it be an Onaga returned untainted by the whispers of The One Being. And with reinforcements from Seido.

Have him be the ruler Kotal wishes he was. Sorry I was on board with Kotal until the third act of story mode, then he proved to be just another idiot.

I mean one could assume with Cassie's ending, a broken lost Shujinko could signify that Onaga has indeed some how found a way back.
04/19/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
Maybe the new deadly alliance will be evil Kang and Kitana lol
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04/19/2015 04:19 PM (UTC)
One thing the OP said is wrong. The Kamidogu that Shujinko collected are not in use in the comic. The daggers are Seperate. .
Confirmed by the writer on twitter.and I'm glad that tavern Deagon and the one being are mentioned ed in endings because like Shujinko they all existed before Raiden fudged with time. Though unlike before it's taken Shujinko rad bit longer to free damashi...I mean Onaga lol. I don't want a repeat of events but a new plot even if it uses these characters. I wasn't a fan of the reboot but as long as it keeps going make it good. Especially now I, don't want to return to when people are young even if it means losing cage and sonya, and, Jax.
I wouldn't mind another go around with the Deception characters and concepts. I just hope it doesn't lead into Armageddon's story again. It can take elements from it, but I'd rather skip most of that.

I'd like for Liu and Raiden to be heroes and friends again, along with the other revenants. We've had dead Liu/Dark Raiden show up in FIVE games now since Deception's release. after that a game that's reminiscent of the original trilogy or 3D era would be cool.
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04/19/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
Deadly allaince was also kinda in MK9 and MKX too, with Liu dying and being undead, i think if there is a deadly alliance it'll be him and kitana.

i don't see onaga coming back though, he was pretty lame.

I do hope the missing mk4 and mkDA newcomers will be added in mk11 though(well maybe not jarek, id rather they add tasia) and obvious the deception charatcers mainly havik, hotaru and darrius
04/20/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Deadly allaince was also kinda in MK9 and MKX too, with Liu dying and being undead, i think if there is a deadly alliance it'll be him and kitana.

i don't see onaga coming back though, he was pretty lame.

I do hope the missing mk4 and mkDA newcomers will be added in mk11 though(well maybe not jarek, id rather they add tasia) and obvious the deception charatcers mainly havik, hotaru and darrius

Yes. Orderrealm and Chaosrealm could be a new threat now. I am tired of Outworld.
04/20/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
I think if they wanted to continue the Deception/Armageddon storyline they wouldn't have bothered to reboot the series. I'd be very surprised if most of these elements made it into MKXI as anything other than easter eggs or cameos.
04/20/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Maybe the new deadly alliance will be evil Kang and Kitana lol

You know, I never thought about that. That'd be fucking interesting as shit.
04/20/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Maybe the new deadly alliance will be evil Kang and Kitana lol

You know, I never thought about that. That'd be fucking interesting as shit.

Yeah I think them working together could pose a problem , I haven't finished story mode yet so all I know about them is that they are evil and become...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The new rulers of the Netherrealm

Or something like that, so I think that can open them up to be big threats in the future.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/20/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
Whored themselves out? Wow, what a fucking tool.

If Boon and Co. hadn't "whored themselves out", guess what? THERE WOULD BE NO MKX. Nor Mortal Kombat 9. MK v DC was the best 3d game hands down. And yes, it was T-Rated...cry some more, BFD. It was the best of the 3d games, which ALL sucked.

It also cemented the partnership that led to the VERY SPECIAL TREATMENT that Boon's team got from Warner Bros., resulting in the formation of NRS.

Whored out? More like saved this franchise. Look what happened as a result - the best MK game ever, with an almost perfect follow-up in MKX.

If I had a nickel for every bitch tear cried over MK v DC i'd be able to buy out Bill Gates. Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine. Oh, and LOL that you still think the comic book story ties into MKX story mode. It has some truthful elements to it, but its all BS. The entirety of story mode goes on as if NOTHING in the comic has happened at all. But it's okay if you want to keep thinking that the comic actually ties in.
04/20/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Whored themselves out? Wow, what a fucking tool.

If Boon and Co. hadn't "whored themselves out", guess what? THERE WOULD BE NO MKX. Nor Mortal Kombat 9. MK v DC was the best 3d game hands down. And yes, it was T-Rated...cry some more, BFD. It was the best of the 3d games, which ALL sucked.

It also cemented the partnership that led to the VERY SPECIAL TREATMENT that Boon's team got from Warner Bros., resulting in the formation of NRS.

Whored out? More like saved this franchise. Look what happened as a result - the best MK game ever, with an almost perfect follow-up in MKX.

If I had a nickel for every bitch tear cried over MK v DC i'd be able to buy out Bill Gates. Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine.

Oh, and LOL that you still think the comic book story ties into MKX story mode. It has some truthful elements to it, but its all BS. The entirety of story mode goes on as if NOTHING in the comic has happened at all. But it's okay if you want to keep thinking that the comic actually ties in.

Dude, I totally agree with everything you said. MKvsDC was a gamble and it paid off big time. Led to NRS as we know it today. I don't recall it being a 3D game though, but it's been a long while since I've played it.

And about the comic tying in to MKX, it doesn't really. Although Ed Boon did say IT IS canon, I think it's more if him being respectful to the writers of the comic and not demeaning it by saying it isn't canon.
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04/20/2015 03:36 AM (UTC)
Well since we have Dark Raiden now. Deception is going to be strongly implicated in the next game. So we might see more of Frost, Sareena, Li Mei, and Bo Rai Cho and possibly some more familiar faces along the way in the next game.wink
04/20/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I think if they wanted to continue the Deception/Armageddon storyline they wouldn't have bothered to reboot the series. I'd be very surprised if most of these elements made it into MKXI as anything other than easter eggs or cameos.

I hope you'r right. I didn't mind the overall backstory of Deception, the idea of Onaga and all that was pretty cool. But it did have Shujinko, and I definitely don't want to see him again. Hopefully his little MKX cameo is canon, and he's dead for good.
The other problem with Deception is that it was starting to lead into the Armageddon plot, which, the whole reason the series was rewound was because there's nowhere really to go from there.
Besides, even though MKX had Shinnok as the Antagonist, the story in it was FAR from what MK4 was, so clearly they're not just trying to rehash the original story in a slightly different way. They clearly want to take the series in a different direction, with the new characters and these events that are happening 25 years later, which I'm pretty sure in terms of a timeline is AFTER Armageddon was originally supposed to happen.
Either way, there were some good ideas in Deception, some bad ones, same with Armageddon. I don't mind them borrowing the better ideas and implementing them, but I really hope they'll move the storyline in a different direction. None of that "Shujinko is the new Liu Kang" crap, and none of that Blaze is summoning everyone to fight each other business.
04/20/2015 05:47 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Whored themselves out? Wow, what a fucking tool.

If Boon and Co. hadn't "whored themselves out", guess what? THERE WOULD BE NO MKX. Nor Mortal Kombat 9. MK v DC was the best 3d game hands down. And yes, it was T-Rated...cry some more, BFD. It was the best of the 3d games, which ALL sucked.

It also cemented the partnership that led to the VERY SPECIAL TREATMENT that Boon's team got from Warner Bros., resulting in the formation of NRS.

Whored out? More like saved this franchise. Look what happened as a result - the best MK game ever, with an almost perfect follow-up in MKX.

If I had a nickel for every bitch tear cried over MK v DC i'd be able to buy out Bill Gates. Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine.

Oh, and LOL that you still think the comic book story ties into MKX story mode. It has some truthful elements to it, but its all BS. The entirety of story mode goes on as if NOTHING in the comic has happened at all. But it's okay if you want to keep thinking that the comic actually ties in.

I gave the game credit for creating the partnership, and mentioned its relative success. Boon and Co. literally made the game to sell themselves to WB, if that's not whoring yourself out, I don't know what is. Everything you said, I already said. I just called a spade a spade; they gave WB a big corporate hand-job with MK vs. DC in order to get into the position to make MK9.

Furthermore, if you'd have read closely, the topic is about whether or not NRS has the elements of Deception on the brain; the canonicity of the comics is irrelevent to the conversation, as even noncanon elements would display a desire to return to that story within MKX.

Jesus Christ man, don't be so touchy. It's not like whoring yourself is a bad thing if it helps you preserve your company! Companies do it ALL the time, and if you don't think NRS whored itself out with a MK vs DC, deal so apparent you could see it from space, you're the most naive man I've ever met and I've got a bridge you should buy.
04/20/2015 06:23 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
I gave the game credit for creating the partnership, and mentioned its relative success. Boon and Co. literally made the game to sell themselves to WB, if that's not whoring yourself out, I don't know what is. Everything you said, I already said. I just called a spade a spade; they gave WB a big corporate hand-job with MK vs. DC in order to get into the position to make MK9.

Umm, there's one problem with that theory. When they made MK vs. DC, they were still a part of Midway, and not WB Games. Midway didn't file for bankruptcy and sell off the MK brand name until way after MK vs. DC was released.
Unless you're suggesting that Boon & Co. somehow predicted that Midway would go under and would be selling off the Mortal Kombat brand, and intentionally wanted to get in bed with WB so that those guys would buy them out. But that's a stretch and a half if you ask me.
04/20/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:

If I had a nickel for every bitch tear cried over MK v DC i'd be able to buy out Bill Gates. Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine.

Calm the hell down, will you?

Why is it that whenever someone dares to not shower praise over a certain game on here, responses like the above are frequently the result?
And yes, NRS DID whore themselves out with MKvsDC. Anyone who thinks they weren't trying to jump on the Marvel vs. Capcom gravy train at the time is only fooling themselves.
04/20/2015 08:01 AM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
I gave the game credit for creating the partnership, and mentioned its relative success. Boon and Co. literally made the game to sell themselves to WB, if that's not whoring yourself out, I don't know what is. Everything you said, I already said. I just called a spade a spade; they gave WB a big corporate hand-job with MK vs. DC in order to get into the position to make MK9.

Umm, there's one problem with that theory. When they made MK vs. DC, they were still a part of Midway, and not WB Games. Midway didn't file for bankruptcy and sell off the MK brand name until way after MK vs. DC was released.
Unless you're suggesting that Boon & Co. somehow predicted that Midway would go under and would be selling off the Mortal Kombat brand, and intentionally wanted to get in bed with WB so that those guys would buy them out. But that's a stretch and a half if you ask me.

That's exactly what I'm suggesting, as well as what everyone here knows. Midway was hemhorraging money as far back as 2005 and bankruptcy rumors began in 2006; they were discussed openly on this very website. Boon and the Boonettes saw the writing on the wall, jumped into bed with WB, and when Midway was liquidated in 2009 Boon and the Boontones became WB Games' bottom bitch; NetherRealm Studios.

You don't really think that it's a coincidence that M.K. vs DC was released less than 6 Months before WB bought the MK assets, do you? That whole game was just Boon and the Boon Experience proving to WB that they were a valuable enough asset to be purchased as a whole studio, rather than just the Mortal Kombat name.

How is any of this news to you? This was done ages ago. MK vs. DC was a smart, corporate beej, and WB reciprocated.


Now, getting back to the topic at hand.

As has been discussed a few times so far, Shujinko has been hinted at already, possibly, being involved in some way. Afterall, his quest did begin before Raiden dinked around with the timeline.

Now, if he is somehow involved in the next game the question really is, in what way? Does he get a Motaro treatment or something more similar to what Bo Rai Cho got in MKX. Now, I'm just using that as a current example, I know a lot of people want Bo playable again, but in MKX he was a nice friend to see. Is something like that more fitting for Shujinko? Just a guest in Story mode?

To be totally honest, I'd be up for him being playable again to properly finish the story that was supposed to have been properly concluded over a decade ago. I know he was a move thief and a bland protagonist, but those are not necessarily hard corrections to make, especially if the story is retold with major changes due to the new timeline.
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04/20/2015 08:28 AM (UTC)
I really hope the next game is deception heavy in its story, it's still by far my favorite chapter of the MK games.

Onaga wasn't great, but what's MK without an ancient badass dragon boss?

Shujinko, if not dead as in Cassie's ending, could get a moveset revamp. Tho I think they will continue to focus on the new baby sf's during the story.

Chaosrealm and havik would bring about a new excitement in the tell tale saga of outworld and earth realm. If they want to feature Seido, that's great too.

Maybe When Shang tsung returns, he resurrects and allied himself with onaga?

I just miss deception so much.
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