Gameplay Gameplay Gameplay. Please focus on the gameplay!
posted04/15/2010 09:23 PM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
Anyone else agree that MK really needs to fix the fighting engine? MKDC was a step in the right direction, but the team needs to improve on that. Make it a fully 2D game, take away all dial-a-combos.

I liked how the MK team addressed infinites in MKDC with the Kombo Breakers. That was great. They just need to build on that. Maybe include something like a Super Meter? You know, along the lines of SF. Every Kombo Break would cost like a fourth of a Super Attack.

Another big issue is that the characters don't feel unique at all. They seem very robotic with their animations. It feels like the characters are all pretty much clones of each other. Please don't give the MK characters lame karate poses. Give the returning ones their original stance. You know, Scorpion with his hand by his head or Sub-Zero with his hand by his chest, and Liu Kang doing his whole Bruce Lee thing.

And finally, include the fundamental fighting game tools. Wake-Ups, Being able to break out of a command throw, short hops, footsies, ect

So basically:

2D Gameplay
No Dial-a-Combos
Fundamental Gameplay Mechanics
More Kombo Breakers
Make each character feel unique during a fight

Gameplay takes priority over everything. Who else agrees?
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04/10/2010 01:32 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:

Gameplay takes priority over everything. Who else agrees?

I agree that MK needs good glitch-free gameplay, but it doesn't make sense it should be "top priority." The story team and the mechanics team work in different rooms at different desks; if the gameplay sucks in MK, it's not because they exhausted their effort on making the story or graphics.
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04/10/2010 05:06 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
SubMan799 Wrote:

Gameplay takes priority over everything. Who else agrees?

I agree that MK needs good glitch-free gameplay, but it doesn't make sense it should be "top priority." The story team and the mechanics team work in different rooms at different desks; if the gameplay sucks in MK, it's not because they exhausted their effort on making the story or graphics.

I see what you're saying, but I agree with what he's saying himself. Last few times, they didn't have long at all to come up with those new fighting systems. They were all based off of each other. Now, they had much more time to create something really good, whether it be 2D or 3D.

I still feel that 2D is the way to go. Tekken pretty much wrapped up that with 3D, along with Soul Calibur and DoA (if they ever make another one). Street Fighter 4 revived 2D fighting and brought the dominance of every 2D fighter out there..
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04/10/2010 02:28 PM (UTC)
Although i respect the SF series. Something that plays in fighting like that is NOT what i want.

I Feel MKDC was the biggest glimmer of hope other than MKD(story was amazing) and they are the standalones since UMK3.

I will say it once again. I have a GREAT feeling about this game. Every time a good formula is found. its always the Next game that perfects what they were after. aka MK2, MKD.

with mkdc having alot of what I am sure they wanted (other than close kombat and transitional TestYourMight), MK9 is going to hit it right on the head.

Im predicting that klose kombat and the in-game TYM will be removed or altered for the better as they are horrible. A Roster about the same (22 give or take), alternate costumes, EXTENDED bio's from MKA and MK9(a big task indeed), Harder pro-moves. maybe a classic MK (UMK3 or MKT) on the unlocks? Kollectors Edition???

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04/10/2010 02:54 PM (UTC)
I still would like it to be 2D instead. I enjoy 3D, but 2D is just much better to me.
04/10/2010 04:07 PM (UTC)
2D might be too much of a step back for me. I think this next game will be awesomeness reincarnated though.
04/10/2010 04:47 PM (UTC)
Even though there are a million other threads to post this topic I agree with you for the most part. I want characters to all feel unique, and I want it to be fully 2D, but getting rid of dial a combo isn't a big deal for me. To me it sounds like you want MK9 to be Street Fighter with MK's skin. There are already a lot of games like Street Fighter so I do want them to keep some of their own ideas that make MK unique.

1.Keep Pro moves.
2.Make it easy to inject special moves into combos.
3.Dial a combo is alright as long as there is a lot of freedom like MKvsDC.
4.Test your Might and Free fall toggled on or off.

Some new things to gameplay should be.
1.Personalized throws.
2.A new comeback mechanic. Rage doesn't work.
3.Unique characters.
4.Fully 2D.
5.Make the wall push people away to stop wall combos.

Feel free to take my ideas MK team.
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04/10/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
You know, on average, I'll walk into the foreground or background maybe once or twice per round, to avoid a fireball or a charging move, or what have you. The newer games haven't been too far off from 2D in the first place; everyone knows that. Up close and personal, the fighting's still basically a 2D experience. If they take away that ability to walk into the foreground or background, I don't think we're going to be missing too much.

Street Fighter 4's focus attacks made me think of something similar for MK; a charged up attack that dizzies the opponent for a split second and can be followed up with remaining hits of a dial-a-combo, which can only be initiated then, not anytime the player wants, like in recent games.

Maybe if the charged attacks were special moves with that specific purpose in mind? Let's say Scorpion's teleport punch or flip kick cracks you upside the head and leaves you staggering for a second while he recovers instantly to start the combo. These moves should have a goodly amount of startup though, so they're not abusable.

Or is this all too derivative?

Pro moves should definitely stay, too. I love 'em.
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Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

04/10/2010 05:53 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
lthough i respect the SF series. Something that plays in fighitng like that is NOT what i want.

I Feel MKvsDC was the biggest glimmer of hope other than MKD(wtory was amazing) and they are the standalones since UMK3.

I will say it once again. I have a GREAT feeling about this game. Every time a good formula is found. its always the Next game that perfects what they were after. aka MK2, MKD.

with mkvsdc having alot of what I am sure they wanted (other than close kombat and transitional TestYourMight), MK9 is going to hit it right on the head.

Im predicting that klose kombat and the in-game TYM will be removed or altered for the better as they are horrible. A Roster about the same (22 give or take), alternate costumes, EXTENDED bio's from MKA and MK9(a big task indeed), Harder per-moves. maybe a classic MK (UMK3 or MKT) on the unlocks? Kollectors Edition???


Totally agree on what you said about having a good feeling with the formula. As you said the next game they do based on a certain engine is always good (better), like MK2, MKD. So yeah really think the gameplay will be a great updated version of MKvsDC. I hope they don't bring back close kombat, was really keen on was alright, free-fall kombat I really liked. What do people think about Air Kombat making a return? I mean maybe not as crazy as it was in MKA, but I personally enjoyed it. Also I think the characters should have there own style, and feel less clone like, as some have mentioned above. Anyway can't wait to see what happens!
Adam Ronin
04/10/2010 06:35 PM (UTC)
Here are my thoughts:

I am not opposed to either 3D or 2D. I agree in thinking that MKvDC had a good start on the new engine. MKvDC was on the brink of 2.5D, in my opinion and I loved that.

I think if they build on that, with possible addition of an excellent, working air combat, with good wake ups, expand on the combo system of MKvDC and make it more customizable and a good combo breaking system, I think things could be insane.

MKD, to me, was the staple of the 3D series. The amount of content was baffling and the konquest mode was absolutely fantastic. We need more content. Replay value is key. I want to UNLOCK things. I want to work towards something. I don't want to start the game with 24 people unlocked. I wanna start the game with maybe 10 people and have to do things to get everyone else. That is where SF4 shines I think.

Also, SECRETS, SECRETS, SECRETS!!! We all remember MK being famous for them. Sure, its hard to keep things hidden these days in home games, but its not impossible. I would like to see the MK team work on this and have so much hidden stuff, its unreal.

Blood. Gore. Violence. The staple of MK's existence. They need to go back to their MK2 roots here where the blood flows and is exciting. The fatalities need to inventive and disgusting. And CLASSIC. Subby needs the spine rip. Liu Kang should have his cartwheel kick back (I loved that one. Simple and effective.)

I could go on for days on what I think should be included. This is turning into a Queve sized post, so I will chill wink
04/10/2010 06:42 PM (UTC)
yeah make the GAMEPLAYon a 2d PLANE. take out dial up combos too or add a lot like tekken does. make people feel like they got options and can create their own combos, instead of feeling forced in a "corner". but i agree that mk needs to feel different than sf interms of gameplay, that's what makes it mk.

gameplay should be the top priority. the gameplay team should be fired if the gameplay is not up to standards. shouldnt they have enough time, this time around????

i hope this mk game will be GREAT but who knows.....
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04/10/2010 06:45 PM (UTC)
I feel that a fully 2D game is the worst possible thing they could do right now.

Shadaloo is right. the games have always felt 2D in essence. Only deathtraps and transitional tactics come into play with sidestepping other than avoiding projectiles or special moves. It's escape potential for unblockable moves prevents exploits from many moves.

Keep the sidestepping exactly as it is. Id say (yet again) that MKvsDC was the best formula so far. If they wanted to elaborate on the ability of air kombat or the implimentation of special moves in the air being taken to a different level, I would recommend Not changing too much.

The concentration of air kombat in MKA kind of ruined the solidity of the kombat system, or what little it had.

I would however, advise that MUCH experimentation be taken with the special moves. I feel that the characters became unbalanced as a result of certain specials outwaying others.

Scorprions spear, if failed, seems to leave him open for attack for noticably longer than a failed sub-zero freeze. and characters like Kitana seem to have superiority over that of kano whos animations clearly leave him vulnerable with delays and negative outcomes.(speaking of mkvsdc)

I seemed to find myself really mad that scorpions tele-punch was a stationary, grounded uppercut. Although usable in many situations, say pressing D,B,1 instead of D,B,3 should initiate a move similar to the classic flying tele-punch, level to whatever height it was initiated at. Having that move also implimented would open scorpions combos up very much.

anywyas. I just feel that Boon and the team need to play the F*** out of each character before making any final decision for movesets. Although its verymuch known that it must have taken dedication to come up with the combo challanges. Keep it up.

another thing I really would liek to see, are narrated Bio's.or even biographys that have the 3-5 slide picture bios that describe the events between mkd to MK9 as we never ever knew a thing.

I also strongly feel that soemthing should be unlcoked for Play once a kombo challange is completed for a certain character. Perhaps their alternate costume? That way the people who are really dedicated to their character, will receive something to be feared when seen online. Also feel that hara kiri's should be implimented if this game is to focus on a good online experience. Being defeated is one thing. But id like to say "you get the victory, But only I can kill me".

nothing like the final laugh.
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:

Perfectly stated, I agree 100%

04/10/2010 07:16 PM (UTC)
I do not wish that this game goes back to 2D roots. Don't get me wrong, I truly loved MK back in the 90s, but I think having them go in 3D is a lot better.

Game play, meh, they're always improving game after game, so it's no biggy that they're going to try to focus on doing something different with game play, but I do agree with you, Subman, that each character should feel completely different. I want to have Sub-Zero act different than Scorpion, Kitana feel different than Mileena and so on. Characters need to have their own feel, not share it throughout the roster.

But, I will state this one thing: no more death traps. They take the fun out of things too much, it makes the rounds shorter, and people can be complete assholes if round two comes and they begin right next to the death trap... (I recently played Armageddon yesterday...)
04/10/2010 11:53 PM (UTC)
I agree with some of that. And not with other bits.

2D Gameplay?

No I think MK should be more 3D. If it is to be more 2D, it should be less up and down, and more side to side. Since many MK characters have ranged attacks, i think they can improve the 3D ness, like with soul calibur. Add in moves and motions that take advantage of that. Ninjas should be able to dive and roll, or cartwheel to the side etc. Ranged projectile moves should have versions that start in the centre and sweep left, or right etc.

If they wanted to change up the whole system, i'd say separate control for duck/jump from sidestep. Have a duck button instead of guard or something.

No Dial-a-Combos

To an extent. Memorising stuff is a chore and shoulld be avoided if possible. Moves should be as intuitive as possible. However, long sequences of moves are cool. It would be cool if they had loads of different branches, and could loop. Make it so "basic" moves and short strings flow together fluidly without having to go through a "ready stance" pause, but also make it so that the person on the recieving end has opportunity to escape.

More Kombo Breakers

Don't agree. The game should be able to be made playable without resorting to this. It's kind of a "fudge" IMO.

Make each character feel unique during a fight

Big yes. Different speed, range etc. Different properties for the most basic "moves" that just move you around the arena. Some characters should be good at attacking whilst advancing, others good with counters, others ranged moves etc. Each character should have a bit of everything, but certain advantages that should be played to to maximise success. Like how Ivy players in Soul Calibur should try to keep things at range etc.

Characters should be similar in control scheme - intuitive so that you can learn one, and then learning another won't be hard. A bit like how in Gran Turismo there are loads of cars. The controls are the same, but the "feel" and properties differ markedly- like fwd, rwd, awd.
04/11/2010 01:24 AM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:
I agree with some of that. And not with other bits.

2D Gameplay?

No I think MK should be more 3D. If it is to be more 2D, it should be less up and down, and more side to side. Since many MK characters have ranged attacks, i think they can improve the 3D ness, like with soul calibur. Add in moves and motions that take advantage of that. Ninjas should be able to dive and roll, or cartwheel to the side etc. Ranged projectile moves should have versions that start in the centre and sweep left, or right etc.

If they wanted to change up the whole system, i'd say separate control for duck/jump from sidestep. Have a duck button instead of guard or something.

No Dial-a-Combos

To an extent. Memorising stuff is a chore and shoulld be avoided if possible. Moves should be as intuitive as possible. However, long sequences of moves are cool. It would be cool if they had loads of different branches, and could loop. Make it so "basic" moves and short strings flow together fluidly without having to go through a "ready stance" pause, but also make it so that the person on the recieving end has opportunity to escape.

More Kombo Breakers

Don't agree. The game should be able to be made playable without resorting to this. It's kind of a "fudge" IMO.

Make each character feel unique during a fight

Big yes. Different speed, range etc. Different properties for the most basic "moves" that just move you around the arena. Some characters should be good at attacking whilst advancing, others good with counters, others ranged moves etc. Each character should have a bit of everything, but certain advantages that should be played to to maximise success. Like how Ivy players in Soul Calibur should try to keep things at range etc.

Characters should be similar in control scheme - intuitive so that you can learn one, and then learning another won't be hard. A bit like how in Gran Turismo there are loads of cars. The controls are the same, but the "feel" and properties differ markedly- like fwd, rwd, awd.

naw 2d GamEplaY with no side step man. i used to want the side step but not anymore. it just messes up the flow. i think alot of anti 2d gameplay people think 2d cant be deep enough or wont be fun. i disagree.
04/11/2010 01:25 AM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:
I agree with some of that. And not with other bits.

2D Gameplay?

No I think MK should be more 3D. If it is to be more 2D, it should be less up and down, and more side to side. Since many MK characters have ranged attacks, i think they can improve the 3D ness, like with soul calibur. Add in moves and motions that take advantage of that. Ninjas should be able to dive and roll, or cartwheel to the side etc. Ranged projectile moves should have versions that start in the centre and sweep left, or right etc.

If they wanted to change up the whole system, i'd say separate control for duck/jump from sidestep. Have a duck button instead of guard or something.

No Dial-a-Combos

To an extent. Memorising stuff is a chore and should be avoided if possible. Moves should be as intuitive as possible. However, long sequences of moves are cool. It would be cool if they had loads of different branches, and could loop. Make it so "basic" moves and short strings flow together fluidly without having to go through a "ready stance" pause, but also make it so that the person on the recieving end has opportunity to escape.

More Kombo Breakers

Don't agree. The game should be able to be made playable without resorting to this. It's kind of a "fudge" IMO.

Make each character feel unique during a fight

Big yes. Different speed, range etc. Different properties for the most basic "moves" that just move you around the arena. Some characters should be good at attacking whilst advancing, others good with counters, others ranged moves etc. Each character should have a bit of everything, but certain advantages that should be played to to maximise success. Like how Ivy players in Soul Calibur should try to keep things at range etc.

Characters should be similar in control scheme - intuitive so that you can learn one, and then learning another won't be hard. A bit like how in Gran Turismo there are loads of cars. The controls are the same, but the "feel" and properties differ markedly- like fwd, rwd, awd.

i pretty much agree with MrHoppyX about 95%.

game play should be a major focus i do agree to an just depends on what content/plain of game play is the focus. many are pointing out things with game play more concerning the characters special and basic movements and so on but the environmental game play is just as important...especially in a 3d game. even a 2.5d game (which is basically 3d with a restriction plate) needs environmental fluidity. as far as 2d and 3d goes...i liked the mobility in MK:A the most because of the death traps and what not it worked out well i think. if such traps were to return in 2.5d...pressing a button or using a joystick along with the direction is more work than needed imo.
i mentioned a similar idea on other posts about removing the button feature for sidestep and d-pad for jump and just make a dedicated jump button. with that idea all plains are available to the d-pad and/or joystick.

the combo system in MKvsDC was not that bad but it was not the greatest. i really do prefer dial a combos or special chain moves. i agree that it should be fluid but i don't think you should allow a way for infinite combos and just add more combo breakers. i understand the concept of why you or anyone else would want this but this idea is just fuel for casual players to mash buttons and veteran/expert players to repeatedly break the casual players combo mashing.

characters should always be unique period. i think the stances play a small part...appearance,special moves,signature vocal/gestured taunts and throws play the biggest part in uniqueness and originality.
04/11/2010 04:12 PM (UTC)
The MK team really needs to hire some real testers to try the game out. I mean people that are experts on fighting games. Guys in the tournament scene for games like SF, MvC, BlazBlue and Tekken.

The biggest issue with the 3D MK games are how insanely broken and unimaginative they are, and it seemed to get worse witb each new game (excluding MKDC). MKA and MKD were basically unplayable and ruined MKs reputation as a serious fighting game. Right now MK is the laughing stock of the fighting community.

I want MK9 to bring the series back on top. I want the team to really focus on the fighting engine. Balance the game out. Test each character until you get sick of them. Then test them again! No more broken characters like Kahn in MKDC.

The game also really needs to be sped up. It is way to slow right now.

Sorry for the typos, i was typing on an ipod touch
04/11/2010 04:48 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
The MK team really needs to hire some real testers to try the game out. I mean people that are experts on fighting games. Guys in the tournament scene for games like SF, MvC, BlazBlue and Tekken.

The biggest issue with the 3D MK games are how insanely broken and unimaginative they are, and it seemed to get worse witb each new game (excluding MKDC). MKA and MKD were basically unplayable and ruined MKs reputation as a serious fighting game. Right now MK is the laughing stock of the fighting community.

I want MK9 to bring the series back on top. I want the team to really focus on the fighting engine. Balance the game out. Test each character until you get sick of them. Then test them again! No more broken characters like Kahn in MKDC.

The game also really needs to be sped up. It is way to slow right now.

Sorry for the typos, i was typing on an ipod touch

I agree that the fighting needs to be better, and should be pro level balanced however I'm going to cut the MK team a break. MKvsDC was a brand new fighting system and it was a step in the right direction after being stuck in the shit storm of MKA. I think the next game will be a lot better if they take the basic principles of MKvsDC, and expanded on them. I would want it in 2D this time because these types of fighters generally work better in 2D.

My problem with what your saying is that it sounds like you want it to be like all of the other 2D fighters. Such as SF, Blazblue, MvC, KOF. All of those games are so similiar I'm sick of it. I see MK as the guys who are trying something new to not make a game like every other japanese 2D fighter. I really do think they could make a great game if they expand on the fighting and make it 2D.
04/12/2010 10:06 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
SubMan799 Wrote:
The MK team really needs to hire some real testers to try the game out. I mean people that are experts on fighting games. Guys in the tournament scene for games like SF, MvC, BlazBlue and Tekken.

The biggest issue with the 3D MK games are how insanely broken and unimaginative they are, and it seemed to get worse witb each new game (excluding MKDC). MKA and MKD were basically unplayable and ruined MKs reputation as a serious fighting game. Right now MK is the laughing stock of the fighting community.

I want MK9 to bring the series back on top. I want the team to really focus on the fighting engine. Balance the game out. Test each character until you get sick of them. Then test them again! No more broken characters like Kahn in MKDC.

The game also really needs to be sped up. It is way to slow right now.

Sorry for the typos, i was typing on an ipod touch

I agree that the fighting needs to be better, and should be pro level balanced however I'm going to cut the MK team a break. MKvsDC was a brand new fighting system and it was a step in the right direction after being stuck in the shit storm of MKA. I think the next game will be a lot better if they take the basic principles of MKvsDC, and expanded on them. I would want it in 2D this time because these types of fighters generally work better in 2D.

My problem with what your saying is that it sounds like you want it to be like all of the other 2D fighters. Such as SF, Blazblue, MvC, KOF. All of those games are so similiar I'm sick of it. I see MK as the guys who are trying something new to not make a game like every other japanese 2D fighter. I really do think they could make a great game if they expand on the fighting and make it 2D.

would you want the camera up and close like mk4 or still far away like mk vs dc?? i always thought the camera should be a lil closer if on pure 2d plane gameplay.
04/12/2010 11:32 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't mind if it was a little bit closer. The biggest gameplay change needs to be the 2D. The combat can work in 2D.
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04/13/2010 05:06 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
It wouldn't mind if it was a little bit closer. The biggest gameplay change needs to be the 2D. The combat can work in 2D.

Ugh, this stupid argument again...

Of course it can work in 2D. Any 3D game can work in 2D. That doesn't mean it should be that way. Personally, I like the freedom of being able to sidestep projectiles. The ability to circle an opponent and move to every corner of the arena.

Again, this is just me, but I also just enjoy 3D fighters more. I like how they feel more like a chess match. How it's much harder to back someone in to a wall because you can move sideways. I like that the pace isn't so hectic, that you can strategize. I like all of the innovations that have come with 3D fighters, from counters, to multi-part throws etc.

I also think that it just looks more realistic. To have 3D models, moving around an arena instead of staying on one line. I know, all you do in 3D is adjust that one line, so in a sense, it's always 2D, but the freedom to adjust that line means the world to me.

If you like 2D fighters, more power to ya. I like MvC2 for what it is. I honestly couldn't stay invested in Street Fighter 4. It just bored me after about a month. To me, those games all lack the depth and not only the freedom of movement, but the freedom of moves (in sheer amount and function) that most 3D fighters have.

I'm not saying MK is there on that level (yet). I think that alot of the series is still stuck in 2D unfortunately. But I think it's moving in the right direction.

MK has been a 3D fighter basically since MK4. So yeah, MK4, MKG, MK:DA, MK:D, MKA and MKvsDC. I think it's safe to say the next game will be 3D as well. If it's not? Not big deal really. I'd like it as a 2D game, but I'd still prefer 3D.
04/13/2010 10:53 PM (UTC)
What exactly is a dial a combo and why is it so bad?
04/13/2010 11:29 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
It wouldn't mind if it was a little bit closer. The biggest gameplay change needs to be the 2D. The combat can work in 2D.

Ugh, this stupid argument again...

Of course it can work in 2D. Any 3D game can work in 2D. That doesn't mean it should be that way. Personally, I like the freedom of being able to sidestep projectiles. The ability to circle an opponent and move to every corner of the arena.

Again, this is just me, but I also just enjoy 3D fighters more. I like how they feel more like a chess match. How it's much harder to back someone in to a wall because you can move sideways. I like that the pace isn't so hectic, that you can strategize. I like all of the innovations that have come with 3D fighters, from counters, to multi-part throws etc.

I also think that it just looks more realistic. To have 3D models, moving around an arena instead of staying on one line. I know, all you do in 3D is adjust that one line, so in a sense, it's always 2D, but the freedom to adjust that line means the world to me.

If you like 2D fighters, more power to ya. I like MvC2 for what it is. I honestly couldn't stay invested in Street Fighter 4. It just bored me after about a month. To me, those games all lack the depth and not only the freedom of movement, but the freedom of moves (in sheer amount and function) that most 3D fighters have.

I'm not saying MK is there on that level (yet). I think that alot of the series is still stuck in 2D unfortunately. But I think it's moving in the right direction.

MK has been a 3D fighter basically since MK4. So yeah, MK4, MKG, MK:DA, MK:D, MKA and MKvsDC. I think it's safe to say the next game will be 3D as well. If it's not? Not big deal really. I'd like it as a 2D game, but I'd still prefer 3D.

Relax Baraka. I'm not here to argue about that again I'm just giving my biggest want gameplay wise. So there is no need to freak out. I would argue some more, but I have repeated myself a hundred times, and if you want my opinion check the 2D or 3D thread. So far everybody's argument for the 2D gameplay seems way more convincing than the 3D gameplay argument. So far you are the closest to changing my mind, but your argument still has a lot of growing to do if you want to convince me.
04/14/2010 03:31 AM (UTC)
It'd be good MK9 was 2D. 3D's been good (MKDA) bad (MKA) and weird (MKvDC). The dev team's said this would be a "back to basics" thing for the series, and what better way to hail back to your roots than to really go back to whence you came?

But yeah one glaring problem with the series is that the fighters are very stiff in their animations. Not a good look in 2010. If hey don't fix that with this next game it's gonna be a big blow to the series
04/14/2010 05:02 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
It wouldn't mind if it was a little bit closer. The biggest gameplay change needs to be the 2D. The combat can work in 2D.

Ugh, this stupid argument again...

Of course it can work in 2D. Any 3D game can work in 2D. That doesn't mean it should be that way. Personally, I like the freedom of being able to sidestep projectiles. The ability to circle an opponent and move to every corner of the arena.

Again, this is just me, but I also just enjoy 3D fighters more. I like how they feel more like a chess match. How it's much harder to back someone in to a wall because you can move sideways. I like that the pace isn't so hectic, that you can strategize. I like all of the innovations that have come with 3D fighters, from counters, to multi-part throws etc.

I also think that it just looks more realistic. To have 3D models, moving around an arena instead of staying on one line. I know, all you do in 3D is adjust that one line, so in a sense, it's always 2D, but the freedom to adjust that line means the world to me.

If you like 2D fighters, more power to ya. I like MvC2 for what it is. I honestly couldn't stay invested in Street Fighter 4. It just bored me after about a month. To me, those games all lack the depth and not only the freedom of movement, but the freedom of moves (in sheer amount and function) that most 3D fighters have.

I'm not saying MK is there on that level (yet). I think that alot of the series is still stuck in 2D unfortunately. But I think it's moving in the right direction.

MK has been a 3D fighter basically since MK4. So yeah, MK4, MKG, MK:DA, MK:D, MKA and MKvsDC. I think it's safe to say the next game will be 3D as well. If it's not? Not big deal really. I'd like it as a 2D game, but I'd still prefer 3D.

so you prefer 3d thats nice. i prefer 2d FOR MK. it could very well work in 3d though, if done RIGHT.
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