game-play tweaks
posted12/22/2011 09:25 PM (UTC)by
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03/07/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
NRS has brought MK's gameplay to a new level and i think its the best gameplay MK ever had. still their is always room for some little tweaks

i have seen more threads like this but maybe it could be sticky so that NRS has easy access to this. just for game-play tweaks, nothing else.

here some of what i like to see changed or replaced.

* reversed lightning bolt instead of Vicinity Blast

Cyber sub zer0:
* instead of close, mid, far ice bombs he could have close, mid, far ice showers.
* cold slide (from MKvsDC) instead of his regular slide
(should hurt more when CSZ does it bc of his cyber siut)

Sub zer0:
* ground freeze instead of his puddle freeze.
* make his freeze instant freeze u.

* cartwheel could be a move instead of special.
* Upward Bicycle Kick instead of Arc kick

* replace his Invisibility with a new move.

add laser eye and make him bald again.

* make his ex teleport safe.
* make the start up on his overhead faster

Liu kang:
* make his parry animation look like a counter instead of an teleport.
* make his ex low fire ball an overhead.

* make ex Blade Spark shoots 2 sparks (1 mid 1 low)
please share your ideas and discuss if its an improvement or not.
12/12/2011 07:13 AM (UTC)
MK Characters
- every character should have a ground roll forward and backwards.
- Tag in partners should enter either through a ground roll foward from the ground or front sommersault in the air.
- Tag out partners should exit the fight through a backwards ground roll from the ground or a backwards sommersault in the air.
- All ninja characters should do a series of front, back handsprings.
- Air juggle mechanics need to be work on drastically. Characters turn into a bunch of ragdolls when being juggled in air.
- Knockout hit falling mechanics need to be worked on drastically. Characters fall like a stiff piece of lumberwood.
- Kicking mechanics need to be tightened up. Some characters spinning heel kicks look sloppy.

- the spinning slice looks too much like Kung Lao's spinning shield. Could replaced with another move.

Liu Kang
- Please get rid of that teleport and replace it with a more creative move.
- Cartwheel could be a regular specialty move.

Kung Lao
- Should loose the teleport. Don't see a Shaolin fighter teleporting.

Shang Tsung
- When morphing into his opponent character during fight, he should morph into them without touching them.
- Needs more various soul manipulating and morphing based specialty moves.

- Needs more harpoon based moves.
- Get rid of the two harpoon move. Has the same of effect of his regular harpoon. Nothing's added there.
- The mid-air throw can be depicted more realistically by resembling the mechanics of that move in MK2.
- Why doesn't Scorpion all of sudden have swords? Hardly uses the swords.
I'd get rid of the swords.
- When pulling opponent over to him with harpoon move, opponent should slide across the ground instead of stumbling forward. It would proved to be quicker and easier to transition into a follow up combo.

- Needs a teleport move. Preferrably a teleport where he leaves an imprint of himself behind and jumps either behind, towards his opponent or from a drop down sequence flashing an ice casing of himself that freezes his opponent if touched.
- X-Ray shoulder charge should be a regular specialty move.

- Needs more smoke based moves.

- Energy ball moves needs to propell opponent backwards instead of forward. Due to physics, it looks physically impossible to launched forward.
- Get rid of that slime slide. Looks too similar to Sub-Zero's slide move.

- Needs more specialty moves. He's limited in terms of his gameplay ability.

- Needs more specialty moves. Preferrably more grappling based moves. She has four arms. That should be exploited as an advantage over the other characters.

- Needs more shadow based moves.

- Needs more moves with her staff. I think of ton various staff moves she can do with her staff.
- Get rid of that green florescent kick. It looks like a mimick of Johnny Cage's shadow kick.

- Needs more steel fan based moves.

- Needs more shape shifting moves since he can command and manipulate water.

Shao Kahn
- Needs more free handed and power based moves. He exploits his specialty moves way too much.

- Leg grab move needs to grapple the neck of her opponent instead of the waist.
- Needs an arching punch move to go with her arching kick.

- Needs more moves with the hook swords. Something like hooking them together and using it like a steel whip or something.
- That speed dash move could be ultilized as a laceration move with his hook swords rather than spinning his opponent around in a circle.

- The transitioning out of his cannonball move needs to be cleaned up a little. It looks like there's a slight delay when transitioning out of that move.
- Could have variations of his cannonball move, such as an arching cannonball,
aerial cannonball descending downward, ground cannonball.
- Needs more knives based moves. The throwing knives are under ultilzed.

Cyber Sub-Zero
- Get rid of that ice grenade move. From what I've seen, move never proves to be successful.

12/13/2011 07:28 PM (UTC)
damn topics here never get attention, at least mine aren ́t.... well i get the point here.
12/18/2011 11:18 AM (UTC)
superbn0va Wrote:
Liu kang:
* make his parry animation look like a counter instead of an teleport.
* make his ex low fire ball an overhead.

I like the first idea but I'm a bit confused with the 2nd one.

If his ex low fireball gets tweaked into an overhead then it wouldn't be a low fireball anymore. You could block it by standing. Or did you mean it should hit low and overhead at the same time? In that case, it would be an unblockable move.
12/22/2011 09:25 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
superbn0va Wrote:
Liu kang:
* make his parry animation look like a counter instead of an teleport.
* make his ex low fire ball an overhead.

I like the first idea but I'm a bit confused with the 2nd one.

If his ex low fireball gets tweaked into an overhead then it wouldn't be a low fireball anymore. You could block it by standing. Or did you mean it should hit low and overhead at the same time? In that case, it would be an unblockable move.

yeah block it high, i know it doesn't makes sense but its not the first move in MK that looks high and is low. they have made many moves like that. high level players seem to never get bayed by his low combo, this could improve him as a character.
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