Future MKs Too Realistic?
posted06/07/2006 07:25 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/18/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
Bear with me this kind of links to the future of MK.

Wot really annoys me is all these politicans going on about how violent games influence the populace to go nuts and brutally kill all their classmates. Heck i've loved mk since i was 5 and i aint no brutal murderer. Wot really appealed to me was the fast pace grusome action of mk which it's held true to throughout the series. i could turn the game off and know it was just fantasy, an illusion and then go about my normal day.

But my point is, with the rate at which graphics power is increasing, in the next 10-20 years we'll be seeing games that appear to be real and it's no doubt MK will be one of the first games to achieve this. Wot once was a shady green 100 pixel dragon bitting off someones head (say Liu's MkII finisher) will become the illusion of someone actually getting executed (say a fututre character). It'll be more and more difficult to tell the difference between fantasy and realism.

My question is from a moral standpoint would you stop playing MK if the graphics became photorealistic? Or trust that you know where to draw the line between realism and fantasy?confused
04/19/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
Yes. I'm not 6.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
04/19/2006 12:42 AM (UTC)
CrispyDragon Wrote:
Bear with me this kind of links to the future of MK.

Wot really annoys me is all these politicans going on about how violent games influence the populace to go nuts and brutally kill all their classmates. Heck i've loved mk since i was 5 and i aint no brutal murderer. Wot really appealed to me was the fast pace grusome action of mk which it's held true to throughout the series. i could turn the game off and know it was just fantasy, an illusion and then go about my normal day.

But my point is, with the rate at which graphics power is increasing, in the next 10-20 years we'll be seeing games that appear to be real and it's no doubt MK will be one of the first games to achieve this. Wot once was a shady green 100 pixel dragon bitting off someones head (say Liu's MkII finisher) will become the illusion of someone actually getting executed (say a fututre character). It'll be more and more difficult to tell the difference between fantasy and realism.

My question is from a moral standpoint would you stop playing MK if the graphics became photorealistic? Or trust that you know where to draw the line between realism and fantasy?confused

Great Post, i have also been thinking this through recently. I mean it will be scary if it looks very realistic, to think you are killing a real person could drive people crazy.

I would probably still play but it would be weird. I mean its all fantasy anyway, its all fiction stuff but your "Call of Duty" and "Brothers in Arms" are based on real people, real events. This would be pretty disturbing and i think there would be an uproar about something like this.

There may be options to turn blood and gore off in future more realistic games, maybe this would take the fun out of it but its the gamers choice whether to do or do not. It would be intresting to see it though but still quite scary.

04/19/2006 12:46 AM (UTC)
No better than what we see in movies and TV. Hell, I can go outside and see more violence in the real world than in any videogame. Why don't these stupid fuckers who want to ban videogames do something about the REAL WORLD and stop bitching about fake games which are not hurting anybody. Please, the videogame didn't pick up a gun and shoot somebody or take the car for a spin and lay out a couple of people. The fucking psychos who play the games do, and they are not that way because of the videogames, it is because they were born with a chemical fucking imbalance in their little psychotic heads.

Excuse me for my little rant, but the world today is fucked way beyond repair.
Legacy Wrote:
No better than what we see in movies and TV. Hell, I can go outside and see more violence in the real world than in any videogame. Why don't these stupid fuckers who want to ban videogames do something about the REAL WORLD and stop bitching about fake games which are not hurting anybody. Please, the videogame didn't pick up a gun and shoot somebody or take the car for a spin and lay out a couple of people. The fucking psychos who play the games do, and they are not that way because of the videogames, it is because they were born with a chemical fucking imbalance in their little psychotic heads.

Excuse me for my little rant, but the world today is fucked way beyond repair.

You make a good point on TV/Movies but the thing with videogames is that they are more interactive you feel more apart of the illusion it creates and have direct control on what appears on screen thats the difference. As for the psychos for all we know violent games might be the spark that sets them off. And if the world is so messed up why contribute to the violence?
Lets not forget i'm talking about future Mk games that will inevitably be more realistic looking!

Heck don't get me wrong i will never stop playing MK i just think of these issues to stop me becoming one of those "fucking psychos"
04/19/2006 01:18 AM (UTC)
As I said, the world is fucked beyond repair, so mine-as-well go with what's popular, eh? tongue
05/14/2006 11:53 AM (UTC)
iv been playin mk all my life and im now almost 19 the thing that made me play the first mk wqas it was original because it had neva been dun b4 and i luvd all the special moves and the peoplee that say vidoe games incourage violence is bullshit because the people that do go out n murder people are already fukd ni he head and it just triggers is (gives them a sik idea)
05/20/2006 02:01 AM (UTC)
I will still play MK, even though it would be like an virtual reality game 10-20 years down the road . . . It may scare me, but I know my boundaries between reality and just game fantasy fun . . . it might actually be a rush to play a virtual reality MK game. Also, I think that someday MK characters will have insane combos such as the combos on DragonBall Z. It will get very real in the coming years compared to the first game.wink
05/20/2006 06:30 PM (UTC)
Hell I'll still be playing Mortal Kombat, i've grown up with it its like a part of me. So if it gets more realistic then awsome, it could actually be a mental strength builder if you think about it. If technology gets to the point where if graphics become incredibly real then you'd be able to bear with some intense scenarios that you one day may have to deal with in real life. Let's say you see a dead body in real life after playing those kind of games, you would not freeze to cope with the intense image that you are seeing because you are somewhat familiar with it in your mind from playing the games. And trust me in times of chaos people will be listening to what you have to say if you remain calm and cool and most of all prepared. But then again these are all "what if" scenarios.

Wow, weren't we talking about video games before?

05/21/2006 12:59 AM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
As I said, the world is fucked beyond repair, so mine-as-well go with what's popular, eh? tongue

You're damn right, the world is beyond repair.

It's gonna take 650 years before this planet is a fun and nice place again, thanks to the politicians who think sending us to war and scolding us for playing violent video games is the right thing to do.
About Me

Long Live Johnny Cage!!!!!

05/22/2006 03:30 AM (UTC)
Could never be to realistic. I hope that one day the graphics are so real and so clean it will look like watching a motion picture. I want it all the looks the sounds that would be awesome playing time there.
06/01/2006 12:50 PM (UTC)
I don't think it can be realistic, because of what's happening. seeing someone get stabbed would be realistic, but seeing a guy with a respirator slice a blue ninja in half with hookswords isn't realistic, even if it is photo perfect.
06/07/2006 07:25 PM (UTC)
no....its just a game....just with better ass graphics.......im not that dumb
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