Future idea for Outworld
posted07/19/2008 11:02 AM (UTC)by
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05/31/2008 11:46 AM (UTC)
First of all: I'm sorry if anyone else had this idea before, I'm not trying to copy smile

According to me, Outworld is a realm with lots of possibilities. I'd like to see them changing it around big time, as it should take place after MK Armageddon. (Also, I don't consider MK vs DC as correct game story wise yet)

We've already seen how Edenia and Vaeturnus have freed themselves from the Outworld. My idea is what would happen if both Kahn and Onaga are not returning. They were responsible for merging realm after realm with Outworld. If both of the Emperors don't return, how about splitting the realms up again? Undoing every evil deed which had been committed in the past.

I would very much like to see what a place like Zaterra would look like in it's original habitat. Maybe the Tarkata's will get their own place. With a little fantasy even the people form Li Mei's home town had their own place in reality. Anyway, it has been said MK existed many ages before Kahn turned his attention to Earthrealm. So he'll probably has merged realms that we don't know of. When these are freed, those realms could start with a clean sheet. New characters, now environments...

Anyway, I had this in my mind for quite a while. One of the reasons I finally decided to join MKO was to post this idea, and see how others fans would like it. I hope to hear your opinions on this one.

06/28/2008 07:51 PM (UTC)
Excellent thread! Congrats for this being your first thread man, I’ll address each point of your thoughts:

Reznor85 Wrote:

According to me, Outworld is a realm with lots of possibilities. I'd like to see them changing it around big time, as it should take place after MK Armageddon. (Also, I don't consider MK vs DC as correct game story wise yet)

Outworld IS indeed a place with many possibilities. Actually, I hadn’t thought about how restricted the story of Outworld has been till I read your thread. I don’t see why its always have to be such a Shao Kahn war-zone thing. Sure Kahn is the boss, but Im guessing there can be hidden lands within that world as well as rebels in other parts of it as well.

We've already seen how Edenia and Vaeturnus have freed themselves from the Outworld. My idea is what would happen if both Kahn and Onaga are not returning. They were responsible for merging realm after realm with Outworld. If both of the Emperors don't return, how about splitting the realms up again? Undoing every evil deed which had been committed in the past.

I hope we don’t see much more of Kahn (as much as I like him) and Onaga for a while, because their presence kind of holds back many characters in repetitive roles and, as you’ve made me see, Outworld doesn’t really evolve.

I don’t think evil will entirely be undone, and I wouldn’t like to see that happen because we already have Edenia as the paradise, but it would be nice to see more realms splitting apart to take a good look at them, at how they really are.

I would very much like to see what a place like Zaterra would look like in it's original habitat. Maybe the Tarkata's will get their own place.

I doubt Tarkatans will get their own realm, that why I don’t see Outworld as a place freed of evil, Im sure there will be lands (inside Outworld) specifically for by the devils of Kahn such as Tarkatans and probably other mutants.

Zaterra would had been awesome, but I like the story of that realm being destroyed and all. I guess its possible to see it return to its past glory, with Reptile and Khameleon (and probably a trio with Chameleon ;-D) having some fun, but, well, if it doesn’t ever return, we still have other possibilities such as the realm of Nitara and her vampires.

With a little fantasy even the people form Li Mei's home town had their own place in reality. Anyway, it has been said MK existed many ages before Kahn turned his attention to Earthrealm. So he'll probably has merged realms that we don't know of. When these are freed, those realms could start with a clean sheet. New characters, now environments...

Anyway, I had this in my mind for quite a while. One of the reasons I finally decided to join MKO was to post this idea, and see how others fans would like it. I hope to hear your opinions on this one.


Agreed! It was indeed a nice touch to see Li Mei’s village and all of that. That’s why I think that if all realms are freed and if Outworld is ever “freed-of-most-evils”, we will see different lands and regions for different kind of races.

Beasts and Tarkatans being exiled, etc.

I think you gave us a nice idea and some interesting things to think about. I hope more people get to see your thread, but since almost everyone is directing their attention to the MK VS DC universe forum, I doubt you’ll see more people posting here. This forum is kind of, well, abandoned, but there will always be someone around.

I’ll get back to your pm as soon as possible, btw! grin

Once again, excellent thread.
About Me


06/29/2008 12:56 PM (UTC)
Thanks for replying on my thoughts, I'm happy I didn't waste my time now that someone actually has given his opinion smile. Like you said, many of the forum users are (logically wise) around the MK vs DC forums and that's nothing more than normal.

I indeed find it a little strange there are so little rebellion forces within Outworld against the tiranny of Kahn. It's not the nicest realms to live, so why doesn't anyone try to throw over the regime?

now let's see, I had some things to say next... To start, you are right about the fact not every evil can be swept away. With a lot of evil characters around, it would be a waste sending all these stories back to the past just like that. Things like the wastelands sould remain in Outworld and a Tarkatan horde could live there well, but I still hope that IF these hordes return, they're gonna evolve the story. The Tarkata's have been doing nothing else than follow the strongest force at the pesent time in Outworld. Maybe they can bring a new leader or something, altough I do like Baraka very much... his story is just awful but besides that I think he's a good character.

Also I believe that the tarkata's were a mixed breed of Outworld and Netherrealm inhabitants... So it would be strange to see them have an own real I guess.

For Zaterra...I really, REALLY would have it seen returned. We know this world has existed for many MK games now. And with every new game, I was hoping that Reptile somehow managed to free it from Outworld's grasp. The Living Forest seems like it could be Zaterra. Reptile hided in that place in MK Shaolin Monks. If Zaterra went free, it could be the start of an new evil realm, because I think Reptilians are just evil creatures and they should always be like that in MK smile. Maybe it could form a nice alliance with Nitara's realm as well!

and yeah... new realms that have been part of Outworld, but now return for as a good one. I think it's a nice idea. They'll always have an evil stain because they were merged with an evil realm once, so changing alliances in the far future could be explained always.
07/07/2008 05:21 PM (UTC)
Congrats with the dragon points Reznor! grin

As for your thoughts:

Actually, I think there was a strong rebellion force in Outworld against Kahn for the freedom of Edenia and all that when the realms were still connected as one. But yeah, there should be more fighting and rebellions against his tyranny.

I suppose the reason we don’t see much of this is because he’s made Outworld the perfect home for his Tarkatan, mutants, Onis, etc. I think he’s got more supporters then enemies at Outworld. Even in Konquest MKD you can appreciate a huge loyalty (fear?) towards the emperor.

You are correct regarding the Tarkatans needing to evolve story wise. I personally would love to see them used as something more then just random Orcs...but to be honest, I enjoy and love their role because their “Orc-like” purposes work well. Eevn so, I too want to see more development. Maybe have them rebel against everyone and be their own leaders. Have them develop some sort of intellectual diplomacy or something.

Sounds weird, but its totally unexpected from them, that’s why I think it has potential. They have a savage and brutal instinct, but that doesn’t mean they cant think and use their brains in superior intellectual ways then even, say, the vampires.

Just a rough example. Tarkatans must remain as vicious and crazy as ever...but add more brains to them to make them feel fresh and probably go into a new rout.

As for Zaterra being evil....maybe, Im not entirely sure. You could be right, but I think its possible that with Reptile having such a tragic story and all, that his people and realm wouldn’t be evil...maybe Neutral like the vampires.

Good stuff man!
About Me


07/19/2008 11:02 AM (UTC)
I still consider Zaterra as, let's say, not too nice creatures. They are lizzard like, which gives them an evil look (at least that's how I see it). Story wise I guess it may be a good thing to keep them Neutral. On the other hand, we don't need to see too many neutral realms, I hope to see 2 clear sides for a story: One is good, one is evil. Of course some neutral spectators may be around, but the story of Mk doesn't need to be more complicated than it already is sometimes.

I really like your thoughts on the Tarkata's because I hope to see them return. I didn't had high hopes for them evolving, but this idea sounds more than fair.

A little off-topic but I'm gonna think of how the Order and Chaosrealm will stay involved. Don't have a clue for now so that's a second thing to think about when we're talking about the future of MK smile

ps: thanks again for replying to my thread queve.
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