Future game idea everyone will love!!!!
posted07/16/2006 07:44 PM (UTC)by
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06/09/2006 03:01 AM (UTC)
I know this is long but it is a great idea.....

Ok I've said it for years and consulted with many male and female friends. Everyone agrees that there should be a game of all female players. Some can be from the past with some new moves (or the same) and some new female players.

now for why everyone will love it. I am a girl and only play girl players. I usually am Nitara for example in deadly alliance. I never play with a guy character. A lot of my female friends do the same. We are usally stuck with only like 5 or less female characters to choose from. and a lot of the time they are weak.

Now this is how it will be fun for the guys, make the characters boobs bigger and jigglyier and their costumes skimpier and mayber easier to fall off (just a suggestion). My fiance loves playing with me because when I play as a female character their boobs are all big and jiggly.

Who honestly would not benefit, girls would be able to play as girl characters and guys can enjoy looking at boobs. It is a winwin situation.

Give the game a sexy title (I know it is cliche but like femme fatal, or black widow or something cool) and put it on the shelf...I would be the first one in line to buy.
06/09/2006 03:19 AM (UTC)
Kaydo Wrote:
I know this is long but it is a great idea.....

Ok I've said it for years and consulted with many male and female friends. Everyone agrees that there should be a game of all female players. Some can be from the past with some new moves (or the same) and some new female players.

now for why everyone will love it. I am a girl and only play girl players. I usually am Nitara for example in deadly alliance. I never play with a guy character. A lot of my female friends do the same. We are usally stuck with only like 5 or less female characters to choose from. and a lot of the time they are weak.

Now this is how it will be fun for the guys, make the characters boobs bigger and jigglyier and their costumes skimpier and mayber easier to fall off (just a suggestion). My fiance loves playing with me because when I play as a female character their boobs are all big and jiggly.

Who honestly would not benefit, girls would be able to play as girl characters and guys can enjoy looking at boobs. It is a winwin situation.

Give the game a sexy title (I know it is cliche but like femme fatal, or black widow or something cool) and put it on the shelf...I would be the first one in line to buy.

WOW!wow cant argue with that.....lol nice.
06/09/2006 03:36 AM (UTC)
When I was playing today I had to choose between (sorry about the spelling) nitara (my favorite), le mei, sonya, frost, or kitana. I need some more women to play with!

Girls like MK too! Lets hear it for the Mortal Kombat Ladies!
06/09/2006 03:39 AM (UTC)
WOOOOT yeah my sister likes playing with mileena....no one else! its funny because everytime i fatality her with scorpion.....she beats me up screamin "WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!!! SHE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER STUPID!!!!!" grin
06/09/2006 03:44 AM (UTC)
yeah I know. I like all the great moves the women have like kiss of death and sparkle and they are beautiful and kick some boy butt. (sorry I don't know the rules about language on here). I love when I beat a boy character and I'm like yeah a girl just killed you. I wish so sooooo so bad that someone from the MK company would see this and make my game for me. Another thing would be to have a practice fatality area so I can figure out just the right way to press the buttons. I still have never done a fatality because I can't get it right.
06/09/2006 04:23 AM (UTC)
god i wish they could do that.....
06/09/2006 07:04 AM (UTC)
ok..i know i'm going be called gay, but i HATE seeing women objectafied in fighting games. big boobs? boncing? cruves? no thanks..if i wanted to see anything like that, i'd go somewhere else. i think your idea is going to get attacked by the female members of this board.

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06/09/2006 07:54 AM (UTC)
don't they already have a game like that what was it called...DOA....RRXX?LOL
but seriously it would be awsome. (imagine the finishing moves).
06/10/2006 11:05 AM (UTC)
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06/10/2006 04:06 PM (UTC)
YES the female characters are the coolest
06/10/2006 08:56 PM (UTC)
That would be cool but would Midway have to start a whole new piont for Mortal Kombat????
06/11/2006 01:28 AM (UTC)
ok ok so there is a comment about females on this board not liking the idea....see I am a woman and I would love to see this because there are not enough women in fighting games. The boobs and curves are so the guys will buy it too. If there were a bunch of butch girl characters (no offense to butch girls) would any man honestly buy the game. The boobs are to hook the men....see my theory in life is if women want to take over the world all they have to do is go topless for the rest of the worlds exsistence. Men are no match to the power of a good rack. I know....I got a set of DD's that influence my fiances desicions.

Please don't take this idea the wrong way....I am all for womens rights...thus the reson for having an all girl game...as for a story line, I don't know, someone make one up...then we'll send our idea in to the creators. :)

Please give more coments...I am willing to hear positive as well as negative.
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06/11/2006 03:40 AM (UTC)
grinboobs!! yay!!!grin
06/11/2006 05:01 AM (UTC)
theMASKEDninja Wrote:
grinboobs!! yay!!!grin

well that wraps it up, BOOBIES!!!!
06/13/2006 12:59 AM (UTC)
yea good for girls and perverted 30 year old virgins??? im sorry gurl but games... arent real if guys like that they are crazy
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Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/13/2006 01:11 AM (UTC)
yea i agree with frozen warrior its a bit sad looking at the parts of a person in a ps2 / xbox whatever game it gives them a good image but still i dont buy a game ( female game ) because it has good looking players with big boobs etc i buy it cus it looks good and stoof... but i still think its good idea for an all female game
06/13/2006 02:04 AM (UTC)
I think that thats right MK doesn't have enough girls and if they do make the races diverse. And also it's no problem to flaunt what you have its not like women are easy because they show off their beauty.
06/13/2006 04:49 PM (UTC)
mkJBLSS31 Wrote:
I think that thats right MK doesn't have enough girls and if they do make the races diverse. And also it's no problem to flaunt what you have its not like women are easy because they show off their beauty.

I totally agree. Women showing off doesn't make them bad or easy. Everyone loves to flaunt whatever attribute they have for attention whether its boobs, big muscles on a guy, a certain thing they can do, etc. An all women's MK game would be great, especially for the boobs. Li Mei in MKDA very jiggly.
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07/15/2006 08:15 PM (UTC)
07/15/2006 08:53 PM (UTC)
killer72 Wrote:

That is spam, so don't do it. Read the Community Faq please. And this thread has lost interest among many.
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07/16/2006 04:27 AM (UTC)
killer72 Wrote:

If you don't have an opinion on a topic. Don't bother to post that. Thanks.
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07/16/2006 06:25 AM (UTC)
I see what you're drivin at with the all female game, but that's kinda the problem. It's hard to make a fighting game with all girls without making it a pervert game. Sorry, but I really don't understand the fascination with polygon boobs. They're...well... polygons. I'd have absolutely no problem with an MK game that had 50% men and 50% women so long as 100% of them were awesome. Of course, I usually hope for that for any fighting game regardless of the male/female ratio.

I'm honestly not a fan of the skanked out look some of the MK women have. It makes the characters look cheesy and it takes away from the realism of the game. Sonya's MK:DA military outfit was form fitting, sexy (again, if you're into that) and made sense, while Mileena's 2nd outfit in MK:D was so silly it was almost laughable.

The biggest problem though with an all girl game would be history. It seems like when a company makes an all girl game, it's blatantly advertised towards men. So what happens then? The programmers spend more time working on boob physics and tarty costumes than the actual gameplay (case in point: Rumble Roses XX). It all turns into a farce, a gimmick, because the advertisers and everyone else involved in the game believe that people would rather tickle half naked chicks with a feather than delve into a complex fighting system. It basically turns into a joke. Remember DOA Volleyball? The volleyball, to me at least, seemed like it came after the after thoughts as far as programming was concerned. It was lame.

Like I said before, I'd play a game with a 50/50 split, but I don't need the ladies in the game all whored out. My wife plays DOA3 and DOA4 alot and so do I. We both like the gameplay, and jiggle physics, skimpy outfits and all that garbage is completely irrelevant to us. I play games that I enjoy because I...Well, enjoy them, not for gimmicks.
07/16/2006 03:57 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I see what you're drivin at with the all female game, but that's kinda the problem. It's hard to make a fighting game with all girls without making it a pervert game. Sorry, but I really don't understand the fascination with polygon boobs. They're...well... polygons. I'd have absolutely no problem with an MK game that had 50% men and 50% women so long as 100% of them were awesome. Of course, I usually hope for that for any fighting game regardless of the male/female ratio.

I'm honestly not a fan of the skanked out look some of the MK women have. It makes the characters look cheesy and it takes away from the realism of the game. Sonya's MK:DA military outfit was form fitting, sexy (again, if you're into that) and made sense, while Mileena's 2nd outfit in MK:D was so silly it was almost laughable.

The biggest problem though with an all girl game would be history. It seems like when a company makes an all girl game, it's blatantly advertised towards men. So what happens then? The programmers spend more time working on boob physics and tarty costumes than the actual gameplay (case in point: Rumble Roses XX). It all turns into a farce, a gimmick, because the advertisers and everyone else involved in the game believe that people would rather tickle half naked chicks with a feather than delve into a complex fighting system. It basically turns into a joke. Remember DOA Volleyball? The volleyball, to me at least, seemed like it came after the after thoughts as far as programming was concerned. It was lame.

Like I said before, I'd play a game with a 50/50 split, but I don't need the ladies in the game all whored out. My wife plays DOA3 and DOA4 alot and so do I. We both like the gameplay, and jiggle physics, skimpy outfits and all that garbage is completely irrelevant to us. I play games that I enjoy because I...Well, enjoy them, not for gimmicks.

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07/16/2006 05:21 PM (UTC)
it would be better if they included more females in mk than to start another game.

but if u really want to go with this here a storyline that u could use:
every female fighter in all the realms have been sent to one place,where a tourniment will be held to see who's the queen of fighters.....

it's just a thought/idea, but u should just ask ed boon for more female characters,maybe in mk 8 there will be a bigger majourity of females.
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07/16/2006 07:31 PM (UTC)
I think I'd be the first to totally disagree, with this idea. For a collection of some of the reasons here.

I might be just the opposite of you when I say that I really never play with the women characters. I might play with Milleena every now and again and as a joke maybe Sindel.

I don't even care about the "boobs" in a game. The problem is as you stated, is that they're usually---Usually the weaker characters in a fighting game. Don't get me wrong now, there are exceptions, but over all is all I'm sayin'.

I enjoy more the female fighter to be exploited in the movies. Zhang Ziyi (Crouching Tiger), Uma Therman(Kill Bill), ect. Think of all the women fighter movies in the last 5 yrs or so. When ever they put the women in a movie they look and perform excellently("boobs" are not the center of attention). In the games, not so much.

Maybe the game creaters will take heed the attraction to these films and make the game characters like the movie characters more(that's what they do with the males anyway). Great back story, awsome fighting style, yet still femanine, graceful, and fierce.
That's what I'm looking for in just one video game female player(Soul Cal's "Taki" even though she has the boobs, she fights great and it's not the boobs that makes me fight with her). Only a minimal amount of them have these traits.

Not the boobs.

So, an all female fighter?? No thanks. Just create new ones or remake the ones we have more potent.

Besides that, I'm not sure males in general are ready for a lead fighter that is a women, In a video game. Mostly males play video games, but I reckon we will see some sort of "Electra" spin off ---movie based video game in the future.

Just my thoughts.
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