Future Fatalities
posted12/19/2006 08:19 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2006 06:13 AM (UTC)
Here's a list of fatalities for future MK games.(just ideas)

Scorpian: Scorpian pulls out his spear. He stabs the oppenent in the groin, and forcefully pulls up. He turns around, pulls of his mask, and takes a bow. The oppenent now falls in two.

Reptile: Reptile grabs the oppenent by the neck and lifts them in the air. He takes his claw swipes their neck, arms and stomach. The scream until a slice noise is heard. Blood begins to spray from the neck, arms fall off, and their guts fall out of their stomach.

The Ever so less Violent Nitara fatality: Nitara takes out a poison apple, bites it injecting the poison into her teeth. She bites the oppenent on the neck and they fall over dead.

Noob: Noob send out a Black Hole in front of the oppenent( in the air, as if it were a circular window). He throws 3 ninja stars into the hole and they hit from behind. He pulls out his scythe and slices through the hole, the scythe emerges from behind the oppenent and slices them in half(diagonally).

Liu Kang: Liu raises his arm and drops a PS2 and an XBOX copy of MKA on the oppenent. "Whoops" says Liu. He does this again but an arcade machine of UMK drops and squashes them.

Quan Chi: Quan Chi takes out his broadswords and jams them through the oppenents feet. He walks behind them and with all his might grabs the torso and snaps it 180 degrees.

What do you think?
12/06/2006 05:54 PM (UTC)
That's awsome!grin
12/06/2006 07:04 PM (UTC)
Reptile's reminds me of old cartoons. Good work.
12/07/2006 03:22 AM (UTC)
Those ideas were cool, and to the guy that said Reptile's fatality reminds him of old cartoons, I ask you; what kind of cartoons have you been watching?

I have some ideas of my own.

Smoke (Lung Cancer) - Disintegrates into a puff of smoke, Smoke in his cloud like form enters the nostrils and ears of his opponent and suddenly vanishes. The opponent begins grabbing his neck and makes choking noises. Suddenly the opponent's skin begins to wrinkle and the opponent falls to their knees. The opponent is on all fours and begins to puke out black blood and gasps for air. The opponent then bleeds from the mouth and a gargling sound is heard. The opponent makes one last sigh noise before they fall face down dead into their own pile of bile. Smoke then slowly forms back to his form. FATALITY

Scorpion (FIre Spear) - Scorpion does his notorious spear move which impales the opponent right below the chest. The oppnent makes a grunt and puts their hands around the spear that is impaled in their body. Suddenly a flame follows down the line of the spear and shoots into the opponents body. The opponent begins to scream and waves their arms as they are engulfed in the flame. Scorpion then screams "Get Over Here" and uppercuts the opponent making them explode into a mixture of dust, burned flesh, and charred bone. The opponent's charred skull falls into Scorpion's hand and the skull screams out to the screen "TOASTY!"

Sub-Zero (Icy Fist) - Sub-Zero walks over to his opponent and rams his fist right through the opponent's chest. Suddenly you hear the noise of Sub-Zero's ice powers and the opponent begins shaking and writhing in pain and makes a loud grunt. You see the opponents skin turn from a regular flesh tone, to a pale white, into a blue. You also see the opponent's hair beginning to frost and ice particles grow. The opponent's eyes are wide and in shock. The opponent keeps grunting untill they make a last sigh noise. Sub-Zero removes his fist from the opponent's body, and has frozen blood on his fist. Sub-Zero gets in his winning pose and leaves an icy statue of the corpse of his opponent who stares into the screen with a cold dead stare. FATALITY.
12/08/2006 01:09 AM (UTC)
not bad ideas.
Even hough it was cheasy I did like the lui kang fatality idea I thought it was funny
12/08/2006 03:14 AM (UTC)
Scorpion: Scorpion stabs his enemy in the neck with his spear. He takes off his mask and sprays fire on his spear, it travels down the rope and it causes the enemy's head to explode. Scorpion then walks over to the standing headless body and pushes it over with a light tap and puts his mask back on.
12/13/2006 04:49 AM (UTC)
Here's another for scorpian.

Scorpian: Scorrpian pulls out his spear. Slices upward at both the arms, then slices at the stomach. He walks back and throws the spear at mid torso, and pull hard and yanks off the torso(like in barakas MKD fatality).
12/13/2006 10:31 AM (UTC)
Frost: (Ice Spike) She freezes from the ground up forming a large ice spike (similar to the ones in MK7 Konquest)...then she performs a quick flashy combo and upper cuts the opponent on the spike for the finish.

Sub-Zero: (Hailing Body) He upper cuts or throws the opponent in the air....he freezes them while in the air or as the opponent falls...the opponent then hits the ground shattering into pieces of ice,blood and frozen guts.

Sub-Zero: (Ice Bomb) He walks up to the opponent and kicks him or her in the stomach...He than posititions the opponents head between his legs facing down...he than lifts the opponent and holds him up as he feezes the opponent in that position...he than runs across the screen power bombing the opponent into pieces on the ground.

Reptile: (Bad Lunch) Similar to his classic toungue lash...He lashes out his toungue grabbing the torso of his opponent and whips the guy or girl across the screen...swallowing half of the opponents body (trying to eat them like a snake would)...Failing to devour the body completely reptile regurgitates the body half decomposed and crushed...also covered in acid slime.

Quan Chi: (Batter's Up) He rips off a standing opponents leg and while the opponents screams hopping on one leg He than grand slams the guy or girls head into the screen.

Baraka (Double Impale) almost like his classic fatality...He impales only with one of his blades except instead of sliding down his blades...baraka impales him harder so thathis whole blade goes through...and then he retracts his other blade impaling the opponents head as blood and brains explode out the other side of his or her head.

Jax: (Human Door) He punches clear through the opponent and than reaches through with his other arm as he rips the opponent in half walking foward.

Sektor (or Scorpion if ya just switch the mechanical arm torch to Scorpions classic toasty fatality): (Skull Torch) His hand mechanically falls off and transforms into a large blow torch....he grabs the opponents (like jaxes gotchya except its by the neck ,without the punches and throw) and than torches the opponents head....just when the screaming is about to stop...Sektor still holding the neck,kicks the body away and rips out the spinal chord connected to the still flaming skull...and he holds up his skull torch heh.

Styker: (Rocket Launcher) self explanitory LOL

I have lots more written down...if you want me to post more let me know...i have sooo many i cant type them all out at once lol...wish that there was an official concept site for the fans to show the team an developers the ideas they have...If the team actually constructed and made a fully fan based game out of the next MK...it would be awesome! and it would also sell alot of copies. Instead of Ps3 hype it will be MK8!! I could imagine the headlines..."EB Games, A Mortal Kombat Arena?" News at 11.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/15/2006 05:41 AM (UTC)
Moloch eats opponent and shits him out... humor
12/15/2006 09:23 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Moloch eats opponent and shits him out... humor

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
solis gold there buddy
12/16/2006 03:03 AM (UTC)
Sindel- Wraps her hair around her opponent's ankles, then spins them around at a ridiculously fast speed, and then lets them go after spinning at 4 seconds of top speed. She does her pose, and wait until the opponent crashed to the ground and splatters all over the floor.

Sindel- Punches into the opponents stomach and hold hand in place. Then she screams for a while until the opponent's skin, muscles, and the rest of their organs tear off, until she is only holding their spine.

Nitara- She takes out he kama, and stabs them under the neck area, then she suspends the oppoenent over her head and drinks the blood pouring out of the neck.

Just a couple, I don't feel like thinking.
12/19/2006 02:11 AM (UTC)
Subzero(Ice Dragon) Subzero throws an ice grenade at the opponent feet and the ice explodes creating a ice dragon which devours the opponent then the dragon melts along with the opponent
About Me

^ Naked nasty dishwasher dance...

12/19/2006 08:19 AM (UTC)
Sareena: She raises her arms. 3 puddles of some inky crimson appears on the floor. 2 beside Sareena, and one in front of her opponent Jataaka and Kia rise from the puddles beside Sareena and all 3 pull her opponent into the puddle in front of him/her. Sareena's opponent finds himself chained to an evil totem in the netherrealm and Sareena, Jataaka, and Kia slowly approach the opponent, each one wielding strange Netherrealm torture devices. The camera focuses off them as the opponent's screams of pain are heard.

Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero places his hand firmly over his opponent's mouth and his other arm around her opponent's torso and the freezing sounds begin. Once he stops the freezing, he squeezes his opponent's stomach and bends his opponent's head backwards. Cracks and shattering sounds are heard as he drops the opponent who's torso and head are waving around like a piece of tissue tied to a falling steel ball.

Scorpion: He first does a toasty on the floor. The floor goes red with extreme heat. Scorpion then shoots his spear, which stabs right through his opponent's ankle. Scorpion tugs hard and knocks his opponent to his back. Scorpion tugs again and the opponent slides right into the hot floor. The opponent writhes in fiery agony, unaware that Scorpion just jumped high into the sky. Scorpion lands on his opponent real hard with his feet. The chest and organs in the chest of his opponent is reduced to melted flesh burrito wrapping ashes.
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