For you, does Mortal Kombat even HAVE a future?
posted02/07/2007 03:07 AM (UTC)by
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05/30/2004 08:59 AM (UTC)
Simple question.

After MK:D disappointing in many ways, I said to myself that if MKA wasn't up to scratch then basically, I give up on the series; it's increasingly convoluted and contradictory storyline, and the Godawful laziness it's own creators foster upon us is beyond a joke. It's only a game after all, not a way of life.

Then MKA came out, complete with recycled character models, almost NO story at all, bad endings, minimal arenas...etc etc etc. That's MK done for me; why carry on spending on a series just to line the pockets of those who take the piss?

Reading through the forum, I see plenty of posts "If the next MK isn't good then I'm done..." just the same as when MK:D came out. Will you really? Or have you already given up on the Team MK's "efforts"?

What sort of future does Mortal Kombat hold for people now?
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01/22/2007 08:36 PM (UTC)
I can't speak on the behalf of this sites members. Even if mk is around just to milk the fans for they're pennys. I'll be one of those gulliable fans and give in.

I grew up on this game. I've tryed to walk away. MK is apart of me through and through.
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01/22/2007 10:19 PM (UTC)
Im sure they wont screw up MK8 like they did MKA they will learn from their mistakes.
01/22/2007 11:14 PM (UTC)
Aslong as MK8 itsnt as bad as MKA was,im sure ill enjoy it.
01/22/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)
As long as it is good, but if I see anything remotely resembling MKA I will definitely not buy it. I think they lead us on with MKA and made it out to seem better than it was. If I had known what it was really like before I preordered I would've never bought it.
01/23/2007 04:55 AM (UTC)
I love MK and right now I ain't fond of giving it up. I'm looking forward to the bios for now.
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r.i.p nujabes

01/23/2007 05:34 PM (UTC)
MKA = 7.75/10 IMO. MK has a future, one obvious reason is that the MK series has millions of fans.
01/23/2007 06:12 PM (UTC)
Well, I have to admit I enjoyed Mortal Kombat Armageddon. I know it has its faults but I really did enjoy it.

I do agree that the next game has to be technically good more than anything. What if it isn't? Dunno really. Find out when I get there.
01/23/2007 07:50 PM (UTC)
cloneofdan Wrote:
Simple question.

After MK:D disappointing in many ways, I said to myself that if MKA wasn't up to scratch then basically, I give up on the series; it's increasingly convoluted and contradictory storyline, and the Godawful laziness it's own creators foster upon us is beyond a joke. It's only a game after all, not a way of life.

Then MKA came out, complete with recycled character models, almost NO story at all, bad endings, minimal arenas...etc etc etc. That's MK done for me; why carry on spending on a series just to line the pockets of those who take the piss?

Reading through the forum, I see plenty of posts "If the next MK isn't good then I'm done..." just the same as when MK:D came out. Will you really? Or have you already given up on the Team MK's "efforts"?

What sort of future does Mortal Kombat hold for people now?

When I first heard that MKA was going to run the same engine as MKD did, I was turned off pretty quickly, so I really didn't have high expectations for MKA. The one reason why I did buy MKA anyways was because of the implementation of the parry and wake up. I thought it would improve the engine, and for me personally, I thought it did, but the fighting engine itself still felt to choppy, and just isn't smooth like some of the other top notch fighters.

For me personally, my last straw is with MK8, where yet AGAIN, the MK team will have a chance to wipe the slate clean, and start fresh with new everything, and most importantly, a brand new fighting system. If they don't build a quality fighting system for MK8, then I'll officially stop playing MK. I'll still have a slight interest simply because, like some others, I grew up with MK, and enjoyed the old school days.
I definitely am not as exited about new MK games as I used to be.

The fighting just isn't as good or visually appealing as I'd like.

I'd like it to be more like what you see in the intro FMV's
01/25/2007 01:46 AM (UTC)
Well for me, my liking for MK has declined quite a lot since MK Armageddon.

However, I will still be looking forward to MK8, hoping it will be better than MKA.
01/25/2007 02:58 AM (UTC)
I'll always check Mortal Kombat out. It's a fun game to play.

Always. But to tell the truth, I will rest peacefully with Armageddon out - since it's the "last episode" so to speak. MK's more about the story and the game to me. I'd just be interested in a remake of the Special Forces game.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/25/2007 08:13 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat has a future with an occasional rental.
Mortal Kombat will always have a future with me. There are too many ways to expand upon its name(movies, more comics, collectibles, etc), so it will always be a part of my life.
01/28/2007 08:22 AM (UTC)
In the end it really comes down to how much money they will make on a game.

If the majority of the market is 14 year olds. Then they will be the one's catered for.

Oh wait a second, how old were those 14 year old when MK1 came out?
Oh yeah, they weren't even born yet.

But if this game blows as much as MKD and MKA i'll be jumping off the MK bandwagon. There's still always MK1 ,2 and 4.
01/28/2007 04:34 PM (UTC)
the problem was that we had such high hopes for MKA to be the greatest mk game in history, that was our first mistake

secondly, if anything i really dont want to have sneak previews of what the next one is going to be, so we won't have any high hopes on stuff like that.

but yet you guys are going to make fun of me for saying something like this aren't you?confused
01/28/2007 04:37 PM (UTC)
i wil always play Mk, no matter how bad they are. As long as they are somewhat fun, then they'll be played by me.wink
02/04/2007 05:06 AM (UTC)

What I’m really looking forward to is if the MK developers are actually going to go through with it having a darker atmosphere. I think it really needs this, a kick start in the right direction. I’m a fan of the current generation system’s era, but even the mortal kombat games from the 2d era surpassed it in terms of realism.

It really needs to have the feeling that a war is going on, causing massive destruction everywhere. Not to sound unappreciative, but the current generation system’s mortal kombat games always had an almost cartoonish quality to it. I’d like to see the next generation in a more real life direction.
02/04/2007 07:55 AM (UTC)
MK is in my future. I was hyped when I heard about MKA having Every character in the franchise playable..even the bosses. Thats the only thing I liked about MKA was because everyone was on the roster. But other than that...Pfft. I thought sine it was named Armageddon, they would go all out...but they didnt. Re-using old character models...and they totally fucked up the Fatality. I like each character to have their own Unique fatality...not some long chain of cheap ripping out body parts that everyone can do.

Even though MKA was a dissapointment, I'm sure MK8 will recover. With new chracters, graphics and fighting engine...I'm looking forward to it. IMO all MK is lacking behind other fighters anyway is a smooth fighting engine. Mk already has a good story, characters and gore....lots of gore.
If they get the fighting smooth like DOA, Tekken, Soul Calibur ect...then MK8 will be king to me and won't get a 2 out of 5 on X-play like MKA did...-_-
02/04/2007 09:21 AM (UTC)
02/04/2007 04:29 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat will always have a future... and I don't know why everyone's so sore about MK:A. Have people been that jaded by Tekken? Okay, I wish Mortal Kombat played more like Tekken, but at least the MK team aren't a bunch of conformists, lol. They have always tried to keep the series at it's roots... but I guess people want change... ok, I want change too, but still.
02/05/2007 06:22 PM (UTC)
MK will always have a future with me. Amargeddon WAS NOT a bad game at all, people were just upset because they didnt get their precious story and shit. I honestly havent looked at a single Bio for armageddon because really in a FIGHTING game its the FIGHTING that makes up the game.
02/05/2007 11:50 PM (UTC)
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/06/2007 02:33 AM (UTC)
nastynate Wrote:
MK will always have a future with me. Amargeddon WAS NOT a bad game at all, people were just upset because they didnt get their precious story and shit. I honestly havent looked at a single Bio for armageddon because really in a FIGHTING game its the FIGHTING that makes up the game.

The fighting isn't good in Armageddon either, coincidentally.
02/06/2007 07:49 AM (UTC)
im really starting to wonder about this question just for the fact that the controls of the game are said to be changing....i dont like the sound of that....the thought is upsetting.
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